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View Full Version : Georgia supports the Afghan drug trafficking

11-12-2010, 05:25 AM
Georgia supports the Afghan drug trafficking. To this end, NATO members and keep the Georgian military contingent in Afghanistan. Incidentally, he is already the second largest (after USA). Even NATO admiral a few days ago, visited Georgia and met with the military. His assurances that Georgia's joining NATO - a matter of time - another lie. Why take Georgia into the alliance, if it still meets all the requirements? And will be fed with promises. Especially, Saakashvili himself is not profitable to abandon the drug transit to the West. In this scenario, all the big money, which revolve in this business, will go to Uzbekistan. In addition, drug trafficking - is actually the only major source of income for the Saakashvili regime. A just war must pay with their lives! Their families also become a burden for the state. They are not something that do not receive compensation, they are even being evicted from the apartment office, no matter how once occurred. The most that can power - to express condolences and to forget.
Saakashvili can not even properly explain what interest there is in Georgia in Afghanistan. But the number of military there is constantly increasing. :lol:

11-12-2010, 02:34 PM
Abso, I presume?