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View Full Version : House Democrats Vote to Increase Taxes

red states rule
12-03-2010, 03:34 AM
Once again Dems are showing their contempt for the voters as they voted to raise taxes on the American people

The only good thing about this vote is that this bill will be DOA when it goes to the Senate

Washington (CNN) -- With Republicans steadfast in supporting an indefinite extension of all Bush-era tax cuts, Democrats in the House and the Senate moved Thursday to limit the reductions, in full, only for families making $250,000 a year or less.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid announced on Thursday night that he was told a single unnamed Republican scuttled an agreement over a plan for several tax-related votes. Despite that, Democrats would go ahead and weigh in Saturday only on the two bills that many of their members supported.

Earlier in the day, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a measure 234-188 to allow tax cuts instituted under President George W. Bush to expire this December 31 for Americans' incomes above a quarter-million dollars annually.

The tax cuts for incomes below that would continue, and the bill would also maintain the current Alternative Minimum Tax limit for two years. Most Democrats backed the legislation, while Republicans resoundingly opposed it.


red states rule
12-03-2010, 04:10 AM
Alan Grayson's last stand on the House floor. Is it any wonder this nut was FIRED by the voters?

In the "mind" of Mr Grayson the money the "rich" earns is not their money - it is the governments money

Mr Grayson also shows he is suffering from Sore Loser Syndorme alot of defeated Dems are suffering these days

<object width="640" height="390"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/mqQn1_x5C3I&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&version=3"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/mqQn1_x5C3I&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></embed></object>

12-03-2010, 05:44 AM
Once again Dems are showing their contempt for the voters as they voted to raise taxes on the American people

The only good thing about this vote is that this bill will be DOA when it goes to the Senate

Ummm...Red, the vote was to keep the Bush era tax-cuts for 98% of Americans. It was all but 3 GOP and some 30 Blue Dog Dems (DINO's) House members that voted to RAISE taxes for ALL Americans.

Oh, and...

Based on exit polls from last week’s election, the majority of Americans are not supporting extending the Bush tax cuts beyond the end of 2010. There is no mandate for the new Congress to extend the federal tax cuts, and to claim there is is a misrepresentation of what the people said. Another distortion. - <a href=http://www.seniorcitizenjournal.com/2010/11/11/american-voters-speak-no-tax-cuts/>SeniorCitizen Journal</a>

Keep spinning Red. You'll eventually get dizzy and fall down. :laugh2:

12-03-2010, 06:33 AM
Now is not the time to raise taxes on anyone:


...The same Obama who now says he doesn't want to extend the Bush tax cuts for "the rich" said last year that "the last thing you want to do is to raise taxes in the middle of a recession because that would just suck up, take more demand out of the economy and put businesses further in a hole."

Palin Rider brings up that taxes are now lower than they were than when Clinton was in office, what he's missing is that whenever taxes are lowered, regardless of the begin point, revenues rise. Contrarily if one wants to contract spending, raise taxes. The later is used, or rather should be, during boom or inflationary periods. Of course if the revenues generated during periods of boom were put aside for periods of contractions, we might not be in this pickle.

12-03-2010, 06:48 AM
Ummm...Red, the vote was to keep the Bush era tax-cuts for 98% of Americans. It was all but 3 GOP and some 30 Blue Dog Dems (DINO's) House members that voted to RAISE taxes for ALL Americans.

You mean the Bush-era tax-reductions in the face of Clinton-area tax hikes? How far are you gonna go back? 98% of all americans? 100% of americans don't pay taxes in teh first place. That's a BS stat, BP and you know it.

12-03-2010, 09:59 AM
Ummm...Red, the vote was to keep the Bush era tax-cuts for 98% of Americans. It was all but 3 GOP and some 30 Blue Dog Dems (DINO's) House members that voted to RAISE taxes for ALL Americans.

And the Dems were voting to condemn the jobless to their fate.

Your compassion is boundless. :rolleyes:

12-03-2010, 11:19 AM
Now is not the time to raise taxes on anyone:


Palin Rider brings up that taxes are now lower than they were than when Clinton was in office, what he's missing is that whenever taxes are lowered, regardless of the begin point, revenues rise. Contrarily if one wants to contract spending, raise taxes. The later is used, or rather should be, during boom or inflationary periods. Of course if the revenues generated during periods of boom were put aside for periods of contractions, we might not be in this pickle.

Not to mention, higher taxes, supposedly, means more money to DC. What happened the last few years whenDC had control of TRILLIONS of our dollars, they handed it out in bailouts,,and what has happened to the economy???


12-03-2010, 11:50 AM
Gabby, try re reading your post, it doesnt make sense.

And for that blood sucking lying piece of dog crap in the video the great RSR supplied us with, LET ME CLUE YOU IN GABBY, $250,000 doesnt make one "rich" today. I guess YOU are as FUCKING stupid as the illetirate and ignorant masses who vote based on emortioally charged wording that lying, scum sucking, piece of dog crap, people (and I use that term loosely for his type) like him use so they can get voted in, or pass bills that allow them to steal more money from people who are struggling to get ahead, or increase their business(s) AND CREATE FREAKING JOBS.

Ummm...Red, the vote was to ,keep the Bush era tax-cuts for 98% of Americans. It was all but 3 GOP and some 30 Blue Dog Dems (DINO's) House members that voted to RAISE taxes for ALL Americans.
Oh, and...
Keep spinning Red. You'll eventually get dizzy and fall down. :laugh2:

Im still trying to figure this out, are you saying that they voted to raise taxes for all Americans?

red states rule
12-04-2010, 04:14 AM
Ummm...Red, the vote was to keep the Bush era tax-cuts for 98% of Americans. It was all but 3 GOP and some 30 Blue Dog Dems (DINO's) House members that voted to RAISE taxes for ALL Americans.

Oh, and...

Keep spinning Red. You'll eventually get dizzy and fall down. :laugh2:

BP, first of all the top 1% earn about 20% of the wealth in this country BUT pay about 40% of all Federal income taxes while the bottom 50% pay around 3%

After years of hearing how the Bush tax cuts ONLY went to the "wealthy", I hear liberals like you talking about tax cuts for the middle class. When did that happen?

Are these the same tax cuts BP that Tom Daschle dismissed as if you're a millionaire, under the Bush tax cut you get a $46,000 tax cut, more than enough to pay for this Lexus. But if you're a typical working person, you get $227. And that's enough to buy for a muffler.

Of course Tom had his own issues when it came to income taxes - he did not pay them

Also BP, the so called "rich" easily hand over more then 50% of their income to the government when you take federal taxes, state taxes, loacl taxes, SS taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, ect.

When will the "rich" finally be paying their fair share? 60%? 70%?

Also the voters sent a lound and clear message on Nov 2 they wanted tax cuts for everyone. here is a poll taken prior to the election

A new poll shows that 90 percent of those responding are worried about the economy, and majority believe the Bush tax cuts should be extended, even for people making more than $250,000 a year.

Fifty-five percent also said that President Barack Obama’s economic plans have made things worse, running up the deficit without ending the recession or creating new jobs, while 42 percent say the president's policies have helped avert a worse crisis and are laying the groundwork for further growth.

The poll, conducted by Public Opinion Strategies/Hart Research for CNBC, also showed that two-thirds of those surveyed believe that neither Democrats nor Republicans know how to improve it.

In addition, 55 percent said raising taxes on any Americans would slow the economy and kill jobs, and 40 percent said tax cuts should be canceled for higher-income taxpayers.

Only 14 percent of those surveyed approved of the government's policies for dealing with the recession, and 56 percent said those policies are aiding banks.


It is clear you and your fellow libs still do not get it BP. The government does not have a revenue problem. It has a spending problem

We see unemployment went up again under Obama and yet Dems only want to continue to punish success by taking more of the money those of us who are still working earn

red states rule
12-04-2010, 04:17 AM
Now is not the time to raise taxes on anyone:


Palin Rider brings up that taxes are now lower than they were than when Clinton was in office, what he's missing is that whenever taxes are lowered, regardless of the begin point, revenues rise. Contrarily if one wants to contract spending, raise taxes. The later is used, or rather should be, during boom or inflationary periods. Of course if the revenues generated during periods of boom were put aside for periods of contractions, we might not be in this pickle.

and the voters are saying the same thing

Extending the so-called Bush tax cuts is front and center as the lame duck Congress returns this week, and voters still hold a slight preference for continuing those tax cuts for all Americans rather than continuing them for all but the wealthy.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 50% of Likely U.S. Voters think the tax cuts, scheduled to end December 31, should be extended for all Americans. Forty-four percent (44%), however, believe they should be extended for everyone except the wealthy.

This marks basically no change in voter attitudes since early September when members of Congress began campaigning in earnest for reelection.

President Obama and congressional Democrats are willing to extend the tax cuts for all Americans except individuals who earn more than $200,000annually and couples with a yearly income of more than $250,000.

http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/business/taxes/november_2010/voters_still_give_the_edge_to_extending_bush_tax_c uts_for_all_taxpayers

red states rule
12-05-2010, 07:44 AM
Whats up Bully? Have you become "bored" with another thread again?

Or are you unable to defend higher taxes on a small segment of our society who are already paying a huge majority of the taxes currently collected?

red states rule
12-05-2010, 07:47 AM
Dems lost the votes in the Senate on the tax increase - and as usual -Dems are having their normal temper tantrum

On Saturday morning, FNC’s Fox and Friends Saturday and ABC’s Good Morning America highlighted Democratic Senator Bob Menendez’s assertion that negotiating with Republicans taxes is like negotiating with terrorists, while NBC’s Today show included a brief mention. CBS’s The Early Show and CNN Saturday Morning ignored the New Jersey Democrat’s over the top rhetoric.

FNC included a soundbite of Menendez in the opening teaser, as co-host Alisyn Camerota asked if the "hostile words" of Democrats would "hurt negotiations." On ABC, correspondent David Kerley included a clip of the "tough language," and co-host Bianna Golodryga gave Republican Senator Orrin Hatch a chance to respond as the Utah Senator appeared as a guest. Golodryga: " I want to begin by asking your response to that dramatic language we heard from your Democratic counterpart, Senator Menendez, basically calling Republicans terrorists with regards to the process of tax cuts."

Read more: http://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/brad-wilmouth/2010/12/05/abc-fnc-highlight-dem-senator-s-comparison-republicans-terrorists#ixzz17Ezy0zJH