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View Full Version : Could Barney Frank Lose in November?

red states rule
09-24-2010, 07:22 PM
Is it possible Barney Frank might lose in November? Are voters in deep blue parts of the country finally coming to their senses?

Massachusetts' 4th district may be among this year's top sleepers. At least that's the storyline being pushed by Republican candidate Sean Bielat, who is trying to knock off House Financial Services Chairman Barney Frank.

The Bielat campaign released an internal poll Wednesday showing that Frank's support "has dipped below 50 percent." Bielat trails "by just 10 points," 48 percent to 38 percent, according to the survey of 400 likely voters by the Republican firm OnMessage. The margin of error is 4.9 percent.

As further evidence that the race is tightening, Bielat cites an upcoming visit by former President Bill Clinton, who will headline a Frank campaign rally in Taunton Sunday. The event, to be held at a local high school, is free and open to the public. Roughly 4,000 people are expected to attend.

"People are sick and tired of Washington and career politicians. That's why Barney Frank's poll numbers are dropping like a rock and why he's taking desperate measures like bringing in Bill Clinton to campaign for him," Bielat said. "National support is snowballing and our campaign and supporters are more enthusiastic than ever. It shows what we've known all along: we are on track to replace an entrenched politician who's been part of the problem for years."

The Frank campaign dismisses the Bielat polling numbers and the suggestion that the incumbent is in trouble.

"What this is - read between the lines - this is a fundraising memo. This is the NRCC telling its people that with some money, he could do OK," said Frank spokesman Harry Gural. "According to our numbers we are up by more than 20 points no matter what we do."

Gural, who declined to release Frank's internal polling, said the Clinton visit was simply an opportunity to bring a popular figure to small town that hasn't hosted a president since Harry Truman


09-24-2010, 08:38 PM
That would be fantastic. I would love to see that queer knocked out of office.

red states rule
09-24-2010, 08:44 PM
That would be fantastic. I would love to see that queer knocked out of office.

and the liberal media would "report" the district that kept in office all these years suddenly became Homophobic

red states rule
09-26-2010, 10:28 AM
It must not be looking good for barney if he needs to bring BillClinton in to try and save him

Former President Bill Clinton will lend his star power to veteran Democratic Rep. Barney Frank (Mass.) at an afternoon rally on Sunday.

The 42nd president's appearance with the powerful 15-term House member comes as conservative bloggers and commentators have energized nationwide support for Frank’s GOP challenger, 35-year-old former Marine Sean Bielat. (Bielat now serves in the Marine reserves.)

Bielat said Clinton’s visit shows that Frank is getting nervous about his reelection bid.

“It means he’s taking us seriously, he realizes that there is a threat this year. I don’t think he’s campaigning effectively, but he hasn’t had to do it since the '80s,” Bielat said in an interview with The Hill.

At a breakfast sponsored by the Christian Science Monitor on Friday morning, Frank said, “The Republican running against me [is] saying the fact that I asked Bill Clinton to come in for me shows I’m desperate. I tried to get [Clinton] to come two years ago.”

Still, Sen. Scott Brown’s (R-Mass.) win earlier this year has served as a reminder that this year Democrats – even from Massachusetts – can’t take anything for granted.

Rep. Niki Tsongas (D-Mass.), for example, this month said, “I understand I have to earn every vote,” noting the wind at the GOP’s back.

Frank, however, said that he’s previously been the target of “right-wing attacks” so this particular midterm election is “not that much different than last time.”


09-26-2010, 10:49 AM
franks needs all the aids he can get.

09-26-2010, 10:51 AM
If Barney loses or just squeaks by, the numbers of GOP wins in the house are being greatly underestimated.

red states rule
09-26-2010, 04:02 PM
If Barney loses or just squeaks by, the numbers of GOP wins in the house are being greatly underestimated.

I am looking for gaines greater then 1994 Kathianne. People are pissed, and are ready to show Dems they are fed up with being ignored and called racists

09-26-2010, 04:06 PM
I am looking for gaines greater then 1994 Kathianne. People are pissed, and are ready to show Dems they are fed up with being ignored and called racists

and they too are now voting and going to watch those elected, not voting GOP, voting against Obama. If these newly elected act like GOP of old, they'll be gone, with other GOP incumbents in 2012. Truly there must be a change.

red states rule
09-26-2010, 04:19 PM
and they too are now voting and going to watch those elected, not voting GOP, voting against Obama. If these newly elected act like GOP of old, they'll be gone, with other GOP incumbents in 2012. Truly there must be a change.

I could not agree with you more

The liberal media is worried that many of the freshman class of 2010 will actually try to repeal Obamacare and other Obama "accomplishments"

09-26-2010, 04:48 PM
I could not agree with you more

The liberal media is worried that many of the freshman class of 2010 will actually try to repeal Obamacare and other Obama "accomplishments"

and many that are voting for them and those already in fear they will not change much. They will pay the price if so.

red states rule
09-26-2010, 04:52 PM
and many that are voting for them and those already in fear they will not change much. They will pay the price if so.

If that happens the election will be a 180 of what it is now. Libs wil be looking forward toward the election, and conservatives will be trying to forget about it

and so it should be if conservatives fail to deliver

09-26-2010, 06:03 PM
If that happens the election will be a 180 of what it is now. Libs wil be looking forward toward the election, and conservatives will be trying to forget about it

and so it should be if conservatives fail to deliver

Not necessarily. There may well be a third party by then, if this election doesn't bring the change hoped for.

red states rule
09-27-2010, 03:37 AM
Not necessarily. There may well be a third party by then, if this election doesn't bring the change hoped for.

Up until the the now I would have said the chances of a third party was slim. However, the Tea Party is growing and their power at the ballot box is gaining strength

So if conservatives do not deliver on their promises, then yes they could be the third party on the ballot - which could only benefit the country

red states rule
09-27-2010, 04:43 AM
Barney said something very telling at his rally. As usual it is all the Republican's fault that libs are blocking them from giving America the economy it deserves

Amazing so many people ignore the fact Dems had unchecked power for 2 years and it is still someone elses fault

(NECN: Scot Yount, Taunton, Mass.) - The New England political scene is getting some big-name attention this weekend. Former president Bill Clinton is making the rounds, campaigning earlier today for Connecticut senate candidate Richard Blumenthal.

This afternoon, he drew a big crowd of about 3,000 people in support of Massachusetts congressman Barney Frank.

Amidst a wave of anti incumbent sentiment sweeping around the country, Clinton told the crowd that recovering from the country's economic troubles will take some time. He blamed 8 years of GOP leadership for the recession.

Frank said that the deadlock between democrats and republicans in the House and Senate is what's stalling immediate change.

"When we pull together and when we don't have people trying to make things worse and trying to obstruct, we can provide the economy that this country deserves," he said.

On the town common, Republican Sean Bielat, a businessman and marine, was rallying with his supporters. He is trying to unseat Frank from his 30 years holding the seat. Bielat said his campaign has more enthusiasm.

"We have a campaign organization that they can't match," he said. "They're bringing in celebrities that don't pay a lot of money on advertising, they don't have the base of support that we do. They have one campaign office, it's always empty, we have three, they're always full."


09-27-2010, 07:22 AM
That would be better than Scott Brown picking up the People's seat, formerly held by Ted "is dead" Kennedy.

red states rule
09-27-2010, 06:42 PM
The races in CA and CT are getting closer according to the latest polls. It is going to be such a delight watching the libs at MSNBC have to report the massive Dem losses