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09-30-2010, 03:04 PM
I dont find hate ethical. I dont find hating those who hate me, the right way to live.

I refuse to hate anyone, christians, muslims, hindu's, atheists

blacks, asians, mexicans, and others

I apologize for being mean spirited and hateful at times towards others who were different then me, in the past and while I cant promise ill be perfect, I will try to cleanse my heart of hate.

09-30-2010, 04:32 PM
I hate evil. that's ethical. :)

Hate brings liberty at times...I hate tyranny, etc...

Abbey Marie
09-30-2010, 05:24 PM
I hate hate. ;)

09-30-2010, 05:50 PM
Hate is easy.

It takes a special skill set to have patience to tolerate those you would gladly strangle otherwise...

10-26-2010, 01:06 PM
I dont find hate ethical. I dont find hating those who hate me, the right way to live.

I refuse to hate anyone, christians, muslims, hindu's, atheists

blacks, asians, mexicans, and others

I apologize for being mean spirited and hateful at times towards others who were different then me, in the past and while I cant promise ill be perfect, I will try to cleanse my heart of hate.

I hate Bama fans.

But I love the look on their faces when they lose.

10-26-2010, 01:17 PM
Hate is pretty hateful to me. I hate it when people imply that you are hateful, simply because you don't agree with them. I can disagree with you and post something that may appear hateful, when in fact it it merely a comment. Once the comment is made, the case is closed. I can see hateful to you in one post and agree with you the next.

I hate that the Giants are in the World Series. If you are a Dodgers fan, you dislike the Giants. I do love the fact that the Yankees were beaten by the Rangers. My uncle, a long suffering Rangers fan, is ecstatic. We're sending him money for a World Series ticket, simply because he deserves to go.

Imagine a world without hate. It might drive some of you nuts, though. You won't have anything to do with you spare time. :)

10-26-2010, 01:26 PM
Hate is pretty hateful to me. I hate it when people imply that you are hateful, simply because you don't agree with them. I can disagree with you and post something that may appear hateful, when in fact it it merely a comment. Once the comment is made, the case is closed. I can see hateful to you in one post and agree with you the next.

I hate that the Giants are in the World Series. If you are a Dodgers fan, you dislike the Giants. I do love the fact that the Yankees were beaten by the Rangers. My uncle, a long suffering Rangers fan, is ecstatic. We're sending him money for a World Series ticket, simply because he deserves to go.

Imagine a world without hate. It might drive some of you nuts, though. You won't have anything to do with you spare time. :)

Gabby .... you really have no idea how much hate you spew around here, do you? And, whether you disagree in one post, or agree in the next, you still have a foundation of hate in your soul and it always comes out in the way you cannot end a post with a dig to the other people who post on this board ... why do you keep coming back here if you hate it so much?

10-26-2010, 01:30 PM
Hate is pretty hateful to me. I hate it when people imply that you are hateful, simply because you don't agree with them. I can disagree with you and post something that may appear hateful, when in fact it it merely a comment. Once the comment is made, the case is closed. I can see hateful to you in one post and agree with you the next.

I hate that the Giants are in the World Series. If you are a Dodgers fan, you dislike the Giants. I do love the fact that the Yankees were beaten by the Rangers. My uncle, a long suffering Rangers fan, is ecstatic. We're sending him money for a World Series ticket, simply because he deserves to go.

Imagine a world without hate. It might drive some of you nuts, though. You won't have anything to do with you spare time. :)


10-26-2010, 02:34 PM
I hate those silly rep points that others are fascinated with. I never read them.
And no, I don't hate this board or anyone on it. I just disagree with people fairly often.

10-28-2010, 10:20 AM
..and because of that you insult and denigrate...or betray hatred - you can't talk your way out of a situation you have behaved yourself into, gabby.

10-28-2010, 12:21 PM
I hate those silly rep points that others are fascinated with. I never read them.
And no, I don't hate this board or anyone on it. I just disagree with people fairly often.

Typical liberal disconnect ... cannot reconcile their words with behaviors. The words that come out of their mouth are hateful and vile, and the believe they are just telling the truth. Unfortunately, they have no self respect, so how can they show it to others.

10-28-2010, 03:58 PM
Typical liberal disconnect ... cannot reconcile their words with behaviors. The words that come out of their mouth are hateful and vile, and the believe they are just telling the truth. Unfortunately, they have no self respect, so how can they show it to others.

And you (and others) are full of this "self respect" that you speak of? I think not. And I am sure that other right-wing kooks like namvet, glock and acorn are never hateful and vile. They believe what they say is the truth, just as I do.

..and because of that you insult and denigrate...or betray hatred - you can't talk your way out of a situation you have behaved yourself into, gabby.

Anytime I have insulted, denigrated or been condescending toward someone on this board, they have deserved it. I talk myself into situations that I believe in. I behave in a manner that I see fit for the situation. If you act like a crazy right-wing nutcase, I am going to address you as such. You might not consider yourself a whack job. You might think it is I that is such. I have the right to hold a different opinion.
If you don't want me to consider you an idiot, don't behave like one. :)

10-28-2010, 04:04 PM
You might think it is I that is such.

Yes, we might. :slap:

Dumb fish.

10-28-2010, 04:11 PM
Anytime I have insulted, denigrated or been condescending toward someone on this board, they have deserved it.

How many times have you went off on RSR simply for cutting and pasting an article. Hell, you would go overboard insulting him and even admit it was because you didn't like him posting the articles.

I can see what you are seeing to a degree. There are others that express hatred, you are not alone. Sometimes when you make comments, I agree the person receiving them might have deserved them. BUT, you can't fathom that sometimes you just make comments that are quite hateful, or VERY mean spirited, and the person receiving them didn't deserve them to the degree you delivered. Hell, even I have started threads in the past expressing apologies to the board or individuals because I knew I crossed the line.

10-28-2010, 05:05 PM
I have made totally unwarranted attacks on RSR in the past, for which I have apologized to him for. If I am wrong, I admit it. That is, when I believe I am wrong. Not when others believe I am wrong.

10-28-2010, 05:41 PM
I have made totally unwarranted attacks on RSR in the past, for which I have apologized to him for. If I am wrong, I admit it. That is, when I believe I am wrong. Not when others believe I am wrong.

I've stated numerous times that I thought your posts had improved immeasurably since days of old. I know that I've 'thanked' some of your posts and even repped you when warranted. I've stood up for many of the things you've posted about schools and kids.

That's why I've been a bit confused with your posts about how Abbey is the only one here you can get along with. I know for a fact that Jim has stood up for you, yet given little credit from you.

When you dismiss people as easily as you do, you must expect the same in return, no?

Abbey Marie
10-31-2010, 03:40 PM
Most people here have gone off the rails at one time or another. And as Kath has said, I think Gabby has gotten much nicer over the years.

I do think that her humor is not always recognized. Gabby can be really quite sarcastically funny.

10-31-2010, 04:30 PM
I think Gabby has the potential to be nice .... I just wish we saw more of it here.

11-04-2010, 11:51 AM
I am nice to everyone. You just fail to recognize it. :)

11-04-2010, 12:13 PM
I think Gabby has the potential to be nice ....

Any human has the potential to be nice. Hitler loved children, you know.

But one needs the common sense to tell good from bad.

Gabby falls short, possibly by more than anyone on this forum except BP.

11-04-2010, 03:25 PM
I am nice to everyone. You just fail to recognize it. :)

Well, Gabby, I have to say that you have always been more than fair with me. You have not attacked me personally and I appreciate that.