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View Full Version : Barack Obama: 'no' to solar panels on the White House roof

09-12-2010, 07:40 PM
The hypocrisy and "do as I say, not as I do" mentality behind this is pretty glaring...

Let them eat cake.

Link (http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2010/sep/10/solar-panels-white-house)

A quest to get Barack Obama to shout his commitment to solar power from the roof tops - by re-installing vintage solar panels at the White House - ended in disappointment for environmental campaigners today.

Bill McKibben, the founder of 350.org, had led a group of environmental activists to Washington in a bio-diesel van hoping to persuade Obama to re-install a set of solar panels originally put up by Jimmy Carter.

The actual Carter-era solar panels - which weigh in at 55 kilograms and are nearly 2 metres long - are out-dated now. But campaigners had hoped that the White House would embrace at least the symbolism of going solar - much like Michelle Obama kicked off her healthy food movement by planting a vegetable garden.

"Clearly, a solar panel on the White House roof won't solve climate change - and we'd rather have strong presidential leadership on energy transformation. But given the political scene, this may be as good as we'll get for the moment," McKibben said in a Washington Post comment this morning.

A California company Sungevity had offered to equip the White House with the latest technology.

But the White House declined - twitchy perhaps about inviting any comparison to one-term Democratic president Carter in the run-up to the very difficult mid-term elections in November. The White House did send three staffers to meet the campaigners.

.: Read the rest of this article :. (http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2010/sep/10/solar-panels-white-house)

09-13-2010, 02:34 PM
Frankly, it doesn't surprise me. It would have surprised me if he had done it, because that would have meant actually doing something in his presidency. It would have become a matter of leading by example, and an actual show of real leadership could only help him in the upcoming mid-term elections.

How sad is it though when I would be surprised by the president actually doing something, even something that small?