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View Full Version : GOP To White House: Guess Who’s Not Coming To Dinner?

red states rule
11-21-2010, 09:43 AM
Ah, did the big bad Republican's hurt Obama's feelings and pride?

Seems the liberal media is forgetting all the crap and insults Obama tossed out toward the Republicans amd Tea Party

Well, OK no surprise there

As part of President Obama’s mea culpa campaign following his party’s drubbing in last week’s elections, Obama invited the Congressional leadership of both parties to come to the White House tomorrow for some discussion and a dinner.

Yesterday came word that the GOP leadership has turned down the invitation due to ‘scheduling conflicts’, delaying the meeting until after the Thanksgiving break.

According to the White House, the invitation was rejected by the GOP leadership due to “scheduling conflicts in organizing their caucuses.”


Had the GOP leaders turned down the invite due to previous commitments to attend the Thanksgiving pageant at their kids’ schools, this I could understand. However, short of such a family obligation, is there any acceptable excuse to refuse an invitation from your President?


11-21-2010, 10:09 AM
I can think of lots of acceptable excuses for turning him down.

1. I don't like you and everything you stand for.

2. I'm allergic to liberals. Being in the same room with them makes me sneeze.

3. I'll be sick that day.

4. The star tell me to spend that day in bed.

5. My sheets won't be back from the cleaners in time.

This could be a thread in itself.

11-21-2010, 10:16 AM
Or maybe I just don't like the creepy people you have placed in various positions. And nor do I like the direction you are taking my country....

Yep......that sounds about right.....

red states rule
11-21-2010, 11:47 AM
Or maybe it is payback for the way Obama treated Republcans after he won

Calling them to the WH and telling them not to listen toZ Rush Limbaugh and Fox news

Or mocking the Tea Party members

During the meeting with Republicans on Obamacre when the 2000 page bill is droped on the table Oabma bellowed how that was a political prop. Yet that political prop was what he wanted them to vote for

It is clear the liberal media loves it when Obama dished it out but hates it when it is sished out to him