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red states rule
10-01-2010, 04:08 AM
I would take that bet if Mr Shrum wants to put some money on this claim

Shrum has headed many election campaigns form Democrats. Can anyone name ONE election campaign where Shrum's candidate WON?

Hint: there aren't any

Maybe I’m wrong.

In fact, maybe I’m really, really wrong, which is the reaction I hear when I dare even to broach this notion to commentators and political strategists in both parties. So let me state it plainly: I now think the Democrats will hold the Congress—yes, the House as well as the Senate—and turn back high profile Republican challengers in California and elsewhere.

The GOP strategy of “no” worked to slow the recovery, stoke fears about fictions like death panels in the health reform bill, and persuade voters to strike out in frustration against Democrats. The trend peaked in August, a month Democrats probably wish they could abolish given the dog days they suffered then, in 2009 as well as 2010.

But with the onset of autumn, there are signs that the Republican tide is receding. Karl Rove would understand – the same dynamic was the key to George W. Bush’s narrow re-election in 2004, when the GOP base showed up to vote in numbers that defied the polling models. This time, it’s the Democratic base that’s stirring—and finally engaging—and the survey research is registering the shift. In the new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll, the Republican advantage in the ballot for Congress has declined from nine points to three. The explanation: African-Americans and Hispanics are re-entering the likely electorate


10-01-2010, 06:05 AM
I find it hard to believe that the Democrats will be able to hold on to the House... I might entertain the notion that the Democrats *may* split the Senate...

What I'd like to see myself personally cannot be written on these pages because it would be misconstrued to be a threat to a federal official. But if pressed, I would say it requires the use of a blindfold and a cigarette and about 7 men with good aim.

I can't help but take it all personally, you know. The decisions of the Democrats to curtail defense has made my life these past two years nothing short of miserable. For personal reasons, I choose to stay where I am, so it's partly my fault, too. However, I know of many others who were not as fortunate as I am...

Barack Obama and the Democrats have managed to do what a civil war and other disasters have not... they have managed to turn this country into a place where a person can work hard, strive to be the best he can be in his field, then be treated like a deadbeat bum and thrown out on the street.

I live in a place once called "The Valley of Opportunity"... there are even arches erected on our main street with that inscription.... now, those arches are more of a joke than a statement... thanks in part to the amateurs that the voters of this country saw fit to put in charge of it.

As I said once before... if someone told me that the President was assassinated, I would have a hard time containing my glee. Hatred is not a good thing. It's something I'm going to have to work very hard at to bring under control.... right after I finish working very hard bringing my anxiety and despair under control.

red states rule
10-01-2010, 06:15 AM
I find it hard to believe that the Democrats will be able to hold on to the House... I might entertain the notion that the Democrats *may* split the Senate...

What I'd like to see myself personally cannot be written on these pages because it would be misconstrued to be a threat to a federal official. But if pressed, I would say it requires the use of a blindfold and a cigarette and about 7 men with good aim.

I can't help but take it all personally, you know. The decisions of the Democrats to curtail defense has made my life these past two years nothing short of miserable. For personal reasons, I choose to stay where I am, so it's partly my fault, too. However, I know of many others who were not as fortunate as I am...

Barack Obama and the Democrats have managed to do what a civil war and other disasters have not... they have managed to turn this country into a place where a person can work hard, strive to be the best he can be in his field, then be treated like a deadbeat bum and thrown out on the street.

I live in a place once called "The Valley of Opportunity"... there are even arches erected on our main street with that inscription.... now, those arches are more of a joke than a statement... thanks in part to the amateurs that the voters of this country saw fit to put in charge of it.

As I said once before... if someone told me that the President was assassinated, I would have a hard time containing my glee. Hatred is not a good thing. It's something I'm going to have to work very hard at to bring under control.... right after I finish working very hard bringing my anxiety and despair under control.

Shrum has run about 8 or 9 political campaigns in his life and lost them all. So consider the source

This is what Biden is trying do with his election day dreams. It is to try and cheer up the base which is seeing what a failure Obama and the Dems are

It will not work. The opposition is jazzed and can't wait to vote - while the left is dreading watching so many pissed off voters heading to the voting booth

10-01-2010, 08:56 AM
Shrum has run about 8 or 9 political campaigns in his life and lost them all. So consider the source

This is what Biden is trying do with his election day dreams. It is to try and cheer up the base which is seeing what a failure Obama and the Dems are

It will not work. The opposition is jazzed and can't wait to vote - while the left is dreading watching so many pissed off voters heading to the voting booth

Did I tell anyone this? My Mom, that dear little old Italian Mom o' mine, who has voted Democrat all of her life has asked me to check with the local Board of Elections for a sample ballot... she wants to make sure she votes Republican on Novemeber 2nd... now if my Dad asks me the same thing, I'll be sure that we'll win the Congress!

red states rule
10-01-2010, 11:15 AM
Did I tell anyone this? My Mom, that dear little old Italian Mom o' mine, who has voted Democrat all of her life has asked me to check with the local Board of Elections for a sample ballot... she wants to make sure she votes Republican on Novemeber 2nd... now if my Dad asks me the same thing, I'll be sure that we'll win the Congress!

Your Mom is not alone - and I am sure your Dad will doing the same. I know a guy at work that actually removed his Obama 08 bumber sticker and told me he could not believe he was taken in by all the hype

I do not know what wil be better - watching Pelosi hand over control of the House to a Republican - or watching Chris Matthews and Ed Schultz tell their viewers Congress has been lost by the Democrats

10-01-2010, 06:09 PM
this thread might have had some credibility if it had continued "Democrats will hold House and Senate.....hostage in a critical armed stand off with Capital police following their disastrous loss in the polls Tuesday.....following three days of intense negotiations the Dems have promised to release the two hostages only if they can have 'mulligans' on the elections and the Tea Party agrees to disband"........

10-01-2010, 11:25 PM
Did I tell anyone this? My Mom, that dear little old Italian Mom o' mine, who has voted Democrat all of her life has asked me to check with the local Board of Elections for a sample ballot... she wants to make sure she votes Republican on Novemeber 2nd... now if my Dad asks me the same thing, I'll be sure that we'll win the Congress!

My daughter changed from Democrat to Independent this year.

red states rule
10-02-2010, 09:19 AM
My daughter changed from Democrat to Independent this year.

Brains runs in the family I see