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View Full Version : Should Mugabe be removed?

05-03-2007, 04:04 AM
Robert Mugabe has destroyed Zimbabwe. Unfortunately the countries around Zimbabawe are letting him get away with it. South Africa's president Thabo Mbeki is particularly disgusting in not sorting out Mugabe.

So, should the west overthrow Mugabe?

05-03-2007, 04:21 AM
Robert Mugabe has destroyed Zimbabwe. Unfortunately the countries around Zimbabawe are letting him get away with it. South Africa's president Thabo Mbeki is particularly disgusting in not sorting out Mugabe.

So, should the west overthrow Mugabe?

What do you think???
And....who is the west???

05-03-2007, 04:54 AM
I think the bastard should be taken out asap.

The west is my shorthand for the western liberal democracies.

05-03-2007, 08:27 AM
But he's not a threat to this country. Or any western country. Therefore he will be allowed to continue. The libs always say we have no right to go into a country just to do a regime change. Isn't he on the un's human rights commision? I'm sure the un will jump in and take care of him as soon as they finish another resolution condemning Israel.That takes presidence over the lives of millions of people. And besides the african union can handle it.

Hagbard Celine
05-03-2007, 09:23 AM
Zimbabwe used to be called the "breadbasket of Africa" because the white-owned and run farms there produced such an abundance of crops. That, coupled with the country's unbelievably vast abundance of natural resources and anyone could see that it was destined for greatness under British rule. Then....democracy, "independence." The Zimbabweans voted Robert Mugabe into office under a racist, African supremist platform. He killed and/or ran off all the whites and gave the land back to "true" Africans. Now it's a sh*thole. The farms were immediately run into the ground. There are no human rights. There are no more crops. Its natural resources lie unused and genocide runs amok. It just goes to show that savage peoples do not know how to use democracy without whites helping them because they have no historical precedence for it. I say leave him in office until he dies, which will be soon (he's in his eighties.) Those people voted him in. Now they have to live with him or do something about it themselves. It's not the US' job to jump in and reverse the damage this moron has done. They'd probably resent us for it anyway.

Many of the Dutch and British farmers who survived Mugabe's plan emigrated to surrounding countries and are running thriving farms there.

05-03-2007, 09:35 AM
Zimbabwe used to be called the "breadbasket of Africa" because the white-owned and run farms there produced such an abundance of crops. That, coupled with the country's unbelievably vast abundance of natural resources and anyone could see that it was destined for greatness under British rule. Then....democracy, "independence." The Zimbabweans voted Robert Mugabe into office under a racist, African supremist platform. He killed and/or ran off all the whites and gave the land back to "true" Africans. Now it's a sh*thole. The farms were immediately run into the ground. There are no human rights. There are no more crops. Its natural resources lie unused and genocide runs amok. It just goes to show that savage peoples do not know how to use democracy without whites helping them because they have no historical precedence for it. I say leave him in office until he dies, which will be soon (he's in his eighties.) Those people voted him in. Now they have to live with him or do something about it themselves. It's not the US' job to jump in and reverse the damage this moron has done. They'd probably resent us for it anyway.

Many of the Dutch and British farmers who survived Mugabe's plan emigrated to surrounding countries and are running thriving farms there.Here's the pisser he (Mugabe) is now asking some of the old farmers to come back. What a twisted piece of sh*t. he should be shot and removed from office but it should be done by the people in his own country not the West!!!

05-03-2007, 09:54 AM
maybe the libs can talk to him. Just cause he's a murdering, racist SOB doesn't mean they can't have dialogue.

05-03-2007, 10:12 AM
Mugabe hasn't insulted Bush's daddy. So he is safe for now.

Mr. P
05-03-2007, 10:14 AM
Mugabe hasn't insulted Bush's daddy. So he is safe for now.

Should he be safe?

Hagbard Celine
05-03-2007, 10:17 AM
maybe the libs can talk to him. Just cause he's a murdering, racist SOB doesn't mean they can't have dialogue.

What a stupid thing to say. The US has no interest in Zimbabwe. Not to mention the fact that Iran and North Korea have nukes--we have to talk to them. Zimbabwe is in the stone age.