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05-03-2007, 03:07 PM

Lorrie GoldsteinThu, May 3, 2007

Fraud? Yeah, right


Canadians will decide for themselves whether Al Gore's description of the Conservatives' latest environmental plan as "a complete and total fraud" that is "designed to mislead" is accurate.

But the criticism is rich coming from Gore, who has been to Canada so many times now, we might as well declare him a refugee.

For if anything is "a complete and total fraud" that is "designed to mislead," it's the former U.S. vice-president's global warming campaign.

In An Inconvenient Truth, Gore indulges in the kind of apocalyptic "climate porn" that even some of his allies acknowledge can lead to inaccuracies, overstate the ability of science to predict the future and depict events which may (or may not) occur over hundreds or thousands of years, as imminent.

As James E. Hansen, an environmental scientist, director of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies and a top Gore adviser told the New York Times recently: "We need to be more careful in describing the hurricane story than he is."

You'd think so, since while Gore predicts in An Inconvenient Truth that deadly, Katrina-level hurricanes will steadily increase with global warming, the most recent Atlantic hurricane season saw fewer hurricanes than forecasters predicted (five instead of nine), none of which hit the U.S.

Somewhat ironic given that the iconic image used to promote An Inconvenient Truth is a picture of a hurricane forming out of the gases emerging from a smokestack.

But, then again when you have a world to save, who cares about facts?

Or, as the Times noted, take Gore's transformation of the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's guesstimate that oceans will rise by up to 23 inches this century, into a warning they could rise by 20 feet, with no time reference, suggesting a potential for imminent destruction.

Sadly, Gore's scientific allies have also said they're willing to cut him some slack because he has the big picture right and has communicated it well to the public. Gee -- where's that in the scientific method?

Still, the greatest intellectual fraud Gore has perpetrated is that after scaring the daylights out of us, he and his groupies then run around implying we can avert disaster through such politically correct measures as replacing incandescent light bulbs with fluorescents, using a clothesline instead of a dryer and planting trees.

This is nonsense, but unfortunately it's nonsense seized upon by opportunistic politicians -- from Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty to, surprise, Prime Minister Stephen Harper -- to convince us they're "doing something" about global warming.

The irony is that if what Gore is predicting is accurate, guess what?

Light bulbs won't save us.

Nor will wind farms, solar panels, hybrid cars or ethanol.

Nor will Kyoto, because there isn't enough time. Kyoto aims to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions to an average of 5.2% below 1990 levels between 2008 and 2012.

Problem is, that's about one-tenth to one-eighteenth of what's needed over the next few decades, depending on which Goracle cheerleader you believe.

Indeed, if the apocalyptic predictions by Gore and Co. are right, what we'll really need to save ourselves is a carbon tyranny imposed by a new, global government.
More on that in future -- where we'll examine the brave new world being planned for us by the eco-freaks.

Trust me, it's not about replacing your light bulbs.


05-04-2007, 12:00 AM
Edit: Posted this in the wrong thread.

05-04-2007, 12:46 AM
In TO they don't call that paper the Toronto Scum for nothing :lol:

The TO Star is where you need to get your TO news. This chick is just parroting the neocon line :cheers2:

05-05-2007, 09:36 AM
In TO they don't call that paper the Toronto Scum for nothing :lol:

The TO Star is where you need to get your TO news. This chick is just parroting the neocon line :cheers2:

Op-ed 'stories' printed in any Canadian Sun paper are always good for a chuckle. The Ottawa Sun is terrible. If you enjoy political drama, it is the papier pour vous, though. :laugh2:

05-05-2007, 09:52 AM
Op-ed 'stories' printed in any Canadian Sun paper are always good for a chuckle. The Ottawa Sun is terrible. If you enjoy political drama, it is the papier pour vous, though. :laugh2:

I used to like the Edmonchuck Scum, pink-neck rather than redneck. :lol:

05-06-2007, 08:15 AM
I used to like the Edmonchuck Scum, pink-neck rather than redneck. :lol:

Tim Horton's blow chunks, btw. And their donuts give me gut rot. :coffee:

05-06-2007, 08:36 AM
Tim Horton's blow chunks, btw. And their donuts give me gut rot. :coffee:

Don't care, freezing my arse off walking along Dundas in TO one night in winter, no Second Cup, Timmy's open, in I go. :laugh2:

btw there's a guest house in rural New South Wales (eastern state) which is run by a Canadian couple. They do have Tim Horton's coffee but they only serve it to Canadians, us Aussies miss out!

05-06-2007, 09:27 AM
Don't care, freezing my arse off walking along Dundas in TO one night in winter, no Second Cup, Timmy's open, in I go. :laugh2:

btw there's a guest house in rural New South Wales (eastern state) which is run by a Canadian couple. They do have Tim Horton's coffee but they only serve it to Canadians, us Aussies miss out!

I prefer Bridgehead or is it spelled Bridge Head? Anyway, it's much better. :dance: