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View Full Version : Sharron Angle badmouths Repubs, leftists try to pretend she's bribing TEA party candi

10-04-2010, 07:04 PM
Just caught an article on NPR, where Sharron Angle (Harry Reid's Republican opponent mentioned to a TEA party candidate that she doesn't like the way Republicans are trying to keep their party the same as it has been for years instead of becoming more conservative as it once was.


Apparently some of the more desperate liberals are trying to play it up as "Sharron tries to talk TEA Party opponent into not running", as Bill Clinton tried to do to Joe Sestak a year or so ago, offering him a job to not run against Arlen Specter (a flatly illegal offer).

In Sharron Angle's case, though, there's no request from Angle for the TEA Party candidate to quit, no job offer or anything else, and in fact she offered to help him run and get more influence.

I guess the Democrats are descending to making up slurs and "scandals" out of thin air now. When you're desperate, your true character has a way of coming out. In this case, the Democrats aren't smelling too good at all.