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12-18-2010, 12:44 PM
Poor Harry!


DREAM Senate Vote Fails
December 18, 2010 11:39 A.M.
By Katrina Trinko

The DREAM Act cloture vote just failed in the Senate, 55 to 41.

The cloture vote was on the version of DREAM that passed the House earlier this month.

Among Republicans, only Sens. Bob Bennett of Utah, Richard Lugar of Indiana, and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska voted for the bill.

On the Democat side, Sens. Jon Tester of Montana, Max Baucus of Montana, Ben Nelson of Nebraska, Mark Pyror of Arkansas, and Kay Hagan of North Carolina voted against the bill.

UPDATE: Forgot to note that Democrat Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia — who faces another election in 2012, and won this year by positioning himself to the right of many Democrats (including running an ad in which he shot the cap-and-trade legislation) — also voted against the DREAM Act.

12-18-2010, 01:05 PM
Poor Harry!


Just maybe some Dem's did hear the voters Nov 2

12-18-2010, 03:23 PM
Just maybe some Dem's did hear the voters Nov 2

Tea Parties are influencing both parties. Ultimately it's the liberal spenders and social manipulators that are going to experience the full brunt.

12-18-2010, 06:29 PM
Among Republicans, only Sens. Bob Bennett of Utah, Richard Lugar of Indiana, and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska voted for the bill.

I don't understand how those 3 voted for the Dream Act. What, with all the illegal Canadians streaming across their borders...

12-18-2010, 08:49 PM
I don't understand how those 3 voted for the Dream Act. What, with all the illegal Canadians streaming across their borders...

I sent an e-mail to Lugar expressing my disappointment in his vote.

He comes up for re-election in 2012, I don't think this vote will help him. I for one will be happy to cast my vote against him.

12-19-2010, 04:16 AM
Murkowski is an embarrassment to Alaska and I'm still pissed that she got re-elected.

red states rule
12-19-2010, 05:42 AM
The liberal media, as usual, is putting the blame on Republicans (and not the Dems who voted against it)

Today liberal Senate Democrats failed to garner the 60-vote threshold to end debate on and move to a final passage vote for the DREAM Act.

In covering the story, the news wire credited Republican opposition for "doom[ing]" the legislation, but the math doesn't work out when you look at the breakdown of the votes on the motion to end debate -- also known as invoking cloture. [h/t reader Kevin Davis]

"Republicans block youth immigration bill," the Seattle Times headlined today's AP story on the DREAM Act vote, which began with dark, loaded language that painted Republicans in a sinister light (emphasis mine):

Senate Republicans on Saturday doomed an effort that would have given hundreds of thousands of young illegal immigrants a path to legal status if they enrolled in college or joined the military.

Sponsors of the DREAM Act fell five votes short of the 60 they needed to break through largely GOP opposition and win its enactment before Republicans take over the House and narrow Democrats' majority in the Senate next month.

In the lame duck Senate, Democrats and the liberal independents who caucus with them account for 58 senators, two votes shy of the 60-vote threshold to close debate. On cloture votes, Democrats -- plus Sens. Lieberman (I-Conn.) and Sanders (I-Vt.) -- need just two of the chamber's Republicans to join them in order to shut off debate.

Today's AP article itself noted -- in the 16th paragraph -- that three Republicans joined most Democrats in voting yes on ending debate. Had all the Democrats held together, there would have been exactly 60 votes -- Sen. Joe Machin of West Virginia did not vote -- ensuring a final vote would have been held on the DREAM Act.

Five Democrats did in fact defect from the party line and voted no on closing debate.

As such, those Democrats "doomed" the DREAM Act.

But why let the truth get in the way of a good liberal media meme?

Read more: http://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/ken-shepherd/2010/12/18/ap-seattle-times-blame-gop-downing-dream-act-truth-five-democrats-vote#ixzz18YLteb00

red states rule
12-19-2010, 09:24 AM
More from the liberal media and another example on how they slant the news

Republicans block youth immigration bill

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Senate Republicans on Saturday doomed an effort that would have given hundreds of thousands of young illegal immigrants a path to legal status if they enrolled in college or joined the military.

Sponsors of the Dream Act fell five votes short of the 60 they needed to break through largely GOP opposition and win its enactment before Republicans take over the House and narrow Democrats' majority in the Senate next month.

President Barack Obama called the vote "incredibly disappointing."

"A minority of senators prevented the Senate from doing what most Americans understand is best for the country," Obama said. "There was simply no reason not to pass this important legislation."

Dozens of immigrants wearing graduation mortarboards watched from the Senate's visitors gallery, disappointment on their faces, as the 55-41 vote was announced.
