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09-14-2010, 05:00 AM
Now will the new Congress learn from this?


The public hates almost everything Congress has done
Chief Political Correspondent
09/13/10 7:01 AM EDT
Gallup has released a new poll asking respondents to assess the major accomplishments of Congress in the last two years: the national health care bill, the stimulus, the bailout of auto companies, the bailout of major banks and financial institutions, and the financial regulatory reform bill. The pollsters found majority opposition to all those measures, with the exception of financial reform.

The numbers: Bank bailouts, 61 percent disapprove versus 37 percent approve; national health care, 56 percent disapprove versus 39 percent approve; auto bailouts, 56 percent disapprove versus 43 percent approve; stimulus, 52 percent disapprove versus 43 percent approve. Only financial reform, with 61 percent approve versus 37 percent disapprove, is a winner for the representatives and senators seeking re-election....

09-14-2010, 05:04 AM
Now will the new Congress learn from this?


Only if voters stay engaged and continue to speak up/out about what they expect from Congress.

Apathy is the culprit for the mess we are currently in.

09-14-2010, 05:05 AM
Only if voters stay engaged and continue to speak up/out about what they expect from Congress.

Apathy is the culprit for the mess we are currently in.

Well people were speaking up, calling, emailing, writing, and showing up for town meetings and tea parties, letting Dems know they disagreed, seriously. They were ignored.

09-14-2010, 05:11 AM
Well people were speaking up, calling, emailing, writing, and showing up for town meetings and tea parties, letting Dems know they disagreed, seriously. They were ignored.

And now we have the elections coming up .... hopefully they will hear us now.

I am not voting for any incumbent.

Modus Ponens
09-14-2010, 10:48 PM
Now will the new Congress learn from this?


Hah. Those polls simply prove that the Framers got in right, in setting up a Republic, not a direct democracy.