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10-01-2010, 12:56 PM
Some people must really have NOTHING to do. The state of Ohio has a smoking ban in all public places. It was "voted" in a few years back by confusing the wording of two smoking related issues on the ballot....but we won't get into that right now.

Anywoo,the Cincinnati Reds won the central division the other night. This is a huge deal since it's been 15 years(I for one am overjoyed!!!). After the game,the players and media were all in the clubhouse celebrating by spraying champagne all over and smoking cigars. This was televised on FSN Ohio which is what we watch the games on.

Apparently,5 people sitting at home watching have smell-o-vision on their tv sets because they called Ohio's "smoking hotline" to report and make complaints against the Cincinnati Reds for smoking in their clubhouse!!!!! The media is ripping this to shreds. Can you imagine having such a lame life that you would call and report a baseball team for smoking cigars when you not even there??!! lmao!!!!

10-01-2010, 01:15 PM
does not surprise me. So much of america has been poisoned by the gospel according to 'studies.'

"studies" show x = bad.

Weak minded folk = Yeah! let's ban x!


and those are the types - the knuckleheads who reported -who get blanket parties in Basic. Those folks serve their own egos. :)

10-01-2010, 01:21 PM
Some people must really have NOTHING to do. The state of Ohio has a smoking ban in all public places. It was "voted" in a few years back by confusing the wording of two smoking related issues on the ballot....but we won't get into that right now.

Anywoo,the Cincinnati Reds won the central division the other night. This is a huge deal since it's been 15 years(I for one am overjoyed!!!). After the game,the players and media were all in the clubhouse celebrating by spraying champagne all over and smoking cigars. This was televised on FSN Ohio which is what we watch the games on.

Apparently,5 people sitting at home watching have smell-o-vision on their tv sets because they called Ohio's "smoking hotline" to report and make complaints against the Cincinnati Reds for smoking in their clubhouse!!!!! The media is ripping this to shreds. Can you imagine having such a lame life that you would call and report a baseball team for smoking cigars when you not even there??!! lmao!!!!

Krisy, I'm curious. I'll assume the couch potatoes were horrified at the law being broken. What is the take of the press?

Palin Rider
10-01-2010, 01:35 PM
Technically, I doubt that the Reds' clubhouse even qualifies as a public place.

10-01-2010, 02:01 PM
When those rules came in over here there was an uproar from pubs, until it was found that 'Smoking research rooms' where permitted to have smaoking in them. Suddenly across the country hundreds of smoking research centres opened, I'm not sure if the loophole was ever closed but you gotta hand it to the pubs xD

As for the OP that's rediculious =/

10-01-2010, 02:11 PM
It is illegal to smoke in a bar (i.e. a "pub"), restaurant, or any public place, either indoors or outdoors in New York State... you cannot smoke on the campus of the company I work for nor any property which is leased by my company...

if you want to smoke.. you must leave the property... and many smokers do just that... they take a 1/2 hour smoking break a couple of times a day to trek off of my company's property to light up....

I've also noticed that cars now do not have ashtrays, which causes smokers to flick their used butts out of the windows of their cars, contributing to increased litter....

10-01-2010, 03:46 PM
Ok, I'm ignoring all posts above. Just looking at what is the rules here in IL. The only places to safely smoke are in home, walking on public streets. Not safe on park district or lake properties. The fines are exorbitant.

Most of our Chicago restaurateurs, the famous ones, like Melman were behind the laws. They are draconian.

10-01-2010, 07:49 PM
I've also noticed that cars now do not have ashtrays, which causes smokers to flick their used butts out of the windows of their cars, contributing to increased litter....

Exactly, you beat me to the punch.

The level of senseless legislation is maddening, people need to start kicking back. Can't smoke anywhere (I'd don't smoke but it pisses me off that a guy can't have a cigarette outside somewhere), they're banning salt, margarine, MSG, fried foods - where does it stop?

I'll tell you where it stops - nowhere, it keeps on going and going until people make it stop.

And to elaborate on KM's comment, most of this legislation is not thought out at all and enacted with no concern for the consequences.

Throwing cigs out the window is a good example. Open container laws means the peckerwood drinking a beer while driving down the road tosses the empty can out the window. Credit card reform means the deadbeats who run up balances don't pay as much in fees that they did, but guys like me who pay off our balances now pay fees like annual fees where we didn't before.

10-01-2010, 08:48 PM
Krisy, I'm curious. I'll assume the couch potatoes were horrified at the law being broken. What is the take of the press?

At least one of the couch potatos called our talk radio station yesterday and said that he filed his complaint because his children had to watch the Cincinnati Reds break the law on t.v.:laugh2: They were in their own clubhouse,the public was out in the stands cheering and stomping.

As for the press,the local talk show hosts are having a field day,that is,they think that the people complaining are morons. Theres talk of the health department coming into the clubhouse after the playoff games and with their black leather boots and nazi gear on to make sure that those bad boy,lawbreakin Reds don't smoke any cigars in their clubhouse again!!!!:laugh:

10-01-2010, 09:15 PM
People have such an issue with religion claiming that the religious are trying to impose their world view on everyone else....

well, what's this? Some neo-puritans are telling us what is good for us, and to make matters worse, they've managed to get it put into legislation.

Just who is imposing their views on everyone else now?

Mr. P
10-01-2010, 10:07 PM
People have such an issue with religion claiming that the religious are trying to impose their world view on everyone else....

well, what's this? Some neo-puritans are telling us what is good for us, and to make matters worse, they've managed to get it put into legislation.

Just who is imposing their views on everyone else now?
Government. The nanny state.

10-02-2010, 08:41 AM
The thing about the law is,when they put in on the ballot,there were two issues. If I have time later,I might be able to dig them up. They were so confusing that no one understood what they were voting for. No one I knew understood it. We were all standing in the place going...huh?!!!

Purposely done,I'm sure. I know my husband and I prior to the vote had signed petitions to make it the owner of an establishments' choice whether or not you could smoke in their place. I know the "law" has been challenged but not sure where its at. I found out yesterday that if a person is caught smoking in a certain place,the owner of the establishment is who pays the fine. This brings an interesting question up: since the Reds were smoking in their clubhouse,in Great American Ball Park,who would get the fine? Some say it would have to be Hamilton County....in other words the tax payers!!!!

From what I understand thankfully,that won't happen because just a video of someone smoking( the Reds on FSN) isnt good enough. A live person has to stand there and make the complaint.

10-09-2010, 07:38 AM
At least one of the couch potatos called our talk radio station yesterday and said that he filed his complaint because his children had to watch the Cincinnati Reds break the law on t.v.:laugh2: They were in their own clubhouse,the public was out in the stands cheering and stomping.

As for the press,the local talk show hosts are having a field day,that is,they think that the people complaining are morons. Theres talk of the health department coming into the clubhouse after the playoff games and with their black leather boots and nazi gear on to make sure that those bad boy,lawbreakin Reds don't smoke any cigars in their clubhouse again!!!!:laugh:

You know, it never ceases to amaze me that if people would expend all that negative energy they have into cleaning up America and getting it back on a positive track, it sure wouldn't be in the mess it is today. Senseless legislation coupled with apathic Americans and agenda seeking politicans is becoming the downfall of America. If and when she is brought to her knees, so to speak, we will have no one to blame but ourselves.....for letting it happen.

10-09-2010, 09:12 AM
People have such an issue with religion claiming that the religious are trying to impose their world view on everyone else....

well, what's this? Some neo-puritans are telling us what is good for us, and to make matters worse, they've managed to get it put into legislation.

Just who is imposing their views on everyone else now?

You mean like they've already done with smoking, Seat belt laws, helmet laws, proposals on soda-draconian if on food stamps, you will participate in commerce-whether you wish to or not-health care, etc.

They will tax and force all they can.