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11-04-2010, 01:12 AM
Is this really CBS talking about Palin without referring to her as a crazy extreme right wing Tea Party nut? Will wonders never cease?!?

Palin Emerges with Even More Clout

Large Majority of Candidates She Backed Won; Do Results Make Her More Likely to Seek GOP Presidential Nod in 2012?

http://i.i.com.com/cnwk.1d/i/tim/2010/11/03/es_1103_PALIN_PKG_244x183.jpg (http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=7017988n)

Former governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin endorsed dozens of Tea Party candidates this election season and many of them won. Jeff Glor reports on what it might mean for her political future.

<SCRIPT type=text/javascript> if($defined(usm)){ usm.loadBox(); } </SCRIPT>(CBS) <!-- longtext start-->Most of the candidates Sarah Palin endorsed chalked up victories Tuesday.

And that scorecard leaves pundits wondering whether she'll now train her sights directly on the Republican presidential nomination in 2012.

As CBS News Correspondent Jeff Glor reports, .the former GOP vice presidential nominee backed 43 candidates for the House. Thirty of them won, with races involving nine others still undecided.

Her record in Senate races was closer: She endorsed 12 candidates. Seven won.

Though it's been 15 months since Palin stepped down as Alaska governor, she was very much in this election, stumping for candidates across the country, skewering President Obama at every turn.

"My observation of Sarah Palin," says CBS News political analyst Nicolle Wallace, "is that she is one of the shrewdest political figures in our country at this moment. She's also one of the most electric."

Of all the races Palin got involved with, perhaps the most personal was in her home state of Alaska. Her backing of Tea Party favorite Joe Miller propelled him to the ballot in a primary for Senate and past incumbent Republican Lisa Murkowski, whose father Palin beat to become governor.

Murkowski ran as a write-in candidate. The outcome of that highly unusual race (http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2010/11/03/politics/main7017562.shtml) could take days to determine.

"When the results come in," says Politico National Political Editor Charles Mahtesian, "I think people will look at that and see that as a reflection of her clout, because she played such an enormous role in defining the terms of that race."

Among the winners Palin endorsed: Nikki Haley for governor of South Carolina, Pat Toomey for Senate in Pennsylvania, and John Boozman for Senate, in Arkansas.

All year, Palin and re-elected Sen. Jim DeMint of South Carolina were kingmakers in the Tea Party court, supporting winning candidates such as Rand Paul for Senate in Kentucky.

There were some losses, too. In Delaware, Tea Partier Christine O'Donnell was forced to spend part of her campaign convincing voters she wasn't a witch.

But overall, Glor observes, Palin seemed very pleased, punctuating a big night by tweeting, "As always, proud to be American! Thanks, Commonsense Constitutional Conservatives, u didn't sit down & shut up... u 'refudiated" extreme left." '

Asked on "Entertainment Tonight" last week whether she'd run for president, Plain said she would, if there's nobody esle to do it.

And on "The Early Show" Wednesday, DeMint was asked if he could see a Palin-DeMint or DeMint-Palin ticket in 2012.

"I agree with her," DeMint responded. "I would only consider if no one else was willing to do it at this point. Sarah Palin's done a lot of good for the country. She's gone out front and taken a lot of the slings and arrows from the critics. When women or minorities get involved in politics as conservatives, they take a lot of hits from the press. And she's done a lot of good for the Republican Party, and for our country."


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red states rule
11-04-2010, 04:02 AM
Liberals are obsessed with their hate for Sarah Palin. Rudy fired back at the liberals bimbos on The View and the libs in the audience

<object width="518" height="419"><param name="movie" value="http://www.eyeblast.tv/public/eyeblast.swf?v=hdSU8z2G2G" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://www.eyeblast.tv/public/eyeblast.swf?v=hdSU8z2G2G" allowfullscreen="true" width="518" height="419" /></object>

11-04-2010, 05:35 AM
Eric Cantor, Paul Ryan and Kevin McCarthy all come to mind. So do Chris Christie and Marco Rubio for VP.

11-04-2010, 06:56 AM
What has she done since she left her govenership? Just been doing the circuits for tea party people?

I'd be really truly amazed if the Reps chose her, I mean, the women is an idiot. You may think she's an idiot with the right political ideas, inwhich case you just find someone who isn't an idiot with the right political ideas. You can't have the leader and world face of your country believing that dinosaurs and humans lived together a few thousand yar ago for starters =/

11-04-2010, 07:28 AM
What has she done since she left her govenership? Just been doing the circuits for tea party people?

I'd be really truly amazed if the Reps chose her, I mean, the women is an idiot. You may think she's an idiot with the right political ideas, inwhich case you just find someone who isn't an idiot with the right political ideas. You can't have the leader and world face of your country believing that dinosaurs and humans lived together a few thousand yar ago for starters =/

When did she say that?

When liberals hate someone as bad as they hate her I have to give her a real close look.

11-04-2010, 07:45 AM
When did she say that?

When liberals hate someone as bad as they hate her I have to give her a real close look.

If you were looking how did you not see this during '08 =/

ANCHORAGE — Soon after Sarah Palin was elected mayor of the foothill town of Wasilla, Alaska, she startled a local music teacher by insisting in casual conversation that men and dinosaurs coexisted on an Earth created 6,000 years ago -- about 65 million years after scientists say most dinosaurs became extinct -- the teacher said.

After conducting a college band and watching Palin deliver a commencement address to a small group of home-schooled students in June 1997, Wasilla resident Philip Munger said, he asked the young mayor about her religious beliefs.

Palin told him that "dinosaurs and humans walked the Earth at the same time," Munger said. When he asked her about prehistoric fossils and tracks dating back millions of years, Palin said "she had seen pictures of human footprints inside the tracks," recalled Munger, who teaches music at the University of Alaska in Anchorage and has regularly criticized Palin in recent years on his liberal political blog, called Progressive Alaska.

The idea of a "young Earth" -- that God created the Earth about 6,000 years ago, and dinosaurs and humans coexisted early on -- is a popular strain of creationism.


11-04-2010, 07:51 AM
If you were looking how did you not see this during '08 =/


lol...yeah, we believe that really happened.....liberals really are idiots, aren't they.....

11-04-2010, 07:55 AM
lol...yeah, we believe that really happened.....liberals really are idiots, aren't they.....

Mkay, so you are stating as fact that she is not a young earth creationist?

11-04-2010, 08:16 AM
What has she done since she left her govenership? Just been doing the circuits for tea party people?

I'd be really truly amazed if the Reps chose her, I mean, the women is an idiot. You may think she's an idiot with the right political ideas, inwhich case you just find someone who isn't an idiot with the right political ideas. You can't have the leader and world face of your country believing that dinosaurs and humans lived together a few thousand yar ago for starters =/

What has she done? Get over 30 Dems tossed out of the House and replaced with Tea Party candidates. She got 7 Dems tossed from the Senate and Tea Party candidates took their places. I know Governors on the (R) side won out too but am unsure of how many she backed and endorsed.

You may THINK she's stupid because of a handful of soundbites and what the liberal rags say about her, but she has more experience than our current president and the American people apparently like what she stands for.

People have been saying she's an idiot for over 2 years now and she continues to dominate the political headlines and political clout. You can all keep calling her an idiot so long as she keeps making the Dems look like fools and having them tossed from office!

11-04-2010, 08:56 AM
What has she done? Get over 30 Dems tossed out of the House and replaced with Tea Party candidates. She got 7 Dems tossed from the Senate and Tea Party candidates took their places. I know Governors on the (R) side won out too but am unsure of how many she backed and endorsed.

You may THINK she's stupid because of a handful of soundbites and what the liberal rags say about her, but she has more experience than our current president and the American people apparently like what she stands for.

People have been saying she's an idiot for over 2 years now and she continues to dominate the political headlines and political clout. You can all keep calling her an idiot so long as she keeps making the Dems look like fools and having them tossed from office!

So like I said, doing the speech circuit.

And hey, it's your country, if you want an idiot leading it fair enough, I just think there must be someone out there with the same political beliefs and a bit of brains to back it up.

11-04-2010, 08:59 AM
Mkay, so you are stating as fact that she is not a young earth creationist?

She's not a young earth creationist. There, you happy. SNL and comedy central show skits about her and the quotes are then attributed by the media to her. Going after her religious beliefs is just grasping for straws on the part of the liberals.

There more they go after her with silly accusations the more likely I am to vote for her.

11-04-2010, 09:05 AM
So like I said, doing the speech circuit.

And hey, it's your country, if you want an idiot leading it fair enough, I just think there must be someone out there with the same political beliefs and a bit of brains to back it up.

You call her an idiot, based on what, the soundbites you post and what articles you read on the 'net? Should we all be able to judge you based on comments you have blurted out here and any "soundbites" we may find in your spelling or grammar?

If she was an idiot, she wouldn't have been on the city council and become mayor of Wasilla with extremely high approval ratings. If she was an idiot she wouldn't have been able to take that experience and bring it to becoming Governor - again with extremely high approval ratings. Would seem that those who actually "know" her seem to think she's pretty damn good at what she did within politics.

And if she did lead our country, she would sure as shit be heads and shoulders above some of the dolts who have been in charge in your country over the past several decades alone!

11-04-2010, 09:07 AM
There more they go after her with silly accusations the more likely I am to vote for her.

The best part is these dimwits have been attacking her character and intelligence for 2 years now - and she is nonstop gaining in popularity, while those kicking at her lose popularity and their jobs! :laugh2:

11-04-2010, 10:04 AM
You call her an idiot, based on what, the soundbites you post and what articles you read on the 'net? Should we all be able to judge you based on comments you have blurted out here and any "soundbites" we may find in your spelling or grammar?

If she was an idiot, she wouldn't have been on the city council and become mayor of Wasilla with extremely high approval ratings. If she was an idiot she wouldn't have been able to take that experience and bring it to becoming Governor - again with extremely high approval ratings. Would seem that those who actually "know" her seem to think she's pretty damn good at what she did within politics.

And if she did lead our country, she would sure as shit be heads and shoulders above some of the dolts who have been in charge in your country over the past several decades alone!

If you want to you're more than welcome, though I would site dyslexia as a reason, no doubt she has a diagnosed problem that causes her to sound idiotic when she speaks, right?
My judgements are based one what I have seen of her, no doubt you will claim that's down to media bias, but it is not the media that forces her to say the things she says.

11-04-2010, 10:15 AM
If you want to you're more than welcome, though I would site dyslexia as a reason, no doubt she has a diagnosed problem that causes her to sound idiotic when she speaks, right?
My judgements are based one what I have seen of her, no doubt you will claim that's down to media bias, but it is not the media that forces her to say the things she says.

No doubt, she has spoken out of line a few times and has made a handful of retarded statements. George Bush made retarded statements too. Joe Biden does it more than anyone. Barack has had a few (57 states) and as even done so while reading off of a teleprompter.

When you are constantly being taped/filmed, you are no doubt going to make a mistake and be caught. Some will do it more than others. I don't see this as making anyone stupid. Their track records on what they have done while in any official capacity speaks louder than a handful of statements that were incorrect. But rarely do you see anyone who wants to call her an idiot - do so because of what her career has shown us thus far - but almost always because of one sentence or one statement out of her entire life.

So if you believe she is an idiot, and she had an approval rating of like 80% in Alaska - can you name the list of things she did while in office that make you think she's an idiot? And the same for when she was mayor? Forget from McCain going forward and when she hit the national stage, if she's an idiot it surely would have been there all along. We'll move forward after I have a chance to respond to the idiotic things she did while on city council, mayor and Governor in Alaska...

11-04-2010, 10:21 AM
Is this really CBS talking about Palin without referring to her as a crazy extreme right wing Tea Party nut? Will wonders never cease?!?

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They don't need to say what everyone already knows.

"'Refudiate,' 'misunderestimate,' 'wee-wee'd up.' English is a living language. Shakespeare liked to coin new words too. Got to celebrate it!'" --a Tweet sent by Sarah Palin in response to being ridicule for inventing the word "refudiate," proudly mistaking her illiteracy for literary genius, July 18, 2010


She doesn't even know what the Vice President does

7. "[T]hey're in charge of the U.S. Senate so if they want to they can really get in there with the senators and make a lot of good policy changes that will make life better for Brandon and his family and his classroom." --Sarah Palin, getting the vice president's constitutional role wrong after being asked by a third grader what the vice president does, interview with NBC affiliate KUSA in Colorado, Oct. 21, 2008 (Watch video clip)

And she thinks a "department of law" exists

. "I think on a national level your Department of Law there in the White House would look at some of the things that we've been charged with and automatically throw them out." --Sarah Palin, referring to a department that does not exist while attempting to explain why as president she wouldn't be subjected to the same ethics investigations that compelled her to resign as governor of Alaska, ABC News interview, July 7, 2009

11-04-2010, 11:34 AM
Following the results of the 2010 midterm elections, I think Obama's only chance in 2012 is for the Republicans to be stupid enough to run Palin against him. Because Palin is one of the few candidates who is more polarizing than Obama.
I think Palin's best bet is to play king/queen-maker and continue to make guest appearances on TV shows like Dancing With the Pregnant Teens.

11-04-2010, 12:45 PM
If the GOP runs Palin they are handing the Presidency to Obama, she has no chance.

Personally I'd love to see Romney run again. IMHO the only reason McCain got the nod last time is because Romney and Huckabee split the votes just enough to give McCain the edge.

11-04-2010, 12:47 PM
Following the results of the 2010 midterm elections, I think Obama's only chance in 2012 is for the Republicans to be stupid enough to run Palin against him. Because Palin is one of the few candidates who is more polarizing than Obama.
I think Palin's best bet is to play king/queen-maker and continue to make guest appearances on TV shows like Dancing With the Pregnant Teens.

Republicans don't have superdelegates - further increasing her chances of winning the nomination.

I think its more likely she will get nominated for VP. Historically - goofball VP's haven't stopped people from being elected. Just look at Dan Quayle or Joe Biden.

11-04-2010, 01:10 PM
If the GOP runs Palin they are handing the Presidency to Obama, she has no chance.

Personally I'd love to see Romney run again. IMHO the only reason McCain got the nod last time is because Romney and Huckabee split the votes just enough to give McCain the edge.

Nailed it on the head with Palin and the GOP heads are worried about her getting the nomination.

As for Romney, he's just another "New England Republican" aka Big Government Liberal and what is needed is a Conservative.

Abbey Marie
11-04-2010, 01:36 PM
Wow, Rudy shut down the harpies on the View! For that alone, I hope he runs again.

11-04-2010, 01:38 PM
When did she say that?

When liberals hate someone as bad as they hate her I have to give her a real close look.

Right after she said she could see Russia from her house. :lol:

Abbey Marie
11-04-2010, 01:41 PM
Right after she said she could see Russia from her house. :lol:

Surely you know by now that she never said that.

11-04-2010, 01:42 PM
Personally I'd love to see Romney run again.

My wife says she'd like to see Romney run, because he's good-looking.


Go Fred Thompson! http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/48/Fred_Thompson_onstage.jpg/108px-Fred_Thompson_onstage.jpg

11-04-2010, 01:43 PM
Surely you know by now that she never said that.

Meaning, you didn't get the joke?

Abbey Marie
11-04-2010, 01:45 PM
Meaning, you didn't get the joke?

Meaning, it wasn't obvious it was a joke. Glad it's clarified. :poke:

11-04-2010, 01:45 PM
So like I said, doing the speech circuit.

And hey, it's your country, if you want an idiot leading it fair enough, I just think there must be someone out there with the same political beliefs and a bit of brains to back it up.

We already have an idiot running it Noir. Why can't you recognize and acknowledge that first and foremost?

He may be educated, but he's shown that he's totally inexperienced when it comes to listening to the people of this country. He has his own agenda that he put together with his radical progressive friends/colleagues and everyone thinks he's some kind of brilliant saver of the world. He isn't. He's just a limelight seeking narcissist.

The message that was sent to the WH is .... you need to listen to us and we are telling you that you CANNOT continue to do business the same ol', same ol' or you will be replaced with people we feel are more aligned with our belief systems.

Don't you think Obama is a bit of an idiot when he said this?

"I've now been in 57 states -- I think one left to go." --at a campaign event in Beaverton, Oregon (Watch video clip (http://politicalhumor.about.com/od/barackobamavideos/youtube/obama-57-states.htm))

or this is one of his most idiotic:

"We're not trying to push financial reform because we begrudge success that's fairly earned. I mean, I do think at a certain point you've made enough money. But, you know, part of the American way is, you know, you can just keep on making it if you're providing a good product or providing good service. We don’t want people to stop, ah, fulfilling the core responsibilities of the financial system to help grow our economy." —on Wall Street reform, Quincy, Ill., April 29, 2010

So, quite frankly, it wouldn't take much to look better than Obama.

Abbey Marie
11-04-2010, 01:45 PM
My wife says she'd like to see Romney run, because he's good-looking.


Go Fred Thompson! http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/48/Fred_Thompson_onstage.jpg/108px-Fred_Thompson_onstage.jpg

Love Fred!

11-04-2010, 03:12 PM
We already have an idiot running it Noir. Why can't you recognize and acknowledge that first and foremost?

He may be educated, but he's shown that he's totally inexperienced when it comes to listening to the people of this country. He has his own agenda that he put together with his radical progressive friends/colleagues and everyone thinks he's some kind of brilliant saver of the world. He isn't. He's just a limelight seeking narcissist.

The message that was sent to the WH is .... you need to listen to us and we are telling you that you CANNOT continue to do business the same ol', same ol' or you will be replaced with people we feel are more aligned with our belief systems.

Don't you think Obama is a bit of an idiot when he said this?

or this is one of his most idiotic:

So, quite frankly, it wouldn't take much to look better than Obama.

I don't think Obama is as much of an idiot however he (which is worse) has some awful political beliefs, regarding the state and citizen.

If it comes to 2012 and your choice is Obama or Palin then America loses either way IMO, finding someone on the same kinda political wavelength as Palin, but with more in the way of brains behind them should be the Rep parties number one priority for 2012.

11-04-2010, 03:18 PM
What has she done since she left her govenership? Just been doing the circuits for tea party people?

I'd be really truly amazed if the Reps chose her, I mean, the women is an idiot. You may think she's an idiot with the right political ideas, inwhich case you just find someone who isn't an idiot with the right political ideas. You can't have the leader and world face of your country believing that dinosaurs and humans lived together a few thousand yar ago for starters =/

Lordy, I'm unused to agreeing with you, but you hit this one on the head. Some of what she says are very solid conservative ideals. However, she truly seems to be very into herself, making money. Leaving before her term was up, struck me very wrong. She gives every indication of attempting to co-opt the tea parties, but like Armey will find that's really not doable.

Find someone who truly holds those core beliefs, again from all accounts Christie is administering in this way, and back them.

11-04-2010, 03:19 PM
Mitt Romney...he was the one who was in the Mormon church when it was officially a racist organization, yes?

11-04-2010, 03:19 PM
I don't think Obama is as much of an idiot however he (which is worse) has some awful political beliefs, regarding the state and citizen.

If it comes to 2012 and your choice is Obama or Palin then America loses either way IMO, finding someone on the same kinda political wavelength as Palin, but with more in the way of brains behind them should be the Rep parties number one priority for 2012.

Still spewing it out but you jumped right past my questions about her track record. If she's as much an idiot as you claim, it should be quite easy to find examples other than sound bites. Surely an "idiot" would have a shitload of gaffes to show from when she was on city council, mayor and then governor. I just think it's fair that if you are going to continue to promote her as an idiot, you bring more to the table than a few fuckups while being interviewed live.

11-04-2010, 03:22 PM
If the GOP runs Palin they are handing the Presidency to Obama, she has no chance.

Personally I'd love to see Romney run again. IMHO the only reason McCain got the nod last time is because Romney and Huckabee split the votes just enough to give McCain the edge.

I don't like Huckabee, he's a spoiler and there was nothing conservative about how he ran the governorship. I don't think Romney will get the nod, because of health care.

We need someone new, but with executive and perhaps some business experience.

11-04-2010, 03:22 PM
Noir, have you read anything she has written, or do you just gather your information about her from the soundbites on the telly?

11-04-2010, 03:28 PM
Still spewing it out but you jumped right past my questions about her track record. If she's as much an idiot as you claim, it should be quite easy to find examples other than sound bites. Surely an "idiot" would have a shitload of gaffes to show from when she was on city council, mayor and then governor. I just think it's fair that if you are going to continue to promote her as an idiot, you bring more to the table than a few fuckups while being interviewed live.

Okay, how's about running to be the Vice President and not knowing what the vice president does, I mean seriously, was she caught on the hoop? Is it unfair to judge her when she didn't know what her own office was going to require of her? Given I'm less than half her age, have never held a political office or even live in her country and I knew what the role of VP involves I'd think that's plenty to call her an idiot over for starters, no?

11-04-2010, 03:31 PM
Noir, have you read anything she has written, or do you just gather your information about her from the soundbites on the telly?

Most of what i k ow of her is either from the VP debate or interviews she has given. I memo when her and Biden where in debate as we watched it in our politics class, both drew laughter at how the answered questions, but Palin really stole the show.

11-04-2010, 03:32 PM
Okay, how's about running to be the Vice President and not knowing what the vice president does, I mean seriously, was she caught on the hoop? Is it unfair to judge her when she didn't know what her own office was going to require of her? Given I'm less than half her age, have never held a political office or even live in her country and I knew what the role of VP involves I'd think that's plenty to call her an idiot over for starters, no?

And it's not possible she spoke out of turn? Either way, you've yet to respond to my questions, which should be very easy for you considering she is an idiot - there should be loads of screw ups for you to show us of her on her political career.

11-04-2010, 03:35 PM
Most of what i k ow of her is either from the VP debate or interviews she has given. I memo when her and Biden where in debate as we watched it in our politics class, both drew laughter at how the answered questions, but Palin really stole the show.

So she is an idiot based on interviews or debates? And you get "thanked" for writing this tripe? Surely you have school grades, poor performance reports from city council, poor ratings from Wasilla and poor ratings from the State of Alaska?

Joe Biden makes speaking blunders almost daily. Do I think he's an "idiot"? Nope, just a shit speaker when the lights are on him.

11-04-2010, 03:49 PM
I'll work on more if you like, but here's my starting example:


Pretty damn good grades and a 1340 on her SAT's to include a 700 on Verbal when the highest possible is 800. An "idiot" would not achieve such grades. Oh, she was also a member of the Wasilla HS Honor Society.


She received a bachelors degree from the University of Idaho in communications.


These are not trademarks of an idiot, unless the loons will claim she got her degree as a result of GHWB (the 1st) in which they still claim about GWB.

11-04-2010, 03:54 PM
I just want to add this as a disclaimer to those reading:

I don't think Palin should run as President in '12, but maybe VP.

I do think she makes verbal gaffes, but no more than Biden who is our sitting VP.

I don't think she's fully qualified to be President, but without a doubt more qualified than our current sitting president.

I don't think she's a political genius, or a genius at all, but she's far from an idiot and I think it's about time those saying so provide more than verbal gaffes. We've been doing that about Biden for a few decades and he still got to be VP. We can provide many on Obama, and he's our current president. We can find a ton on GWB, and he was president and Governor of Texas.

I think the opposing side like to call the others idiots, but Palin is getting hit harder because she is a woman. But the FACTS speak for themselves, and the facts show she is actually pretty darn smart.

11-04-2010, 04:28 PM
I just want to add this as a disclaimer to those reading:

I don't think Palin should run as President in '12, but maybe VP.

I do think she makes verbal gaffes, but no more than Biden who is our sitting VP.

I don't think she's fully qualified to be President, but without a doubt more qualified than our current sitting president.

I don't think she's a political genius, or a genius at all, but she's far from an idiot and I think it's about time those saying so provide more than verbal gaffes. We've been doing that about Biden for a few decades and he still got to be VP. We can provide many on Obama, and he's our current president. We can find a ton on GWB, and he was president and Governor of Texas.

I think the opposing side like to call the others idiots, but Palin is getting hit harder because she is a woman. But the FACTS speak for themselves, and the facts show she is actually pretty darn smart.

She's getting hit hard because she is a conservative woman who believes in God and is pro-life. Right there is enough proof to the progressive liberals to justify calling her an idiot, regardless of what she has said or her experience.

11-05-2010, 07:09 AM
Mkay, so you are stating as fact that she is not a young earth creationist?

yes....her comment was that she thought intelligent design deserved to be taught and the typical brainless liberal response was "oh, she thinks Jesus rode dinosaurs".......

11-05-2010, 07:14 AM
Okay, how's about running to be the Vice President and not knowing what the vice president does,

an excellent example of liberal misrepresentation.....why don't you track down the exact quote and defend your claim.....

11-05-2010, 07:45 AM
an excellent example of liberal misrepresentation.....why don't you track down the exact quote and defend your claim.....

Here's a good article on her statement:


11-05-2010, 08:23 AM
an excellent example of liberal misrepresentation.....why don't you track down the exact quote and defend your claim.....



See I'm the master of misrepresentation, when she says "what is it exactly the VP does?" I'm able to twist that to make it look like she doesn't know what the VP does.

11-05-2010, 08:39 AM


See I'm the master of misrepresentation, when she says "what is it exactly the VP does?" I'm able to twist that to make it look like she doesn't know what the VP does.

The VP of the USA is the President of the Senate - so maybe when answering a question to 3rd graders she attempted to make it as simple as possible for their understanding? The way she answered was a gaffe no matter how you slice it, but has anyone heard her explanation or are we going to declare her an idiot over 10 seconds on youtube?

11-05-2010, 08:52 AM
The VP of the USA is the President of the Senate - so maybe when answering a question to 3rd graders she attempted to make it as simple as possible for their understanding? The way she answered was a gaffe no matter how you slice it, but has anyone heard her explanation or are we going to declare her an idiot over 10 seconds on youtube?

What on earth are you talking about, third graders?
There is no 'explanation' she was asked about the VP job, and she (rather honestly atleast) said that no one had yet told her what the job involves so she doesn't know. I mean seriously man.

11-05-2010, 09:01 AM
What on earth are you talking about, third graders?

See, this is what I'm talking about. You're making comments on something that you haven't a clue about the context of. Palin was responding to a question from a 3rd grader when she stated what she did. Just maybe she thought the 3rd graders were watching and wanted to make it easier for them to understand?

There is no 'explanation' she was asked about the VP job, and she (rather honestly atleast) said that no one had yet told her what the job involves so she doesn't know. I mean seriously man.

I mean seriously man, is there a reason you continually ignore the questions I posed of you in this thread? Would you like to go back and read my posts and actually answer them before we go further, or would you rather stick to a few talking points and ignore reality?

11-05-2010, 09:04 AM
I'll work on more if you like, but here's my starting example:


Pretty damn good grades and a 1340 on her SAT's to include a 700 on Verbal when the highest possible is 800. An "idiot" would not achieve such grades. Oh, she was also a member of the Wasilla HS Honor Society.


She received a bachelors degree from the University of Idaho in communications.


These are not trademarks of an idiot, unless the loons will claim she got her degree as a result of GHWB (the 1st) in which they still claim about GWB.

If you denote intelligence purly by academic success fair enough, I personally don't for an anecdotal reason, only a few short years ago I was sat in classrooms with people who were as thick as two short planks but would get straight A's come the exams, it may seem an oxymoronic notion, but idiots can be A+ students too, the corollary of which being (which you will prob be more ready to accept) you can be very smart and get nothing in the way of academic achievements.

11-05-2010, 09:07 AM
If you denote intelligence purly by academic success fair enough, I personally don't for an anecdotal reason, only a few short years ago I was sat in classrooms with people who were as thick as two short planks but would get straight A's come the exams, it may seem an oxymoronic notion, but idiots can be A+ students too, the corollary of which being (which you will prob be more ready to accept) you can be very smart and get nothing in the way of academic achievements.

I have given you several chances to base her intelligence on her political experience, and thus far you have answered other questions and ignored those. But no matter, because it's a FACT by now that she did a superb job in all 3 political offices and had approval ratings through the roof almost until she resigned. No matter what you say, an idiot couldn't have done what she did for Alaska.

11-05-2010, 09:15 AM
See, this is what I'm talking about. You're making comments on something that you haven't a clue about the context of. Palin was responding to a question from a 3rd grader when she stated what she did. Just maybe she thought the 3rd graders were watching and wanted to make it easier for them to understand?

I mean seriously man, is there a reason you continually ignore the questions I posed of you in this thread? Would you like to go back and read my posts and actually answer them before we go further, or would you rather stick to a few talking points and ignore reality?

Oh right, okay then, see (relating to another thread) when my wee brother asked me about why and how bees make honey, I naively tried to give him an answer, what I should of done instead was say 'I don't know, nobody has told me why exactly a bee makes honey' then he would of understood...

11-05-2010, 09:17 AM
Oh right, okay then, see (relating to another thread) when my wee brother asked me about why and how bees make honey, I naively tried to give him an answer, what I should of done instead was say 'I don't know, nobody has told me why exactly a bee makes honey' then he would of understood...

Is this you stating you won't answer the questions?

Her academic experience is dismissed. Her political experience is dismissed. But she's an idiot for making a handful of dumb comments. You've supported your case very well and probably swayed a lot of people! :lol:

11-05-2010, 09:24 AM
I have given you several chances to base her intelligence on her political experience, and thus far you have answered other questions and ignored those. But no matter, because it's a FACT by now that she did a superb job in all 3 political offices and had approval ratings through the roof almost until she resigned. No matter what you say, an idiot couldn't have done what she did for Alaska.

Indeed, well my knowledge of her time in office is t great I'll confess, other than her 'bridge to nowhere' debacle. Which didn't present her as an idiot, but rather just a 'say what the people want to hear' politician, I'll leave you to judge which is worse.

11-05-2010, 09:31 AM
Is this you stating you won't answer the questions?

Her academic experience is dismissed. Her political experience is dismissed. But she's an idiot for making a handful of dumb comments. You've supported your case very well and probably swayed a lot of people! :lol:

Debating isn't about 'swaying people' imo, it's just about projecting thoughts.
I have already said (though it seems you don't agree) academic intelligence does not make someone immune from being an idiot.
And as much as you have tried to make an excuse of her 'I don't know what a VP does' confession, you've gotta admit it was a pretty idiotic thing to not only say, but to honestly think

And as an aside, how or why that reporter didn't go for her throat I'll never know, she wouldn't of been able to finish what she was saying but for a British reporter replying with exclamation and sarcasm abound 'You don't know what the VP does?!?!'

11-05-2010, 09:33 AM
Indeed, well my knowledge of her time in office is t great I'll confess, other than her 'bridge to nowhere' debacle. Which didn't present her as an idiot, but rather just a 'say what the people want to hear' politician, I'll leave you to judge which is worse.

Nothing left to judge. Saying what people want to hear, if a politician does so, doesn't reflect on their intelligence or make them an idiot.

So let's summarize again:

1- You admit to not knowing anything really about her political experience.
2- You state her academic experience really doesn't prove anything

3- You're willing though to go forward with the "idiot" comment though because of a few soundbites out of her entire political and academic career - both of which you dismiss?

No offense, but you just helped me describe a typical liberal from around these parts. Get your talking points from Youtube or websites that don't do their homework - and forget about actual pertinent facts and history.

11-05-2010, 09:35 AM
Debating isn't about 'swaying people' imo, it's just about projecting thoughts.
I have already said (though it seems you don't agree) academic intelligence does not make someone immune from being an idiot.
And as much as you have tried to make an excuse of her 'I don't know what a VP does' confession, you've gotta admit it was a pretty idiotic thing to not only say, but to honestly think

I've already stated she fucked up several times in interviews. I've already stated I don't believe she is a genius. But the only idiotic thing I can see is dismissing her academic intelligence and political career and tagging her as an idiot because of a few soundbites. The woman might not be the next nobel prize winner, nor the best speaker, nor the most informed politician - but she's far from being an idiot.

11-05-2010, 09:42 AM
Nothing left to judge. Saying what people want to hear, if a politician does so, doesn't reflect on their intelligence or make them an idiot.

So let's summarize again:

1- You admit to not knowing anything really about her political experience.
2- You state her academic experience really doesn't prove anything

3- You're willing though to go forward with the "idiot" comment though because of a few soundbites out of her entire political and academic career - both of which you dismiss?

No offense, but you just helped me describe a typical liberal from around these parts. Get your talking points from Youtube or websites that don't do their homework - and forget about actual pertinent facts and history.

In the modern age it does IMO, when you say one thing to one person, and another thing to another, hoping to please both, you are making a foolish mistake, because you wont get away with it.

And yes how many times do I have to say it, you can be an A* student and still be an idiot. If you disagree, fair enough.

11-05-2010, 09:45 AM
I've already stated she fucked up several times in interviews. I've already stated I don't believe she is a genius. But the only idiotic thing I can see is dismissing her academic intelligence and political career and tagging her as an idiot because of a few soundbites. The woman might not be the next nobel prize winner, nor the best speaker, nor the most informed politician - but she's far from being an idiot.

Inwhich case we have quiet different criteria for the term idiot.

11-05-2010, 09:45 AM


See I'm the master of misrepresentation, when she says "what is it exactly the VP does?" I'm able to twist that to make it look like she doesn't know what the VP does.

???....I would consider it a misrepresentation to claim her statement was one of ignorance about what a VP does instead of an assertion that she desired to take an active rather than a passive role as VP.....

11-05-2010, 09:54 AM
Inwhich case we have quiet different criteria for the term idiot.

I didn't realize there was criteria to be met, I was under the impression that the word is just that, a word, and doesn't need qualifiers. And quite frankly, if you go by the definition, it would be impossible for her to achieve the academic grades she has if she were an "idiot". But I suppose like other liberals you will now go back and re-define the word.

Obama has made stupid comments on quite a few occasions. Biden has as well. GWB certainly did. GHWB did as well. Ronald Reagan had quite a few doozies. Clinton, BJ, "did not have sex with that woman"....

Are they ALL idiots?

11-05-2010, 09:57 AM
???....I would consider it a misrepresentation to claim her statement was one of ignorance about what a VP does instead of an assertion that she desired to take an active rather than a passive role as VP.....

ZOMG dude, seriously, this has to be the funniest post I've read on DP, you cam not be serious :laugh:

"What exactly is it the VP does?" no ignorance at all :laugh:

11-05-2010, 09:58 AM
ZOMG dude, seriously, this has to be the funniest post I've read on DP, you cam not be serious :laugh:

"What exactly is it the VP does?" no ignorance at all :laugh:

No more ignorant than someone who judges someone and then admits he really knows nothing about them.

11-05-2010, 10:01 AM
I didn't realize there was criteria to be met, I was under the impression that the word is just that, a word, and doesn't need qualifiers. And quite frankly, if you go by the definition, it would be impossible for her to achieve the academic grades she has if she were an "idiot". But I suppose like other liberals you will now go back and re-define the word.

Obama has made stupid comments on quite a few occasions. Biden has as well. GWB certainly did. GHWB did as well. Ronald Reagan had quite a few doozies. Clinton, BJ, "did not have sex with that woman"....

Are they ALL idiots?

Clinton certainly was IMO, not so sure about Bush jr, he certainly was a formidable politician as governor of Texas, and I don't think he was half the fool he let on to be. Te others were before my time.

11-05-2010, 10:02 AM
I don't like Huckabee, he's a spoiler and there was nothing conservative about how he ran the governorship. I don't think Romney will get the nod, because of health care.

We need someone new, but with executive and perhaps some business experience.

I don't think Romney will get the nod either, but the reason I like him is because of his executive and business experience. I think he would have had better ideas these last 2 years for helping the economy

11-05-2010, 10:03 AM
Clinton certainly was IMO, not so sure about Bush jr, he certainly was a formidable politician as governor of Texas, and I don't think he was half the fool he let on to be. Te others were before my time.

I detest Clinton - but he IS NOT even close to being an idiot. Sorry, but you need to either pay closer attention to these people or open a dictionary. Did you ever even read Clinton's BIO? Read this and stand by your claim:


11-05-2010, 10:04 AM
No more ignorant than someone who judges someone and then admits he really knows nothing about them.

You can only judge by what you know, am sure a typical American has more to go on than me, and an Alaskain even more so, and someone from her home town even more so, and someone she went to school with etc etc, however I judge from what I have seen of her.

And for PMP to claim that she was not ignorant of the roles of the VP in the statement she made is laughable, no?

11-05-2010, 07:27 PM


See I'm the master of misrepresentation, when she says "what is it exactly the VP does?" I'm able to twist that to make it look like she doesn't know what the VP does.

She was asked by a 3rd grader and her first response was at the 3rd grade level of comprehension. A VP presides over the Senate and votes if there is a tie. That is the only duty outlined in the Constitution. The rest of it is up to the President as to what the VP does....so I think her response when asked again about what the VP does was addressing the stupidity of those who had issue with what she said to the 3rd grader.

You need to do more than watch a biased video clip ... read/watch more than one source to get the whole story Noir. And, I'm sure you understand that people snip out the portions of a conversation in order to support the theory they are positing anyway.

I'm sure that if you decided you were pro-Palin you would find info to support that position just as easily as you do to support your anti-Palin stance.

11-05-2010, 07:30 PM
???....I would consider it a misrepresentation to claim her statement was one of ignorance about what a VP does instead of an assertion that she desired to take an active rather than a passive role as VP.....

This as my take on the interview also.

11-05-2010, 07:43 PM
Look, y'all can see it however you like, when I see someone say they don't know what the VP job is because no one has told them, then I gather from that statement that they do not know what the VP job involves because no one has told them.

11-05-2010, 07:46 PM
I detest Clinton - but he IS NOT even close to being an idiot. Sorry, but you need to either pay closer attention to these people or open a dictionary. Did you ever even read Clinton's BIO? Read this and stand by your claim:


Again, different criteria, I don't care what he has done or how many degrees or what not he has. To cheat on your wife is the act of a scumbag and idiot IMO. So my mind closed on him when he opened his up to fondling yer woman.

11-05-2010, 07:53 PM
Look, y'all can see it however you like, when I see someone say they don't know what the VP job is because no one has told them, then I gather from that statement that they do not know what the VP job involves because no one has told them.

Like MKP said. The VP's only job stipulated in the Constitution is to preside over the Senate. Anything else the VP does is up to the president. Since she hadn't been told what would be expected of her at the time she couldn't answer the question other than the obvious job of the VP. The one they should have asked that question of was mccain. So she didn't give an idiotic answer, she gave the facts that she knew.

11-05-2010, 09:09 PM
Like MKP said. The VP's only job stipulated in the Constitution is to preside over the Senate. Anything else the VP does is up to the president. Since she hadn't been told what would be expected of her at the time she couldn't answer the question other than the obvious job of the VP. The one they should have asked that question of was mccain. So she didn't give an idiotic answer, she gave the facts that she knew.

Thanks for explaining this so even a 3rd grader can understand. She was being facetious and if someone reads all the applicable information involved, they will be able to discern this. However, if all they listen to is a snippet from UTube that they found when googling, they will find a greater number of negative spin articles about Palin than they will about the truth.

Thanks again.


11-05-2010, 10:51 PM
If you want to you're more than welcome, though I would site dyslexia as a reason, no doubt she has a diagnosed problem that causes her to sound idiotic when she speaks, right?
My judgements are based one what I have seen of her, no doubt you will claim that's down to media bias, but it is not the media that forces her to say the things she says.

NO Offense but you're not an American so please tell me why we should give a rats ass what you think about palin or any other Candidate?

11-05-2010, 11:45 PM
NO Offense but you're not an American so please tell me why we should give a rats ass what you think about palin or any other Candidate?

Personally, I believe that Noir is very respectful in his debates and he keeps me on my toes because I do have to research to back up my ideas. He may not be an American, but I feels he does care for us and our country. So, I'm one of those who does give a rat's ass about his opinion, even if it's wrong.

11-06-2010, 06:59 AM
NO Offense but you're not an American so please tell me why we should give a rats ass what you think about palin or any other Candidate?

By all means keep your rats asses to yourself if you wish, ^_^

As an aside though, given how few Americans even bother to vote I'd not be too out if line to say that despite not being American I have a greater political awareness and interest than many who are. But I guess its not 'what you know' but rather 'where you fell out of your mother' that's important.

red states rule
11-06-2010, 07:00 AM
Personally, I believe that Noir is very respectful in his debates and he keeps me on my toes because I do have to research to back up my ideas. He may not be an American, but I feels he does care for us and our country. So, I'm one of those who does give a rat's ass about his opinion, even if it's wrong.

MKP with all due respect to you and to Noir, when a LIBERAl tells me what is best for the political opposition - I activate my defenses and am very skeptical of the advice given

Abbey Marie
11-06-2010, 12:51 PM
MKP with all due respect to you and to Noir, when a LIBERAl tells me what is best for the political opposition - I activate my defenses and am very skeptical of the advice given

Especially one with an agenda. But opinions are just that. There is no need to agree with them in order to allow them to be expressed, rats' asses notwithstanding. ;)

11-06-2010, 02:38 PM
OK ... comparing Noir to other liberals on the board, say ..... Gabby, Aggie, Spidey, BP and others ... when expressing his opinion, seems to be the most respectful....so, yes, I do enjoy reading his posts.....even if I do disagree with most of them.

I will reiterate my point .. I believe Noir cares about what goes on in America than most Americans....I just feel he needs to expand his information sources to be even more informed about how the majority of Americans feel about policies.

It does seem his main agenda is to propagandize atheism, which confounds me .... I thought he hated the religiousness of religion and yet he is going down the same road ... just with a different set of beliefs.

11-06-2010, 03:04 PM
Thanks fir your kind words MKP, however (something I constantly have to say for some reason) while I am an atheist I believe in promoting a secular state, not an atheist one.

But chirstians always think I pick on them, same with Muslims, same with Jews...I guess if everyone thinks youre picking on them more than anyone else I'm doing it right.