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10-15-2010, 04:22 AM
Things the government runs well

Our schools

John Stossel's 'Stupid in America' - ABC News


Stupid in America" is a nasty title for a program about public education, but some nasty things are going on in America's public schools and it's about time we face up to it.

Kids at New York's Abraham Lincoln High School told me their teachers are so dull students fall asleep in class. One student said, "You see kids all the time walking in the school smoking weed, you know. It's a normal thing here."


Failing Reports on U.S. Schools
Studies Find Some Good Results but Not Nearly Enough After 25 Years

Two recent reports on high school seniors unveil disturbing results.

A study this week from Strong American Schools reports that 40 percent of seniors still do not understand the math they were taught in the eigth grade. And an earlier study from Common Core found that nearly a quarter cannot identify Adolph Hitler, more than half cannot place the American Civil War in the right century, and a third do not know that the Bill of Rights guarantees free speech.

Our Veterans

VA hospital may have infected 1,800 veterans with HIV - CNN


A Missouri VA hospital is under fire because it may have exposed more than 1,800 veterans to life-threatening diseases such as hepatitis and HIV.


Veterans enrolled in the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) health care programs have long complained of receiving inadequate treatment at poorly funded facilities. According to a 2003 Government Accountability Office (GAO) report, veterans were forced to travel long distances to receive care — about 25 percent of the vets lived more than a 60-minute drive from a VA hospital. They also had to endure long waits for appointments,

Our soon to be government run obama (doesnt care about you health) healthcare


Massachusetts Miracle or Massachusetts Miserable: What the Failure of the "Massachusetts Model" Tells Us about Health Care Reform | Michael D. Tanner | Cato Institute: Briefing Paper

When Massachusetts passed its pioneering health care reforms in 2006, critics warned that they would result in a slow but steady spiral downward toward a government-run health care system. Three years later, those predictions appear to be coming true:

* Although the state has reduced the number of residents without health insurance, 200,000 people remain uninsured. Moreover, the increase in the number of insured is primarily due to the state's generous subsidies, not the celebrated individual mandate.
* Health care costs continue to rise much faster than the national average. Since 2006, total state health care spending has increased by 28 percent. Insurance premiums have increased by 8–10 percent per year, nearly double the national average.

In Britain:


There can be "no excuses" for what happened to patients at Stafford Hospital, the Prime Minister said today as he apologised to families caught up in the scandal.

Gordon Brown promised relatives they would be entitled to an independent review of case notes and said standards "fell far short" of what people could expect from the NHS.

A damning report form the Healthcare Commission yesterday detailed a catalogue of failings at Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust, which runs Stafford and Cannock Chase hospitals.

Dehydrated patients were forced to drink out of flower vases, while others were left in soiled linen on filthy wards.

10-15-2010, 01:31 PM
Well, they run up debt quite well...

10-15-2010, 08:02 PM
Well, they run up debt quite well...

LOL, you beat me to it!

10-16-2010, 03:20 AM
Schools are run fairly well by the government, in that their purpose of conditioning students with authoritarian social relations in order to socialize them for the hierarchy of the capitalist workplace and labor market is successful. Veterans, on the other hand, suffer disproportionate rates of homelessness, suicide, and mental health crises in general, once their function as drones of the imperialist queen be is completed.

10-16-2010, 09:36 AM
Schools are run fairly well by the government, in that their purpose of conditioning students with authoritarian social relations in order to socialize them for the hierarchy of the capitalist workplace and labor market is successful. Veterans, on the other hand, suffer disproportionate rates of homelessness, suicide, and mental health crises in general, once their function as drones of the imperialist queen be is completed.
How would you correct this problem?

10-20-2010, 07:53 PM
How would you correct this problem?

Which problem?