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View Full Version : Santa Monica Outlaws Smoking On Balconies

red states rule
09-12-2010, 07:04 AM
Another example of liberalism run amok. Libe will tell you what you can do, and when you can do it

If you're a smoker, you're not welcome in Santa Monica.

That's pretty much the message the city of Santa Monica sent to smokers Thursday as a new law went into effect making it illegal for people to light up within 25 feet of any apartment building, window or vent., the Santa Monica Daily Press reports. The law is intended to prevent people from smoking on patios and balconies of apartments.

Smokers who break the law are fined $100 for the first offense with multiple violations adding up to $200 and $300 dollars. Landlords also must post signs informing tenants of the new law. They have until Dec. 1st to give notice to all tenants in affected units letting them know of places where smoking is banned.

The Santa Monica City Council supported the ban with Mayor Bobby Shriver casting the only dissenting vote. And get this: He voted no because he didn't think the law was strict enough. The mayor wanted to expand the ban even further to make landlords designate certain units as non-smoking.

Santa Monica already has laws that prohibit smoking in multi-unit residential common areas such as yards and play areas. Smoking is also banned at public beaches, bus stops, parks, and outdoor dining areas on the Third Street Promenade.
