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11-10-2010, 05:35 PM
Is anyone watching the Puppetmaster series on Glen Beck?

11-10-2010, 05:46 PM
I am.

I understand so much more than I did before. The truth really does set you free. But Soros and his gang of Robbers have infected quite a bit of our society.

11-10-2010, 06:04 PM
I am.

I understand so much more than I did before. The truth really does set you free. But Soros and his gang of Robbers have infected quite a bit of our society.

I ran across this guy back in 2003 when I discovered that he had formed the MoveOn.org group. I have been tracking him ever since .... I have said frequently that he is our biggest enemy because he will use our "social justice" against us to create the type of government he wants.

I am so glad that someone has finally stood up to his pressure tactics and exposed him.

It's interesting to see what Slate and MediaMatters is saying about the series.

11-10-2010, 06:09 PM
Posted this before ... but a good reminder. This website lists all the crossover connections of the Soros "network".


or this one


11-10-2010, 10:21 PM
Follow the money and it always leads back to soros.

11-11-2010, 11:46 AM
I've seen it. Beck is sliding deeper into insanity and psychosis with each passing day. I don't know which is more pathetic...Beck or anyone who actually believes his BS.

11-11-2010, 12:15 PM
I've seen it. Beck is sliding deeper into insanity and psychosis with each passing day. I don't know which is more pathetic...Beck or anyone who actually believes his BS.

You mean like Obama and "Change"?

Obama Backs Off a Reversal on Secrets (http://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/10/us/10torture.html)

SAN FRANCISCO — In a closely watched case involving rendition and torture, a lawyer for the Obama administration seemed to surprise a panel of federal appeals judges on Monday by pressing ahead with an argument for preserving state secrets originally developed by the Bush administration.

You've still yet to answer the very simple and direct question, you know "What are your thoughts of Obama embracing and expanding the Bush Doctrine"?

Why won't you Obama fans answer it eh?

11-11-2010, 01:05 PM
I've seen it. Beck is sliding deeper into insanity and psychosis with each passing day. I don't know which is more pathetic...Beck or anyone who actually believes his BS.

Pathetic is someone who judges the information being disseminated by the presenter.

Just like in the thread about the contrail....no one wanted to check out your source because they don't like you......and you became very frustrated...because you knew the info was probably valid.

I think you are missing out on learning something you might not know just because your friends have told you that Beck is crazy. He presents the information in a very dramatic format .... however, the information is valid. But, I'm more than OK if you are not aware of the information ... there has to be a few uninformed people left out there for Soros to co-opt. You would fit perfectly into his network of radical progressives. So, don't watch Beck ... it might change your life to be informed of what's going on with your opponents.

11-11-2010, 01:44 PM
Pathetic is someone who judges the information being disseminated by the presenter.

Just like in the thread about the contrail....no one wanted to check out your source because they don't like you......and you became very frustrated...because you knew the info was probably valid.

I think you are missing out on learning something you might not know just because your friends have told you that Beck is crazy. He presents the information in a very dramatic format .... however, the information is valid. But, I'm more than OK if you are not aware of the information ... there has to be a few uninformed people left out there for Soros to co-opt. You would fit perfectly into his network of radical progressives. So, don't watch Beck ... it might change your life to be informed of what's going on with your opponents.

Such is the life of the "Party Hack", they refuse any information that may contradict what the "Party" tells them.

I've wondered at times why it is so frightening to listen with an open mind to the position of those you disagree with, I embrace it. For the truth is enlightening and in the end everyone benefits from it.

11-11-2010, 01:51 PM
Such is the life of the "Party Hack", they refuse any information that may contradict what the "Party" tells them.

I've wondered at times why it is so frightening to listen with an open mind to the position of those you disagree with, I embrace it. For the truth is enlightening and in the end everyone benefits from it.

Agree ... it is extremely difficult to watch people like Matthews, Olberman, Maddow, etc....but I try... because I want to know what the progressive liberals are saying ... in their own words ... not what the conservatives are saying the liberals are saying.......

I find it hard to sit through any of them ... either the left or the right, but....I feel it is the only way that I can make my own decision about what is the truth. I frequently disagree with things both sides are saying ...and if it's something I truly feel strongly about, I'll do my own research.

My current favorite person to watch is Greta....she seems to be more respectful of the people she's talking to ... whereas, most of the other commentators think people want to sit there and listen to them be rude and disrespectful to their guests.....that's the hard stuff to wade through in order to hear what they are trying to say.

11-11-2010, 02:22 PM
Agree ... it is extremely difficult to watch people like Matthews, Olberman, Maddow, etc....but I try... because I want to know what the progressive liberals are saying ... in their own words ... not what the conservatives are saying the liberals are saying.......

I find it hard to sit through any of them ... either the left or the right, but....I feel it is the only way that I can make my own decision about what is the truth. I frequently disagree with things both sides are saying ...and if it's something I truly feel strongly about, I'll do my own research.

My current favorite person to watch is Greta....she seems to be more respectful of the people she's talking to ... whereas, most of the other commentators think people want to sit there and listen to them be rude and disrespectful to their guests.....that's the hard stuff to wade through in order to hear what they are trying to say.

Know what you mean, long time ago I used to be and avid listener to Bill O'Reilly, I started watching him way back when he was with Current Affair. But back in the early 2000's I got sick of his B.S. and blatant lies, not only did he not retract the B.S. when he was caught on them but would later repeat them again.

Yeah I used to be a talk show junkie, radio and T.V. years ago but now that I've kicked the broadcast media addiction I catch their junk off the net to see what they're up to when I'm looking into a topic.

My father is a Beck junkie along with talk radio, when I visit him he's either got the TV or radio blasting away at obscene levels (he's a bit hard of hearing). Beck has some excellent points and is very well researched. Rush, well he's an entertainer and I honestly prefer to get my entertainment elsewhere ;)

But bottom line it comes down to this from Nietzsche -

"Do not allow yourselves to be deceived: Great Minds are Skeptical.... There is nothing more necessary than truth, and in comparison with it everything else has only secondary value."


11-11-2010, 03:05 PM
Agree ... it is extremely difficult to watch people like Matthews, Olberman, Maddow, etc....but I try... because I want to know what the progressive liberals are saying ... in their own words ... not what the conservatives are saying the liberals are saying.......

I find it hard to sit through any of them ... either the left or the right, but....I feel it is the only way that I can make my own decision about what is the truth. I frequently disagree with things both sides are saying ...and if it's something I truly feel strongly about, I'll do my own research.

My current favorite person to watch is Greta....she seems to be more respectful of the people she's talking to ... whereas, most of the other commentators think people want to sit there and listen to them be rude and disrespectful to their guests.....that's the hard stuff to wade through in order to hear what they are trying to say.

Shows like "Countdown" and "The Rachel Maddow Show" are difficult for those on the right to watch because the facts they present threaten to upset the house of cards their world view is based upon. The cognitive dissonance created would leave them sobbing on the floor in a fetal position, babbling quotes from Beck, Hannity, O'Reilly and the rest of their right wing ilk.

11-11-2010, 03:07 PM
Agree ... it is extremely difficult to watch people like Matthews, Olberman, Maddow, etc....but I try... because I want to know what the progressive liberals are saying ... in their own words ... not what the conservatives are saying the liberals are saying.......

I find it hard to sit through any of them ... either the left or the right, but....I feel it is the only way that I can make my own decision about what is the truth. I frequently disagree with things both sides are saying ...and if it's something I truly feel strongly about, I'll do my own research.

I know we've gone over some of this in another thread so I won't repeat here. I do however agree very much with what you are saying above...

... it's just...it's just...it's just I can't get through Beck and those damn puppets :laugh:

11-11-2010, 10:12 PM
Shows like "Glen Beck", "O'Reilly" and "Hannity" are difficult for those on the left to watch because the facts they present threaten to upset the house of cards their world view is based upon. The cognitive dissonance created would leave them sobbing on the floor in a fetal position, babbling quotes from Matthews, Olberman, Maddow, and the rest of their left wing ilk.

Wow ... once again I change a couple of words that BP writes and then his statement makes perfect sense to me.

11-12-2010, 09:16 PM
Shows like "Glen Beck", "O'Reilly" and "Hannity" are difficult for those on the left to watch because the facts they present threaten to upset the house of cards their world view is based upon. The cognitive dissonance created would leave them sobbing on the floor in a fetal position, babbling quotes from Matthews, Olberman, Maddow, and the rest of their left wing ilk.

Wow ... once again I change a couple of words that BP writes and then his statement makes perfect sense to me.

Since the shows you mention are devoid of fact, there's no chance of their upsetting anything but my stomach with their utter BS. But more to the point, are you familiar with "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion"? This piece of anti-Semitic diatribe was penned in Tsarist Russia around 1903 to justify the pogroms against Russian Jews. It was later used by the Nazi Party to justify their oppression and extermination of Jews.

And, now, Mr. Beck with his "Puppet Master" tripe resurrects the imagery of "The Protocols" in his baseless assault on George Soros. Never mind that he falsely accused Soros of being a Nazi collaborator and bent on the destruction of America. But protests by the Anti-Defamation League, The Interfaith Alliance, The American Gathering of Jewish Holocaust Survivors and Their Descendants, the Jewish Funds for Justice and the Jewish Council for Public Affairs, Beck and FOX Noise have refused to retract Beck's statements.

So really, which is more pathetic, even despicable...? Beck...? Or those who unquestioningly accept whatever he says on his radio and tv broadcasts?

11-12-2010, 09:19 PM
Since the shows you mention are devoid of fact, there's no chance of their upsetting anything but my stomach with their utter BS. But more to the point, are you familiar with "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion"? This piece of anti-Semitic diatribe was penned in Tsarist Russia around 1903 to justify the pogroms against Russian Jews. It was later used by the Nazi Party to justify their oppression and extermination of Jews.

And, now, Mr. Beck with his "Puppet Master" tripe resurrects the imagery of "The Protocols" in his baseless assault on George Soros. Never mind that he falsely accused Soros of being a Nazi collaborator and bent on the destruction of America. But protests by the Anti-Defamation League, The Interfaith Alliance, The American Gathering of Jewish Holocaust Survivors and Their Descendants, the Jewish Funds for Justice and the Jewish Council for Public Affairs, Beck and FOX Noise have refused to retract Beck's statements.

So really, which is more pathetic, even despicable...? Beck...? Or those who unquestioningly accept whatever he says on his radio and tv broadcasts?

You are too funny, talking about so called "facts". When ever anyone puts facts in front of your nose that contradicts the "Party Line" you just ignore it, why's that BP? Come on Inquiring minds wanna know

11-13-2010, 12:29 AM
Since the shows you mention are devoid of fact, there's no chance of their upsetting anything but my stomach with their utter BS. But more to the point, are you familiar with "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion"? This piece of anti-Semitic diatribe was penned in Tsarist Russia around 1903 to justify the pogroms against Russian Jews. It was later used by the Nazi Party to justify their oppression and extermination of Jews.

And, now, Mr. Beck with his "Puppet Master" tripe resurrects the imagery of "The Protocols" in his baseless assault on George Soros. Never mind that he falsely accused Soros of being a Nazi collaborator and bent on the destruction of America. But protests by the Anti-Defamation League, The Interfaith Alliance, The American Gathering of Jewish Holocaust Survivors and Their Descendants, the Jewish Funds for Justice and the Jewish Council for Public Affairs, Beck and FOX Noise have refused to retract Beck's statements.

So really, which is more pathetic, even despicable...? Beck...? Or those who unquestioningly accept whatever he says on his radio and tv broadcasts?

Are there any facts that Beck has presented about Soros that are incorrect?

11-13-2010, 12:39 AM
Are there any facts that Beck has presented about Soros that are incorrect?

I wouldn't expect an answer from BP, she'll just ignore you since it's against "The Party's" rules ;)

11-13-2010, 07:56 AM
Are there any facts that Beck has presented about Soros that are incorrect?

Really? How's 'bout all of them? Well maybe that fact that Soros is Jewish and a Holocaust survivor?

11-13-2010, 08:23 AM
Really? How's 'bout all of them? Well maybe that fact that Soros is Jewish and a Holocaust survivor?

In other words you haven't got a clue, just following the party mantra.

11-13-2010, 08:48 AM
Really? How's 'bout all of them? Well maybe that fact that Soros is Jewish and a Holocaust survivor?

You may not like what he said, but it appears it was the truth and straight from the dipshit Soros' own writings.


11-13-2010, 01:50 PM
In other words you haven't got a clue, just following the party mantra.

This is what actually happened. Shortly after George went to live with Baumbach, the man was assigned to take inventory on the vast estate of Mor Kornfeld, an extremely wealthy aristocrat of Jewish origin. The Kornfeld family had the wealth, wisdom, and connections to be able to leave some of its belongings behind in exchange for permission to make their way to Lisbon. Baumbach was ordered to go to the Kornfeld estate and inventory the artworks, furnishings, and other property. Rather than leave his "godson" behind in Budapest for three days, he took the boy with him. As Baumbach itemized the material, George walked around the grounds and spent time with Kornfeld's staff. It was his first visit to such a mansion, and the first time he rode a horse. He collaborated with no one and he paid attention to what he understood to be his primary responsibility: making sure that no one doubted that he was Sandor Kiss. Among his practical concerns was to make sure that no one saw him pee. - Soros: The Life and Times of a Messianic Billionaire, pg 37

Your grasp of the facts has always been tenuous, at best, Gaffer. But you, at least, don't fabricate your own set of facts from whole cloth as Mr. Beck and the rest of his ilk at FOX Noise do. You merely parrot them.

11-13-2010, 02:15 PM
Such is the life of the "Party Hack", they refuse any information that may contradict what the "Party" tells them.

I've wondered at times why it is so frightening to listen with an open mind to the position of those you disagree with, I embrace it. For the truth is enlightening and in the end everyone benefits from it.

Some people don't want the truth. They would rather pretend to have security rather than face the fact that they need to learn something or could be wrong and have to deal with the feelings of inadequacy.

It's a pride issue. Ego.

11-13-2010, 02:15 PM
In other words you haven't got a clue, just following the party mantra.

That's what "Party Hacks" do.

You notice how BP just ignores any/all facts that contradict the Party Line?


11-13-2010, 02:25 PM
Really? How's 'bout all of them? Well maybe that fact that Soros is Jewish and a Holocaust survivor?

In otherwords, you don't know.

George Soros is an ethnic Jew who believes in Athiesm.

As a boy of 14, he posed as the godson of an employee of the Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture and was required to help confiscate and inventory the property of wealthy Jews.

He never survived a death camp. He never even went to one.

What exactly was Glenn lying about here? It's general knowledge. Soros admits it freely saying it was the happiest time of his life.

You can claim Glenn's lying all you want. But how did Glenn get Soros to back him up by making the statements?

11-13-2010, 06:27 PM
Really? How's 'bout all of them? Well maybe that fact that Soros is Jewish and a Holocaust survivor?

Perhaps we need to ask BP to answer one fact at a time until we find one that is not true?


1. George Soros collapsed/broke the Bank of England?

11-13-2010, 08:30 PM
Perhaps we need to ask BP to answer one fact at a time until we find one that is not true?


1. George Soros collapsed/broke the Bank of England?

Don't hold your breath, only thing your going to get when you actually address facts with "Party Hacks" is -
