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View Full Version : GOP wins house Pelosi dead !!!

11-02-2010, 09:17 PM
ill sleep good tonite knowing she's a political corpse !!!

NBC News projected that once all the votes were counted, Republicans would hold 237 seats to 198 for the Democrats. If so, Republican leader John Boehner of Ohio would succeed Rep. Nancy Pelosi of California as speaker.

PMSNBC (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/39962482/ns/politics-decision_2010/)

11-02-2010, 10:08 PM
ill sleep good tonite knowing she's a political corpse !!!

PMSNBC (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/39962482/ns/politics-decision_2010/)


But the tide is going in the right direction, it'd be great if it was a landslide. But a good old fashioned ass kicking would satisfy me too. :salute:

11-02-2010, 10:47 PM
Hopefully, she'll retire from government altogether. I am so tired of seeing her frozen face all over the media ....

11-02-2010, 11:32 PM
Now we can stop the bleeding.

And Republicans had better KEEP the bleeding stopped.

No compromise with Democrats. Never again.

Republicans are very much on probation. Last time they got a House majority, they turned liberal and frittered it away. The result was the nightmare of the last four years.

Republicans, DO NOT DO THIS AGAIN. If you do, you will lose all you have gained tonight, AND MORE.

We elected you to be conservative. Not to concede to liberals. Unfortunately, the Democrats offer you no middle ground: They will never move an inch in any "compromise" you try to engineer.

Remember that. OR ELSE.

11-03-2010, 01:29 AM
Well, y'all got what you wanted...a majority in the House and while not a majority, a razor thin Democratic majority in the Senate. Not a bad thing if the GOP actually had any intention of providing good governance, but they don't.

SO, when the GOP drags the country the rest of the way down the shitter, I'll be sayin', "I told ya so."

red states rule
11-03-2010, 01:40 AM
SO, when the GOP drags the country the rest of the way down the shitter, I'll be sayin', "I told ya so."

BP are you saying the Dems took the country INTO the shitter?

The voters told YOU they are opposed to the liberla agenda - but it looks like you still do not get it

11-03-2010, 05:53 AM
Well, y'all got what you wanted...a majority in the House and while not a majority, a razor thin Democratic majority in the Senate. Not a bad thing if the GOP actually had any intention of providing good governance, but they don't.

SO, when the GOP drags the country the rest of the way down the shitter, I'll be sayin', "I told ya so."

Excellent, a post by you that accuses no one of being a fascist.


BTW, you should acknowledge the "shitter" began after Dems took control in '07, just sayin'...

11-03-2010, 06:41 AM
it began long before that.

I agree with Acorn. though we probably have a slightly different view of Conservative.

I'm for Full on constitutional gov't with all of the bill of rights honored and clearly reestablished in law.
for me that's 1st and foremost, everything else is moot unless our representational gov't actually works.

After that. Abortion repeal is always at the top of my list but it's not even one the radar this time around.
Limited gov't.
End the Fed. Let the Gov't issue money directly.
Repeal Health Care.

Taxes, the gov't doesn't need and extra dime until they can handle and be honest about what they've got.

The wars are not worth our time treasury or blood.

I hope the republicans can DO some of what they claim they want to do.
we have to watch them closely and not give them the benefit of the doubt. Read the Bills ourselves because some of them won't.

Go Rand Paul.

11-03-2010, 07:34 AM
Well, y'all got what you wanted...a majority in the House and while not a majority, a razor thin Democratic majority in the Senate. Not a bad thing if the GOP actually had any intention of providing good governance, but they don't.

SO, when the GOP drags the country the rest of the way down the shitter, I'll be sayin', "I told ya so."

odd, you've been saying "I told you so" for years already, but you've haven't been right once.......what is it that's going to change?.....

11-03-2010, 08:03 AM
I wonder if Pelosi will have the grand showing of the transfer of the gavel! I am betting she wont.

11-03-2010, 08:23 AM
Well, y'all got what you wanted...a majority in the House and while not a majority, a razor thin Democratic majority in the Senate. Not a bad thing if the GOP actually had any intention of providing good governance, but they don't.

SO, when the GOP drags the country the rest of the way down the shitter, I'll be sayin', "I told ya so."

this election was NOT about R's and D's. it was about the people and they're will to force change

11-03-2010, 08:35 AM
BTY I slept like a log last night. today the sun is shinning. the black clouds are gone. I may even dig my late dad's flag out of storage and fly it again.

11-03-2010, 02:43 PM
ding dong the witch is dead, which old witch, the wicked witch, ding dong the wicked witch is dead :dance::dance::dance:

11-03-2010, 04:50 PM
ding dong the witch is dead, which old witch, the wicked witch, ding dong the wicked witch is dead :dance::dance::dance:

a celebration IS in order !!!!


http://smileyicons.net/smilies/686.gif http://smileyicons.net/smilies/683.gif