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View Full Version : Fox poll shows Obama approval at new low

red states rule
12-17-2010, 07:18 PM
It keeps getting better and better

The big question is, when will Obama hit Bush approval numbers AND will the liberal acknowledge it?

A new poll by Fox News and Opinion Dynamics shows the job approval rating for Barack Obama hitting a new low, 40%, while disapproval hits 51%, just one point below his previous record set in September.

Approval among independents hit an even lower level of 37/48, virtually unchanged from October’s 37/49. Andrew Malcolm reports that almost two-thirds of respondents now don’t believe that Obama will win a second term:

“Your best guess, as of today do you think Barack Obama will be reelected president in 2012 or not?”

Mid-December 2010 Overall: 29% Yes, 64% No.

Mid-December 2009 Overall: 44% Yes, 46% No.

Tellingly, among Obama’s core Democrats, those who believe he’ll be reelected fell from 71% a year ago to a minority, 49%, now. Those Democrats who say he won’t be reelected increased from 19% to 42%.

Among independents, a crucial part of the Democrat’s winning 2008 coalition, those who think he’ll be reelected fell from 46% to 31%. Those who predict he won’t jumped from 44% to 63%.


Mr. P
12-17-2010, 11:44 PM
It keeps getting better and better

The big question is, when will Obama hit Bush approval numbers AND will the liberal acknowledge it?
If his disapproval were voiced by those remaining silent his numbers would be abysmal.

red states rule
12-18-2010, 04:07 AM
If his disapproval were voiced by those remaining silent his numbers would be abysmal.

and then we this from the Obama worshippers

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