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View Full Version : Mayors: U.S. worsens Mexican violence by returning criminal aliens to border towns

09-30-2010, 12:10 PM
Yes, you heard that right.

Various mayors of Mexican cities say that it's the U.S.'s fault that Mexican citizen criminals, in Mexican cities, are making things worse in those Mexican cities.

I'd say they've been listening to Barack Obama too much. You know, the one who says that when his policies drag down the national economy and cause alarm and uncertainty among hiring businesses, it's Fox News that's "destructive" when they report it.

Remind me again why it's OUR responsibility to take care of these Mexican criminals who illegally invaded our country to break our laws here? Maybe you mayors should deal with these Mexican citizens in Mexico, instead of letting them come here in the first place, eh amigos?

But we'll make you a deal.

We'll take ALL your criminals and keep them, if you'll take all of our liberals and keep them.

There are quick and effective ways of dealing with criminals, once we get rid of our liberals.

But as for your end of the bargain.... God help you.



U.S. Worsens Mexican Violence by Returning Criminal Aliens to Border Cities, Mayors Say

by Diane Macedo
Published September 29, 2010

A coalition of Mexican mayors has asked the United States to stop deporting illegal immigrants who have been convicted of serious crimes in the U.S. to Mexican border cities, saying the deportations are contributing to Mexican border violence.

The request was made at a recent San Diego conference in which the mayors of four Mexican border cities and one U.S. mayor, San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders, gathered to discuss cross-border issues.

Ciudad Juarez Mayor Jose Reyes blamed U.S. deportation policy for contributing to his city's violence, saying that of the 80,000 people deported to Juarez in the past three years, 28,000 had U.S. criminal records -- including 7,000 convicted rapists and 2,000 convicted murderers.

Those criminal deportees, he said, have contributed to the violence in Juarez, which has reported more than 2,200 murders this year. Reyes and the other Mexican mayors said that when the U.S. deports criminals back to Mexico, it should fly them to their hometowns, not just bus them to the border.

09-30-2010, 12:34 PM
Egads, what is the gist, keep our criminals because if you don't the crime is YOUR fault?!?!

How about Mexico suck it up and start actually getting tough with these scumbags in the first place?

09-30-2010, 12:57 PM
Then may I suggest that we put them all on a ship, sail it down the coast, and dump them all off near Mexico's boarder with Guatemala?

09-30-2010, 01:28 PM
So they throw trash out thier window and we pick it up and throw it away in the trash can known as Mexico and WE are the bad ones.

Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't these "people" Mexican nationals that broke the law coming here in the first place and we are shiping them back!!!! They could always treat them like they do illegal aliens!!!!

09-30-2010, 05:28 PM
According to the article the criminals have already paid their debt to society.

It is no different than an American citizen getting out of jail and being set free.

Illegals are simply being set free in their own country.