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View Full Version : Dems Attack GOP Pledge - Where is the Dems Agenda?

red states rule
09-24-2010, 05:45 AM
This is what conservatives need to ask everytime they are on TV, radio, at a town hall, and what people need to ask Dems (the liberal media will not ask them that question)

During the months House Republicans spent researching and preparing their "Pledge to America," GOP strategists knew that, once the document was released, Democrats would attack it as a plan to return the United States to the policies of George W. Bush. Republicans could have endorsed Obamacare, embraced the stimulus, and praised $1.5 trillion deficits and Democrats still would have condemned the Pledge as a return to Bush.

Sure enough, on Wednesday evening, as copies of the Republican agenda leaked to the media, the Democratic National Committee released an ad entitled "GOP: Same Old Agenda." "Instead of charting a new course to move this country forward, House Republicans proved once and for all that there's not an inch of daylight between them and the reckless Bush administration policies that cost 8 million American jobs and sent our economy into a tailspin," wrote DNC spokesman Brad Woodhouse. From the White House, Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer wrote that, "Instead of charting a new course, Congressional Republicans doubled down on the same ideas that hurt America’s middle class." Other Democrats -- all the party leadership -- are saying essentially the same thing.

It's certainly legitimate to discuss and criticize the Republican agenda. But that leaves a question: What is the Democratic agenda? What are Democrats promising to do if the voters decide to return them to control of the House?

The answer is: There isn't a Democratic agenda.

Shortly before the Republicans rolled out their plan in Sterling, Virginia, I called the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. I asked spokesman Ryan Rudominer whether, since we now have the GOP agenda, there is a similar document laying out what Democrats will do if voters return them to power in the House. There was a moment of silence on the other end of the call.

"I'm sorry, you mean, like, a current one?" Rudominer asked.

Yes, I said.

"I don't think we have, like, you know, a 21-page sort of infommercial-type package like this," Rudominer said.

Well, any sort of agenda would be fine, I said.

"Look, you know, each race is going to have their own individualized message," Rudominer answered. "So look, we're not putting together a gimmicky package like this six weeks before the election. We're talking about making each of these elections a choice."


09-24-2010, 06:40 AM
I wish they HAD been the policies of George Bush.....if they had, we wouldn't be where we are now.....

09-24-2010, 11:40 PM
The Dems agenda is to break America.

09-24-2010, 11:53 PM
It's called the "Contract with America".

Same shit, different decade.

Line up, sheep.

red states rule
09-25-2010, 05:23 AM
The Dems agenda is to break America.

If terrorists want to destroy America they better hurry

Obama is beating them to it

red states rule
09-25-2010, 05:24 AM
It's called the "Contract with America".

Same shit, different decade.

Line up, sheep.

It is called "Pledge to America"

You do have a nasty habit of misquoting people when if suites your needs don't you?

09-25-2010, 07:00 AM
It's called the "Contract with America".

Same shit, different decade.

Line up, sheep.

it's a shame we didn't have Congressmen who kept up with the contract for America....even liberals look back fondly at the economy we had as a result of it.....(though the fools think Clinton was responsible for it)....

so, if it's "same shit" I'm all for it.......

red states rule
09-25-2010, 07:04 AM
it's a shame we didn't have Congressmen who kept up with the contract for America....even liberals look back fondly at the economy we had as a result of it.....(though the fools think Clinton was responsible for it)....

so, if it's "same shit" I'm all for it.......

and you know the Dems are in trouble when they can't counter with how successful their policies have been for the last 2 years

red states rule
09-25-2010, 07:15 AM
and even some in the liberal media are taking the conservatives determination to cut the size of government seriously

GOP's New Senate Class Could Be Conservative Vanguard
The GOP class of 2010 marches in step on most issues, determined to cut Washington down to size.
by Ronald Brownstein

Saturday, Sept. 25, 2010

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. -- Ken Buck, the Republican Senate nominee in Colorado, is a veteran prosecutor and the district attorney of Weld County. But it wasn't a closing argument that he delivered during a debate here last weekend with Democratic Sen. Michael Bennet. It was more like a call to arms.

"We have expressed our opinions to Washington, D.C.," Buck began.

"We have let them know when they were running up debt that we didn't want it anymore. We told them to get off the back of small business.... When they tried to pass the nationalized health care bill, we sent them e-mails. We told them we need to secure our borders."

Buck's supporters at the debate, held in a deeply conservative community, had raucously cheered and jeered over the previous hour. They fell into silence as he enumerated their grievances. Then he did everything but pass out the pitchforks. "They have heard us; they heard us," he continued. "But they ignored us. And come November 2, folks, they will ignore us no more."

In that cri de coeur, Buck encapsulated the energy, confidence, and revolutionary zeal crackling through the huge class of GOP Senate challengers now approaching the Capitol from all points on the map. In red, blue, and purple states alike, Republicans this year have nominated deeply conservative candidates such as Buck who vow to unravel much of what President Obama and the Democratic Congress have constructed over the past two years -- and then march on to challenge the legacies of Lyndon Johnson and Franklin Roosevelt. Polls today suggest that many of them will get the chance to try.

Unless Democrats can recover lost ground, it appears likely that the 2010 elections will produce the biggest crop of freshman Republican senators since the 11 who arrived in 1994, and possibly even the 16 who were part of Ronald Reagan's landslide in 1980. Across a wide range of issues, the potential GOP Senate class of 2010 leans right even when compared with those earlier groups -- some contenders hold positions on the far frontier of modern American politics. Next year could bring to Washington the most consistently, and even militantly, conservative class of new senators in at least the past half-century.


red states rule
09-26-2010, 06:11 AM
The NY Times gives its view on the Pledge. As usual, the Times does not state how Obama's policies are better then what is being offered

All that is offered is the usual smugness libs are famous for

Extravagant promises and bluster are the stuff of campaign rhetoric, but the House Republicans’ “Pledge to America” goes far beyond the norm.

Its breathless mimicry of the Declaration of Independence — the “governed do not consent,” it declares, while vowing to rein in “an arrogant and out-of-touch government of self-appointed elites” — would be ludicrous, if these were not destructively polarized times.

While it promises to create jobs, control deficit spending and restore Americans’ trust in government, it is devoid of tough policy choices. This new “governing agenda” does not say how the Republicans would replace revenue that would be lost from permanently extending all of the Bush tax cuts, or how they would manage Medicare and Social Security, or even which discretionary programs would go when they slash $100 billion in spending. Their record at all of these things is dismal.

The best way to understand the pledge is as a bid to co-opt the Tea Party by a Republican leadership that wants to sound insurrectionist but is the same old Washington elite. These are the folks who slashed taxes on the rich, turned a surplus into a crushing deficit, and helped unleash the financial crisis that has thrown millions of Americans out of their jobs and their homes.

Not only are the players the same, the policies are the same. Just more tax cuts for the rich and more deficit spending. We find it hard to believe that even the most disaffected voters will be taken in. But again, these are strange and worrying times.


red states rule
09-27-2010, 05:27 AM