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View Full Version : Gates Chanels Gaffer: "We'll never leave Afghanistan.."

10-19-2010, 07:44 AM
Sorry gaffer if Gates isn't saying it quite like you would...

...In a shocking indication of a split between the White House and the Pentagon over the war in Afghanistan, Defense Secretary Robert Gates believes that the U.S. military will never leave the war-torn country.

During a dinner hosted by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for Afghan President Hamid Karzai in May, Gates reminded the group that he still feels guilty for his role in the first President Bush's decision to pull out of Afghanistan after the Soviet withdrawal in 1989, according to Bob Woodward's new book, "Obama's Wars." And to express his commitment to not letting down the country again, he emphasized:

"We're not leaving Afghanistan prematurely," Gates finally said. "In fact, we're not ever leaving at all."

Woodward notes that the group was shocked by the blunt comment: "At least one stunned participant put down his fork. Another wrote it down, verbatim, in his notes."

The definitive statement seems to clash with President Obama's assertion that he does not want to leave the war to his successor. Though he has emphasized that the U.S. will stay in Afghanistan "until the job is done," he wants almost all the US troops out before the end of his first term in January 2013, leaving in place a small contingency force.

Yet Obama's public commitment to eventually leaving Afghanistan seems partly based on political calculation, reports Woodward. When questioned by Republican Senator Lindsay Graham about the July 2011 deadline to begin withdrawing troops, Obama tells him: "Well, if you'd asked me that question, what I would say is, 'We're going to start leaving.' I have to say that. I can't let this be a war without end, and I can't lose the whole Democratic Party... And people at home don't want to hear we're going to be there for ten years."...

10-19-2010, 08:36 AM
Afghanistan is front in a much bigger war with islam, that most people won't acknowledge is going on. Leaving Afghanistan just allows al queda and the taliban to move back in and set up their camps and training centers and start all over. So there will always be US forces in the region. Even if fighting there stops. The war will just continue in other places with big and small terror attacks in various countries and large military operations launched in poor islamic countries.

It will go on for a hundred years at least or until someone gets hit hard enough to warrant the total eradication of islam.

10-19-2010, 01:56 PM
Your title "the enemy of the the state." is well chosen Gaffer.

"eradicate Islam" by force.

You've said it many times, but every time i read it i can't quite believe it.

10-19-2010, 06:46 PM
Your title "the enemy of the the state." is well chosen Gaffer.

"eradicate Islam" by force.

You've said it many times, but every time i read it i can't quite believe it.

I didn't use the words "by force". I simply said eradicate islam. Your putting words in my mouth. Laws and education can also be used to eradicate it. But force will be needed for the hardcore and seriously radical.

By the definition of homeland security I am and enemy of the state. I'm a veteran and a conservative. A conservative christian is also an enemy of the state. That makes you and many others posting here the same as me.