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View Full Version : Dems validate their stupidity

11-17-2010, 03:32 PM
Obviously the House Democrats paid zero attention to the results of the 2010 midterm elections. Their reaction to the nationwide slap in the face was to embrace the figurehead of the beating and re-elect her as party leader.
Did no one grasp the fact that Pelosi was publicly spayed and declawed by the voting populace? Even those of us who are liberals no longer have faith in her.
What a totally bonehead move. And one that will further lengthen the Dem's slide from prominence.

11-17-2010, 03:56 PM
Finally the Democrats have done something that will be good for the country.

With Pelosi as their leader, they will try to enact more and more liberal-socialist legislation. Fortunately they will now be stopped by the Republican majority (at least they had BETTER stop the Dems, Republicans are still on probation after turning liberal in 2000), so no real damage will be done.

And when 2012 rolls around, Republicans will be able to point to the extreme-left program of the Dmocrats, and their own (hopefully) conservative program, amd present the voters with a clear choice.

This should ensure the demise of the Democrat party, or at least it shrinkage into insignificance. And the next few decades should see a battle between the strange liberal/conservative mix the old Republicans became under GWB, and the more conservative Republicans (see TEA Party) that get elected in ever greater numbers to replace them.

Good job, Democrats! Electing a leader that will effectively destroy your party, is the best thing you could do for the country.

11-17-2010, 04:31 PM

11-18-2010, 12:07 AM
We don't need the Democrat party destroyed. Just purged of the progressive/marxist bullcrap.

We need too strong parties working for the nations best interests. Not these poor coalitions working for the elites interest.

11-18-2010, 12:57 AM
Obviously the House Democrats paid zero attention to the results of the 2010 midterm elections. Their reaction to the nationwide slap in the face was to embrace the figurehead of the beating and re-elect her as party leader.
Did no one grasp the fact that Pelosi was publicly spayed and declawed by the voting populace? Even those of us who are liberals no longer have faith in her.
What a totally bonehead move. And one that will further lengthen the Dem's slide from prominence.

WTF? Are you trying to give me a heart attack? after all this time you finally post something that is true :clap:
Nancy PEELOSI The gift that keeps on giving

11-18-2010, 04:51 AM
Maybe they are trying to ensure Mr. Obama doesn't win a second term?

11-18-2010, 12:05 PM
We don't need the Democrat party destroyed. Just purged of the progressive/marxist bullcrap.

Well, that's true, as far as it goes. But it's like saying we don't need to put a serial murderer to death, we merely have to purge any desire to kill or hurt people, from his psyche.

Problem is, there is no known way to do that. Nor does anyone know how to purge the socialism and big-govt fanaticism from the Democrat party.

Nope, the Democrat party must be treated as serial killers are treated, only politically this time. They most be defeated, voted down at every turn, and reduced to comparative insignificance, a place where a few silly fanatical freaks reside. The good news is, they are well on their way to accomplishing that now, with little help from anyone else.

Then, as I said, the next few decades should see a battle between the strange liberal/conservative mix the old Republicans became under GWB, and the more conservative Republicans (see TEA Party) that get elected in ever greater numbers to replace them. In fact, that will return the country politically to where it was a hundred years ago: people who are (mostly) genuinely conservative in one party, and people who are an odd mix of conservatism and occasional big-govt tendencies in the other. The two-party system will continue, alive and well. But the big-govt socialists who presently lead willing followers in today's Democrat party, will no longer be part of the picture.

Which is as it should be.

11-18-2010, 03:41 PM
Jesus, I actually called it. The dems need to finish tanking before they can right themselves. the Republicans are growing through this same thing, having been kicked out pretty much (The voter equivalent of being given a "time out"), and not being let back in to see if they've learned the lesson yet.

11-18-2010, 09:42 PM
I think Rush said it best on his Tuesday show
We need to get rid of most of the Liberals
But keep a few around so we never forget what a threat they are to freedom

11-18-2010, 10:22 PM
I just realized that this is the first time Ive ever seen Gabs criticize Democrats.

I think a party is in order.

11-19-2010, 01:13 AM
I just realized that this is the first time Ive ever seen Gabs criticize Democrats.

I think a party is in order.

I think it was her hubby that logged in under her account and posted! :coffee:

red states rule
11-21-2010, 09:30 AM
Obviously the House Democrats paid zero attention to the results of the 2010 midterm elections. Their reaction to the nationwide slap in the face was to embrace the figurehead of the beating and re-elect her as party leader.
Did no one grasp the fact that Pelosi was publicly spayed and declawed by the voting populace? Even those of us who are liberals no longer have faith in her.
What a totally bonehead move. And one that will further lengthen the Dem's slide from prominence.

Gabby, I could not be happier with the choice Dems made. Once again they are telling the voters to go to Hell and doing what they damn please

IOW, liberals are doing what they do best
