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12-03-2010, 02:04 PM
What do you do for a living ?

12-03-2010, 02:12 PM
You start! :)

12-03-2010, 03:23 PM
You start! :)

sorry, still a student for the next 18 months :thumb:

but what i am going to be is (Electronic\Communication\Network) Engineer, havent decided which one yet :rolleyes:, but i prefer to work in mobile communication systems or the aviation companies, that's all.

so, your turn...

12-03-2010, 03:36 PM
Abso, I'm sorry Bud, but I think a few people might have spit their coffee when they read what your doing.
I hope it works out great for you.

I've been working as a Graphic Designer many years, At a newspaper for over 10 and now for a local small gov't.
Done work on the side for Colleges, Hospitals, Small Businesses.

My father was in Real Estate I should have listen to him, I'd be retired by now.

12-03-2010, 03:39 PM
Currently a student, studying Politics, Philosophy and Economics.

Also have a job working in a fish and chip shop and as a delivery driver.

12-03-2010, 03:40 PM
I teach. Past 11 years in middle school social studies, now trying to get into high schools for US history, Western Civ, Political Science, and Sociology. Jobs are hard to find.

12-03-2010, 03:53 PM
IT Manager

12-03-2010, 04:05 PM
Telecommunications Journeyman. That entails fiber optics / copper / microwave / cellular, etc.

12-03-2010, 04:09 PM
Telecommunications Journeyman. That entails fiber optics / copper / microwave / cellular, etc.

at last someone working in my field :rolleyes:

12-03-2010, 04:58 PM
Abso - you want a job w/ the US Gov't? Move here, get a green card and you'll be set! :)

I work for the Feds. Dept of the Army - just hit 15 years last Nov. I spent 8 years as a Soldier (6 Active, 2 National Guard).

Currently work as a Strategic Planner for a Garrison - we run the installation occupied by a large Tech/R&D Center.

12-03-2010, 05:01 PM
Network engineer. More fun than should be allowed and still get paid. :)

12-03-2010, 06:53 PM
manager used car dealership, sales, service, office, I HAVE to be the only honest car salesman on the planet. I sleep very well at night,knowing I dont tell lies to sell a car. how many folks do you know THAT have their personal cell number on business card.

Mr. P
12-03-2010, 06:56 PM
If I tell ya, I'll have to kill ya.

12-03-2010, 07:05 PM
Abso - you want a job w/ the US Gov't? Move here, get a green card and you'll be set! :)

I work for the Feds. Dept of the Army - just hit 15 years last Nov. I spent 8 years as a Soldier (6 Active, 2 National Guard).

Currently work as a Strategic Planner for a Garrison - we run the installation occupied by a large Tech/R&D Center.

not sure if its easy for me to get the green card, and even if i got it, maybe i wont find a job in US :coffee:

and maybe i can make more money by working in the Gulf.

but if i could get the green card and found a good job in USA, sure i would like to live there for some time.

12-03-2010, 07:07 PM
Network engineer. More fun than should be allowed and still get paid. :)

good for you, i prefer being network engineer than other fields that i can work in, its easier and more money for less work ;)

12-04-2010, 01:11 AM
Professional babysitter of grown up crybabies:laugh2:

12-04-2010, 01:16 AM
Professional babysitter of grown up crybabies:laugh2:

Wait a minute ... I thought that was my job. After all, I'm an executive and business coach.

12-04-2010, 01:19 AM
Wait a minute ... I thought that was my job. After all, I'm an executive and business coach.

he he oh my cry babies are just low paid techs:laugh: (I guess I am there work mama to cry to.....whhaaa)

red states rule
12-04-2010, 04:21 AM
I work for a major mortgage servicer. I respond to written correspondence for borrowers who have defaulted on their loan, or are current but are having financial issues

Needless to say, with Obamanomics the workload has soared

While many are losing their home, my job is secure given the idiot in the WH and his insane economic policies

12-04-2010, 09:09 AM
I work for a major mortgage servicer. I respond to written correspondence for borrowers who have defaulted on their loan, or are current but are having financial issues

Needless to say, with Obamanomics the workload has soared

While many are losing their home, my job is secure given the idiot in the WH and his insane economic policies

I worked collections for 6 yrs, I used to have so much fun in that job until the guvament had to regulate what I say :laugh2:

12-04-2010, 11:43 AM
not sure if its easy for me to get the green card, and even if i got it, maybe i wont find a job in US :coffee:

and maybe i can make more money by working in the Gulf.

but if i could get the green card and found a good job in USA, sure i would like to live there for some time.

Welp - I'd help ya as I could. I've worked with immigration and things like that, for my Father. You speak Arabic I'm guessing. That skill is highly desired.

12-04-2010, 12:16 PM
Welp - I'd help ya as I could. I've worked with immigration and things like that, for my Father. You speak Arabic I'm guessing. That skill is highly desired.

thanks for the offer, i appreciate it, and i will hold you to your word if i decided to work in US :dev3:.

by the way, how much is the average cost for master and Phd in USA, and the average salary for communication engineer ?

about arabic, of course i speak it, its my mother tounge ;).

12-04-2010, 12:58 PM
No idea on the cost of education. I haven't been to college - but I'll do some research for ya.

Dude - you could join the US Military and get EXCELLENT education benefits.

12-04-2010, 01:51 PM
sorry, still a student for the next 18 months :thumb:

but what i am going to be is (Electronic\Communication\Network) Engineer, havent decided which one yet :rolleyes:, but i prefer to work in mobile communication systems or the aviation companies, that's all.

so, your turn...

Good for you for doing the right thing with the education. A degree carries a lot of weight and especially so the fields you are thinking of.

I've been doing various IT work for almost 20 years now. Computer tech, printer tech, network administration, cabling jobs, project management (mostly for simple stuff like managing large moves, a company say moving 200 pc's from one location to another...). Dabbled in some other network stuff too, and training, for cisco routers and switches, but by no means am I an expert. Building servers, enterprise backup - and was also very good at fucking things up occasionally!!

12-04-2010, 01:59 PM
No idea on the cost of education. I haven't been to college - but I'll do some research for ya.

Dude - you could join the US Military and get EXCELLENT education benefits.

thanks, i be looking forward to learning abou the costs from you.

and how can a non US citizen join the military !!!!! :confused:

12-04-2010, 02:08 PM
Good for you for doing the right thing with the education. A degree carries a lot of weight and especially so the fields you are thinking of.

I've been doing various IT work for almost 20 years now. Computer tech, printer tech, network administration, cabling jobs, project management (mostly for simple stuff like managing large moves, a company say moving 200 pc's from one location to another...). Dabbled in some other network stuff too, and training, for cisco routers and switches, but by no means am I an expert. Building servers, enterprise backup - and was also very good at fucking things up occasionally!!

i like your field, i thought about working in it too, and i intend to get certified in Cisco and Microsoft network adminstration, planning to get CCIE certification if i decided to work in networks. :rolleyes:, but since that will cost me alot, i may tend to choose a cheaper choice of career like mobile systems which doesnt require alot of courses, just some cheap courses :thumb:.

12-04-2010, 03:41 PM
Currently a Java programmer, have been programming full time for the past 14 years.

Before that, was a programmer/systems engineer specializing in flight simulators for about 16 years.

12-04-2010, 05:14 PM
and how can a non US citizen join the military !!!!! :confused:

Only takes a Resident Alien card to join.

Abbey Marie
12-04-2010, 10:26 PM
Currently not working (I don't like the word "retired"; it sounds old), but formerly attorney, software tester, tech writer.

12-04-2010, 11:20 PM
I am a OTR trucker but have been out of work for a while due to health issues, but hope to be trucking up soon again

12-05-2010, 01:51 AM
Only takes a Resident Alien card to join.

i thought that to work in the military you had to be a citizen, at least thats the way in my country, no one works for the military except if he is egyptian, and his parents are egyptians and his grand parents are egyptians too, even if his family are all egytpaisn its still hard to join the military ;), i have about 10 relatives in my family who were officers in the army including my father but still i couldnt join it, maybe it had something to do with me failing in the fitness exam which was very hard :death:for me because i stopped doing any kind of sport since 5th grade :rolleyes:

12-08-2010, 05:50 AM
i thought that to work in the military you had to be a citizen, at least thats the way in my country, no one works for the military except if he is egyptian, and his parents are egyptians and his grand parents are egyptians too, even if his family are all egytpaisn its still hard to join the military ;), i have about 10 relatives in my family who were officers in the army including my father but still i couldnt join it, maybe it had something to do with me failing in the fitness exam which was very hard :death:for me because i stopped doing any kind of sport since 5th grade :rolleyes:

If the Democrats and some Republicans get their way, soon, if you had entered the country illegally, you could not only join our military but get citizenship to boot.

However, if you come here legally, you'll still have to go through the process.... that's the state of our immigration laws!

12-08-2010, 07:00 AM
I spent almost 30 years in the US Army. Fifteen plus of that was active duty and 14 was in the National Guard. I now work as a program manager for Joint US military research and development experimentation. My focus area is technology between US Air Force and US Army. I sometimes get dragged into US Navy and multinational arenas. I plan coordinate and execute experiments which requires some technical and operational expertise. Most of my time is spent trying to get the Army and Air Force to play nice with each other.

12-08-2010, 07:13 AM
I spent almost 30 years in the US Army. Fifteen plus of that was active duty and 14 was in the National Guard. I now work as a program manager for Joint US military research and development experimentation. My focus area is technology between US Air Force and US Army. I sometimes get dragged into US Navy and multinational arenas. I plan coordinate and execute experiments which requires some technical and operational expertise. Most of my time is spent trying to get the Army and Air Force to play nice with each other.

So you must be the one behind the silent black Destroyers hovering above my house. :tinfoil:

12-08-2010, 11:03 AM
If the Democrats and some Republicans get their way, soon, if you had entered the country illegally, you could not only join our military but get citizenship to boot.

However, if you come here legally, you'll still have to go through the process.... that's the state of our immigration laws!

in my opinion, its wrong to allow immigrants to join the military of any country, maybe after they get their citizenship at least, but to allow them to join military while they are not even citizens yet, it doesn't seem right.

12-08-2010, 11:43 AM
in my opinion, its wrong to allow immigrants to join the military of any country, maybe after they get their citizenship at least, but to allow them to join military while they are not even citizens yet, it doesn't seem right.
Happened all throughout history. They used to be called mercenaries :p

12-08-2010, 04:28 PM
I spent almost 30 years in the US Army. Fifteen plus of that was active duty and 14 was in the National Guard. I now work as a program manager for Joint US military research and development experimentation. My focus area is technology between US Air Force and US Army. I sometimes get dragged into US Navy and multinational arenas. I plan coordinate and execute experiments which requires some technical and operational expertise. Most of my time is spent trying to get the Army and Air Force to play nice with each other.

Thank you CSM ... getting the Army and AF to play nice can be difficult, so thanks for your dedication and commitment to making things work.

12-08-2010, 04:32 PM
in my opinion, its wrong to allow immigrants to join the military of any country, maybe after they get their citizenship at least, but to allow them to join military while they are not even citizens yet, it doesn't seem right.

In a country like ours, with so many wanting a path to citizenship, seems fair. Has there been a price to pay? Yes, but seems more from those that already had citizenship under false pretenses.

12-08-2010, 06:10 PM
Me, Professional Geek

12-08-2010, 06:36 PM
So you must be the one behind the silent black Destroyers hovering above my house. :tinfoil:

Nope, the ones I work on are silent AND invisible!