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View Full Version : Rangel's Punishment Will Be A Stern Warning

red states rule
11-21-2010, 07:15 AM
Another example as to why people have turned their backs on liberals. Here is Charlie Rangel who heads the committee that writes the tax laws of this country - and has been busted many times cheating on his taxes

Despite all the blatant crimes this guy has committed - he is still in Congress, still has his power, and the left still backs this guy

The liberal media is defending him by playing the race card on his behalf

So once again, libs close ranks and protects their own

WASHINGTON – The House ethics committee on Thursday recommended censure for longtime Rep. Charles Rangel, suggesting that the New York Democrat suffer the embarrassment of standing before his colleagues while receiving an oral rebuke by the speaker for financial and fundraising misconduct.

Censure is the most serious congressional discipline short of expulsion. The House, which could change the recommended discipline by making it more serious or less serious, probably will consider the recommendation after Thanksgiving.

The ethics committee voted 9-1 to recommend censure and that Rangel pay any taxes he owes on income from a vacation villa in the Dominican Republic. The five Democrats and five Republicans on the panel deliberated for about three hours behind closed doors.

Earlier, at a sanctions hearing, the 20-term congressman apologized for his misconduct but said he was not a crooked politician out for personal gain. He was in the House hearing room when the ethics committee chairman, Democratic Rep. Zoe Lofgren of California, announced the recommendation.

Rangel said, "I hope you can see your way clear to indicate any action taken by me was not with the intention of bringing any disgrace on the House or enriching myself personally."
