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View Full Version : Teapublicans don't think it goes far enough...Economists don't think it makes sense.

11-06-2010, 10:33 AM
Of course economists don't think it makes sense...Because it doesn't. The GOP economic "plan" is an unholy cross-bred offspring of the discredited "Laffer Curve" based supply side economics and Milton Friedman's distorted free market economic theories which worked so well in Chile under Augusto Pinochet. Never mind that you can't reduce the deficit by adding a $700 billion dollar tax cut for the wealthiest 2% of Americans.

The cheap populism of the GOP is nothing more than tattered window dressing for their real agenda...Looting the treasury for the benefit of themselves and the plutocrats who bought and paid for them.

<center><a href=http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/11/05/AR2010110507092.html?hpid=topnews&sid=ST2010110502343>Republicans map out their agenda of less</a><center>

11-06-2010, 03:04 PM
Talking points I will abandon when presented with evidence and fact.


11-06-2010, 11:23 PM
Your characterization isn't fair, bullypulpit - rightists act on genuine belief in what they believe to be ethical principles, not merely greed or corruption. It is true that most U.S. economists tend to ally themselves with liberal democratic capitalism, but to an anti-capitalist, that's worse than the rightist neoclassical school, because it sustains the stability of the dominant economic paradigm - capitalism. Keynesianism and government intervention are simply the necessary mechanisms of preserving capitalism.

11-06-2010, 11:36 PM
Of course economists don't think it makes sense...Because it doesn't. The GOP economic "plan" is an unholy cross-bred offspring of the discredited "Laffer Curve" based supply side economics and Milton Friedman's distorted free market economic theories which worked so well in Chile under Augusto Pinochet. Never mind that you can't reduce the deficit by adding a $700 billion dollar tax cut for the wealthiest 2% of Americans.

The cheap populism of the GOP is nothing more than tattered window dressing for their real agenda...Looting the treasury for the benefit of themselves and the plutocrats who bought and paid for them.

<center><a href=http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/11/05/AR2010110507092.html?hpid=topnews&sid=ST2010110502343>Republicans map out their agenda of less</a><center>

Right, clearly we need to add a few more trillion dollars in spending to fix things like your guys are planning. I'll stick with the guys going for gearing down for now, thanks.

11-06-2010, 11:44 PM
Of course economists don't think it makes sense...Because it doesn't. The GOP economic "plan" is an unholy cross-bred offspring of the discredited "Laffer Curve" based supply side economics and Milton Friedman's distorted free market economic theories which worked so well in Chile under Augusto Pinochet. Never mind that you can't reduce the deficit by adding a $700 billion dollar tax cut for the wealthiest 2% of Americans.

The cheap populism of the GOP is nothing more than tattered window dressing for their real agenda...Looting the treasury for the benefit of themselves and the plutocrats who bought and paid for them.

<center><a href=http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/11/05/AR2010110507092.html?hpid=topnews&sid=ST2010110502343>Republicans map out their agenda of less</a><center>

Elections have consequences:

We keep hearing posters on the left implying that nothing big happened, of course that's contradicted by the meltdown of some and the proliferation of threads about Palin and FOX causing the tsunami.

Well there has been some dramatic changes, though I doubt they were what Obama & Co were seeking:



Just look around here a bit, (http://www.ncsl.org/Default.aspx?TabID=746&tabs=1116,115,786#1116) some will be inconsolable once they figure out what change really means regarding redistricting.

Republicans Make Historic Gains

Republicans have added over 675 seats to their ranks in this election, dramatically surpassing 1994 gains. This number could go even higher as the tallies in the undecided races are determined. The chamber switches thus far are all Democratic to Republican except for Montana House which was tied and is now Republican, and the Oregon House which was Democratic and is now tied. Changes are:

GOP gains
Alabama - House and Senate
Colorado - House
Indiana - House
Iowa - House
Maine – House and Senate
Michigan - House
Minnesota - House and Senate
Montana - House
New Hampshire - House and Senate
North Carolina - House and Senate
Ohio - House
Pennsylvania - House
Wisconsin - Assembly and Senate

Tied : Oregon House; Alaska Senate

Three chambers still undecided: New York - Senate; Oregon - Senate; Washington – Senate

This is the first time in Alabama that Republicans have controlled the legislature since reconstruction. The North Carolina Senate has not been Republican since 1870. And Republicans have reportedly taken over 100 seats in the New Hampshire House. For the first time in history, the Minnesota Senate will be controlled by the GOP.

Continue to check in with us at StateVote 2010 for real-time updates of legislative elections across the country. NCSL's blog The Thicket is providing analysis of legislative elections and NCSL's blog Prop* 50 offers the most comprehensive information on ballot measures anywhere.

The map below will be updated to show the results of legislative elections. For a map showing party control of state legislatures prior to the election view the Pre-Election Party Control of State Legislatures Map. The 50 state table shows party composition of state legislatures, governors and state control following the election. (Please note some races are still pending.) 50-State Table of Partisan Control of Governor and Legislature Prior to the 2010 Election (Color-coded table showing partisan control of legislature and governor's party for all 50 states.)

red states rule
11-07-2010, 05:42 AM
Of course economists don't think it makes sense...Because it doesn't. The GOP economic "plan" is an unholy cross-bred offspring of the discredited "Laffer Curve" based supply side economics and Milton Friedman's distorted free market economic theories which worked so well in Chile under Augusto Pinochet. Never mind that you can't reduce the deficit by adding a $700 billion dollar tax cut for the wealthiest 2% of Americans.

The cheap populism of the GOP is nothing more than tattered window dressing for their real agenda...Looting the treasury for the benefit of themselves and the plutocrats who bought and paid for them.

<center><a href=http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/11/05/AR2010110507092.html?hpid=topnews&sid=ST2010110502343>Republicans map out their agenda of less</a><center>

and so what is the top 2% of income earners are currently paying more then 40% of federal income taxes - BP and his fellow libs demand they pay more tp help pay for governemtn benefits for ilegals and the pork stimulus programs

So what if polls show voters want the Bush tax cuts to be extended for ALL income earners - BP and fellow libs demand only a few select groups that do not pay any federal income tax will get money back - money taken by those who do pay federal income taxes

So what if tax cuts caused revenue to the US government to increase when tax cuts were passed under JFK, Ronal Reagan, and Pres Bush - BP and his fellow liberals will ignore this fact and still look at tax cuts as a zero sum game; and use the tax code to force people to live their lives the way liberals want them to

Well BP get a box of Kleenex. The voters spoke and your side got fired. If you do not want your tax cut you can send it back to the US Treasury.

And if you get upset and depressed over the tax cuts, repeal of Obamacare and other garbage Pelosi and Reid rammed thru, and reductions in spending I want you to know from the bottom of my heart; I don't give a shit

11-07-2010, 07:23 AM
Your characterization isn't fair, bullypulpit - rightists act on genuine belief in what they believe to be ethical principles, not merely greed or corruption. It is true that most U.S. economists tend to ally themselves with liberal democratic capitalism, but to an anti-capitalist, that's worse than the rightist neoclassical school, because it sustains the stability of the dominant economic paradigm - capitalism. Keynesianism and government intervention are simply the necessary mechanisms of preserving capitalism.

That's silly.

11-07-2010, 12:20 PM
Elections have consequences:

We keep hearing posters on the left implying that nothing big happened, of course that's contradicted by the meltdown of some and the proliferation of threads about Palin and FOX causing the tsunami.

Well there has been some dramatic changes, though I doubt they were what Obama & Co were seeking:

Just look around here a bit, (http://www.ncsl.org/Default.aspx?TabID=746&tabs=1116,115,786#1116) some will be inconsolable once they figure out what change really means regarding redistricting.

And this has what to do with the GOP running on, and planning to implement the same failed economic policies that contributed to America's current economic straights? The cuts they plan to make to discretionary spending won't even offset the hit the budget will take from letting tax cuts for America's wealthiest citizens. What do they plan to do? Borrow more money from China?

11-07-2010, 12:24 PM
and so what is the top 2% of income earners are currently paying more then 40% of federal income taxes - BP and his fellow libs demand they pay more tp help pay for governemtn benefits for ilegals and the pork stimulus programs

So what if polls show voters want the Bush tax cuts to be extended for ALL income earners - BP and fellow libs demand only a few select groups that do not pay any federal income tax will get money back - money taken by those who do pay federal income taxes

So what if tax cuts caused revenue to the US government to increase when tax cuts were passed under JFK, Ronal Reagan, and Pres Bush - BP and his fellow liberals will ignore this fact and still look at tax cuts as a zero sum game; and use the tax code to force people to live their lives the way liberals want them to

Well BP get a box of Kleenex. The voters spoke and your side got fired. If you do not want your tax cut you can send it back to the US Treasury.

And if you get upset and depressed over the tax cuts, repeal of Obamacare and other garbage Pelosi and Reid rammed thru, and reductions in spending I want you to know from the bottom of my heart; I don't give a shit

Gosh Red...95% of Americans GOT a tax cut with the economic stimulus that the right wing punditocracy and GOP leadership so decries. Never mind, of course that most of those same GOP lawmakers were knocking at the door with hat in hand when those funds were disbursed. Healthcare reform, if it had been passed in it's original form, would have been budget neutral. It was the gutting of it by the GOP that drove up the costs. So don't lecture me about subjects you are clearly ignorant of.

11-07-2010, 01:14 PM
And this has what to do with the GOP running on, and planning to implement the same failed economic policies that contributed to America's current economic straights? The cuts they plan to make to discretionary spending won't even offset the hit the budget will take from letting tax cuts for America's wealthiest citizens. What do they plan to do? Borrow more money from China?

:laugh: The talking points live on.

Why are you not piling on with the tax cuts that BO wants to give to the under $(whatever today's definition of middle class is),000

11-07-2010, 01:17 PM
Gosh Red...95% of Americans GOT a tax cut with the economic stimulus that the right wing punditocracy and GOP leadership so decries. Never mind, of course that most of those same GOP lawmakers were knocking at the door with hat in hand when those funds were disbursed. Healthcare reform, if it had been passed in it's original form, would have been budget neutral. It was the gutting of it by the GOP that drove up the costs. So don't lecture me about subjects you are clearly ignorant of.

HC reform is the fault of those who didn't even vote for it? Interesting.

11-07-2010, 02:54 PM
HC reform is the fault of those who didn't even vote for it? Interesting.

Or the fault of the hundreds of GOP amendments to the bill? BP has his head clearly up his ass and locked firmly on that argument.

As I recall though, Obama and the Dems swore that the bill that WAS passed would actually reduce the deficit. Hey BP...did they lie to us?

11-07-2010, 02:58 PM
Of course economists don't think it makes sense...Because it doesn't. The GOP economic "plan" is an unholy cross-bred offspring of the discredited "Laffer Curve" based supply side economics and Milton Friedman's distorted free market economic theories which worked so well in Chile under Augusto Pinochet.

Hmmmmmmm...... purdy silly chit ^^^^^^

Never mind that you can't reduce the deficit by adding a $700 billion dollar tax cut for the wealthiest 2% of Americans.

Do you have any independent brain function at all? Please name this "$700 billion dollar tax cut": Einstein..... The tax policy has been in effect for nearly ten years. Ya think Alice in Wonderland is a good model fer yer type of politics???

The cheap populism of the GOP is nothing more than tattered window dressing for their real agenda...Looting the treasury for the benefit of themselves and the plutocrats who bought and paid for them.

Yasureyabetcha...... n' buyin' a couple of Automakers ta bail out union pension plans ta repay $450 million in 2008 campain expenditures is no big deal ta someone who's brain bearly functions well enough ta tie shoes eh?

<center><a href=http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/11/05/AR2010110507092.html?hpid=topnews&sid=ST2010110502343>Republicans map out their agenda of less</a><center>

Hmmmmmmm........ I say. JR

11-07-2010, 03:06 PM
And this has what to do with the GOP running on, and planning to implement the same failed economic policies that contributed to America's current economic straights?

Hmmmmmmm...... any original thoughts? Can't think independently eh....

The cuts they plan to make to discretionary spending won't even offset the hit the budget will take from letting tax cuts for America's wealthiest citizens.

What HIT will the budget take from retaining a decade old tax policy, Einstein????? :laugh2:

What do they plan to do? Borrow more money from China?

Maybe they will cut spending. Novel idea eh????

11-07-2010, 03:16 PM
Gosh Red...95% of Americans GOT a tax cut with the economic stimulus that the right wing punditocracy and GOP leadership so decries.

Proof of zero brain function..... DO YOU ACTUALLY THINK THAT 95% of AMERICANS ACTUALLY PAY TAXES EINSTEIN???????:laugh2::laugh2:

Never mind, of course that most of those same GOP lawmakers were knocking at the door with hat in hand when those funds were disbursed.

Silly chit ^^^^^^

Healthcare reform, if it had been passed in it's original form, would have been budget neutral.

Wow I wanna smoke whatever you have in yer pipe..... What a silly feller you are....maybe you are a silly female fer that matter.......

It was the gutting of it by the GOP that drove up the costs.

Hey Einstein!!!!! I have a bridge fer sale..... n' it floats toooooo!!!!!

So don't lecture me about subjects you are clearly ignorant of.

Look in the mirror when ya read yer own werds there: Sport!!!!

11-07-2010, 05:18 PM
And this has what to do with the GOP running on, and planning to implement the same failed economic policies that contributed to America's current economic straights? The cuts they plan to make to discretionary spending won't even offset the hit the budget will take from letting tax cuts for America's wealthiest citizens. What do they plan to do? Borrow more money from China?

We'll see what happens in January and beyond. My personal take is I give them 6-9 months to see what happens. You are using the ramblings of the GOP insiders, the same ones who did all they could to stop many of those elected from being so.

As for China, seems Obama's plan is to 'scare' them with an Australian alliance, (http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20101107/ap_on_re_as/as_us_australia_12) while indeed he keeps hitting them for money. That's going to go well, I'm certain. :rolleyes: