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11-05-2010, 10:23 AM

Don't even try looking for a hotel room in Jerusalem this week. There may be 7,000 hotel rooms in the capitol, but just about all will be occupied by U.S. President George W. Bush's delegation during his visit here tomorrow through Friday. A large number of rooms are booked for the 8,000 police and security officers coming to Jerusalem to guard the visit and keep order. About 450 rooms in the King David Hotel, where Bush is staying, and the Dan Panorama will be used by his entourage and as a press center.

The Republican Party - The Party of Double Standards

11-07-2010, 07:43 PM

The Republican Party - The Party of Double Standards

Funny how short their memories are.

11-07-2010, 10:02 PM
Funny how short their memories are.

Yes it is -
Bombshell: Obama Admin. Caught Red-Handed Working with Big Wind Energy Lobbyists, Misleading American People (http://www.instituteforenergyresearch.org/2010/03/03/bombshell-obama-admin-caught-red-handed-working-with-big-wind-energy-lobbyists-misleading-american-people/)

Obama Administration Invokes State Secrets Privilege…Again (http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalpunch/2009/10/obama-administration-invokes-state-secrets-privilegeagain.html)

Obama Proposes $50 Billion More in Wasteful Deficit Spending
President Obama has proposed $50 billion more in deficit spending after his original $800 billion stimulus package failed. Federal domestic spending already increased by a record 16 percent this year due to the stimulus package. (http://www.openmarket.org/2010/09/08/obama-proposes-50-billion-more-in-wasteful-deficit-spending/)

Now from Obama's Website which is still up -
The Problem

Lobbyists Write National Policies: For example, Vice President Dick Cheney's Energy Task Force of oil and gas lobbyists met secretly to develop national energy policy.
Secrecy Dominates Government Actions: The Bush administration has ignored public disclosure rules and has invoked a legal tool known as the "state secrets" privilege more than any other previous administration to get cases thrown out of civil court.
Wasteful Spending is Out of Control: The current administration has abused its power by handing out contracts without competition to its politically connected friends and supporters. These abuses cost taxpayers billions of dollars each year (http://www.barackobama.com/issues/ethics/index_campaign.php)

Short Memory Indeed

Oh the hypocrisy of "Party Hacks" ........ :lame2:

Mr. P
11-07-2010, 11:24 PM
What's the reason Bambam is going to India for again?
Oh wait..that's right..a family vacation and he's gonna visit a Mosque..Never mind. :slap:

11-08-2010, 05:11 AM
What's the reason Bambam is going to India for again?
Oh wait..that's right..a family vacation and he's gonna visit a Mosque..Never mind. :slap:

You are yet another example of the mainstreaming of idiot America.

Mr. P
11-08-2010, 07:55 AM
You are yet another example of the mainstreaming of idiot America.
So enlighten me, BP. What's the purpose of this trip?

11-08-2010, 09:07 AM
What's the reason Bambam is going to India for again?
Oh wait..that's right..a family vacation and he's gonna visit a Mosque..Never mind. :slap:

Since India is enjoying 8% economic growth, I imagine Obama has a really big notepad and a box of pencils. Now we just need to figure out how to get India to outsource its jobs to the US...maybe thousands of Indian tech support sites here in the States.

11-08-2010, 11:15 AM
You are yet another example of the mainstreaming of idiot America.

What no response to the facts of post #3 (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?29758-Republican-hypocrisy-knows-no-bounds&p=449242#post449242)?

Oh such is the life of a "Party Hack" :lame2:

Yes, you are yet another example of the mainstreaming of "idiot America".

11-08-2010, 08:35 PM

The Republican Party - The Party of Double Standards

another sore loser. live with it. tuff shit

11-08-2010, 08:36 PM
Funny how short their memories are.

another big time sore loser

11-08-2010, 09:42 PM
another sore loser. live with it. tuff shit

another big time sore loser

What do you expect from "Party Hacks"?

11-09-2010, 11:57 AM
What was the purpose of Bush's trip to Israel?

11-09-2010, 12:54 PM
So, OP, do you believe that both Obama and Bush have needlessly wasted money?

Personally I do, and Obama should be critiqued for the expense of the trip.

11-09-2010, 01:22 PM
What was the purpose of Bush's trip to Israel?

Well, seeing as they're regular allies of ours, it likely actually had to do with doing his job as President, and talking with one of our allies, but sadly, the person who wrote your article for use in the OP is a crap journalist, since he never at any point mention so much as one thing aside from the renting out the hotel a little over two years ago.

You'd think since he was digging deep enough to find out exactly how much was being spent on the hotels and such, that he would have at least figured he'd have done due diligence and gotten the most basic question taken care of.

11-09-2010, 03:12 PM
The biggest hypocrisy of Conservative Republicans is believing that they are always right. The same things that are wrong for liberals and Dems are correct when embraced by the other side.

Read this forum. Certain posters are always right. And you are now allowed to prove them wrong.
Notice how utterances from the devine talking heads and extreme right wing bloggers and columnists are always presented as fact. But any effort to refute such are cast off as "the liberal media" and "unreliable extremists."
What makes Ed Schultz any different than Rush Limbaugh? They both spew out crazy hate-filled garbage. But Rush is a conservative, so he is accepted. The same people who complain about those who want Rush taking off the air are out demanding that Ed be taken off the air.

What is the "liberal media" exactly? It is any source that refuses to toe the party line. If you criticize a conservative politician or idea, you are the "liberal media." If you supported Dubya for eight years, but now support Obama, you have become the "liberal media."

Hypocrites are not stupid. They know what they are doing. It is those who accept and embrace the hypocrisy that are ignorant. The most ignorant ones don't realize they are hypocrites. Perhaps it is part of their upbringing. It is difficult to fault those who are raised to be stupid.

Liberal are raised to question authority. Conservatives are raised to accept it blindly and without question.

11-09-2010, 03:43 PM
So, OP, do you believe that both Obama and Bush have needlessly wasted money?

Personally I do, and Obama should be critiqued for the expense of the trip.


Magically, when Bush was wasting money in Israel, not a soul on DebatePolicy.com noticed.

Then when Barry does it all of a sudden everyone notices.


11-09-2010, 04:13 PM
Liberal are raised to question authority. Conservatives are raised to accept it blindly and without question.

Pot calling the kettle there gabo?

Some Liberals may be raised to question Gov't authority but they will follow the lastest trends in culture and "science" like rabid zombies. And react about the same as a conservative reacts to anyone questioning the the new "truth".

Gab I agree with some of the 1st part of what you said . Seems there are no facts that will move some conservative minds but the same is true for liberals. Frankly I'm not sure which is worse. both FIXED positions can get us broke and killed if they aren't open to examining the facts rather than tribal loyalties.

11-09-2010, 04:13 PM

Magically, when Bush was wasting money in Israel, not a soul on DebatePolicy.com noticed.

Then when Barry does it all of a sudden everyone notices.


Why didn't you post about it?