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View Full Version : Holy Cow!!!! Johnson beats Feingold!

11-02-2010, 10:38 PM
Another victory for Tea Party!

<H2 id=article-title class=entry-title>Johnson Topples Liberal Sen. Feingold in Wisconsin

Published November 02, 2010
| Associated Press

<!-- /user-interaction -->A businessman who sought support from the tea party toppled one of the Senate's most prominent liberals Tuesday to become the state's first Republican senator in 18 years.
In his bid to bring down three-term Democrat Russ Feingold, Ron Johnson touted his accounting and business experience, saying he knew how to create jobs and balance budgets.
Johnson, who ran a plastics company for 31 years, rose to prominence after giving two well-received tea party speeches. He said his top priority would be to repeal the health care overhaul.



11-03-2010, 09:16 AM
Another victory for Tea Party!


Thank God! We're counting on Johnson to undo the damage Feingold has done to our state!! Scott Walker was our second victory.