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10-03-2010, 05:29 PM
An Open Letter to President Obama
By Charlie Daniels (Bio | Archive)
Fri, 09/24/2010 - 14:12 ET

Mr. President,

I write this letter as a patriot, a taxpayer, a lifelong resident and as concerned citizen of what I consider to be the greatest nation ever known to man, the United States of America.

I am Caucasian, so let's get the racial aspect out of the way to start with. This letter has nothing to do with your race. I lived through the cruelty of Jim Crow and segregation and learned early on in my life that the color of my skin does not make me better or worse than any other man.

We all remember Martin Luther King, Jr.'s statement about judging people, not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character, and I believe that with all my heart.

I believe that America is an exceptional country. We have been liberator, benefactor and leader of the free world for centuries. America is an example of what can be achieved by free people living under the free enterprise system.

We have led the world in technology, industry, science and medicine for a long time.

Our capitalist system guarantees that those who explore new worlds and bring us new products and better techniques are amply rewarded for their efforts, and this is as it should be.

A person who is the first one to get there and the last one to leave, who burns the midnight oil and never gives up until they realize their goals, are a boon to humankind. They're the ones who discover new cures, start new industries and create jobs.

These people deserve to be rewarded for their hard work and for the products and services they bring to make life better for all mankind.

Mr. President, it is my personal opinion that you want to take the well-earned rewards of these people and give it to those who have done nothing to deserve them.

It's really redistribution of wealth, and it's nothing new. It's been tried many places before and it has miserably failed in every one of them.

It's called socialism.

Am I calling you a socialist? Yes, I am. I firmly believe that you are a socialist and a globalist, and that you think America should have a comeuppance and have our playing field leveled to match those of other countries not as industrious or as innovative as we are.

Mr. President, how can you support the building of a mosque in the very same area where Islamic radicals murdered so many Americans?

Just who's side are you on?

Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/charlie-daniels/2010/09/24/open-letter-president-obama#ixzz11KxcrirA

10-03-2010, 10:18 PM
I stopped reading at 'greatest nation ever known to man' >,>

10-03-2010, 10:22 PM
I stopped reading at 'greatest nation ever known to man' >,>

Really? You aren't a Charlie Daniels fan?

10-03-2010, 10:24 PM
Really? You aren't a Charlie Daniels fan?

I've never heard of him before.

10-03-2010, 10:31 PM
I've never heard of him before.

Here's some clues.....


10-04-2010, 04:46 AM
I stopped reading at 'greatest nation ever known to man' >,>
As far as its influence goes, you can't argue that the United States is second to none.

Of course, we do owe a lot to the British, too. After all, our laws, our language, and our culture are based on the English one.

It seems to me that the British spread their culture when they had their empire (people in India speak English, for instance), so that just paved the way for acceptance of American culture when we became the world's superpower.

10-04-2010, 08:16 PM
I stopped reading at 'greatest nation ever known to man' >,>

You should read the rest of the letter.

I'll agree with your stance, "the greatest nation EVER known to man" is a quite a leap.

Before Britain there was Rome and Egypt, All superpowers in their time.

10-05-2010, 02:47 PM
I stopped reading at 'greatest nation ever known to man' >,>

Yeah, I mean, first off you're english, and if you really did believe this was the greatest country ever, well, I have to believe you'd be over here, and not in England.

There are also the number of people who believe the US is the best in the world without ever having been to another country.

10-05-2010, 03:13 PM
Yeah, I mean, first off you're english, and if you really did believe this was the greatest country ever, well, I have to believe you'd be over here, and not in England.

There are also the number of people who believe the US is the best in the world without ever having been to another country.

Well first of I'm not English, I'm Northern Irish, secondly I don't live in England. Thirdly my contention is with the word *ever*.

10-05-2010, 05:19 PM
You should read the rest of the letter.

I'll agree with your stance, "the greatest nation EVER known to man" is a quite a leap.

Before Britain there was Rome and Egypt, All superpowers in their time.


10-05-2010, 06:36 PM
Well, let's see

1. World War I was won by the allies after America joined... thanks to the sinking of the Lusitania by the Germans. Before America joined, the two sides were at a stalemate.

2. World War II was fought and won by the Allies but America did a lot. If it weren't for the lend lease program, and other ways of helping out Britain before our entry into that war, do you think Britain would have survived the Nazi onslaught?

3. Only one nation has put a man on the moon. Only one nation has sent probes to explore the outer planets

4. Americans inventions are too numerous to fully list... the Internet, the personal computer, the microprocessor, the light bulb, lasers, satellites, GPS, flat panel technology

5. America also rebuilt Europe after World War II as it did Japan

6. Even today, many of the largest corporations in the world are American (IBM, Oracle, Microsoft, General Motors, Lockheed, AT&T, amazon.com, Google, Apple Computers....)

7. American movies are popular the world over.. even our enemies watch them

8. Jazz, Rock n' Roll, baseball, hip hop (unfortunately), American TV programs, Mickey Mouse are American cultural exports, to name some

9. American know how is behind the technology that helped tap the oil fields of the Middle East.

10. Americans are regularly on the list of Nobel prize winners

11. While many people who were not born in this country invented many of the things we claim as American, those people invented those things after they made America their home...

12. America was the first nation to harness the power of the atom, the only country to use it in war, and the first to use it for peaceful purposes

10-05-2010, 06:52 PM
Well, let's see

1. World War I was won by the allies after America joined... thanks to the sinking of the Lusitania by the Germans. Before America joined, the two sides were at a stalemate.

2. World War II was fought and won by the Allies but America did a lot. If it weren't for the lend lease program, and other ways of helping out Britain before our entry into that war, do you think Britain would have survived the Nazi onslaught?

3. Only one nation has put a man on the moon. Only one nation has sent probes to explore the outer planets

4. Americans inventions are too numerous to fully list... the Internet, the personal computer, the microprocessor, the light bulb, lasers, satellites, GPS, flat panel technology

5. America also rebuilt Europe after World War II as it did Japan

6. Even today, many of the largest corporations in the world are American (IBM, Oracle, Microsoft, General Motors, Lockheed, AT&T, amazon.com, Google, Apple Computers....)

7. American movies are popular the world over.. even our enemies watch them

8. Jazz, Rock n' Roll, baseball, hip hop (unfortunately), American TV programs, Mickey Mouse are American cultural exports, to name some

9. American know how is behind the technology that helped tap the oil fields of the Middle East.

10. Americans are regularly on the list of Nobel prize winners

11. While many people who were not born in this country invented many of the things we claim as American, those people invented those things after they made America their home...

12. America was the first nation to harness the power of the atom, the only country to use it in war, and the first to use it for peaceful purposes

And we've pissed it all away as did the Empires of past did.

Manufacturing? Outsourced
Professional Jobs? Outsourced
Raw materials? Exported only to be returned as manufactured goods

What is our #1 export? Our Debt

What are professional and manufacturing jobs being replaced with? Service Industry jobs

We've got the economy of 3rd world country, that is the reality and Americans aren't willing to do what it takes to rebuild our economy. That is the sad reality ..........

10-05-2010, 06:58 PM
Sorry, double post.

10-05-2010, 07:00 PM
@KarlMarx, you think those points make America the greatest nation ever known to man?

Please tell me what you think of the Chinese Empire, from about 5000BC to present day.

10-06-2010, 10:38 AM
@KarlMarx, you think those points make America the greatest nation ever known to man?

Please tell me what you think of the Chinese Empire, from about 5000BC to present day.

Well, I think America is the greatest country known to Man, but that's my opinion

Of course, the Chinese did a lot too... the discovered coal, invented the printing press, the compass, paper money... spaghetti!.... a civil service, they built the Great Wall, an engineering marvel, several religions originated in China, Taoism (which influenced Zen Buddhism), Confucianism, and Mahayana Buddhism...

And just to make things equal, Noir, the British did a lot too... British Common Law, the English language, the Magna Carta, the Industrial Revolution... I know there are plenty more but my knowledge of British History is pretty sparse.... let's not forget... the British cracked the Enigma code, which helped to hasten the end of World War II (by several years)... and a fellow named Alan Turing, who worked at Bletchley Park, created the mathematical model of a thing called a "computer", and some of the composers... Henry Purcell, Handel (well, he was German, but wrote his best stuff while a subject of the British Crown, another one of those 'immigrants who did their best work while in another country' types), Elgar... then there are the British poets, like Shakespeare (who was also a playwright), novelists and others that helped to make English the language it is today...

BTW... Chinese living in America invented the fortune cookie another one of those inventions by immigrants who came to this country and another reason why America is great!

BTW2... The British have Classic FM... one of my all time favorite classic online radio stations...

BTW3... Americans also have Pee Wee Herman... who I think was just great.... OK, so I like Pee Wee, what of it?

10-08-2010, 09:43 PM
And we've pissed it all away as did the Empires of past did.

Manufacturing? Outsourced
Professional Jobs? Outsourced
Raw materials? Exported only to be returned as manufactured goods

What is our #1 export? Our Debt

What are professional and manufacturing jobs being replaced with? Service Industry jobs

We've got the economy of 3rd world country, that is the reality and Americans aren't willing to do what it takes to rebuild our economy. That is the sad reality ..........

Damn gub'ment, slowly sucking the life out until an empty hulk is left.

10-09-2010, 08:40 AM
Well, I think America is the greatest country known to Man, but that's my opinion

Indeed, and it's an opinion that can be discussed, but what can not be discussed is if it is the greatest *ever* as the OP asserts, it's really the word "ever" that niggled me, as in four letters he is saying that America in it's few hundred years is grater that civilisations that have lasted millennia.

10-09-2010, 02:56 PM
Indeed, and it's an opinion that can be discussed, but what can not be discussed is if it is the greatest *ever* as the OP asserts, it's really the word "ever" that niggled me, as in four letters he is saying that America in it's few hundred years is grater that civilisations that have lasted millennia.

I don't think the age of a civilization has anything to do with the "greatest" adjective Noir. I think it has to do with quality of life. There are ancient civilizations that are, quite frankly, still ancient in their development.

If you were to pick the "greatest" civilization "ever", which one would you advocate deserves the "ever" classification?

10-09-2010, 03:47 PM
I don't think the age of a civilization has anything to do with the "greatest" adjective Noir. I think it has to do with quality of life. There are ancient civilizations that are, quite frankly, still ancient in their development.

If you were to pick the "greatest" civilization "ever", which one would you advocate deserves the "ever" classification?

I don't think it's possible to chose an 'ever' because (as your post somewhat suggests) it's impossible to be comparative. It's is possible to be reasonably comparative about the greatest 'at the moment' but certainly not 'ever'

10-09-2010, 10:40 PM
I don't think it's possible to chose an 'ever' because (as your post somewhat suggests) it's impossible to be comparative. It's is possible to be reasonably comparative about the greatest 'at the moment' but certainly not 'ever'

Fair enough.

I often use "ever" to mean in my lifetime.