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05-03-2007, 01:34 PM
Send a FREE e-card to a mother in prison, to give her hope and encouragement this Mothers' Day...

For a mother in prison, Mother's Day can be a desperately sad and lonely time (http://www.pfm.org/contentindex.asp?ID=6464) .

In addition to the guilt and remorse they feel for their crimes, moms in prison are all too aware of the pain they have caused their children, and the damage they have done to their families.

Some mothers have tried to heal that pain and reconcile with their families by signing their children up for Prison Fellowship's Angel Tree program. Thanks to friends like you, those children were able to receive Christmas presents in their mom's name, and hear the Gospel – the Good News of Christ's love for them.

This Mother's Day, you can affirm their decision to be moms to their children by sending them a free Mother's Day card from Prison Fellowship (http://www.pfm.org/contentindex.asp?ID=6464) .

All you need to do is visit our secure Web site, pick a design and a message you like, and sign your first name. We'll take care of the rest by delivering your card to an Angel Tree Mom in prison. (We will print out the card with only your first name on it. The prisoner who receives your card will never know your last name or e-mail address.)

It's quick and easy, but it can do so much good (http://www.pfm.org/contentindex.asp?ID=6464) !

Prisons are dark, sad, lonely places. Even for women who have given their lives to Jesus Christ behind bars, it takes hard work and dedication to keep on living in His truth and being a part of their children's lives. An encouraging message on a Mother's Day Card from you can make a big difference.

This year, there are more mothers in prison than ever. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the number of women in prison has risen 108 percent since 1990. Their numbers are increasing more rapidly than any other part of the prison population!

But reaching prisoners is only the beginning. You can also send Mother's Day e-cards to your own mom, grandmother, friends, and family - all at no cost (http://www.pfm.org/contentindex.asp?ID=6464) !

It just takes a few minutes and a few keystrokes to affirm and encourage a mother in prison. Won't you take advantage of this great opportunity today?

It's so easy to do, but it means so much. Please visit us online right now, while you're thinking about it!

Your partners at Angel Tree

P.S. God's Word is clear: Mothers have a special place in His heart. Please take a second to share a message of encouragement with a sister in Christ in prison for Mother's Day. It only takes a moment, but it will shine a warm light in the cold, dark world of prison. Share Mother's Day e-cards with prisoners, and with your friends, today. It's a quick, easy, fun, and FREE way to share the Gospel – the Good News (http://www.pfm.org/contentindex.asp?ID=6464) !

Thank you for your support.

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