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View Full Version : Top Nevada GOP Lawmaker Endorses Reid

10-07-2010, 11:45 PM
Published: October 7, 2010

RENO, Nev. (AP) — Veteran state Sen. Bill Raggio, one of Nevada's most influential Republicans over the last four decades, says he's reluctantly endorsing Democratic U.S. Sen. Harry Reid's re-election campaign.

Raggio issued a statement Thursday sharply criticizing GOP candidate Sharron Angle, branding her as a "totally ineffective" four-term state lawmaker.

Raggio also cited what he called Angle's inability and unwillingness to work with others even within her own party, and her extreme positions on Social Security and other issues.

Raggio also criticized Angle for badmouthing GOP leaders in a recent secretly taped conversation.

More: http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2010/10/07/us/politics/AP-US-Nevada-Senate-Reid-Endorsement.html?_r=2&ref=news

I don't think I'll ever understand the support the teabaggers put behind these batshit crazy candidates of theirs!!!!!!!!! I certainly understand the frustrations of the genuine public servants trying to deal with the illusions, misunderstandings and impossible positions these jerks have!!!!!


10-08-2010, 06:36 AM
Inwhich case he was (depending on how you like to word it) a liberal conservative or a conservative liberal. Exactly the kind of people that the conservative conservatives (ie the Tea Party) want to out as liberals.
So in a roundabout way, notch up one for the Tea Party.

10-08-2010, 06:53 AM
Inwhich case he was (depending on how you like to word it) a liberal conservative or a conservative liberal. Exactly the kind of people that the conservative conservatives (ie the Tea Party) want to out as liberals.
So in a roundabout way, notch up one for the Tea Party.

He's among the state elite, again, party doesn't matter. It's been our nobility for too long now. Sure enough:

Educated: Louisiana Tech; University of Oklahoma; University of Nevada, Reno, B.A.;
University of California, Hastings College of Law, J.D.; University of California, Berkeley,
Boalt Hall School of Law.

While not Harvard, U of C Berkeley is way up there.

10-08-2010, 12:34 PM
Inwhich case he was (depending on how you like to word it) a liberal conservative or a conservative liberal. Exactly the kind of people that the conservative conservatives (ie the Tea Party) want to out as liberals.
So in a roundabout way, notch up one for the Tea Party.

I see no evidence that he is either a conservative liberal or a liberal conservative, Noir. He has been for decades a respected and everytime re-elected Republican and has held, voted for and promoted conservative ideals and positions. I think his complaints with Ms. Angle reflect his genuine experiences with her. She's a freakin' nutcase that has no business in the legislature thus exactly the kind of candidate with whom the teabaggers identify.


10-08-2010, 12:44 PM
If he's backing Reid than he never was a true republican. Good riddance

10-08-2010, 01:31 PM
If he's backing Reid than he never was a true republican. Good riddance

Your statement reveals your attitude as one of an average teabagger, Trigg.

Mr. Raggio is and has been a many times elected, accepted and demonstrated Republican for all of his 83 years old. It is imperative for him to have Senators from Nevada that he can work with. Ms. Angle has demonstrated that she will not and further that she holds views that are simply crazy and ignorant of American values and legislative processes.

I wish the teabaggers all the luck in the world. You'll need it.


10-08-2010, 04:20 PM
Yet another example of no difference between the two ruling Party's.

What the Aristocracy can't get through their thick skulls is that the Peasants are pissed and are finally starting to burn down the Castles of the Aristocracy. The Tea Party is the result of the Arrogance of the Aristocracy.

10-08-2010, 06:39 PM
Yet another example of no difference between the two ruling Party's.

What the Aristocracy can't get through their thick skulls is that the Peasants are pissed and are finally starting to burn down the Castles of the Aristocracy. The Tea Party is the result of the Arrogance of the Aristocracy.

Pagan, I don't know where you get your Aristocratic delusions/accusations. Possibly you saw some of Kathianne's ridiculous assertions of elitism and nobility with Mr. Raggio. I, beg to differ.

Mr. Raggio got all of his undergraduate education in the Universities of Lousiana Tech, Oklahoma, and Nevada, Reno, certainly not bastions of liberal thinking or known as snobbish elitism. Nevada is not known for it's legal education and universities. It appears to me that Mr. Raggio attended Law universities that were the most convenient for him and happened to be in California. My, my, the freaking HORROR of it!!!!!!!! That was a genuine low blow by Kathianne.

Mr. Raggio is no liberal by any definition. His history proves that resoundingly. In fact, he is running again this year as a Republican and I will bet you that once again he will be trusted and re-elected by the solidly Republican constituency that has so honored, respected and re-elected him for all these over 40 years in the Nevada legislature. If you have additional information that might convince me that Mr. Raggio is of the elitist, snobbish or aristocratic bunch I might be willing to change my mind. Until then, however, I will assume these unsubstantiated claims of flawed legislative intent on his part are just more bullshit from the low information crowd.



10-08-2010, 06:48 PM
Psychoblues, just because he is running as a Republician does not make him a conservative. However, endorsing a pretty left liberal over a pretty right conservative purly on the issue of policy does tell you something, he may be around the middle of the spectrum, but given the choice between a liberal liberal and conservative conservative he would chose the liberal.

10-08-2010, 06:52 PM
Pagan, I don't know where you get your Aristocratic delusions/accusations. Possibly you saw some of Kathianne's ridiculous assertions of elitism and nobility with Mr. Raggio. I, beg to differ.

Mr. Raggio got all of his undergraduate education in the Universities of Lousiana Tech, Oklahoma, and Nevada, Reno, certainly not bastions of liberal thinking or known as snobbish elitism. Nevada is not known for it's legal education and universities. It appears to me that Mr. Raggio attended Law universities that were the most convenient for him and happened to be in California. My, my, the freaking HORROR of it!!!!!!!! That was a genuine low blow by Kathianne.

Mr. Raggio is no liberal by any definition. His history proves that resoundingly. In fact, he is running again this year as a Republican and I will bet you that once again he will be trusted and re-elected by the solidly Republican constituency that has so honored, respected and re-elected him for all these over 40 years in the Nevada legislature. If you have additional information that might convince me that Mr. Raggio is of the elitist, snobbish or aristocratic bunch I might be willing to change my mind. Until then, however, I will assume these unsubstantiated claims of flawed legislative intent on his part are just more bullshit from the low information crowd.



So since we've allowed them to establish Politics as a Career with obscene retirement and benefits they haven't created an Aristocracy?

Me thinks you ought to open your eyes, especially when you look at the "family's" that have created so called Political Dynasty's.

10-08-2010, 07:03 PM
So since we've allowed them to establish Politics as a Career with obscene retirement and benefits they haven't created an Aristocracy?

Me thinks you ought to open your eyes, especially when you look at the "family's" that have created so called Political Dynasty's.

Indeed. From both parties. The same ones that sent PB and hundreds of thousands of others to Vietnam, then just walked. away. Without looking back or forward. Same with Korea, earlier. Same with the War on Poverty, never looked at the consequences of their policies. Yet, PB wants to defend, well at least if D or D supporting. How far he's fallen from his principles.

10-08-2010, 07:13 PM
Psychoblues, just because he is running as a Republician does not make him a conservative. However, endorsing a pretty left liberal over a pretty right conservative purly on the issue of policy does tell you something, he may be around the middle of the spectrum, but given the choice between a liberal liberal and conservative conservative he would chose the liberal.

I have no idea what you are talking about, Noir. Conservative conservative, liberal liberal, conservative liberal or liberal conservative is not the question in this case. Mr. Raggio explained his position that he could not work with Ms. Angle and that others in the Republican Party had their own problems with her. I don't know how much experience you have in politics but I found it very difficult at times to do the correct thing while keeping the interests, informational level and focus on progressive ideologies at the same time. I could write you a book but I suggest you get your education in books already written or better yet run for office and hold it for 21 years like I did.

Ms. Angle is a nut, pure and simple. Were it not for the equally as nuts at FauxNews and other establishments focused purely on the demise of the middle class of America the rest of us would have never known her name.

The election is just a few weeks away. We will see who prevails.


10-08-2010, 07:40 PM
Not to go too off kilter but...

I don't know how much experience you have in politics but I found it very difficult at times to do the correct thing while keeping the interests, informational level and focus on progressive ideologies at the same time.

You work(ed) within politics? If so please explain (out of interest)

10-08-2010, 07:46 PM
So since we've allowed them to establish Politics as a Career with obscene retirement and benefits they haven't created an Aristocracy?

Me thinks you ought to open your eyes, especially when you look at the "family's" that have created so called Political Dynasty's.

You wouldn't know your ass from a hole in the ground, would you? What do you mean "allowed them to establish Politics as a Career" "With obscene retirement and benefits?" Aristocracy comes long before and separate from any occupation as a civil servant.

Let's do a little serious talking here. What is wrong with politics as a career? As far as "families" are concerned you also find plumbers, electricians, grocers, real estate brokers, stock market analysts, etc., etc., etc., passed on from one generation to the next. Civil service really does get in your blood. For example, I spent years as an elected civil servant. I now spend a lot of my time in various charitable organizations and in volunteer work at the Veterans Administration and in various Veterans Affairs offices. You claim civil service retirement and benefits are obscene? You'll have to prove that one to me, buddy. I've been in the government all my life and I can testify that that nobody gets rich working directly in civil service or in any political office. The average CEO makes more in one day than I have for all of my life including my retirement that you seem to resent so.

Life is tough enough on it's on. There's no reason to tell lies about it.

Yes-sir, junior. I have my eyes wide open and seeing the bullshit that you and others like you put out without an ounce of truth, intent of truth or knowledge about the subject you are addressing is truly disgusting in the most serious of ways.

Pagan, I really don't like going off like that anymore and if I offended you that was not my intent. So far, I have read a lot of your stuff and generally I like much of what you say but in this case I believe you are 100% wrong.

What was that crapola Kathianne is saying? She speaks in too much code these days.


10-08-2010, 07:55 PM
Not to go too off kilter but...

You work(ed) within politics? If so please explain (out of interest)

I spent 21 years as an elected official, Noir. That was 21 years for which I am most proud as a representative of my constituency and of the causes that I found interesting, attractive and with which I could become heavily and positively involved. Politics is tricky. I found that out the hard way but I persevered and look at me now!!!!!!!! Living in the Mississippi River flood plain in a manufactured home driving a pickup truck, married to the same woman for 35 years (that's gotta be some kind of record down here) and sober now since July 18, 2010. Ain't that a galldurned hoot!!!!!!!!!!!


10-09-2010, 01:28 AM
You wouldn't know your ass from a hole in the ground, would you? What do you mean "allowed them to establish Politics as a Career" "With obscene retirement and benefits?" Aristocracy comes long before and separate from any occupation as a civil servant.

Let's do a little serious talking here. What is wrong with politics as a career? As far as "families" are concerned you also find plumbers, electricians, grocers, real estate brokers, stock market analysts, etc., etc., etc., passed on from one generation to the next. Civil service really does get in your blood. For example, I spent years as an elected civil servant. I now spend a lot of my time in various charitable organizations and in volunteer work at the Veterans Administration and in various Veterans Affairs offices. You claim civil service retirement and benefits are obscene? You'll have to prove that one to me, buddy. I've been in the government all my life and I can testify that that nobody gets rich working directly in civil service or in any political office. The average CEO makes more in one day than I have for all of my life including my retirement that you seem to resent so.

Life is tough enough on it's on. There's no reason to tell lies about it.

Yes-sir, junior. I have my eyes wide open and seeing the bullshit that you and others like you put out without an ounce of truth, intent of truth or knowledge about the subject you are addressing is truly disgusting in the most serious of ways.

Pagan, I really don't like going off like that anymore and if I offended you that was not my intent. So far, I have read a lot of your stuff and generally I like much of what you say but in this case I believe you are 100% wrong.

What was that crapola Kathianne is saying? She speaks in too much code these days.


This is from 2005 and it has went up since they vote themselves raises both in salary AND benefits, yes it's OBSCENE


For example, former presidents with as little as four years in office qualify for pensions of $180,100. Retired Supreme Court justices whose age and years of service total 80 receive pensions equal to full pay -- $208,100 for the chief justice and $199,200 for associate justices.

Lawmakers who left Congress last January are receiving pensions ranging from as little as $14,165 a year for six years' service to as much as $114,102 a year for more than 30 years' service.

Tom Daschle, 57, the former Democratic leader in the Senate, left Congress in January with an estimated pension of $121,233

Time to pull your head out of your ass if you think they're "Civil Servants", politicians that is.

What's wrong with it being a career? Since we've allowed them to Vote their own pay raises, create their own Retirement which they make more being retired than serving and create their own perks what has it done? Created the American Aristocracy where we work for them, they don't work for us.

So you seem to be left wing and I'm assuming Obama supporter. So answer this very direct and simple question. What are your thoughts of Obama embracing and expanding the Bush Doctrine?

Not a single Obama supporter has answered this very simple question.

10-09-2010, 03:19 AM
This is from 2005 and it has went up since they vote themselves raises both in salary AND benefits, yes it's OBSCENE


For example, former presidents with as little as four years in office qualify for pensions of $180,100. Retired Supreme Court justices whose age and years of service total 80 receive pensions equal to full pay -- $208,100 for the chief justice and $199,200 for associate justices.

Lawmakers who left Congress last January are receiving pensions ranging from as little as $14,165 a year for six years' service to as much as $114,102 a year for more than 30 years' service.

Tom Daschle, 57, the former Democratic leader in the Senate, left Congress in January with an estimated pension of $121,233

Time to pull your head out of your ass if you think they're "Civil Servants", politicians that is.

What's wrong with it being a career? Since we've allowed them to Vote their own pay raises, create their own Retirement which they make more being retired than serving and create their own perks what has it done? Created the American Aristocracy where we work for them, they don't work for us.

So you seem to be left wing and I'm assuming Obama supporter. So answer this very direct and simple question. What are your thoughts of Obama embracing and expanding the Bush Doctrine?

Not a single Obama supporter has answered this very simple question.

Pagan, there are none so blind as those who will not see. Typical CEO's that spend less than 4 years on their jobs often retire with multimillion dollar retirements in addition to their multimillion dollar stock residuals and their multimillion dollar salaries. That NEVER happens in civil service whether presidential or not. Not in 2005 and not in 2010.

Congressional salaries are only a very small fraction of comparable private industry executive salaries and the benefits are justified wholly in comparison with civilian packages and have been for many years. You might know that the Civil Service Retirement System has never taken one cent from the taxpayer, don't you? It is entirely self funded and always has been. Nonetheless, the idiots in the Republican Party have set about closing down the Civil Service Retirement System, I guess because it ran too efficiently, and is replacing it with the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) which exposes the civil servant to extraordinary risk while the executors of the funding lose not one damned cent. It's highway robbery in my opinion. But that's a long subject with both long term and short term consequences that I don't believe you could possibly understand.

They do work for us, Pagan, and like you I am all for voting their asses out if I even suspect they are not. But, that is not Aristocracy. WTF are you talking about?

So far as your question as to President Barack Hussein Obama embracing and expanding the Bush Doctrine I would have to see some proof of that. Perhaps it is that no President Barack Hussein Obama supporter is willing to answer that question simply because they reject the question on its premise as do I. Give up some evidence of what you intimate, sonny.

Until next time,

Love :laugh2:


10-09-2010, 07:54 AM
Pagan, there are none so blind as those who will not see. Typical CEO's that spend less than 4 years on their jobs often retire with multimillion dollar retirements in addition to their multimillion dollar stock residuals and their multimillion dollar salaries. That NEVER happens in civil service whether presidential or not. Not in 2005 and not in 2010.

Congressional salaries are only a very small fraction of comparable private industry executive salaries and the benefits are justified wholly in comparison with civilian packages and have been for many years. You might know that the Civil Service Retirement System has never taken one cent from the taxpayer, don't you? It is entirely self funded and always has been. Nonetheless, the idiots in the Republican Party have set about closing down the Civil Service Retirement System, I guess because it ran too efficiently, and is replacing it with the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) which exposes the civil servant to extraordinary risk while the executors of the funding lose not one damned cent. It's highway robbery in my opinion. But that's a long subject with both long term and short term consequences that I don't believe you could possibly understand.

They do work for us, Pagan, and like you I am all for voting their asses out if I even suspect they are not. But, that is not Aristocracy. WTF are you talking about?

Damn won't even admit it even when you nose is rubbed into it .....

So far as your question as to President Barack Hussein Obama embracing and expanding the Bush Doctrine I would have to see some proof of that. Perhaps it is that no President Barack Hussein Obama supporter is willing to answer that question simply because they reject the question on its premise as do I. Give up some evidence of what you intimate, sonny.

Until next time,

Love :laugh2:


Oh I don't know

Warrantless wiretaps
Patriot Act
Military Commissions Act

You know most things Obama supporters where screaming IMPEACH Bush/Cheney about?

10-09-2010, 08:35 AM
Damn won't even admit it even when you nose is rubbed into it .....

Oh I don't know

Warrantless wiretaps
Patriot Act
Military Commissions Act

You know most things Obama supporters where screaming IMPEACH Bush/Cheney about?

Sadly don't see many of those being repealed by a president of any stripe in te coming years =/

10-09-2010, 08:43 AM
Your statement reveals your attitude as one of an average teabagger, Trigg.

Mr. Raggio is and has been a many times elected, accepted and demonstrated Republican for all of his 83 years old. It is imperative for him to have Senators from Nevada that he can work with. Ms. Angle has demonstrated that she will not and further that she holds views that are simply crazy and ignorant of American values and legislative processes.

I've been to a teaparty rally, have you??? Or are you simply getting your info from NBC and take for Gospel that ONLY republican white people are at them?

Any republican who would back Rein isn't really a republican. The people who have been in congress for years upon years are the problem. We need term limits for congress. These people get voted in and stay their till they die (if they can) learning all the backroom deals and caring NOTHING for the people at home.

10-09-2010, 11:03 AM
Sadly don't see many of those being repealed by a president of any stripe in te coming years =/

Nope and you also don't hear shit from those who screamed Impeachment during 'Dubya's regime.

Just goes to prove they're nothing more than Party Hacks ..........


10-09-2010, 01:56 PM
Damn won't even admit it even when you nose is rubbed into it .....

Oh I don't know

Warrantless wiretaps
Patriot Act
Military Commissions Act

You know most things Obama supporters where screaming IMPEACH Bush/Cheney about?

You haven't rubbed my nose into anything, cowgirl. You wouldn't know "Bush Doctrine" if it hit you in the ass, would you? I asked you to show me so me evidence of embracement and expansion of the Bush Doctrine By President Barack Hussein Obama and all you can provide is responsible continuing governance considerations all of which and none of which comprise or describe the "Bush Doctrine".

BTW, it now appears many other Nevada lawmakers are coming out against Ms. Angle. It seems they've actually had some experience with her and it appears it hasn't been good. Good luck, teabaggers. You'll need it!!!!!!

Love :laugh2:


10-09-2010, 03:02 PM
BTW, it now appears many other Nevada lawmakers are coming out against Ms. Angle. It seems they've actually had some experience with her and it appears it hasn't been good. Good luck, teabaggers. You'll need it!!!!!!

Love :laugh2:


Which is why she'll probably do good...she is bucking the "good ol boy" syndrome....if she's pissed off other politicians.

I don't understand why anyone would want to keep the same old people in there who have only let things go downhill.

10-09-2010, 05:28 PM
Which is why she'll probably do good...she is bucking the "good ol boy" syndrome....if she's pissed off other politicians.

I don't understand why anyone would want to keep the same old people in there who have only let things go downhill.

From what they are saying, mkp, it seems that Ms Angle is just an idiot that is ineffective, an incompetent, does not understand the ebb and flow of everyday governance, will not cooperate with others, doesn't understand the importance of keeping a working relationship with other people whether in politics or in everyday office/work administration. This is not to mention that she cannot see the necessary connection between Nevada and Washington, DC.

But, if she suits you then I'm tickled pink for your choice!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good to see ya, sweetie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love :laugh2:


10-09-2010, 05:43 PM
I've been to a teaparty rally, have you??? Or are you simply getting your info from NBC and take for Gospel that ONLY republican white people are at them?

Any republican who would back Rein isn't really a republican. The people who have been in congress for years upon years are the problem. We need term limits for congress. These people get voted in and stay their till they die (if they can) learning all the backroom deals and caring NOTHING for the people at home.

Certainly I have been to a teabagger rally, Trigg. I found it as obnoxious, light-skinned and low information typical as advertised. And I don't take anything as Gospel and I rarely say "ONLY". Where do you get that shit?

Any responsible public leader whose only choice is between a fruitcake with whom he finds impossible to work with and a rather impressive and experienced politician that has demonstrated his love for the State of Nevada, the United States of America and his commitment to the job he is sworn to perform, well, really, there really isn't a choice to make at all is it?

You keep telling yourself all those lies about career politicos, Trigg. The bad ones do not stay. They are gone in just a few years in most cases but there are always exceptions and therein lies our differences, Trigg. What you call a bum may not seem so in my observation and vice versa.

Thanks for the converse, Trigg!!!!!!!! I hope to see more of you on the board!!!!!!!!!!

Love :laugh2:


10-09-2010, 10:46 PM
From what they are saying, mkp, it seems that Ms Angle is just an idiot that is ineffective, an incompetent, does not understand the ebb and flow of everyday governance, will not cooperate with others, doesn't understand the importance of keeping a working relationship with other people whether in politics or in everyday office/work administration. This is not to mention that she cannot see the necessary connection between Nevada and Washington, DC.

But, if she suits you then I'm tickled pink for your choice!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good to see ya, sweetie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love :laugh2:


So, she's not willing to go with the flow? Perhaps the everyday ebb and flow of governance needs to change. Sometimes things need to be shook up and a lot of people get really pissed off when an outsider comes in and refuses to play by the rules.

I don't live in Nevada so don't have a horse in this race, but I think anyone other than Reid is a step in the right direction.

10-09-2010, 11:08 PM
So, she's not willing to go with the flow? Perhaps the everyday ebb and flow of governance needs to change. Sometimes things need to be shook up and a lot of people get really pissed off when an outsider comes in and refuses to play by the rules.

I don't live in Nevada so don't have a horse in this race, but I think anyone other than Reid is a step in the right direction.

Ms. Angle is a contrarian not willing to go in any direction other than her own misguided and uninformed one without direction or suggestion. Seriously, mkp, if this is what the teabaggers have to offer I say bring them on everywhere.

I just don't get all this hate for Senator Harry Reid. No one has made similar complaints about him and the good people of Nevada have placed their votes and trust in him for a very long time now. I don't agree with everything he says or does but he is the Senator in Nevada and like you I don't live there.

I live in Mississippi where we have 2 Republican Senators. I don't agree with much of what either of them have to say or do for the state of Mississippi but I respect them both, am aware that both are intelligent men with forthright opinions and practices, do what they think is correct for our state and support their personal ideologies only to the extent that they coincide with the well being of the state as far as I know. I don't believe anyone can say that Ms. Angle would do the same if elected. And it now seems her own Party agrees with me about her. We'll see come Nov. 2, don't 'cha know!!!!!!!!!!

Good to see ya, mkp!!!!!!!!!!

Love :laugh2:


10-10-2010, 12:03 AM
Sen. Bill Raggio Endorsing Dirty Harry just shows what a real RINO he is

10-10-2010, 01:49 PM
Sen. Bill Raggio Endorsing Dirty Harry just shows what a real RINO he is

He has been a respected and oft re-elected politico in Nevada for 4 decades and just now being called a RINO because he can't support a fruitcake to an office with which he has to work on an almost daily basis and for potentially millions of dollars and jobs in his state? Maybe you ought to be running for Senator in Nevada, RWB2!!!!!!!!

Think about what I just said, RWB2. It runs a little deeper than you think.

Love :laugh2:


Abbey Marie
10-10-2010, 04:32 PM


10-10-2010, 09:33 PM



Great to see you, Abbey!!!!!!!!!! We haven't spoken for a long time and it is nice to see you still have that rather unique sense of humor!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for your contribution to the conversation!!!!!!!

Love :laugh2:


10-10-2010, 11:09 PM
You haven't rubbed my nose into anything, cowgirl. You wouldn't know "Bush Doctrine" if it hit you in the ass, would you? I asked you to show me so me evidence of embracement and expansion of the Bush Doctrine By President Barack Hussein Obama and all you can provide is responsible continuing governance considerations all of which and none of which comprise or describe the "Bush Doctrine".

BTW, it now appears many other Nevada lawmakers are coming out against Ms. Angle. It seems they've actually had some experience with her and it appears it hasn't been good. Good luck, teabaggers. You'll need it!!!!!!

Love :laugh2:


Typical, just ignore it.

Fucking Party Hacks are worthless

10-11-2010, 01:32 AM
Typical, just ignore it.

Fucking Party Hacks are worthless

WTF?!?!?!??! Have you taken your meds, Pagan?

Love :laugh2:


10-11-2010, 10:39 AM
WTF?!?!?!??! Have you taken your meds, Pagan?

Love :laugh2:


Here, read it again and tell me Obama hasn't embraced and is in fact expanding it.

Well that is if "The Party" will allow you to -

#18 (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?29466-Top-Nevada-GOP-Lawmaker-Endorses-Reid&p=445368#post445368)

10-11-2010, 02:30 PM
Here, read it again and tell me Obama hasn't embraced and is in fact expanding it.

Well that is if "The Party" will allow you to -

#18 (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?29466-Top-Nevada-GOP-Lawmaker-Endorses-Reid&p=445368#post445368)

You don't know what the "Bush Doctrine" is, Pagan. You're just like your Madonna, Sarah Palin. You're trying to hide your ignorance but it is very plain for all to see. Now give me a real example of President Barack Hussein Obama embracing or expanding the "Bush Doctrine".

If you are expecting me to complain about the way President Barack Hussein Obama is handling the wars he inherited from the gwb administration then you are expecting a conversation that would take a book to have. It is complicated and I do think that overall the President is doing the exact correct things and has the very best interests of The United States of America and all of it's citizens at heart.

Love :laugh2:


10-11-2010, 02:36 PM
I'm not Pagan, but over Pakistan?


10-11-2010, 02:47 PM
You don't know what the "Bush Doctrine" is, Pagan. You're just like your Madonna, Sarah Palin. You're trying to hide your ignorance but it is very plain for all to see. Now give me a real example of President Barack Hussein Obama embracing or expanding the "Bush Doctrine".

If you are expecting me to complain about the way President Barack Hussein Obama is handling the wars he inherited from the gwb administration then you are expecting a conversation that would take a book to have. It is complicated and I do think that overall the President is doing the exact correct things and has the very best interests of The United States of America and all of it's citizens at heart.

Love :laugh2:


Nope, he's not "embracing" nor "expanding" the Bush Doctrine, is he?

Where are you "Party Hacks" who screamed "IMPEACHMENT"?

You fucking "Party Hacks" are worthless.

Obama sanctions killing of US citizen linked to al-Qaeda

Obama Backs Off a Reversal on Secrets

Obama Administration Invokes State Secrets Privilege…Again

Obama Channels Cheney
Obama adopts Bush view on the powers of the presidency.

TARP II: Krugman Slams Obama Plan For Second Bailout

10-11-2010, 02:48 PM
What has gotten into you, Kathianne? You read only half of what is written, then pick and choose what you want to respond to and even then you give a poorly thought out answer.

Do you know what the "Bush Doctrine" was? It doesn't appear so.

Love :laugh2:


10-11-2010, 02:55 PM
What has gotten into you, Kathianne? You read only half of what is written, then pick and choose what you want to respond to and even then you give a poorly thought out answer.

Do you know what the "Bush Doctrine" was? It doesn't appear so.

Love :laugh2:


yep, hit them before they hit us. Includes states sponsoring terrorism.

I'm sure you have another definition?

10-11-2010, 02:56 PM
What has gotten into you, Kathianne? You read only half of what is written, then pick and choose what you want to respond to and even then you give a poorly thought out answer.

Do you know what the "Bush Doctrine" was? It doesn't appear so.

Love :laugh2:


Yep, typical "Party Hack" won't address the facts nor the reality. Can only "SQUAWK" the "Party Line" which they are told. Which is when confronted with the facts just continually deny"

Fucking worthless ..............


10-11-2010, 03:11 PM
yep, hit them before they hit us. Includes states sponsoring terrorism.

I'm sure you have another definition?

Except they have been hitting us again, again and again from Pakistan. The gwb administration also in a much smaller and more irresponsible way way targeted different people and buildings in Pakistan. This is all part and parcel of the Worldwide War On Terror and primarily located in the Afghanistan region. This is not any escalation or embracement of any damned "Bush Doctrine".

What is getting into you, Kathianne? Have you been drinking the Kool-Aide?

Love :laugh2:


10-11-2010, 03:16 PM
Except they have been hitting us again, again and again from Pakistan. The gwb administration also in a much smaller and more irresponsible way way targeted different people and buildings in Pakistan. This is all part and parcel of the Worldwide War On Terror and primarily located in the Afghanistan region. This is not any escalation or embracement of any damned "Bush Doctrine".

What is getting into you, Kathianne? Have you been drinking the Kool-Aide?

Love :laugh2:



Here since you're ignoring it like the good "Party Member" that you are -

Nope, he's not "embracing" nor "expanding" the Bush Doctrine, is he?

Where are you "Party Hacks" who screamed "IMPEACHMENT"?

You fucking "Party Hacks" are worthless.

Obama sanctions killing of US citizen linked to al-Qaeda

Obama Backs Off a Reversal on Secrets

Obama Administration Invokes State Secrets Privilege…Again

Obama Channels Cheney
Obama adopts Bush view on the powers of the presidency.

TARP II: Krugman Slams Obama Plan For Second Bailout

10-11-2010, 03:37 PM
Pagan, either you were born full of shit or you worked very hard to develop your complete breakdown of simple systems of analysis. Man, what waste of an education!!!!!! I bet you went to private school!!!!!!

Again, Pagan, you have not demonstrated one single thing that demonstrates that President Barack Hussein Obama embraces or has expanded the "Bush Doctrine". In fact, you have repeatedly, just in this thread, demonstrated that you don't understand what the "Bush Doctrine" was. That's OK. Very few of even gwb's very best friends and advisers could believe what they were seeing so like you they intimate that it was something else.

Anyways, why would you, I think a gwb supporter, care if President Barack Hussein Obama would carry on some of the gwb policies and positions that you supported? That in and of itself proves you to be one of very low integrity and the "party hack" you so freely throw around.

Love :laugh2:


10-11-2010, 03:41 PM
Pagan, either you were born full of shit or you worked very hard to develop your complete breakdown of simple systems of analysis. Man, what waste of an education!!!!!! I bet you went to private school!!!!!!

Again, Pagan, you have not demonstrated one single thing that demonstrates that President Barack Hussein Obama embraces or has expanded the "Bush Doctrine". In fact, you have repeatedly, just in this thread, demonstrated that you don't understand what the "Bush Doctrine" was. That's OK. Very few of even gwb's very best friends and advisers could believe what they were seeing so like you they intimate that it was something else.

Anyways, why would you, I think a gwb supporter, care if President Barack Hussein Obama would carry on some of the gwb policies and positions that you supported? That in and of itself proves you to be one of very low integrity and the "party hack" you so freely throw around.

Love :laugh2:



Nope, he's not "embracing" nor "expanding" the Bush Doctrine, is he?

Where are you "Party Hacks" who screamed "IMPEACHMENT"?

You fucking "Party Hacks" are worthless.

Obama sanctions killing of US citizen linked to al-Qaeda

Obama Backs Off a Reversal on Secrets

Obama Administration Invokes State Secrets Privilege…Again

Obama Channels Cheney
Obama adopts Bush view on the powers of the presidency.

TARP II: Krugman Slams Obama Plan For Second Bailout

OK that's what "The Party" says and you are a "Good Party Member".

Fucking Party Hacks :lame2:


10-11-2010, 03:47 PM
Pagan, you have no clue. Howza 'bout them Nevada politicos in the Republican and now even in the teabagger bunch bad mouthin' what they had collectively selected as their US Senatorial candidate for election in 2010? Every day in every way it seems to be getting worse and worse for the extraordinarily pitiful Ms. Sharonn Angle.

Good luck, teabaggers. You'll need it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love :laugh2:


10-11-2010, 04:26 PM
Pagan, you have no clue. Howza 'bout them Nevada politicos in the Republican and now even in the teabagger bunch bad mouthin' what they had collectively selected as their US Senatorial candidate for election in 2010? Every day in every way it seems to be getting worse and worse for the extraordinarily pitiful Ms. Sharonn Angle.

Good luck, teabaggers. You'll need it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love :laugh2:


So now I'm a "Teabagger"?
Really? OK if you say so http://www.rejecttheherd.net/sites/rejecttheherd.net/files/smileys/rub.gif

Yep, won't answer the very simple and direct question. 1st deny, then ignore it.

What a "Good Party Member" you are ----

Fucking worthless Party Hacks ...................


10-11-2010, 08:11 PM
Certainly I have been to a teabagger rally, Trigg. I found it as obnoxious, light-skinned and low information typical as advertised.

Really? Why do I doubt you ever attended one?

If you really had you'd have noticed that people of every political party and ethnicity are in attendance. People at those rallies are sick of stimulus after stimulus. Yes, I realize that Bush started it and I was against it then also.

10-11-2010, 09:45 PM
Really? Why do I doubt you ever attended one?

If you really had you'd have noticed that people of every political party and ethnicity are in attendance. People at those rallies are sick of stimulus after stimulus. Yes, I realize that Bush started it and I was against it then also.

Didn't I mention also that this group is in north Mississippi? And a lot more that you conveniently leave out. But howza 'bout that Sharonn Angle being talked about like a total incompetent over there in Nevada by some of even the people that put her in the position she is today?

You can doubt all you like. It is smart to doubt much of what you see on the internet and I have discovered much of what you might see on this very board. It is clear that this site is inhabited by an infestation of the low info types and they ditto head each other all the time. On the other hand there are really good people here that can handle an opposing view and present a credible alternative one along with enough reasoning to explain why they feel that way.

In fact, Trigg, I think you are a smart cookie and I hope to read more of your screeds!!!!!!!

Love :laugh2:
