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View Full Version : Democrat desperation off the charts! Obama calls Fox News "destructive" to America

09-28-2010, 11:53 AM
After years of insane Congressional spending (from liberals in both parties); recent programs to take over banks, mortgage houses, and car companies; pushing millions of risky loans nationwide that crashed the country's entire economy; and Federal subsidies of state and local governments that benefitted no one, President Obama has finally delivered himself of an opinion on who the real "destructive" influence in this country is.

So, as more and more people turn against the Democrats and they face electoral losses of historic proportions, who did the President finally finger? No, not any of the politicians who pushed these programs or put them in place.

The real villain, according to the head of our government? It's the news station that told all those people the truth about what he and his supporters are doing.

What's worse, it's practically the only station that regularly puts both conservative and liberal viewpoints on the air, frequently putting advocates for each on the same panel and letting them duke it out.

No, Obama isn't complaining about this station putting those liberal viewpoints on. (He's also not complaining about the rest of the nationwide stations, that usually put on ONLY the liberal viewpoint).

Their overriding offense? They keep pointing out how damaging and unsupportable his own philosophies and actions are.

And that cannot be tolerated. The one thing that has the potential to destroy the leftist agenda, is the truth. No matter how sprinkled with liberal viewpoints it sometimes is.

THAT'S what draws this President's ire.



Obama: Fox News is 'destructive' to America

by CNN Ticker Producer Alexander Mooney

(CNN) - President Obama is pulling no punches when it comes to Fox News, declaring the cable news outlet to be "destructive to [America's] long-term growth."

Officials in the Obama White House have long made Fox News a punching bag, launching a full blown offensive last year when aides declared the network to be "opinion journalism masquerading as news." Then-White House Communications Director Anita Dunn said the cable outlet "operates almost as either the research arm or the communications arm of the Republican Party," and top aide Valerie Jarret called Fox "clearly biased."

But the new comments from Obama constitute the president's most direct attack yet on the network owned by business mogul Rupert Murdoch.

Fox News pushes "a point of view that I disagree with. It's a point of view that I think is ultimately destructive for the long-term growth of a country that has a vibrant middle class and is competitive in the world," Obama said.

Fox has yet to respond to the president. But during the administration offensive against the network last year, network spokesman Michael Clemente slammed the White House for continuing "to declare war on a news organization instead of focusing on the critical issues that Americans are concerned about."

(Full text of the article can be read at the above URL)

09-28-2010, 11:58 AM

09-28-2010, 12:22 PM
Leftist government the world over seem to react the same way to any criticism.

January 2010: Hugo Chavez Shuts Down last Cable TV Station Critical of His Regime (http://www.nytimes.com/2010/01/25/world/americas/25venez.html)

09-28-2010, 12:25 PM
Leftist government the world over seem to react the same way to any criticism.

January 2010: Hugo Chavez Shuts Down last Cable TV Station Critical of His Regime (http://www.nytimes.com/2010/01/25/world/americas/25venez.html)

Now down't start blaming everything on the "other" party like the Progressive Liberals.

It's "Government" and it plays the left and the right for fools to seize more control.

Mr. P
09-28-2010, 11:35 PM
Fox News pushes "a point of view that I disagree with. It's a point of view that I think is ultimately destructive for the long-term growth of a country that has a vibrant middle class and is competitive in the world," Obama said.
A country that has a vibrant middle class?? With unemployment at 10% the banks locked up tight, companies holding back due to uncertainty and an impending tax increase for everyone in January this guy says "a vibrant middle class" ??

He's smokin more that just cigarettes folks. What an IDIOT!

09-29-2010, 12:02 AM
You know, I might have missed it, but did the Bush admin complain about MSNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC or CBS as much as Obama complains about FoxNews?

09-29-2010, 12:13 AM
You know, I might have missed it, but did the Bush admin complain about MSNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC or CBS as much as Obama complains about FoxNews?

I'm sensing sarcasm, conservative media was pretty dominant during the GW administration. Still is.

My point is that both ends of the media spectrum have the complete attention of the audience they market to. People want to hear what they want to hear, facts are secondary.

09-29-2010, 12:19 AM
I'm sensing sarcasm, conservative media was pretty dominant during the GW administration. Still is.

No...not sarcasm...an honest question. Was there as many direct complaints from Bush about any news media as Obama has made about Fox? I believe it is a legitimate question.

My point is that both ends of the media spectrum have the complete attention of the audience they market to. People want to hear what they want to hear, facts are secondary.

Which is why I love having all the channels...both on TV and satellite radio. I listen to many different sources.....however, I did cancel all subscriptions to newspapers and mags over ten years ago.

09-29-2010, 12:24 AM
I'm sensing sarcasm, conservative media was pretty dominant during the GW administration. Still is.

Let's see: One convervative/liberal news channel (Fox), seven liberal news channels (CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNBC, PBS).

One conservative paper (WSJ), one conserve/liberal (NY Post), How many liberal papers (NYT, Wash Post, Atlants Journal, Dallas Morn News, Denver Post, Mpls Start/Trib, LA Times, San Diego Trib, San Fran Chronicle, etc. etc.)

Yep, you're right: Conserv media sure dominates. :lol:

09-29-2010, 12:25 AM
No...not sarcasm...an honest question. Was there as many direct complaints from Bush about any news media as Obama has made about Fox? I believe it is a legitimate question.

Which is why I love having all the channels...both on TV and satellite radio. I listen to many different sources.....however, I did cancel all subscriptions to newspapers and mags over ten years ago.

They still print newspapers?

Yeah, I think my dad still buys them.

The left-wing media from a political opinion standpoint wasn't and isn't that strong, GW didn't have anything to bitch about. His biggest critics came from people, organizations and that's how it should be.

You can suggest though that left-wing media fueled GW's critics I guess, but you don't see hugely popular anti-conservative political personalities on the left like you do with the likes of Rush, Beck, Hannity, O'Reilly, Coulter and so on.

I'm not shedding any tears for BO here, don't get me wrong, but a failing presidency like BO's only feeds the conservative political talk machine and gets the sheep all lined up in lock step.

I remember listening to Rush way, way back when Clinton won his first election. Rush's comment was "he just wrote my script for the next 4 years".

09-29-2010, 12:35 AM
They still print newspapers?

Yeah, I think my dad still buys them.

The left-wing media from a political opinion standpoint wasn't and isn't that strong, GW didn't have anything to bitch about. His biggest critics came from people, organizations and that's how it should be.

You can suggest though that left-wing media fueled GW's critics I guess, but you don't see hugely popular anti-conservative political personalities on the left like you do with the likes of Rush, Beck, Hannity, O'Reilly, Coulter and so on.

I'm not shedding any tears for BO here, don't get me wrong, but a failing presidency like BO's only feeds the conservative political talk machine and gets the sheep all lined up in lock step.

I remember listening to Rush way, way back when Clinton won his first election. Rush's comment was "he just wrote my script for the next 4 years".

Maybe the anti-conservatives are not "hugely popular" because America is predominantly conservative? Hmmmm???

09-29-2010, 12:43 AM
Maybe the anti-conservatives are not "hugely popular" because America is predominantly conservative? Hmmmm???

I don't think that's the case. America is predominantly... centrist I guess. Liberalism and conservatism ebbs and flows.

How did BO get elected with a democratic majority congress if America is predominantly conservative?

On the spectrum you get extremists on either end with centrists in the middle, and those centrists can swing either way. Easy to do with a two-party political system also but your point about conservative political talk show personalities being primarily popular (lotta P's in that sentence)? I can only suggest that the trend of newbie conservatives buy into this shit more than liberals do. red states rule is a good example - he believes everything he reads on Faux and hears on Rush to be completely factual. Perfect example of a conservative zombie. It's trendy to pin a conservative button on your sleeve and wear it publicly, it's the new religion.

09-29-2010, 01:01 AM
I don't think that's the case. America is predominantly... centrist I guess. Liberalism and conservatism ebbs and flows.

How did BO get elected with a democratic majority congress if America is predominantly conservative?

On the spectrum you get extremists on either end with centrists in the middle, and those centrists can swing either way. Easy to do with a two-party political system also but your point about conservative political talk show personalities being primarily popular (lotta P's in that sentence)? I can only suggest that the trend of newbie conservatives buy into this shit more than liberals do. red states rule is a good example - he believes everything he reads on Faux and hears on Rush to be completely factual. Perfect example of a conservative zombie. It's trendy to pin a conservative button on your sleeve and wear it publicly, it's the new religion.

Do you watch Fox or listen to Rush? Where do you get your opinions?

09-29-2010, 08:58 AM
I don't think that's the case. America is predominantly... centrist I guess.

I believe that very few Americans would walk into their neighbor's house, take money out of his wallet, and use it to buy health care for a homeless person - they're far more likely to use their own money.

And I doubt many people would force their neighbor at gunpoint to quit landscaping his back yard, filling in a muddy area, and building a treehouse for his kids. Even if the treehouse is unsightly, they are likely to leave the neighbor to his own devices.

And if the neighbor was in financial difficulty, most Americans would not go to all the other neighbors and force them to pay money to help the destitute neighbor. They might ASK the other neighbors, while contributing a lot of their own personal resources, offering him a job, etc.

And most Americans would certainly not go around regularly to all their neighbors, demanding to know intimate details of what they are doing, how much they are earning, how much they spent and on what things, etc., for the purpose of knowing what they could later force out of them for any of the above situations.

The vast majority of Americans would use their own personal resources, while asking only for VOLUNTARY help from neighbors if they asked at all; and only in extreme circumstances would they interfere at all. They are far more likely to let things be, and to respect the judgement and privacy of those around them, unless someone was in real trouble. And even then, they are likely to ask only politely, usig no coercion other than a vague implication that one course is the right thing to do. And if meeting a refusal at that point, they will take the other's decision as the dominating imperative, acknowledging that the other is the best judge of his own capabilities. Only if he finds someone (neighbor or otherwise) doing actual direct, major harm to another, might he step in with force, and then only cautiously.

At the same time, most Americans willingly contribute to PRIVATE groups (charities, churches, hospitals, food banks etc.) that engage in methodical charity; while turning a cold shoulder to anyone who tries to compel them to do such giving.

In other words, most Americans are fundamentally CONSERVATIVE.

For the oddity where some of them will then turn around and vote for people who say they will interfere as the voter never would, coerce as the voter never would, and threaten as the voter abhors, I have no explanation. But aside from that bizarre voting tendency of some, they themselves are basically conservative in their own lives.

How did BO get elected with a democratic majority congress if America is predominantly conservative?
The former republican majorities in Congress and the Presidency were becoming more and more liberal, doing exactly the things that Americans would seldom if ever do, often with little or no justification from "extreme situations" such as impingent crime, terrorism, 9/11 etc. And the mostly-conservative populace didn't like it, and especially didn't like their protests being ignored on matters from spending to border security to unconstitutional decisions and entitlements.

A new guy showed up offering "Hope and Change", and describing fairly moderate approaches - more moderate than the Republicans were enacting. And barely enough of them were taken in, that the newcomer got a slim majority, as did most of the Congressional seats that changed hands.

Of course, that moderation, and hope, lasted only as long as the polls remained open, and then went hard-left to a degree that even the liberal Republicans never dreamed. And we are seeig the people's reaction to that now, and will see it starkly on Nov. 2.

09-29-2010, 01:33 PM
You know, I might have missed it, but did the Bush admin complain about MSNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC or CBS as much as Obama complains about FoxNews?

I've heard presidents forever bemoan the media, but never one station alone.

09-29-2010, 02:04 PM
his glue is melting. you can almost see the knees buckling. that job is way over his head. your in deep shit when your own party doesn't want to be seen with you in public.

Abbey Marie
09-29-2010, 02:39 PM
I don't think that's the case. America is predominantly... centrist I guess. Liberalism and conservatism ebbs and flows.

How did BO get elected with a democratic majority congress if America is predominantly conservative?

On the spectrum you get extremists on either end with centrists in the middle, and those centrists can swing either way. Easy to do with a two-party political system also but your point about conservative political talk show personalities being primarily popular (lotta P's in that sentence)? I can only suggest that the trend of newbie conservatives buy into this shit more than liberals do. red states rule is a good example - he believes everything he reads on Faux and hears on Rush to be completely factual. Perfect example of a conservative zombie. It's trendy to pin a conservative button on your sleeve and wear it publicly, it's the new religion.

And Dems get their info from the liberal Harpies on The View.
How pathetic is that? Politics by Joy Behar. If anyone "buys into this s#$*", it's those TV-watching lemmings who segue from liberal tv talk to their favorite soap.

09-29-2010, 09:12 PM
And Dems get their info from the liberal Harpies on The View.
How pathetic is that? Politics by Joy Behar. If anyone "buys into this s#$*", it's those TV-watching lemmings who segue from liberal tv talk to their favorite soap.

Exactly, I think you're getting it.

But it's no different on either end of the political spectrum.

Stupidity knows no political boundaries.

Mr. P
09-29-2010, 09:39 PM
Exactly, I think you're getting it.

But it's no different on either end of the political spectrum.

Stupidity knows no political boundaries.
That's true..now yer getting it. Stupidity does gravitate to the left however.

09-29-2010, 09:57 PM
That's true..now yer getting it. Stupidity does gravitate to the left however.

I disagree somewhat.

I know liberals who would eat the lunch of most of the conservatives on this forum, including me.

I don't subscribe to the concept that all liberalism is bad, all conservatism is good, but I do believe that a large portion of people who wear liberal and conservative badges don't really understand the concepts.

I also think that the radical ends of each spectrum contain the most dangerous segment of political thinking.

Mr. P
09-29-2010, 10:34 PM
I disagree somewhat.

I know liberals who would eat the lunch of most of the conservatives on this forum, including me.

I don't subscribe to the concept that all liberalism is bad, all conservatism is good, but I do believe that a large portion of people who wear liberal and conservative badges don't really understand the concepts.

I also think that the radical ends of each spectrum contain the most dangerous segment of political thinking.
I've never met a liberal that could deal with facts much less eat someones lunch..For the most part, I agree with the rest of yer post.

red states rule
09-30-2010, 04:53 AM
A country that has a vibrant middle class?? With unemployment at 10% the banks locked up tight, companies holding back due to uncertainty and an impending tax increase for everyone in January this guy says "a vibrant middle class" ??

He's smokin more that just cigarettes folks. What an IDIOT!

I do not recall Pres Bush or his Press Sec ever telling people not to watch MSNVC or not to listen to Air America

Of course given the ratings of both (Air America is now gone) people were already ignoring them

red states rule
09-30-2010, 04:58 AM
I don't think that's the case. America is predominantly... centrist I guess. Liberalism and conservatism ebbs and flows.

How did BO get elected with a democratic majority congress if America is predominantly conservative?

On the spectrum you get extremists on either end with centrists in the middle, and those centrists can swing either way. Easy to do with a two-party political system also but your point about conservative political talk show personalities being primarily popular (lotta P's in that sentence)? I can only suggest that the trend of newbie conservatives buy into this shit more than liberals do. red states rule is a good example - he believes everything he reads on Faux and hears on Rush to be completely factual. Perfect example of a conservative zombie. It's trendy to pin a conservative button on your sleeve and wear it publicly, it's the new religion.

Obama ran as one of those moderates you adore

Tell me, when did Obama run on government run healthcare, the Federal governemnt taking over private companies, increasing spending to nearly $4 trillion/yr, deficits of $1.6 trillion/yr, raising taxes, or a stimulus loaded with mostly pork and money for unions?

He did not and that is why he and the Dems are in such trouble

But bing the type of "conservative" you clearly are - that does not matter to you. Obama is doing the "best" he can and it now the "new religion" to pile on the poor guy

red states rule
09-30-2010, 05:01 AM
And Dems get their info from the liberal Harpies on The View.
How pathetic is that? Politics by Joy Behar. If anyone "buys into this s#$*", it's those TV-watching lemmings who segue from liberal tv talk to their favorite soap.

In reality Obama ment Fox News is destroying his plan to fundamentally transform the country

It is up to people like Joy Behar is run intergerence for him

red states rule
09-30-2010, 05:30 AM
They still print newspapers?

Yeah, I think my dad still buys them.

The left-wing media from a political opinion standpoint wasn't and isn't that strong, GW didn't have anything to bitch about. His biggest critics came from people, organizations and that's how it should be.

You can suggest though that left-wing media fueled GW's critics I guess, but you don't see hugely popular anti-conservative political personalities on the left like you do with the likes of Rush, Beck, Hannity, O'Reilly, Coulter and so on.

I'm not shedding any tears for BO here, don't get me wrong, but a failing presidency like BO's only feeds the conservative political talk machine and gets the sheep all lined up in lock step.

I remember listening to Rush way, way back when Clinton won his first election. Rush's comment was "he just wrote my script for the next 4 years".
