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View Full Version : Democrats applaud Rangel after voting to censure him

red states rule
12-03-2010, 03:27 AM
What a waste of time and taxpayer money. The crook walks once agin, and the Dems show they really do not give a damn about the lawbreaking ways of ol' Charlie

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12-03-2010, 07:21 AM
I'd love to see somebody argue Rangel's 'punishment' in a court of law when they are found to have broken the law.

red states rule
12-04-2010, 04:52 AM
The liberal media was crying a river of tears for ol' Charlie

According to CBS Evening News host Katie Couric on Thursday, the censure of Charles Rangel was "painful" for "everyone watching" and a "fall from grace." Reporter Nancy Cordes also tried to find the "silver lining" in the Congressman's reelection.

Cordes sympathetically recounted, "It was a shaken Speaker Pelosi who read the resolution censuring her longtime ally, 80-year-old Charles Rangel, as he stood in the well of the House." Apparently asserting a universal emotion, Couric proclaimed, "It was painful for him and for everyone watching."

In closing a report on the subject, Cordes seemed to put the best possible spin on the fact that Rangel is only the 23 House member in the history of the United States to be censured: "If there is a silver lining for Mr. Rangel, it's that this two-and-a-half year ordeal is now over. There are no criminal charges against him and he easily won reelection last month."

The two other evening newscasts, NBC's Nightly News and ABC's World News both recounted the story without such drama and hyperbolic language.

Read more: http://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/scott-whitlock/2010/12/03/cbs-commiserates-over-painful-expulsion-rangel-looks-silver-lining#ixzz178RJEtvd

12-04-2010, 08:03 AM
Stay classy Dems.

Was Pelosi crying? I'm sure Boehner shed no tear.

red states rule
12-05-2010, 07:50 AM
Chris Matthews has gotten itno the act now. It is the fault of the the "right wing media" because they played up Rangel's censure

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