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red states rule
12-20-2010, 05:31 AM
This is what we can expect from the liberal media for the next 2 years. A total rewrite of history, and a total denial of facts.

When historians look back at 2008-10, what will puzzle them most, I believe, is the strange triumph of failed ideas. Free-market fundamentalists have been wrong about everything — yet they now dominate the political scene more thoroughly than ever.

How did that happen? How, after runaway banks brought the economy to its knees, did we end up with Ron Paul, who says “I don’t think we need regulators,” about to take over a key House panel overseeing the Fed? How, after the experiences of the Clinton and Bush administrations — the first raised taxes and presided over spectacular job growth; the second cut taxes and presided over anemic growth even before the crisis — did we end up with bipartisan agreement on even more tax cuts?

The answer from the right is that the economic failures of the Obama administration show that big-government policies don’t work. But the response should be, what big-government policies?

For the fact is that the Obama stimulus — which itself was almost 40 percent tax cuts — was far too cautious to turn the economy around. And that’s not 20-20 hindsight: many economists, myself included, warned from the beginning that the plan was grossly inadequate. Put it this way: A policy under which government employment actually fell, under which government spending on goods and services grew more slowly than during the Bush years, hardly constitutes a test of Keynesian economics.


12-20-2010, 09:44 AM
That sounded like some Krugman idiocy and yup, clicked the link and there was his smiling (smug?) picture. :laugh:

red states rule
12-21-2010, 03:39 AM
That sounded like some Krugman idiocy and yup, clicked the link and there was his smiling (smug?) picture. :laugh:

Are you surprised Krugman is still defending the Boy Blunder Obama?

Paul, like most Obama supporters, are still suffering from Sore Loser Syndrome - and it shows

12-21-2010, 06:37 AM
Are you surprised Krugman is still defending the Boy Blunder Obama?

No, just surprised that people still listen to him seeing as how he has completely politicized his economics.

red states rule
12-24-2010, 05:01 AM