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11-01-2010, 06:49 PM
The day Obama's enemies win and American Patriots prevail.

11-01-2010, 07:11 PM
the day we've longed for. to take back our country from these liberal terrorists.

11-02-2010, 12:56 AM
I would Love to see the Messiahs face as he sees what he did to his party :laugh2:

red states rule
11-02-2010, 03:42 AM
and as usual, the Obama supporters in the media are playing the race card before the votes are even counted

and they wonder why so many people are pissed off

and I have to jaugh when libs talk about the "hate" shown toward Obama, when libs made movies and wrote books about the assassination pf Pres Bush

The first African American president takes office, and almost immediately we see the birth of a big, passionate national movement - overwhelmingly white and lavishly funded - that tries its best to delegitimize that president, seeks to thwart his every initiative, and manages to bring the discredited and moribund opposition party roaring back to life. Coincidence?

Not a chance. But also not that simple.

First, I'll state the obvious: It's not racist to criticize President Obama, it's not racist to have conservative views, and it's not racist to join the Tea Party. But there's something about the nature and tone of the most vitriolic attacks on the president that I believe is distinctive - and difficult to explain without asking whether race is playing a role.

One thing that struck me from the beginning about the Tea Party rhetoric is the idea of reclaiming something that has been taken away.

At a recent campaign rally in Paducah, Ky., Senate candidate Rand Paul, a darling of the Tea Party movement, drew thunderous applause when he said that if Republicans win, "we get to go to Washington and take back our government."

Take it back from whom? Maybe he thinks it goes without saying, because he didn't say.


11-02-2010, 04:06 AM
Ever heard of the saying

Men can't remember and women can't forget. Well, here's one for you....

Liberals can't remember and this time conservatives won't forget.