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View Full Version : IT/AV guys/gals help?? file conversion?

09-21-2010, 09:00 AM
If anyone can get this to me:


in a windows media-type format I'd be their best friend for the day.

Not using this for anything shady - just need for presentation w/ no quicktime and no internet connection.

09-21-2010, 09:15 AM
If anyone can get this to me:


in a windows media-type format I'd be their best friend for the day.

Not using this for anything shady - just need for presentation w/ no quicktime and no internet connection.

It is going to be a large file in WMV. you can use a lot of different software to do this but one easy way would be to use RealPlayer SP to download the file and convert it.

If you need a good tool to covert from format to format locally, Format Factory is free and does a great job.


09-21-2010, 11:06 AM
Download and converted to WMV for you - 52Mb - just renamed it to your name for easier linking.


(uploading now, should be done in about 2-3 minutes)

09-21-2010, 11:40 AM
Heh, it is good to be the king! :)

Download and converted to WMV for you - 52Mb - just renamed it to your name for easier linking.


(uploading now, should be done in about 2-3 minutes)