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View Full Version : Repubs gain 5 in Senate with 3 more races unfinished; 61 in House with 10 unfinished

11-03-2010, 11:23 AM
As of noon Eastern time on Wednesday, Nov. 3, results of the election look like:

(from http://www.realclearpolitics.com/ )

House of Representatives: 240 Republicans, 185 Democrats, with 10 races not yet finished, still too close to call. Republicans have gained 61 seats so far, and will probably get more when the remaining races are determined.

U.S. Senate: 46 Republicans, 51 Democrats (and ind.), with 3 races not yet finished, still too close to call. Republicans have gained 5 seats so far, with prospects of more from the last 3 races still remaining.

(RCP says this is a gain of 6 seats. Didn't Republicans have 41 Senators before the election?)

State Governorships: 28 Republicans, 15 Democrats, plus Lincoln Chaffee who was formerly a RINO and now calls himself an Independent. 6 races not yet finished, too close to call (Repubs have slight leads in four of them).

This is clearly a HUGE rebuke to the Democrat extremists who rammed their wild spending and socialistic legislation down people's throat while ignoring protests from every corner.

Now we can stop the bleeding. House Republicans can defund Obamacare and stop future insane borrowing, and maybe even stop the borrowing that has been passed but not yet funded. Can't start the healing yet, that will have to wait for future gains in the 2/3 of the Senate that was NOT up for election this year, and the Presidency.

But for now, Republicans had better KEEP the bleeding stopped.

No compromise with Democrats. Never again.

Republicans are very much on probation. Last time they got a House majority, they turned liberal and frittered it away. The result was the nightmare of the last four years.

Republicans, DO NOT DO THIS AGAIN. If you do, you will lose all you have gained tonight, AND MORE.

We elected you to be conservative. Not to concede to liberals. Unfortunately, the Democrats offer you no middle ground: They will never move an inch in any "compromise" you try to engineer.

Remember that. OR ELSE.