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12-07-2010, 05:13 PM
Interesting the disarray evident. On another political site, the lefties are also going nuts, wanting a challenger in 2012. :laugh2: He covered the whole press conference, I'm only including his intro and post comments:


Tax Deal: Lefties Go Wild, Obama Presidency Hits Apocalypse (Plus Live Blogging and Video)

Posted By Bryan Preston On December 7, 2010 @ 11:33 am In Politics | 12 Comments

If the commenters at the Huffington Post, and the hosts and guests at MSNBC, are any guide, the Bush tax cut deal has rendered the Obama presidency a zombie. It looks alive and is even able to move and groan a bit, but it’s mostly dead [1].

foxinretreat—CLASS WARFARE and some civil unrest , brewing in a neighborhood near you. Hey oligarchs how it turns out is anybody’s guess. I hope Wikileaks unleashes its info on the banks ASAP, I could care less if WS has to tank to stop this madness.


Linda Mulenbach—Dear Mr. President. You had me, and then you lost me! Can we please have a democratic primary challenger! I am DONE with Obama.

Chefbob50—Wanted: One backbone and set of balls send to B. Obama c/o 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Wash. D.C.

Well, Chefbob, you obviously sent Obama your heart in 2008. Why not complete the deal now? There’s more HuffPo commentary at the link, including stuff like this:

srheard—The next time I vote for a President, I am going to rank strong negotiating skills right up there with literacy and intellect.

That’s funny. Conservatives brought up the “competency” argument in 2008 and got slapped with the race card...

...Update: Watching President Obama’s press conference, I’m struck by just how out of sorts he seems. He’s trying to argue that he took this short term deal, which will end up being a bad long term for Republicans, because of the “tax cuts on the rich.” What he doesn’t seem to get is that he’ll be arguing about the “Bush tax cuts” as a whole in two years, when he’s running for re-election, having already lost that debate in 2010. He’s coming across as hectoring, defensive, and not well acquainted with the facts or the policy. This may be the worst presidential press conference I’ve seen Bill Clinton denied “that woman.”

Update: Whoa. Now he’s angrily lecturing the left for their reaction to the deal, citing their negative reaction to ObamaCare because it lacked a public option. Again, he’s coming across as a know-it-all who’s reminding you of that unforgivable thing you did that ruined your relationship way back when. While it’s nice to see someone attempt to inject a little reality in the “reality based community,” I predict that this won’t go over well. At all.

More: Well, that was pretty bad, the kind of presser Napoleon might have given after Waterloo. Obama, among other things, compared Republicans to terrorists holding the American people “hostage”. That theme is bouncing around the left, indicating either an unhealthy groupthink is going on or that there’s an actual strategy at work. It’s a bad line to take, and it won’t work. Tax policy does not equal terrorism, especially in an age of actual, lethal terrorism.

All in all, not a good finish for 2010 if you’re Barack Obama, which will go down as the year of the death of “Hope and Change.”

Update: Real Clear Politics has video of Obama calling Republicans “hostage takers.” It’s a remarkably unpresidential line.

Lots of links at site.

12-07-2010, 06:52 PM
I wonder what Hillary is thinking right about now.

12-07-2010, 07:30 PM
I wonder what Hillary is thinking right about now.


12-07-2010, 07:45 PM
I wonder what Hillary is thinking right about now.

Or Evan Bayh or Howard Dean

12-07-2010, 09:13 PM
Really worth the whole read!


The 2008 Obama Would Denounce the 2010 Obama
December 7, 2010 10:14 A.M.
By Jim Geraghty

Tags: Barack Obama

The liberal outrage over the tax deal is warranted. They, too, are learning that all of Obama’s statements come with expiration dates, and that they labored, long and hard, throughout 2007 and 2008 to elect a man who will, in the end, ratify most of President Bush’s policy choices.

Guanatanamo Bay is not closed, and will not close. At least 50,000 U.S. troops will remain in Iraq through 2011. There is talk that U.S. troops will remain in Afghanistan through 2014. Rendition will continue. Government wiretapping is expanded, not receded. Obama has refused to release controversial photos that allegedly show detainee abuse. The Obama administration asserts the authority to kill al-Qaeda-affiliated terrorists, even ones that are American citizens, without trial. There will be no KSM trial in Manhattan; the administration now sees the wisdom of military tribunals. There have been no summits with the leaders of Iran, or North Korea, or Cuba, or Syria. (Obama met Chavez at a Latin America summit.) Obama’s Middle East peace initiative has gone nowhere, a fool’s errand considering the deep-rooted, longstanding furies and divisions in the region...

12-07-2010, 09:51 PM
Really worth the whole read!


It's amazing what walking in another's shoes will do to one's perspective, isn't it?

12-07-2010, 09:52 PM
Indeed. Now they know how we felt about Bush in those last two agonizing years. :laugh2:

12-07-2010, 09:56 PM
Indeed. Now they know how we felt about Bush in those last two agonizing years. :laugh2:

I always said that he would change his tune once he got in office and saw the whole picture.

red states rule
12-08-2010, 04:17 AM
Even CNN is criticizing Obama. I guess liberals really do not like "compromise" after all

On Tuesday's Newsroom, CNN tried to spin the proposed compromise between President Obama and congressional Republicans to keep the current tax rates as a "package that increases spending dramatically." Correspondents Jessica Yellin and Joe Johns forwarded the liberal talking point that the Republicans were breaking their campaign promise to reduce government spending with this proposal.

Yellin appeared with anchor Brooke Baldwin just after the bottom of the 3 pm Eastern hour. After playing a montage of several clips of President Obama promising to "roll back the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans," Baldwin stated that "it's not just the President, as we saw in the montage, breaking a promise. It's also- correct me if I'm wrong- the Republicans breaking a promise as well."

The liberal CNN correspondent replied with the faulty concept that letting taxpayers keep more of their income is government spending (thus treating all income as if it belonged to the government):

Read more: http://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/matthew-balan/2010/12/07/cnn-keeping-current-tax-rates-increasing-government-spending#ixzz17Vg2QHrC