View Full Version : Just Look At This Section... 90% Of Everything Posted Here Is LIBERAL CRAP!

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05-11-2007, 02:48 PM
Not really, I've found more patient.

05-11-2007, 02:59 PM
Hey I never accused you of calling people names.

I said, people can call anyone else far worse names and that's fine but when it's directed at you it's suddenly not. I'm assuming different standards for mods and posters.

Who said it was fine when others do it? I don't "police" the threads. But if someone calls you names, and it annoys you, or you see it done to others, report the post. I expect the board to be adult in nature, but mature at the same time, but I can still ask members to refrain when others get offended.

And it's different when you jump into a thread and call me names simply because I responded to a complaint, and I was making efforts to clean up the board.

Personally, I don't think name calling is that big of a deal in the grand scheme, but it's all in how it's said, and when.

05-11-2007, 03:04 PM
Wrongo. Jim is about as patient a board owner/admin as you will ever find.

Not really, I've found more patient.

Sure, there are boards where nothing will be done about the complaints. Boards where there are no such things as moderation, or bans. Boards where the owners/staff are MIA and chaos ensues.

I think I'm extremely patient. I talk to the community. I make changes based on what is asked of me. I take action when contacted. I generally ask users to refrain from something before getting any discipline involved. I've reversed more bans than you'll ever know about. I've been taking heat for whatever decisions I make for 4 years now, and I still do my best to make ALL sides happy with their stay here.

But yes, I was a bit trigger happy yesterday. But, IMO, I was justified to try and reign things in.

05-11-2007, 03:10 PM
I'm convinced the more-vocal lib-mongers here will NOT be satisfied until Jim bows/concedes to their EVERY demand. It's borderline sickening.

Guys - don't like the decisions Jim makes? You have TWO options.

1)(This is the prefered option) STFU and get on with your life here on the board.
2) Go Away.


Mr. P
05-11-2007, 03:18 PM
I'm convinced the more-vocal lib-mongers here will NOT be satisfied until Jim bows/concedes to their EVERY demand. It's borderline sickening.

Guys - don't like the decisions Jim makes? You have TWO options.

1)(This is the prefered option) STFU and get on with your life here on the board.
2) Go Away.

They have been given those options but continue the BS...I say clean house, it's overdue, at least for a few.

05-11-2007, 03:32 PM
I could name at least three people on your side of the fence here who show no signs of wanting "civilized discourse," but prefer to try to shut up liberals through namecalling and intimidation. but I doubt I'll ever hear you complain about that.

Name em.

05-11-2007, 03:50 PM
You're not going to demand that Avatar back up his allegations as well? My, my, such double standards!

Well, as long as you're going to give him a free pass while trying to hassle me, you've essentially absolved me of any need to heed your demands, so I can say, with great pleasure, :upyours:

05-11-2007, 04:09 PM
I see you didn't answer my question. Maybe if you put away the bait . . . I'm still waiting for you to answer mine first. Watsa madda?

05-11-2007, 04:14 PM
You haven't asked Avatar to do the same thing. When you decide to be fair about this, I'll reconsider, and even then, you won't know my answer, since I'll be following the rules and telling Jimnyc in a PM.

Plus, I'll expect you to answer my question first.

05-11-2007, 04:25 PM
If you really want me to, I'll send you a PM. I don't know why you'd want me to, because I was responding to Avatar's allegation of "liberals who are trying to shut us off through namecalling, character assasination, and anything but legitimate arguments for their positions."

I haven't noticed anybody present Avatar with the same challenge presented to me.

That's because its undisputed.

05-11-2007, 04:33 PM
We aren't the ones threatened by dissent at all. It's the liberals who are trying to shut us off through namecalling, character assasination, and anything but legitimate arguments for their positions.

We simply would prefer some civilized discourse. Unfortunately that seems to be impossible for the left.Okay, smartass, here's your challenge:

1) Name three "liberals" here who have never made legitimate arguments for any of their positions.
2) Show links to a minimum of three posts per person you name that contain only "character assassination" and/or "namecalling."

05-11-2007, 04:39 PM
Okay, smartass, here's your challenge:

1) Name three "liberals" here who have never made legitimate arguments for any of their positions.
2) Show links to a minimum of three posts per person you name that contain only "character assassination" and/or "namecalling."

How about Gabby, LibgNat, and Doniston? And if you want to add simple "trolling" to your second set of criteria, it'll take less than 5 mins. You don't need to specifically namecall to cause disruption on a board.

05-11-2007, 04:42 PM
How about Gabby, LibgNat, and Doniston? And if you want to add simple "trolling" to your second set of criteria, it'll take less than 5 mins. You don't need to specifically namecall to cause disruption on a board.But that's what avatar said. Besides, you've only completed half the assignment. Show me the links or, to coin a phrase, "put the fuck up or shut the fuck up."

05-11-2007, 04:42 PM
If you can't win on ideas and intellect then run to admin. :poke:

If you have to resort to abuse to try to make a dent then why not sharpen up your wit and knowledge?

05-11-2007, 04:43 PM
You haven't been banned, and I'll tell ya why. Because even though most of your posts are retarded, you at least stay civil. On the other hand most of your liberal friends here have a problem with their mouthy cake holes. I don't why we're surprized though. Most of the liberals I have EVER come in contact with were mouthy sons a bitches.

Got some names PR?

05-11-2007, 04:44 PM
But that's what avatar said. Besides, you've only completed half the assignment. Show me the links or, to coin a phrase, "put the fuck up or shut the fuck up."

The assignment isn't mine to complete - I'm merely pointing out that what you're demanding IS there on BOTH sides. And you can can the condescending bullshit tone with me, since I've never said anything derrogatory to, or about you.

05-11-2007, 04:47 PM
The assignment isn't mine to complete - I'm merely pointing out that what you're demanding IS there on BOTH sides. And you can can the condescending bullshit tone with me, since I've never said anything derrogatory to, or about you.Fair enough, but...if you claim that what I'm demanding "IS there," why not substantiate it?

05-11-2007, 04:47 PM
This is turning into a lynch party.

05-11-2007, 04:50 PM
Fair enough, but...if you claim that what I'm demanding "IS there," why not substantiate it?

Giving you the benefit of the doubt, perhaps? To admit that problems aren't limited to one side.. and that it takes two to tango. :)

05-11-2007, 04:55 PM
In fact, I gave you 3 specific names. I challenge you to go find one post of Donistons wherein an actual undeniable, and valid point was made.

05-11-2007, 04:55 PM
Giving you the benefit of the doubt, perhaps? To admit that problems aren't limited to one side.. and that it takes two to tango. :)I'd be the last person to say that no one on the left here ever went overboard. I'm sure I've done so, although never to have gotten banned over or anything... :cool:

05-11-2007, 04:57 PM
I'd be the last person to say that no one on the left here ever went overboard. I'm sure I've done so, although never to have gotten banned over or anything... :cool:

Ok, then what was the point of your "assignment", other than to cause additional controversy where none is needed?

Hell, one of the first people you'd name from the right was already in here demanding names, KNOWING his name would be at the top of the list..just looking for a fight.

Why bother?

05-11-2007, 05:03 PM
Shattered would be at the top of my list. She ought to be banned since we're going around demanding bannings.

05-11-2007, 05:05 PM
Shattered would be at the top of my list. She ought to be banned since we're going around demanding bannings.

As I said previously - if you can find where I've broken a rule, and a ban has been overlooked, feel free to point it out, and have the situation rectified immediately.

05-11-2007, 05:31 PM
Okay, smartass, here's your challenge:

1) Name three "liberals" here who have never made legitimate arguments for any of their positions.
2) Show links to a minimum of three posts per person you name that contain only "character assassination" and/or "namecalling."

1)Gabby, you, pycho. that was tough.

2)I see no point posting links when this thread is a perfect example.

05-11-2007, 05:40 PM
1)Gabby, you, pycho. that was tough.

2)I see no point posting links when this thread is a perfect example.I'm sorry, but your answer was incorrect. Not to mention incomplete.

You've lost. Now get on with your life. Loser. (j/k)

05-11-2007, 06:24 PM
Ok, then what was the point of your "assignment", other than to cause additional controversy where none is needed?

Hell, one of the first people you'd name from the right was already in here demanding names, KNOWING his name would be at the top of the list..just looking for a fight.

Why bother?

They don't have the balls to name me:laugh2:

05-11-2007, 06:25 PM
They don't have the balls to name me:laugh2:

Luckily, I do.

You see, I'm fair like that. :laugh2:

Mr. P
05-11-2007, 06:44 PM
1)Gabby, you, pycho. that was tough.

2)I see no point posting links when this thread is a perfect example.

:thumb: Indeed it is.

05-11-2007, 06:48 PM
Okay, smartass, here's your challenge:

1) Name three "liberals" here who have never made legitimate arguments for any of their positions.
2) Show links to a minimum of three posts per person you name that contain only "character assassination" and/or "namecalling."

Please provide the same for conservative posters or 'wingtards' if you will.

05-11-2007, 06:49 PM
I'm sorry, but your answer was incorrect. Not to mention incomplete.

You've lost. Now get on with your life. Loser. (j/k)

You CAN back that summation up?

05-11-2007, 10:13 PM
As I said previously - if you can find where I've broken a rule, and a ban has been overlooked, feel free to point it out, and have the situation rectified immediately.
I'm waiting for you to do the same for me. Links love, links and it has to be somethin I ain't already been banned over.

05-11-2007, 10:15 PM
I'm waiting for you to do the same for me. Links love, links and it has to be somethin I ain't already been banned over.

No need.. Your bans haven't been overlooked.. You should've been banned, and you have been banned.. Simple as that. You say I should be, but I haven't been.. SOO... balls back in your court. Prove it.

05-11-2007, 10:17 PM
I said if we are demanding people be banned you'd be who I'd pick. Balls back in your court.

You done gone and flamed plenty.

05-11-2007, 10:21 PM
I said if we are demanding people be banned you'd be who I'd pick. Balls back in your court.

You done gone and flamed plenty.

I don't see where we're demanding anyone be banned..

05-11-2007, 10:22 PM
Then ya must be blind, re-read untill ya see.

05-11-2007, 10:32 PM
Then ya must be blind, re-read untill ya see.

Good grief.. Either get me banned, or quit your whining.. I'm not going to read through 20 pages of crap just to find where someone supposedly started demanding bans.

05-11-2007, 10:36 PM
I'm not trying to get you banned.

Again I said, if we were gona go demanding people be banned you'd be the one I'd demand. Not saying you should be banned or I'm gona try to get you banned.

05-11-2007, 10:37 PM
I'm not trying to get you banned.

Again I said, if we were gona go demanding people be banned you'd be the one I'd demand. Not saying you should be banned or I'm gona try to get you banned.

That doesn't make any sense. You sound like Doniston now. Do you two share the same brain?

05-11-2007, 10:39 PM
Sigh, sorry you don't "get it".

05-11-2007, 11:01 PM
I'm not trying to get you banned.

Again I said, if we were gona go demanding people be banned you'd be the one I'd demand. Not saying you should be banned or I'm gona try to get you banned.

I don't know why you keep trying to explain.....hell I understood what you said the first time.:laugh2:

05-11-2007, 11:03 PM
I don't know why you keep trying to explain.....hell I understood what you said the first time.:laugh2:

As previously stated, that often happens when people share the same brain..

Pale Rider
05-12-2007, 03:34 AM
You need a sense of humor, dude.

Your brand of humor isn't funny to anyone but yourself. It's pure sarcasm, and the majority of it is personal.

You need to pull that red hot pocker out of your ass and give that sarcasm a rest. Unless of course you're still working on your permaban.

Pale Rider
05-12-2007, 03:49 AM
They have been given those options but continue the BS...I say clean house, it's overdue, at least for a few.

Yup. Jimmy's boards have seen more peaceful days for sure. Even when we had liberals. They weren't as bad as this new crop we got now.

Pale Rider
05-12-2007, 03:55 AM
Got some names PR?

What... you want me to say "you?"

05-12-2007, 05:26 AM
As previously stated, that often happens when people share the same brain..

You're being W-A-Y too polite.:poke:

05-12-2007, 07:28 AM
What... you want me to say "you?"

Go ahead, no skin off my back - no shock either :laugh2:

Got any more apart from moi? :cool:

05-12-2007, 10:27 AM
That doesn't make any sense. You sound like Doniston now. Do you two share the same brain? Do you ever make anything but cynical comments?

Since we had the conversation about you being banned, Pale Rider has said it happened. well, did it, or didn't it. I don't really care. but I agree that your comments tend to place you in that position. The wost insult I have yossed your was was saing you were wrong about something. While you resort to Stupid, Dumb, etc. with regards to me, and others. I am anything but Stupid or dumb, and for your information, I likely have a much higher IQ than you and likely the most of the posters here. but more inportant I obviously have a higher LQ, (LOGIC) and RQ (REALITY)than you, and most assuredly a higher CCQ, (Courtesy and Civility)

05-12-2007, 12:18 PM
Yup. Jimmy's boards have seen more peaceful days for sure. Even when we had liberals. They weren't as bad as this new crop we got now.

I've asked this question before when this has come up and still have not got an answer.......what happend to these liberals who came before? Where did they go? Why did they leave?

Abbey Marie
05-12-2007, 01:39 PM
I've asked this question before when this has come up and still have not got an answer.......what happend to these liberals who came before? Where did they go? Why did they leave?

Maybe they didn't like the "new" liberals. ;)

Pale Rider
05-12-2007, 01:50 PM
Go ahead, no skin off my back - no shock either :laugh2:

Got any more apart from moi? :cool:

What are fishing for here. Or are you just nit picking trying to start a fight?

Pale Rider
05-12-2007, 01:50 PM
I've asked this question before when this has come up and still have not got an answer.......what happend to these liberals who came before? Where did they go? Why did they leave?

Most stayed on the old board.

05-12-2007, 05:01 PM
Maybe they didn't like the "new" liberals. ;)

Fair enough, but it must have been some mass abdicating, since there is no trace left of them. I would expect either a "Last Liberal Standing", or some trace that they were here.

05-12-2007, 05:07 PM
Most stayed on the old board.

Thank you. Finally an answer. I joined that forum over a year ago. A lot of insecure people that couldn't take a difference of opinion. Wasn't my cup of tea, especially when well.......let's not talk about other forums and their problems, I guess it's not really PC. One more question? Was this board started as a refuge from Liberals and if so, why would you want a forum where everyone agreed?

05-12-2007, 05:13 PM
Thank you. Finally an answer. I joined that forum over a year ago. A lot of insecure people that couldn't take a difference of opinion. Wasn't my cup of tea, especially when well.......let's not talk about other forums and their problems, I guess it's not really PC. One more question? Was this board started as a refuge from Liberals and if so, why would you want a forum where everyone agreed?

A refuge form Liberals. :laugh2:

Not exactly. It had more to do with the operation of the old board under new ownership. Purely non-political.

05-12-2007, 05:17 PM
I've asked this question before when this has come up and still have not got an answer.......what happend to these liberals who came before? Where did they go? Why did they leave?

One was a wingnut who got banned, the other was shamed into leaving because she was a lying skank.

In turn they took alot of others with them when there behind the scenes treachery was revealed and outed.

05-12-2007, 05:18 PM
Thank you. Finally an answer. I joined that forum over a year ago. A lot of insecure people that couldn't take a difference of opinion. Wasn't my cup of tea, especially when well.......let's not talk about other forums and their problems, I guess it's not really PC. One more question? Was this board started as a refuge from Liberals and if so, why would you want a forum where everyone agreed?

Nope, but I can give you a very brief idea of where things went and came from:

I owned and ran USMB for 3+ years. The board always had fights, obviously, and it's always been libs vs. cons (what a surprise, huh?). That board had more conservatives by far but many loyal liberal members and nearly 500k posts.

I sold the forum, then started a new venture. Some people posted at both boards for awhile then it seems like they made homes where they felt most comfortable. There were a few "private" issues that pushed people in both directions.

This board was started new, fresh, with a similar but better vision. No refuge from liberals, everyone is welcome here. Of course there will be cons that feel otherwise, and there will be libs that feel otherwise - but that's the way it'll likely be for quite some time, unfortunately. Not just here, but in the real world too.

We had a group of liberals a few months back that came here mostly as a group. One was short term banned for good reason, another DEMANDED to have his account banned, or he would start trouble on the board (not my words). A few of their friends then left as a result. That hasn't stopped me from believing there can be great discussion here, but most need to understand that with the political environment the way it is, we will see animosity. That's why it's tough to keep the board clean, and keep everyone happy, as it's a never ending job.

05-12-2007, 05:44 PM
A refuge form Liberals. :laugh2:

Not exactly. It had more to do with the operation of the old board under new ownership. Purely non-political.

Whew, I'm glad that was all it was. For a while, well....maybe back on page 4 or there abouts, can't remember since we're now on page 21 that some conservative got emotionally scarred or worse from a Liberal.:laugh2:

05-12-2007, 05:45 PM
One was a wingnut who got banned, the other was shamed into leaving because she was a lying skank.

In turn they took alot of others with them when there behind the scenes treachery was revealed and outed.

Ah......board games.

05-12-2007, 05:51 PM
We had a group of liberals a few months back that came here mostly as a group. One was short term banned for good reason, another DEMANDED to have his account banned, or he would start trouble on the board (not my words). A few of their friends then left as a result. That hasn't stopped me from believing there can be great discussion here, but most need to understand that with the political environment the way it is, we will see animosity. That's why it's tough to keep the board clean, and keep everyone happy, as it's a never ending job.

This paragraph explains a lot. I can see now why people would be suspicious if a whole new group came all at once and why they would want to protect a new endeavor. Can't speak for everyone, but I can say that word of mouth that discussions can be had is the best advertisment. That's how I ended up here for the second time.

05-12-2007, 05:53 PM
Ah......board games.

I prefer Yahtzee myself, or as it's called here, Pipsoh! :)


Very addicting!

05-12-2007, 06:06 PM
This paragraph explains a lot. I can see now why people would be suspicious if a whole new group came all at once and why they would want to protect a new endeavor. Can't speak for everyone, but I can say that word of mouth that discussions can be had is the best advertisment. That's how I would up here for the second time.

Word of mouth and perception are huge, as with any respectable message board. I'd venture a guess that the majority of members here were invited here by a friend. I advertise equally, and probably more so on the liberal side since starting this board. Even though I can advertise on equally reaching sites like Yahoo and Google, your ad makes a huge difference as to who clicks. I have a variety of ads and search terms that I mix up from time to time. But damn, it gets expensive, and quickly! Imagine selecting a term, for example, like "us politics" - it may cost about .75 cents to a dollar for every click! If you don't handle your account to run ads appropriately, you can go broke real quick! Bland search terms like that get searched literally hundreds of thousands of times per DAY! With my small budgets set to a limit, my clicks are generally all eaten up before I even get out of bed in the morning, and I'm usually up by 4 daily! Then you have direct links with other sites, forums, blogs... This is where a lot of conservatives come from. I am nothing but polite, respectful and business like whenever I contact anyone, but the libs just don't want to let me advertise on their sites. THAT's one of the main reasons I like things to be a little more mature, keep the chaos in this section, and board policy private. And no, it's not about making money, because if certain advertisers accepted me then, then I have to pay THEM now to advertise! LOL

Anyway, back to where we were. Yes, staff is conservative. Conservatives fight with liberals and vice versa, people end up getting banned. Even then, I try to limit the length and end up chatting and become even closer with those members. We aren't out to get anyone, and anyone who has ever taken the time to get to know me would believe that. Some of those I have the best conversations with via PM are liberals, some new and a few that followed us here to terrorize us some more. :)

Those that have stuck it out, from either side, eventually see how the political cycles go, and learn that you can't, and never will, completely get rid of debates that get overly-heated. But some action is needed, although rarely, to keep a sense of order, to help the board move in a forward motion.

Anyway, I'm rambling, but I hope that helps explain a bit.

05-12-2007, 06:18 PM
What are fishing for here. Or are you just nit picking trying to start a fight?

Start a fight? Me? Nah I usually finish them. :laugh2:

05-12-2007, 07:50 PM
Do you ever make anything but cynical comments?

Since we had the conversation about you being banned, Pale Rider has said it happened. well, did it, or didn't it. I don't really care. but I agree that your comments tend to place you in that position. The wost insult I have yossed your was was saing you were wrong about something. While you resort to Stupid, Dumb, etc. with regards to me, and others. I am anything but Stupid or dumb, and for your information, I likely have a much higher IQ than you and likely the most of the posters here. but more inportant I obviously have a higher LQ, (LOGIC) and RQ (REALITY)than you, and most assuredly a higher CCQ, (Courtesy and Civility)

1) If Pale told you I was banned from here, Pale is mistaken. If Pale told you I was banned from anywhere else, Pale is mistaken.

2) If your IQ is so much higher than mine, and "probably anyone else on this board", why can't you form a coherent paragraph?

3) A higher "CCQ", which is obviously something else you make up...? With a tagline of "Who is as much a Bush basher as I?" and "How do I unregister from this board - it's not my style.", and then coming back for "personal" reasons? I don't think so.

Smarten up, or live with the collective brain tag.

Pale Rider
05-12-2007, 08:48 PM
Do you ever make anything but cynical comments?

Since we had the conversation about you being banned, Pale Rider has said it happened.



05-12-2007, 10:34 PM
Word of mouth and perception are huge, as with any respectable message board. I'd venture a guess that the majority of members here were invited here by a friend. I advertise equally, and probably more so on the liberal side since starting this board. Even though I can advertise on equally reaching sites like Yahoo and Google, your ad makes a huge difference as to who clicks. I have a variety of ads and search terms that I mix up from time to time. But damn, it gets expensive, and quickly! Imagine selecting a term, for example, like "us politics" - it may cost about .75 cents to a dollar for every click! If you don't handle your account to run ads appropriately, you can go broke real quick! Bland search terms like that get searched literally hundreds of thousands of times per DAY! With my small budgets set to a limit, my clicks are generally all eaten up before I even get out of bed in the morning, and I'm usually up by 4 daily! Then you have direct links with other sites, forums, blogs... This is where a lot of conservatives come from. I am nothing but polite, respectful and business like whenever I contact anyone, but the libs just don't want to let me advertise on their sites. THAT's one of the main reasons I like things to be a little more mature, keep the chaos in this section, and board policy private. And no, it's not about making money, because if certain advertisers accepted me then, then I have to pay THEM now to advertise! LOL

Anyway, back to where we were. Yes, staff is conservative. Conservatives fight with liberals and vice versa, people end up getting banned. Even then, I try to limit the length and end up chatting and become even closer with those members. We aren't out to get anyone, and anyone who has ever taken the time to get to know me would believe that. Some of those I have the best conversations with via PM are liberals, some new and a few that followed us here to terrorize us some more. :)

Those that have stuck it out, from either side, eventually see how the political cycles go, and learn that you can't, and never will, completely get rid of debates that get overly-heated. But some action is needed, although rarely, to keep a sense of order, to help the board move in a forward motion.

Anyway, I'm rambling, but I hope that helps explain a bit.

THAT was exceptional Jimmy!

Glad you posted it.

05-12-2007, 10:37 PM
2) If your IQ is so much higher than mine, and "probably anyone else on this board", why can't you form a coherent paragraph?

I resemble this comment vociferously!

05-12-2007, 11:00 PM
THAT was exceptional Jimmy!

Glad you posted it.

Your endorsement means alot.:pee:

Yellowbellied coward.

05-13-2007, 07:43 AM
I resemble this comment vociferously!

Is that so.. *smirk*

05-13-2007, 11:12 AM


! am in at slight dilemna. you see, I don't know whether to Laugh my butt off at your disgusting rant, ----- or feign Absolute terror at you horrible threat.

Tell me, if I don't follow your orders, what do you intend to do? Send your veminous tirade thru your keyboard and thru the ether and then thru my computer to pin my ears back? Seems you have already tried that. Got news for you, it doesn't work.. (Bring on the world of hurt if you think you can.)

Unfortunately there are always people like you on every Forum who know no other way to converse except by insult and inuendo. I just quickly ran into three of you on this board.

In your case, simply a Blowhard, Also a Skuzzbucket, and lastly a person who is so arrogant as to beleive that anyone who doesn't think as she does is Dumb, Stupid or ignorant, and shouldn't be posting on the forum.

Now to the point of your rant: I am under no obligation to inform you of what you have written in your own posts. If you can't remember, that is your problem. It's there, but I will not dignify your order with compliance. YOU JUST AIN'T WORTH IT

05-13-2007, 11:17 AM
! am in at slight dilemna. you see, I don't know whether to Laugh my butt off at your disgusting rant, ----- or feign Absolute terror at you horrible threat.

Tell me, if I don't follow your orders, what do you intend to do? Send your veminous tirade thru your keyboard and thru the ether and then thru my computer to pin my ears back? Seems you have already tried that. Got news for you, it doesn't work.. (Bring on the world of hurt if you think you can.)

Unfortunately there are always people like you on every Forum who know no other way to converse except by insult and inuendo. I just quickly ran into three of you on this board.

In your case, simply a Blowhard, Also a Skuzzbucket, and lastly a person who is so arrogant as to beleive that anyone who doesn't think as she does is Dumb, Stupid or ignorant, and shouldn't be posting on the forum.

Now to the point of your rant: I am under no obligation to inform you of what you have written in your own posts. If you can't remember, that is your problem. It's there, but I will not dignify your order with compliance. YOU JUST AIN'T WORTH IT

Umm.. Mr. IQ.. Just so you know, that was Pale Rider you just puked all over.. He is asking you to prove where he told you I'd been banned from here, or anywhere else, since you specifically named HIM as the one that told you.

Surely, you know the difference between male and female; Pale Rider and Shattered..?

Do you have anything to back up the accusation that he told you I'd been banned?

05-13-2007, 11:30 AM
1) If Pale told you I was banned from here, Pale is mistaken. If Pale told you I was banned from anywhere else, Pale is mistaken.

2) If your IQ is so much higher than mine, and "probably anyone else on this board", why can't you form a coherent paragraph?

3) A higher "CCQ", which is obviously something else you make up...? With a tagline of "Who is as much a Bush basher as I?" and "How do I unregister from this board - it's not my style.", and then coming back for "personal" reasons? I don't think so.

Smarten up, or live with the collective brain tag.

1. He didn't tell me, it was a post to you. Now I had intended to quote it for you until I read the remainder of your hatefilled post. So you, Like Pale Rider just aren't worth the effort. Go back and read some of his replies to you, and you will find it.

2. If you can't understand it, perhaps it is your deficit rather than mine

BTW Did I say "ANYONE ELSE"???? or is that just your spin??

3. Of course it is something I made up, just like those other two "Q"s I listed. Obviously you understood them. and of course you are welcome to "Think" what you wish.

Further, reference your question in the other thread. Yes, I did, in deed , report an obnoxious stupidity which occurred in this section. I was subsequently informed that such was allowed, and that apparently you can get awway with ANYTHING in this section, Not my right of choice, or objection. I don't make the rules.

However, rest assured that I will report any such action outside of this section. It is really too bad that some folks can only converse with insults and inuend.

And further yet. Please read my last published post in this section. You are mentioned as part of the three amigos.

05-13-2007, 11:34 AM
1. He didn't tell me, it was a post to you. Now I had intended to quote if for you until I hread the remainder of your post. So you, Like Pale Rider just aren't worth the effort. Go back and read some of his replies to you, and you will find it.

2. If you can't understand it, perhaps it is your deficit rather than mine

BTW Did I say "ANYONE ELSE"???? or is that just your spin??

3. Of course it is something I made up, just likethese other two "Q"s I listed. Obviously you understood them. and of course you are welcome to "Think" what you wish.

Further, reference your question in the other thread. Yes, I did, in deed , report a stupodity which orrurred in this section. I was subsequently informed that such was allowed, and that apparently you can get awway with ANYTHING in this section, Not my right of choice, or objection. I don't make the rules.

However, rest assured that I will report any such action outside of this section. It is really too bad that some folks can only converse with insults and inuend.

And further yet. Please read my last published post in this section. You are mentioned as part of the three amigos.

Wanna repost that in something resembling at least 3rd grade grammar?

You made a statement; it's up to you to back up that statement with fact. Hop to it, pops.

05-13-2007, 11:37 AM
Your endorsement means alot.:pee:

Yellowbellied coward.

Thanks, flaming homosexual.

05-13-2007, 11:38 AM
Wanna repost that in something resembling at least 3rd grade grammar?

You made a statement; it's up to you to back up that statement with fact. Hop to it, pops. Like I said, YOU JUST "AINT WORTH THE EFFORT.

05-13-2007, 11:39 AM
Wanna repost that in something resembling at least 3rd grade grammar?

You made a statement; it's up to you to back up that statement with fact. Hop to it, pops. Like I said, YOU JUST "AINT WORTH THE EFFORT.

My Grammer is just fine. It's my Gramper who has the problems. HEH HEH

05-13-2007, 11:42 AM

My Grammer is just fine. It's my Gramper who has the problems. HEH HEH

...and you seriously wonder why I refer to you as an idiot? Are you really that dense? You need only read your own posts for my reasoning to become crystal clear.

Mr. P
05-13-2007, 11:54 AM
Sheeewwwww this is really Arch, isn't it? :laugh2:

05-13-2007, 01:04 PM
You must have been dropped on your head as a child. We need to go handle things with Iran immediatly. It has become a havent for terror and people commiting crimes against the United States. The majority of the major crime orginizations that run the 419 scams have moved from Nigeria to Iran where we cant touch them. Over 6 Billion Dollars is lost because of this. Not to mention the harboring or terrorists and im pretty damn sure youll find Osama there as well. Also look at how many treaties and UN sanctions they have violated recently. You Liberals need to realise you can not negotiate your way out of anything, Bill Clinton did that and 9/11 was the result.

Pale Rider
05-13-2007, 01:19 PM

My Grammer is just fine. It's my Gramper who has the problems. HEH HEH

You LIED about me. I know it, you know it. We'll see how far that gets your sorry ass on this board moron.

05-13-2007, 02:12 PM
Do you ever make anything but cynical comments?

Since we had the conversation about you being banned, Pale Rider has said it happened. well, did it, or didn't it. I don't really care. but I agree that your comments tend to place you in that position.

Doniston, Shattered has never been banned. Pale Rider has not spoke of Shattered being banned. Perhaps you are confused. It would be best to be sure of something like this before making such a comment.


05-13-2007, 04:44 PM
The old wino will not go provide that quote because he lacks the remedial knowledge to operate the quote system.......oh and to create a readable paragraph.

Too illiterate, I shall donate to a literacy charity on his behalf.

Pale Rider
05-13-2007, 05:25 PM
The old wino will not go provide that quote because he lacks the remedial knowledge to operate the quote system.......oh and to create a readable paragraph.

Too illiterate, I shall donate to a literacy charity on his behalf.

He can't provide it because I never said it. He's lying, and he admitted it. Senile old fuck. He needs to remember his Cod Liver Oil in the morning to help his memory... :laugh:

05-13-2007, 05:27 PM
He can't provide it because I never said it. He's lying, and he admitted it. Senile old fuck. He needs to remember his Cod Liver Oil in the morning to help his memory... :laugh:

Well hell I figured a guy like him would find a quote of yours that said whatever and then forge some shit into there. Kind of what i'd expect from an old drunk like him.

05-13-2007, 05:28 PM
Well hell I figured a guy like him would find a quote of yours that said whatever and then forge some shit into there. Kind of what i'd expect from an old drunk like him.

I'm lost. Who is the 'old drunk'?

05-13-2007, 05:35 PM
I'm lost. Who is the 'old drunk'?

Well for 3 years its been just Psycho alone in that category but if you examine Doniston's avatar and his inability to form a coherent sentence and paragraph there are noe two people in that category and currently in this thread we are referring to Doniston The Wizard Of Grapes!

05-13-2007, 06:02 PM
He can't provide it because I never said it. He's lying, and he admitted it. Senile old fuck. He needs to remember his Cod Liver Oil in the morning to help his memory... :laugh: Iwas not lying, and thus I never admitted to it, I simply said you weren't worth the effort.

05-13-2007, 06:04 PM
Iwas not lying, and thus I never admitted to it, I simply said you weren't worth the effort.

You said "Pale Rider said you were banned." (In so many words). You were asked to prove it. You said it's not worth it. Therefore, by default, you're a fucking liar.


Put up, or shut up.

05-13-2007, 06:29 PM
Doniston, Shattered has never been banned. Pale Rider has not spoke of Shattered being banned. Perhaps you are confused. It would be best to be sure of something like this before making such a comment.

MtnBiker Because you posted this, I went back and ckecked, ---and found it- But it appears he was speaking to her about someone else. No lie-simply a misunderstanding. If either of them had been the least bit civil it would have been discovered earlier.

05-13-2007, 06:30 PM
Because you posted this, I went back and ckecked, ---and found it- But it appears he was speaking to her about someone else. No lie-simply a misunderstanding. If either of them had been the least bit civil it would have been discovered earlier.

Nooo.. Had you bothered to *read* before opening your fucking hole, and making an unfounded, but blatant accusation, NONE of this would have happened. Keep the blame where it rightfully lies - under your own ass.

05-13-2007, 06:32 PM
I'm lost. Who is the 'old drunk'? he is referring to me, but it just goes to show how much he know. I haven't even been tipsy in the past twenty years. So he just makes up his truths as he goes along.

05-13-2007, 06:42 PM
You said "Pale Rider said you were banned." (In so many words). You were asked to prove it. You said it's not worth it. Therefore, by default, you're a fucking liar.


Put up, or shut up. And with il-logic
like that, I decided you aren't worth the trouble. and getting worth less by the post. Ah yes, the three imigos, OCA, Shattered, and Pale rider.

We are three Cabilaros, three Gay cabolaros, they say we are birds of a feather. wherever the "me"gos, where one, two or three goes, they are always together.

That little song is borne out strongly regarding you three. HEH HEH Rest assured I will not willingly, again join in the cage. Outside the cage? well------- Bye for now.

05-13-2007, 06:45 PM
And with il-logic
like that, I decided you aren't worth the trouble. and getting worth less by the post. Ah yes, the three imigos, OCA, Shattered, and Pale rider.

We are three Cabilaros, three Gay cabolaros, they say we are birds of a feather. wherever the "me"gos, where one, two or three goes, they are always together.

That little song is borne out strongly regarding you three. HEH HEH Rest assured I will not willingly, again join in the cage. Outside the cage? well------- Bye for now.

You post more crap in here than anywhere on the board..

And, for your information, there's no such thing as the 3 Amigo's - especially not where the three of us are concerned.

Pale Rider
05-13-2007, 07:08 PM
Iwas not lying, and thus I never admitted to it, I simply said you weren't worth the effort.

Bullshit. You admitted it right here you ignorant old cow turd...

1. He didn't tell me, it was a post to you.

... get your fucking shit straight or get the fuck otta here ya scab pickin old puss bag.

05-13-2007, 07:53 PM
You must have been dropped on your head as a child. We need to go handle things with Iran immediatly. It has become a havent for terror and people commiting crimes against the United States. The majority of the major crime orginizations that run the 419 scams have moved from Nigeria to Iran where we cant touch them. Over 6 Billion Dollars is lost because of this. Not to mention the harboring or terrorists and im pretty damn sure youll find Osama there as well. Also look at how many treaties and UN sanctions they have violated recently. You Liberals need to realise you can not negotiate your way out of anything, Bill Clinton did that and 9/11 was the result.

I think you may be lost?

05-13-2007, 10:57 PM
... get your fucking shit straight or get the fuck otta here ya scab pickin old puss bag.

I know it is Mother's Day and all, but please leave your arguments with your mom off the board. Thanks.

05-13-2007, 11:00 PM
I know it is Mother's Day and all, but please leave your arguments with your mom off the board. Thanks.

That was uncalled for...:slap:
Especially since he wasn't talking to you..

05-13-2007, 11:05 PM
Pretty much everything that Pale posts is uncalled for.

Pale Rider
05-13-2007, 11:10 PM
Pretty much everything that Pale posts is uncalled for.

And that's why I've never been banned, and you've been banned... how many times now princess?

Pale Rider
05-13-2007, 11:13 PM
I know it is Mother's Day and all, but please leave your arguments with your mom off the board. Thanks.

How many bans is it going to take before you learn? Your comments about my mother were COMPLETELY out of line, whore.

05-13-2007, 11:25 PM
All right guys. This is the Steel Cage. It can be expected that things will become heated in here, however when there are several reported posts from a thread it goes to show things have gone to far. Lets try not to become to hurtfull or drag people into threads that are not even here.

Thread Closed!!