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View Full Version : Do even the Dem candidates themselves, believe America wants their far-left agenda?

10-26-2010, 12:57 PM
We've heard a lot of Democrats for the last few years telling us how beneficial their programs will be to the country, now that those pesky Republicans are finally out of the way and unable to stop them.

But an odd change is happening. As the election draws near, isn't it time for Democrats to emphasize to the voters all the good things they have managed to accomplish? Things that the American people should return them to office for another two or sixr years to continue? Where are the candidates' discussions of the benefits of all those programs? Did I miss all the campaign ads touting their acomplishments? I've seen a LOT of ads, God knows. But every Democrat seems to be talking about what those finally-out-of-the-way Republicans have done (and they get most of that wrong), not what the Democrats themselves have done.

The election is next week! Isn't this the time that these Democrats should be driving the point home, about the successes they have managed? They DID get done a lot of what they wanted.

How many liberals on the ballot next week, are running on the theme, "I voted for the Socialized Health Care bill, I firmly support it today, and that's why you should vote for me" ? How many even mention that bill in their campaigns?

How many are running on the theme, "I voted for the various stimulus bills, you can see the results now, I firmly support them, and that's why you should vote for me" ? How many even mention those bills in their campaigns?

How many are running on the theme, "I firmly support the Obama Justice Dept's lawsuit against the state of Arizona to prevent them from enforcing their illegal-immigration law, and that's why you should vote for me" ? How many even mention that lawsuit in their campaigns?

How many candidates are running on the theme, "I fully support the Obama administration's decision to stop prosecuting the "New" Black Panthers who tried to intimidate voters in the 2008 elections" ?

How many candidates are running on the theme, "I fully support the borrow-and-spend policies of the Democrat Congresses for the last four years, that have added more to the National Debt in four years that all previous administrations dating back to George Washington's time" ?

The list goes on and on.

These are the crowning achievements of the Obama administration, the very things that define what the Democrats have wanted to do with their power. Now that the people are in a position to judge them, by voting for/against Democrats next week, how many candidates are pinning their electoral hopes on the things they actually did as Democrats, while in office?


We don't need Republicans or conservatives to tell us what the American people want. We can see it clearly, simply by watching what Democrats emphasize in their attempts to get votes... and especially what they don't emphasize.

Democrats themselves, are the ones telling us loud and clear: The American people don't want the extreme-liberal programs and ideas the Democrats have been pushing for the last few years.

Ironically, Nov. 2 might be the first time in a long time, when the American people agree with what Democrats are now telling us.

10-26-2010, 01:12 PM
America wants Obama's agenda. They said so back in 2008.

10-26-2010, 01:26 PM
America wants Obama's agenda. They said so back in 2008.

Democrat candidates seem to disagree with you.

Democrats themselves, are the ones telling us loud and clear: The American people don't want the extreme-liberal programs and ideas the Democrats have been pushing for the last few years.

Ironically, Nov. 2 might be the first time in a long time, when the American people agree with what Democrats are now telling us.

10-26-2010, 01:32 PM
Democrats themselves, are the ones telling us loud and clear: The American people don't want the extreme-liberal programs and ideas the Democrats have been pushing for the last few years.


10-26-2010, 01:33 PM
Very nicely written, LA. You nailed it!

10-26-2010, 01:37 PM
America wants Obama's agenda. They said so back in 2008.

Well, good thing America has decided to change her mind. After all, liberals are the one that hated the "stay the course" that Bush used.... perhaps there are enough morally honest liberals to recognize that "staying the course with Obama" will be worse than if they had reelected Bush.

10-26-2010, 01:40 PM
Well, good thing America has decided to change her mind.
America doesn't get to change its mind on President except every 4 years. The Founders knew that the mob is fickle that's why the President gets 4 years.

After all, liberals are the one that hated the "stay the course" that Bush used.... perhaps there are enough morally honest liberals to recognize that "staying the course with Obama" will be worse than if they had reelected Bush.
That doesn't even make sense.

10-26-2010, 02:17 PM
America doesn't get to change its mind on President except every 4 years.

And SpidermanTuba gets the "Refuting a point nobody ever made" Award for the week! :lame2:

10-26-2010, 02:39 PM
Why do you think America wants the opposing far-right agenda?

10-26-2010, 02:52 PM
to get back in balance and closer to center????

10-26-2010, 02:52 PM
Why do you think America wants the opposing far-right agenda?

Because obumbler and the Democrats have taken us so far left that a far right agenda brings us back to center ground

10-26-2010, 02:54 PM
to get back in balance and closer to center????

:dance: great minds think alike :clap:

10-26-2010, 03:22 PM
America doesn't get to change its mind on President except every 4 years.

But they get to vote for the entire House and a third of the Senate every two years. You don't like checks and balances now?

10-26-2010, 03:29 PM
What the Democrats missed last election cycle, most Republicans too, was what the votes of many meant. Sure there were those voting for the first black president, true enough. However that guy, well he spoke about the high deficits and how he was going to reverse that course. He spoke of healing the divisions in our country, he would be 'post racial.' He spoke as a man in the middle of the road, perhaps right of Bush, who many conservatives had had it with.

He has forced a leftist agenda on the country, they didn't want and made their voices known. He basically said, "You're too stupid to know what's good for you. You'll like it once it's in place." They disagree and will let him know that Tuesday next.

10-26-2010, 04:42 PM
Why do you think America wants the opposing far-right agenda?


10-26-2010, 05:40 PM
America wants Obama's agenda. They said so back in 2008.

Americans voted for an agenda of leading from the middle, transparency, bi-partisanship, an end to the influence of special interest that was promised by Obama. They got the total opposite of what was promised and hell hath no fury like a voter scorned. Buh-bye dems!

10-26-2010, 06:50 PM
Americans voted for an agenda of leading from the middle, transparency, bi-partisanship, an end to the influence of special interest that was promised by Obama. They got the total opposite of what was promised and hell hath no fury like a voter scorned. Buh-bye dems!

They got less than Obama promised because the Republicans blocked him in Congress. Stop being an idiot.

10-26-2010, 06:51 PM
But they get to vote for the entire House and a third of the Senate every two years. You don't like checks and balances now?

If they wanna repeal health care they'll have to get 2/3's in each.

You don't like checks and balances now?

10-26-2010, 06:57 PM
They got less than Obama promised because the Republicans blocked him in Congress. Stop being an idiot.

We'll test that theory next Tuesday, when we see how many Republicans who voted against it get canned, and how many Dems who voted for it get canned.

Since you are so interested in calling people "idiots", would you be so kind as to inform us on Nov. 3, who the idiot is then?

10-26-2010, 07:40 PM
They got less than Obama promised because the Republicans blocked him in Congress. Stop being an idiot.

You're the fuckin idiot...the Dems were unblockable until Brown was elected. You can go peddle that bullshit someplace else, 'cause it doesn't pass the reality check here.

10-26-2010, 08:21 PM
If they wanna repeal health care they'll have to get 2/3's in each.

You don't like checks and balances now?


You don't seem to cool about them.

... the Republicans blocked him in Congress.


red states rule
10-27-2010, 03:55 AM
A recent comment Obama made about the voters (many of those voters voted for him in 2008) sums up how Dems really feel about the America people

“Part of the reason that our politics seems so tough right now, and facts and science and argument does not seem to be winning the day all the time, is because we’re hard-wired not to always think clearly when we’re scared. And the country is scared.’’

Reminds me of when Obama said rural Americans cling to their guns and religion

It shows the sheer arrogrance liberals have and the distain they realy feel for most of America. If you do not support the liberal agenda you are stupid, uninformed, and probably a racist

Dems will be taught a lesson - a lesson will not learn however - you do not win over unhappy voters by trying to smack them down and insult them into be silent

10-27-2010, 11:21 AM
We'll test that theory next Tuesday, when we see how many Republicans who voted against it get canned, and how many Dems who voted for it get canned.
Its not a "theory" its factually true. Most of the health care reform Obama promised in the election was blocked by the Republicans, that's not a guess or conjecture it actually happened in factual reality.

But I forget that for the teabag right everything is a matter of opinion.

Since you are so interested in calling people "idiots", would you be so kind as to inform us on Nov. 3, who the idiot is then?

I can tell you now - its anyone who cast a vote for a teabagger the day before.

Seriously, why does the teabag right think popularity can absolve them of their stupidity? If you're dumb and ignorant you're dumb and ignorant, doesn't matter how many people like you.

10-27-2010, 11:24 AM
You're the fuckin idiot...the Dems were unblockable until Brown was elected. You can go peddle that bullshit someplace else, 'cause it doesn't pass the reality check here.

Right, because the Republicans in the Senate were all for Obamacare and the 60 vote cloture rule doesn't exist.

10-27-2010, 02:53 PM
So far, no one is able to point to even a SINGLE Democrat running on his record of supporting Obamacare, Bailouts, trillion-dollar deficits, etc., which were supposed to be the shining achievements of the Democrat administration.

Why do you suppose that is?

10-27-2010, 04:30 PM
They got less than Obama promised because the Republicans blocked him in Congress. Stop being an idiot.

How exactly did the overwhelming majority get blocked in congress by the powerless minority? They might be delayed, but NOTHING can be blocked.

10-27-2010, 04:52 PM
Right, because the Republicans in the Senate were all for Obamacare and the 60 vote cloture rule doesn't exist.

Well yeah, since the voters were screaming for their heads "if" they supported it.


10-27-2010, 04:56 PM
Right, because the Republicans in the Senate were all for Obamacare and the 60 vote cloture rule doesn't exist.

Wow are you that fucking stupid!?? Missleman clearly stated that until Scott Brown was elected the democrats had the 60 votes needed in the senate. Trying to blame the Republicans on blocking anything when the democrats and the majority needed is just dishonest or completed stupid.

10-27-2010, 05:28 PM
Right, because the Republicans in the Senate were all for Obamacare and the 60 vote cloture rule doesn't exist.

They had the couple GoP votes they needed, it was Dems who held out for the bribes. Get your facts straight before you come back.

10-27-2010, 10:05 PM
Wow, adding anything more would just be piling on.


10-28-2010, 08:05 AM
Y'all keep coming up short in the memory department...doncha. REPUBLICAN president, Richard Nixon, proposed a health care plan more comprehensive than the anemic bill that Obama signed into law. Was Nixon a leftist? No.

The policies Obama and congressional Democrats have been proposing would have felt familiar and comfortable to Republicans in the far more rational politcal era of the 60's and 70's. But the Republicans of those halcyon days couldn't get elected today, as they would been seen as lacking the ideological purity demanded by today's Republicans. Never mind, of course, that the GOP ideology has shifted so far to the right and so far from the traditional roots of the GOP that it would be almost unrecognizable to those past Republicans.

So, y'all keep on keepin' on and when you get that knock on the door by Brown Shirts, acting on behalf of those you helped elect, questioning YOUR ideological purity...Well I did try to warn you.

10-28-2010, 09:54 AM
Y'all keep coming up short in the memory department...doncha. REPUBLICAN president, Richard Nixon, proposed a health care plan more comprehensive than the anemic bill that Obama signed into law. Was Nixon a leftist? No.

The policies Obama and congressional Democrats have been proposing would have felt familiar and comfortable to Republicans in the far more rational politcal era of the 60's and 70's. But the Republicans of those halcyon days couldn't get elected today, as they would been seen as lacking the ideological purity demanded by today's Republicans. Never mind, of course, that the GOP ideology has shifted so far to the right and so far from the traditional roots of the GOP that it would be almost unrecognizable to those past Republicans.

So, y'all keep on keepin' on and when you get that knock on the door by Brown Shirts, acting on behalf of those you helped elect, questioning YOUR ideological purity...Well I did try to warn you.

Yes, yes, Nixon that bastion of small-government conservatism. :rolleyes:


1. Calm and peaceful; tranquil.
2. Prosperous; golden: halcyon years.

:laugh: Who in their right mind would call the 60s and 70s halcyon? I guess one who doesn't like it when liberal ideas are exposed for the failure that they are.

Brown Shirts: Founded by that great lefty Hitler. :laugh: There's more requirement for purity by the left than the right no question.

red states rule
10-31-2010, 12:40 PM
Y'all keep coming up short in the memory department...doncha. REPUBLICAN president, Richard Nixon, proposed a health care plan more comprehensive than the anemic bill that Obama signed into law. Was Nixon a leftist? No.

The policies Obama and congressional Democrats have been proposing would have felt familiar and comfortable to Republicans in the far more rational politcal era of the 60's and 70's. But the Republicans of those halcyon days couldn't get elected today, as they would been seen as lacking the ideological purity demanded by today's Republicans. Never mind, of course, that the GOP ideology has shifted so far to the right and so far from the traditional roots of the GOP that it would be almost unrecognizable to those past Republicans.

So, y'all keep on keepin' on and when you get that knock on the door by Brown Shirts, acting on behalf of those you helped elect, questioning YOUR ideological purity...Well I did try to warn you.
