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View Full Version : If I could grant one 'ability' wish?

09-28-2010, 07:48 PM
The first one would be: Singing. If i could sing. Well. Decently. Just good enough. Would make me truly happy.

What about you? Something - some skill - you wish you had?

For some liberals on this board it might be the ability to entertain and express a rational thought...or maybe speak a foreign language? Or be able to cook? To be physically attractive? I dunno...you tell me.

But if I could sing, I'd sing everywhere I went.

09-28-2010, 08:01 PM
Be able to spell most words without hesitation or reference.

09-28-2010, 09:58 PM

I'm working on it and making good improvement.

09-28-2010, 11:47 PM
Cuss someone out without feeling an ounce of remorse or thinking my momma's hand is going to either smack me upside the head, or put soap in my mouth.

No, seriously, I would love the ability to travel from point to point just by thinking about the place I want to be. I would love to be able to transport myself to my grandkids bedside at night so I could read a bedtime story, give them a kiss and tuck them in. So...I would love the ability to transport myself (and maybe to the beaches of Tahiti once in awhile)!

09-30-2010, 02:57 PM
Very cool. I was thinking the 'power' to make anyone have a 'big o' ANYtime I desired would be hilarious AND promote the peace process...

Think about Obama rambling on and on lying about one thing or another...then...BAM! his eyes roll back and he falls asleep. That'd benefit the whole world.

Course, the fun I'd be at Parties... :-D

09-30-2010, 03:14 PM
The first one would be: Singing. If i could sing. Well. Decently. Just good enough. Would make me truly happy.

What about you? Something - some skill - you wish you had?

For some liberals on this board it might be the ability to entertain and express a rational thought...or maybe speak a foreign language? Or be able to cook? To be physically attractive? I dunno...you tell me.

But if I could sing, I'd sing everywhere I went.

I wish I could hear normally.

Palin Rider
09-30-2010, 05:16 PM
For some liberals on this board it might be the ability to entertain and express a rational thought...or maybe speak a foreign language? Or be able to cook?

What makes you think that liberals can't speak other languages or cook? :cuckoo: