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11-10-2010, 09:17 PM
Are you living a life consistant with your faith? It's not an easy task I know. I thought I was doing good for a while until I actually sat down and made a list of things I believed that I followed with exactness and those I needed some work on.

The list I did with exactness contained one principle I felt I was living correctly.

The I need work category had a ton of them.

It really opened my eyes. I really thought I was doing well till I did that. I knew I had a few things to work on, but dang. It's amazing how we can keep ourselves from seeing things clearly sometimes. Our own self perception gets in the way.

I think it's very important for us to strive to live our faith. We won't be perfect. I am sure there will always be something to work kon. But I think we have to have faith to make the effort and then Let God do the rest.

I am not talking about working for salvation, because that's impossible. I am talking about being honest with ourselves and with God about listening to what we believe He is teaching us.

So have you ever evaluated yourself? Have you made goals with the Lord on how to do better? I don't really care what faith, denomination, or sect, you belong to. I am just curious how many people are doing things to improve themselves.

11-10-2010, 09:35 PM
Faith? No.

My own moral code? Yes.

Am currently experimenting with Kants Catagorical Imperitive as a philosophy to live by, with quiet wonderful success.

11-10-2010, 10:17 PM
What about your faith in the non-existence of God? I'd say you're living your faith..that and macro evolution. You seem to life by your faith in those regards, Noir.

I'd also venture, if one's life doesn't reflect what they claim to believe, they might-not believe it.

11-10-2010, 10:21 PM
What about your faith in the non-existence of God? I'd say you're living your faith..that and macro evolution. You seem to life by your faith in those regards, Noir.

I'd also venture, if one's life doesn't reflect what they claim to believe, they might-not believe it.

What does your last sentence imply?

11-11-2010, 09:10 AM
Depends on who is doing the implying.

My statement MEANS this: If people do not conduct themselves as if they feel, believe, etc, a certain way, I suggest they, in fact, do NOT feel/believe/etc the thing they claim.

As an example:

I say I love my wife.

I don't care for her physical or emotional needs.

Therefore, based on my inaction, one of those conditions exists:

1) I don't, in fact, LOVE her.
2) I love her, but my love for her is useless because I exhibit no manifestation of the claimed love.

I'll re-phrase that sentence: If folks' belief in 'x' doesn't manifest in their lives, their belief is non-existent or in vain.

11-12-2010, 05:02 AM
Are you living a life consistant with your faith?

Can't imagine why one would not live their life consistent with their faith. Isn't faith so ingrained, so instinctive that it's like an inner guidance system? If you are not living consistently with your faith ... is it really faith or just a set of rules, or goals that one feels they have to achieve?

So have you ever evaluated yourself?

Many times...and each time it has been painful and yet positive... each time seems to generate a spiritual growth spurt. I am a long way from where I started and yet I imagine I have a long way to go.

Have you made goals with the Lord on how to do better?

No...I've always wanted to be open to whatever lesson I need to experience when it presents itself, and not be caught up in specific goals .... however, I am always grateful to God for the progress I make...because it's always a wonder to me when I do have an epiphany....knowing I could not have done it without guidance and spiritual support.