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09-15-2010, 10:31 PM
handwriting. wall.


[QUOTE]Tea Party Republican has big lead in Florida

By Steve Holland
WASHINGTON | Wed Sep 15, 2010 4:27pm EDT
(Reuters) - Republican candidate Marco Rubio has opened a clear lead in a Florida Senate race, becoming the latest Tea Party favorite to benefit from voter anger at Washington, a Reuters/Ipsos poll found on Wednesday.

Six weeks before November 2 congressional elections, Rubio leads state Governor Charlie Crist, an independent, by 40 percent to 26 percent among likely voters, the poll found. Democrat Kendrick Meek trails at 21 percent.

The conservative Tea Party roiled Republican politics when a little-known candidate backed by the movement beat a veteran lawmaker in Delaware on Tuesday in the race to decide the Republican nominee for U.S. Senate in November.

The Tea Party is a loose-knit group of mostly Republicans that has been attracting anti-Washington voters upset at government spending, taxes and deficits. They are strong critics of President Barack Obama.

Tea Party-backed candidates have ousted Republican establishment politicians in Nevada, Colorado, Kentucky and Connecticut. Crist fled the Republican Party earlier this year to run as an independent when it seemed clear he would lose to the conservative Rubio in the state's primary vote..../QUOTE]

09-16-2010, 12:22 AM
I hate to admit this, but Michael Moore was right when he said that the Dems were getting ready for fall. Since 08 they've done next to nothing really, with majorities in all but the Supreme Court. Still, they did nothing.

When it went down I pretty much expected a conga line of bills reversing the policies of the Bush administration, but nothing happened. Not a single thing, not even shutting down Gitmo, which every one of them had been up in arms about.

They are as much at fault as Bush was when he had a veto-proof majority going and they still dicked around instead of getting shit done. If they had been serious about smaller, more efficient government, they had finally been given the full ability to achieve it, but... nothing.