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View Full Version : Canada Boycotts Anti-Isreal UN Conference

11-26-2010, 09:22 AM
The US should do the same. Yes, now US should follow Canada. Speaks volumes.


Canada condemns UN ‘hatefest’
OTTAWA— Globe and Mail Update
Published Thursday, Nov. 25, 2010 12:14PM EST
Last updated Friday, Nov. 26, 2010 3:41AM EST

Immigration Minister Jason Kenney had harsh words for the United Nations as he announced that Canada will boycott the UN’s commemoration of an anti-racism convention in South Africa 10 years ago that was widely condemned for its anti-Israel agenda.

“Canada will not participate in this charade,” the Immigration Minister told a news conference Thursday. “We will not lend our good name to this Durban hatefest.”


The UN General Assembly adopted a resolution this week to hold a one-day commemoration of the Durban conference, to be called Durban III, in September of 2011.

Canada, along with other Western countries, voted against the resolution because “we believe that the proposed meeting will only perpetuate the kind of objectionable, divisive rhetoric that led Canada to boycott this process in the past,” Mr. Kenney explained.

“Despite the fact that the Durban declaration and its follow-up have served, frankly, to fuel bigotry, the General Assembly has chosen to repeat and even augment the mistakes of the past.”

At a conference that coincided with the Durban conference in 2001, anti-Israel factions disseminated the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a fake text purporting to be a Jewish plan for global domination, and portraits of Adolf Hitler.

When Durban II was held in Switzerland in 2009, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad – the only international leader to attend – used the international podium to deny the Holocaust and spread racism, xenophobia and hatred, Mr. Kenney said.


11-26-2010, 11:47 AM
The dark lord will be there with bells on. He embraces bigotry and divisiveness.

11-26-2010, 12:19 PM
The dark lord will be there with bells on. He embraces bigotry and divisiveness.

Seems to be the case:


Is the IRS Targeting Jewish Groups for Being Pro-Israel?

Posted By Ron Radosh On November 25, 2010

American Jews who defend Israel, it seems, have much to not be happy about this Thanksgiving Day. In a major Politico article [1], writer Ben Smith writes that Z Street, a hawkish pro-Israel group that consciously bills itself as an alternative to the leftist J Street, reveals that the IRS may be targeting pro-Israel groups for seeking a tax exemption, solely on the grounds of their position. Writes Smith about the proposed query of an unnamed religious group that has no expressed position on Israel:

“Does your organization support the existence of the land of Israel?” IRS agent Tracy Dornette wrote the organization, according to this week’s court filing [2], as part of its consideration of the organizations application for tax exempt status. “Describe your organization’s religious belief system toward the land of Israel.

The document emerged in the course of a lawsuit filed [3] in August by Z Street, a hawkish group that casts itself as the Zionist answer to the liberal J Street. Z Street claims that a different IRS agent reviewing its application for tax exempt status said the agency is “carefully scrutinizing organizations that are in any way connected with Israel” and that “a special unit” is determining whether its activities “contradict the Administration’s public policies.”

Let us pause at that last line — does the organization’s work “contradict the Administration’s public policies”? Imagine if the Reagan administration had scrutinized an anti-apartheid group because its demands for the economic boycott of South Africa contradicted the administration’s preference for quiet diplomacy? Frank Rich would be yelling his head off in the Sunday New York Times, Peter Beinart would be writing about the administration’s perfidy in The Daily Beast, and Hendrik Hertzberg would be pontificating loudly in the “Talk of the Town” lead column in next week’s New Yorker. I suspect that next week we will see nothing about this at all in their future contributions.

The IRS, of course, is supposed to investigate tax evasion — not to use its powers to punish groups or individuals who dissent from administration policy. And what is this so-called “special unit”? In my previous blog [4] post, I wrote about how leftist think tanks are advising the Obama administration to use its executive powers to advance their agenda by bypassing Congress and ignoring the people’s will. Is this an example of this suggestion being put to use in a novel way?
