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View Full Version : DREAM Act Would Allow Illegals With Criminal Records to Gain Residency, GOP Says

red states rule
11-21-2010, 05:37 PM
It is very clear, Dems learned NOTHING from the election. They are determined to continue ramming thru their social agenda and do not give a damn the voters are opposed to it

As President Obama and his Democratic allies push to pass legislation this year that would allow certain illegal immigrants to become legal U.S. residents, Republicans are pushing back with details about the DREAM Act that have gone largely unnoticed.

The legislation would permit young people to become U.S. residents after spending two years in college or the military. It would apply to immigrants who were under 16 when they arrived in the U.S., have been in the country at least five years and have a diploma from a U.S. high school or the equivalent.

But Republican Sen. Jeff Session of Alabama released a "DREAM Alert" revealing that at least one version of the legislation would allow qualified illegal immigrants up to the age of 35 to gain resident status, prevent the Department of Homeland Security from removing any illegal who has a pending application – regardless of age or criminal record – and offers amnesty to qualified illegals with misdemeanor convictions, even DUIs.

The alert says that not only would the legislation put an estimated 2.1 million illegal immigrants on a path to citizenship, it would also give them access to in-state tuition rates at public universities, federal student loans, and federal work-study programs.

Illegals who gain citizenship under this legislation will have the legal right to petition for the entry of their family members, including their adult brothers and sisters and the parents who illegally brought or sent them to the U.S.


11-22-2010, 04:08 PM
FOX and the GOP "say" it, and you swallow it...Hook, line and sinker.

According to David Leopold, president of the American Immigration Lawyers Association...

It is specious to claim that the Dream Act provides a "safe harbor for any alien, including criminals, from being removed or deported if they simply submit an application." The claim is based on a provision which prohibits the removal of any alien who has a pending Dream Act application. But the Bill also makes clear that only "eligible" aliens may apply. Criminals and others who cannot prove they have good moral character are ineligible for the Dream Act and, therefore, clearly excluded from the application procedure. The Dream Act offers them no safe harbor from deportation.

See what ya get for listening to Michelle Malkin and FOX Noise instead of the facts, Red? Ya get egg all over yer face. :laugh2:

11-22-2010, 04:20 PM
FOX and the GOP "say" it, and you swallow it...Hook, line and sinker.

According to David Leopold, president of the American Immigration Lawyers Association...

See what ya get for listening to Michelle Malkin and FOX Noise instead of the facts, Red? Ya get egg all over yer face. :laugh2:So tell me Bully, how many ilegal aliens would you consider to have a crimminal record?????

11-22-2010, 07:50 PM
So tell me Bully, how many ilegal aliens would you consider to have a crimminal record?????


Ya gotta stop drunk typing. Your spelling is atrocious and your posts make no sense.

red states rule
11-23-2010, 03:21 AM

Ya gotta stop drunk typing. Your spelling is atrocious and your posts make no sense.

So it does not matter to you illegals are already breaking our laws simply by heing here?

I am rather surprised by that BP. You are always wanting our laws strictly enforced when Republicans are accused of a crime.

Of course the parents Chandra Levy know first hand what can happen when our immigration laws are not enforced. The liberal media of course is reporting little of the killers illegal immigration status and MS-13 membership

Bottom line is, illegals would be given Amnesty, and kids of illegals would be given in state tuition.

Is that more of that hopey changey stuff we are going to rammed down our throats BP

Remember many members of this lame duck Congress were FIRED a couple of weeks ago

11-23-2010, 07:41 AM

Ya gotta stop drunk typing. Your spelling is atrocious and your posts make no sense.

Tell ya what dumbass answer the question. HOW MANY ILLEGAL ALIENS DO YOU THINK HAVE CRIMMINAL RECORDS!!!!

It really isn't that hard jsut give us a number what you think!!!!!!! Or is that too difficult for your feeble mind to come up with?????

Ohh and heaven forbid I miss typed ILLEGAL!!!!!!!!!

11-23-2010, 11:11 AM
It is very clear, Dems learned NOTHING from the election. They are determined to continue ramming thru their social agenda and do not give a damn the voters are opposed to it

Now, I do agree with allowing those who are willing to join our military to get citizenship for themselves and immediate family. If you're willing to fight and die for this country just for the chance to stay here, great, welcome aboard! Wish we had a few hundred thousand more like ya.

My issue comes when at the subject of giving them residency and instate tuition. The problem here is that it becomes almost a reward program for illegals ("Evade the ICE for long enough, and win these lovely prizes"). I'm setting aside the whole criminal debate for now, because I believe what they're referring to are the illegals who have broken other laws, (theft, murder, DUI, etc.). Yes, I do believe that continuously, with full knowledge breaking the law, and doing so with a plan to do it, and keep doing it for as long as you can get away with it pretty much makes you a criminal.

As it is though, we do need some degree of carrot to balance the stick with. For one, there's the military service I spoke about earlier. That is a solid step in the right direction. First, I would be willing to see to their citizenship as long as they somehow pay back the money for their paperwork that they dodged by breaking in. This could be done through government service, a deduction from their pay, monthly plan, whatever, so long as the proper costs of legal citizenship are paid back. I would be certain to make it, however, so that those who do a stint in our military are absolved of this cost. This falls again under the idea that if you're willing to die for us, welcome aboard.