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View Full Version : 1 in 3 British Muslim students back killing for Islam and 40% want Sharia law

12-23-2010, 07:18 PM
I sure am glad that these guys aren't radicals. :rolleyes:

Link (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1340599/WikiLeaks-1-3-British-Muslim-students-killing-Islam-40-want-Sharia-law.html#ixzz18nRU3RD7)

Around a third of young British Muslims favour killing in the name of Islam, according to a survey revealed by the WikiLeaks' publication of U.S. diplomatic cables.

A survey of 600 Muslim students at 30 universities throughout Britain found that 32 per cent of Muslim respondents believed killing in the name of religion is justified.

A U.S. diplomatic cable from January 2009 quoted a poll by the Centre for Social Cohesion as saying 54 per cent wanted a Muslim party to represent their world view in Parliament and 40 per cent want Muslims in the UK to be under Sharia law.

.: Read the rest of this article :. (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1340599/WikiLeaks-1-3-British-Muslim-students-killing-Islam-40-want-Sharia-law.html#ixzz18nRU3RD7)

12-23-2010, 07:28 PM
Yeah, and they are just a small minority. :laugh:

Just think 30% of 1.5 billion. The other 70% better get their shit together.

12-23-2010, 11:30 PM
It's okay though. They're all peaceful.

12-24-2010, 09:43 AM
Hmmmmmmmmm....... Bernard Lewis has held that up to 10% of the 1.5 Billion Muslims were Islamo facists on the back bench......., a big number indeed.

This, (leaked), data looks to be suggestive of a larger proportion of Muslims that are at least sympathetic which explains the lack of desire of the general Muslim population to modernize Islam. Muslims in college are not the poor downtroden either.

Anything less then 50 cars burned per night in France by angry Muslims is not cornsidered newsworthy.

Religious wars are very fierce and grusome, one fought with modern weapons, (if that what this cums to), is not gonna be purdy.......

Religous zellots don't tend to mellow with age... and if the Muslims can't or will not contain this mindset a major clash and possibly unlimited war with the West could be the end result.

Let's all hope not.

My overpriced $.02. JR

12-24-2010, 10:10 AM
Hmmmmmmmmm....... Bernard Lewis has held that up to 10% of the 1.5 Billion Muslims were Islamo facists on the back bench......., a big number indeed.

This, (leaked), data looks to be suggestive of a larger proportion of Muslims that are at least sympathetic which explains the lack of desire of the general Muslim population to modernize Islam. Muslims in college are not the poor downtroden either.

Anything less then 50 cars burned per night in France by angry Muslims is not cornsidered newsworthy.

Religious wars are very fierce and grusome, one fought with modern weapons, (if that what this cums to), is not gonna be purdy.......

Religous zellots don't tend to mellow with age... and if the Muslims can't or will not contain this mindset a major clash and possibly unlimited war with the West could be the end result.

Let's all hope not.

My overpriced $.02. JR

The problem I see is this war is coming to the USA unless we don't stop the spread of Muslim in this country. Probably the fastest growing Muslim population in the US is prison inmates. Talk about radical and pissed. when they get out they are certainly going to do bad deeds.

I can certainly say I hate Muslims, and I wish they each and everyone were burned to death, and YES I will light the fire. I have no problem doing so. They should be eradicated from the earth as the scumbag cowards they are. Their social standing in the USA should be diminished.

12-24-2010, 05:17 PM
The problem I see is this war is coming to the USA unless we don't stop the spread of Muslim in this country. Probably the fastest growing Muslim population in the US is prison inmates. Talk about radical and pissed. when they get out they are certainly going to do bad deeds.

I can certainly say I hate Muslims, and I wish they each and everyone were burned to death, and YES I will light the fire. I have no problem doing so. They should be eradicated from the earth as the scumbag cowards they are. Their social standing in the USA should be diminished.

Not all Muslims are bad. There is a very decent one on this board.

12-24-2010, 05:54 PM
Not all Muslims are bad. There is a very decent one on this board.

In my opinion he's in the minority.

12-24-2010, 06:53 PM
Typical wikileaks, anti-American and anti-west.


12-24-2010, 07:52 PM
Not all Muslims are bad. There is a very decent one on this board.

Thanks very much if you are referring to me... :rolleyes:

In my opinion he's in the minority.

i am not in the minority, and even if i am minority as you say, then you are admitting that at least i am decent as OldMercs said, but someone just wished that i burn to death along all other muslims, and you thanked him for the post, sometimes people can really show me how nice they are.

so thanks for you both for wishing me to be burned till death :salute:

12-24-2010, 07:54 PM
The problem I see is this war is coming to the USA unless we don't stop the spread of Muslim in this country. Probably the fastest growing Muslim population in the US is prison inmates. Talk about radical and pissed. when they get out they are certainly going to do bad deeds.

I can certainly say I hate Muslims, and I wish they each and everyone were burned to death, and YES I will light the fire. I have no problem doing so. They should be eradicated from the earth as the scumbag cowards they are. Their social standing in the USA should be diminished.

you will find muslims living around you, go find one and burn him to death if thats your wish :salute:

12-24-2010, 11:37 PM
Yes ABSO, I was referring to you.

Captain Dash is a friend of mine; butt: he can say some outrageous things from time to time, (as big bad red necks from South Georgia may sometimes do).

He was in Desert Storm and that experience may have hardened him.

You very well maybe in the majority of Muslims as you say, that said: people such as yourself must work with other Muslims of like minds very hard to reform the Islamic religion, (and that will not be easy). If 1/3 of Muslims are sympathetic to killing in the name of their religion in late 2010 we are on a collision course with destiny, and the outcome will not be good at all for the world.

Respectfully, JR

12-25-2010, 12:06 AM
Yes ABSO, I was referring to you.

Captain Dash is a friend of mine; butt: he can say some outrageous things from time to time, (as big bad red necks from South Georgia may sometimes do).

He was in Desert Storm and that experience may have hardened him.

You very well maybe in the majority of Muslims as you say, that said: people such as yourself must work with other Muslims of like minds very hard to reform the Islamic religion, (and that will not be easy). If 1/3 of Muslims are sympathetic to killing in the name of their religion in late 2010 we are on a collision course with destiny, and the outcome will not be good at all for the world.

Respectfully, JR

at least such outrageous comments shouldnt be said on christmas, we are celebrating christmas and he just wished that 1.5 billion people are burned to death, so what does that say about him ?

personally when i face someone radical, i talk with him, debate with him, try to convince him with my opinion, i do what i can do to help fighting radicalism, but of course studying religion or explaining it or promoting peaceful Islam isnt my job, there are Imams who does that, but my job is to be an engineer, not a clerk.

my ordinary life is no different than the life of anyone here, as a kid i went to school, when i grew up i went to college, two years from now i will be graduated and i will start working, my life story has no place in it for radicalism or anything else, i am just a normal person who lives a very normal life, discussing politics and religion is just a hobby of mine not a job.

can you tell me, what is the different between your friend and any muslim man who wishes all jewish people to die and burn to death, but he never harms any jew, just wish if they all died.

if you face any muslim at all, who wishes that all jewish people will burn to death, although he is a peaceful man and will never hurt anyone, but he keeps saying that he hates all jews and wish their death, will you prepared to call such a muslim man your friend ?

about me, i will never call such muslim man my friend, and i certainly wont call anyone who wishes muslims to die my friend, i dont like radicalism or hate in both sides. :salute:

now lets stop this discussion and enjoy christmas please ;)

Merry Christmas Everyone, wish all of you a happy nice holiday :angel:

12-25-2010, 01:08 AM
at least such outrageous comments shouldnt be said on christmas, we are celebrating christmas and he just wished that 1.5 billion people are burned to death, so what does that say about him ?

personally when i face someone radical, i talk with him, debate with him, try to convince him with my opinion, i do what i can do to help fighting radicalism, but of course studying religion or explaining it or promoting peaceful Islam isnt my job, there are Imams who does that, but my job is to be an engineer, not a clerk.

my ordinary life is no different than the life of anyone here, as a kid i went to school, when i grew up i went to college, two years from now i will be graduated and i will start working, my life story has no place in it for radicalism or anything else, i am just a normal person who lives a very normal life, discussing politics and religion is just a hobby of mine not a job.

can you tell me, what is the different between your friend and any muslim man who wishes all jewish people to die and burn to death, but he never harms any jew, just wish if they all died.

if you face any muslim at all, who wishes that all jewish people will burn to death, although he is a peaceful man and will never hurt anyone, but he keeps saying that he hates all jews and wish their death, will you prepared to call such a muslim man your friend ?

about me, i will never call such muslim man my friend, and i certainly wont call anyone who wishes muslims to die my friend, i dont like radicalism or hate in both sides. :salute:

now lets stop this discussion and enjoy christmas please ;)

Merry Christmas Everyone, wish all of you a happy nice holiday :angel:

Probably the most striking difference between Capt and you, Abso, is that he wouldn't support terrorist activities as you have stated you would - not in so many words, but you have.

If a Baptist man strapped bombs around his 12 year old son and sent him to his doom in a crowded Jewish dance club, all of us would be appalled and not ONE of would say anything different.

If a muslim man did the same (and has) you would say "Well, those Palestinians are fighting and they are right blah blah blah blah."

Big difference. Christians won't try to demonstrate reasons why a stupid person does stupid things, we will just say that person was fucked up in the head.

Muslims will defend and justify like you have every time.

See the difference?

Oh, and Merry Christmas!

12-25-2010, 10:59 AM
Probably the most striking difference between Capt and you, Abso, is that he wouldn't support terrorist activities as you have stated you would - not in so many words, but you have.

If a Baptist man strapped bombs around his 12 year old son and sent him to his doom in a crowded Jewish dance club, all of us would be appalled and not ONE of would say anything different.

If a muslim man did the same (and has) you would say "Well, those Palestinians are fighting and they are right blah blah blah blah."

Big difference. Christians won't try to demonstrate reasons why a stupid person does stupid things, we will just say that person was fucked up in the head.

Muslims will defend and justify like you have every time.

See the difference?

Oh, and Merry Christmas!

i never defend any suicide bombers, actually i just discussed that issue with a friend of mine yesterday, and i was totally against that kind of behaviour, its against my religion and my beliefs.

when i say that palestinians are opressed, that doesnt mean that i am saying that they have the right to bomb themselfs to kill civilians.

do i support attacking every israelian solider ?

do i support attacking any child, woman, elder, unarmed man, any civilian at all ?

what you dont understand about me, is that i believe in my religion too much, i believe it, and i love it.

and one of the most clear principles of my religion, is that it does not allow killing any Child or Woman or Elder or Unarmed Man, it consider who kills an innocent soul as if he killed all humanity, and whoever save an innocent soul as if he saved all humanity, that is the most basic principle of my belief, so dont think for one second that i support or justify terrorism.

but as much as i condemn something, i am also have enough knowledge that allows me to analyze any situation, and know its reasons, circumstances and implications, and anyone who doesnt understand the reasons of something before fighting it is just stupid ignorant human.

i take the same side as you, i want to kill all terrorists in the world, but that doesnt mean that i dont understand some of their reasons, maybe not all of them, because some terrorists may have no reason at all except madness and mental illness, but others have reasons which needs to be understood and problems that needs to be solved to prevent the formation of new terrorists organizations.

if you choose to be ignorant, and bury your head in the sand, and never to understand anything, its your choice, but thats a choice i am not willing to make, i am always willing to understand my enemy, so that i can fight it, and defeat it, without understanding your enemy, you can never defeat it.

so if the difference between me and Capt is that i am not ignorant and i dont ignore the circumstances around me, then i think that i like that difference.

most of the people around here think that i support terrorism, and i justify it, none actually understands me, and probably none will ever do, maybe people will be able to understand me oneday, when they stop hating me and my religion, and stop thinking that everything i say is because i am a muslim.

Islam is my religion, its in my heart, but it doesnt control my mind, not everything i say is because i am a muslim, try to think of me as a christian and maybe you will see more reason in my words.

i disagree with you, even christians look for the reasons when someone does a stupid thing.

lets say that your brother killed his wife, will you ask him about the reason, or will you just say that he is fucked up in the head ?

terrorists, as misguided and stupid they are, and as much as i want to kill them, i already know that many of them have their reasons, and they react violently because of that reasons, now you may ignore all the reasons and kill them then wait for the new ones and kill them then wait again and kill the new ones, and everytimes more innocents will die, or you can acknowledge that there are reasons and problems that needs to be solved, and think about those problems and try to look for a solution that can save our lifes, my life, your life, your family's life and my family's life too, we are all in risk of being killed in anytime because some stupid person had a problem that we never wanted to acknowledge and he reacted because of that.

i am not saying that its our fault for not solving the problems, its his fault, but if we want our beloved ones to be safe, then we should fix the problems that can be fixed, and try to save everyone instead of just ignoring the problems.

and Btw, you ignored that fact that he wished 1.5 billion people to die, he is as radical as the stupid muslims we all hate, but apparently, you dont have any problem with radicalism when its in your own side, and radicalism by the way isnt only about the action, its also about what you say and think, he may not kill people, but he is radical in his thoughts and words, he is like a radical muslims Imam who dont kill with his own hands, but he encourages people to kill.

and Merry Christmas to you too, and to everyone, hope everyone is enjoying christmas, may GOD bless us all.

12-25-2010, 01:44 PM
at least such outrageous comments shouldnt be said on christmas, we are celebrating christmas and he just wished that 1.5 billion people are burned to death, so what does that say about him ?

Christmas is just another day, although "peace on earth good will toward men" is the operative CHRISTIAN phrase.

As to Captain Dash, he is an attention whore, (like some of us are), n' will say intentionally flamable things from time to time. That said: he really is a BIG BAD GA Redneck, and I would hate ta have him chasin' me with his Freightliner or Peterbuilt on the back roads of South Georgia is I was driven a Dodge Dart! :boom2:

personally when i face someone radical, i talk with him, debate with him, try to convince him with my opinion,

While yer studing Engineering, I recomend ya take a history class or two, (or maybe pick up some books n' read some history). "Talking"/"debating" to a religious radical, (or who I would call a true believer), is fruitless, or at least there are ZERO examples in history where talking ever persuaded a religious radical, (believer), not to kill and maim if that is the time honored way their religion enforces the faith.

i do what i can do to help fighting radicalism,

Hmmmmmm..... ya think ya do eh?

but of course studying religion or explaining it or promoting peaceful Islam isnt my job,

Well if ya make it Captain Dash's job you will get the results he stated.

I will also state in no uncertain terms that I will NEVER pray ta Allah or face Mecca five times per day under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES.

I may not be as big and bad as Captain Dash; butt ya wouldn't wanna try ta inpose Shiria law on me either, as you would have to pull my dead hand off my very hot AK-47 ta do whatever ya wanted to do once ya ate the projectiles headed toward anyone tryin' ta impose the religion o' peace on me or my loved ones. :salute:

there are Imams who does that, but my job is to be an engineer, not a clerk.

"Imams" are where the radicalism, (actually since Islam has NEVER modernized, I'm not sure I buy yer term "radicalism"), has cum from: ABSO.

my ordinary life is no different than the life of anyone here,

I doubt that as ya grew up in Egypt. Most here grew up in the land of the FREE. :salute:

as a kid i went to school, when i grew up i went to college, two years from now i will be graduated and i will start working, my life story has no place in it for radicalism or anything else,

You may have no place for what you call "radicalism", butt: 10% to 30% seem ta feeeeeeeel different. Not a good prospect. In my view; those will likely need ta visit Allah ta really sort things out. Either moderate Muslims moderize their own religion n' send those ya refer to as "radicals" ta Allah; or the job will be left ta non-Muslims, (as I fear).

Either way LOTS of blood will be spilt, IMHO.

Martin Luther started moderization of the Christian faith nearly 500 years ago; and it was very bloody, and took many years.

i am just a normal person who lives a very normal life, discussing politics and religion is just a hobby of mine not a job.

Agreed. :thumb: :thumb:

can you tell me, what is the different between your friend and any muslim man who wishes all jewish people to die and burn to death, but he never harms any jew, just wish if they all died.

My friend is a soldier who protects all of our, (American's) FREEDOM.

An Islamo Facist; lookin' fer world domination: sixth century style, is both his and my enemy.

Most Americans (308 Million of us), would not commit suicide in the name of our God to kill and maim innocents. That said, if your fellow Muslims do enough damage to get our undivided attention you will see that even though we are a peaceful people we can be the most ferocious force the world has ever seen.

Unlimited war with the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is not something any rational person would want, (unless they see themselves as a catilyst for their version of the end times), as the current ISLAMIC leadership in Persia has VERY clearly stated.

if you face any muslim at all, who wishes that all jewish people will burn to death, although he is a peaceful man and will never hurt anyone,

Oxymoron :lol: NO PEACEFUL PERSON is discribed in the above statement. BTW: I don't think Captain Dash is a "peaceful man".

but he keeps saying that he hates all jews and wish their death, will you prepared to call such a muslim man your friend ?

Can't say fer sure: ABSO, (not enough information). I do have some Muslim friends, I bet you and I could be friends.

about me, i will never call such muslim man my friend, and i certainly wont call anyone who wishes muslims to die my friend, i dont like radicalism or hate in both sides. :salute:

Never is a long time. You are a young man, yer views may change. I know of ZERO friends of mine that I corntrol their thoughts.

now lets stop this discussion and enjoy christmas please ;)

Kinda hard fer me ta let someone have the last word.

I luv debate, n' learnin' things, (that is why I like to debate you).

Merry Christmas Everyone, wish all of you a happy nice holiday :angel:

Agreed. :thumb:

Respectfully, JR

12-25-2010, 02:49 PM
"Imams" are where the radicalism, (actually since Islam has NEVER modernized, I'm not sure I buy yer term "radicalism"), has cum from: ABSO.

Imam just means a religious leader, it doesnt mean a radical man, there are very peaceful Imams who condemn terrorism more than you and me, Imam is just the same as a priest, there are good priests and bad ones, but the majority are good ones and the majority of Imams are good too.

Can't say fer sure: ABSO, (not enough information). I do have some Muslim friends, I bet you and I could be friends.

Sure we can, i would be more than glad to consider you as a friend of mine :salute:

Kinda hard fer me ta let someone have the last word.

I luv debate, n' learnin' things, (that is why I like to debate you).

Sorry, i had to end it, we need to enjoy christmas :rolleyes:

Merry Christmas for the (may be tenth time) ;)

12-27-2010, 10:58 AM
Abso, while you apparently are a very young man, and have not lived life such as many of us older folks, no matter our religion, you have not lived the history some of us have. I spent a year of my life defending Kuwaiti Muslims from Iraqi Muslims. Personally they are all crazy and worthy of death imo. First, I can't think of a better group of people to lighten up the load on Mother earth than to rid her of 1.5 billion HATE filled people, which you knowingly and boldly defend. Maybe the 10 billion Chinese may be a better target group to lighten up the load on the earth and all you Muslims could move there and kill each other off.

If Muslims were such a loving people as you say, then you would condemn the terrorist acts, but instead you embrace them. Your Koran is full of hate filled versus. I will list them here shortly where you can defend them. Muslim is the fastest growing religion in Prisons, more hateful and deranged people.

You say it is not your job to convince other Muslims of the error of their ways. Bullshit, you are either not a Muslim or you embrace everything the cowardly muslim terrorists do. As a Christian, it is my responsibility to correct other Christians should I see something wrong. It is also my responsibility to bring people into the Christian Faith, one based on love for a God who lives, not some dead man as you worship. Mohammed is a mere mortal man, and nothing more. You might as well be a Scientologist worshipping Elron Hubbard.

I don't call the preacher and say " Hey I don'tlike what johnny is doing." It is my RESPONSIBILITY to deal with johnny myself. That is the problem with you, other Muslims and ALL Liberals, you fail to accept any responsibility for your own actions or the actions of other like minded people.

I guess when you are done with your engineering degree, you would make for a great recruit for the cause. Not sure what discipline you are learning, but anyway you look at it, you would be more capable to build COWARD DEVICES aka. underwear bombs, ieds, etc. and further create havoc for your terrorist brothers who you refuse to ridicule or condemn.

Like Mercs said, I am a soldier. What he didn't expound upon, is I am first a soldier for God, and then the US Army. If I had the materials, i would drop every Mosque in this country to the ground in piles of rubble, rebarb, and steel. I see you as an enemy. I do not ever see being friends with the enemy. Muslims are an enemy to this country, and will be until the annihilation of the Muslims or this country.

Like the alien from Independence Day said, " There can be NO peace." You are either with us or against us.

Don't view me as a radical because I have radical thoughts or ideas. I assure you, I would look you in the face and pull the trigger unlike your cowardly brothers around the world. I have no fear of much of anything, especially dying, and especially for what I believe in, but I will not kill innocent people in the name of religion. I don't see any Muslim as innocent, all Muslim women, children, etc harbor muslim terrorists, so they all should DIE by the sword they live by.

Here are some versus for you to defend:

Islam is truly a religion of love.

"Slay the unbelievers wherever you find them.” Koran 2:191

“Make war on the infidels living in your neighborhood.” Koran 9:123
“When opportunity arises, kill the infidels wherever you catch them.” Koran 9:5

“Any religion other than Islam is not acceptable.” Koran 3:85

“The Jews and the Christians are perverts; fight them.” Koran 9:30

“Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticize Islam” Koran 5:33

“Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire, hooked iron rods, boiling water; melt their skin and bellies.” Koran 22:19

“The unbelievers are stupid; urge the Muslims to fight them.” Koran 8:65

“Muslims must not take the infidels as friends.” Koran 3:28

“Terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Qur’an.” Koran 8:12

“Muslims must muster all weapons to terrorize the infidels.” Koran 8:60

How about these numbers? Can you defend them as well?

Survey of Muslim world, Feb 2009 has all sorts of horrible stats:

76 percent of Pakistanis want strict sharia in every Islamic country.
76 percent of Moroccans want strict sharia in every Islamic country.
90 percent of Palestinians support killing American troops in Iraq. And yet America is giving the Palestinians $1 billion in aid!
83 percent of Egyptians support killing American troops in Iraq. And yet America gives Egypt $2 billion in aid every year!
68 percent of Moroccans support killing American troops in Iraq.
40 percent in Turkey support killing American troops in Iraq. And yet America is pushing for its "ally" Turkey to be let into the EU.
83 percent of Egyptians support killing American troops in Afghanistan.
61 percent of Moroccans support killing American troops in Afghanistan.
78 percent of Palestinians have "positive" or "mixed" feelings towards Bin Laden.
69 percent of Egyptians have "positive" or "mixed" feelings towards Bin Laden.
53 percent of Moroccans have "positive" or "mixed" feelings towards Bin Laden.
51 percent of Pakistanis have "positive" or "mixed" feelings towards Bin Laden.

Need I say more?

12-27-2010, 11:56 AM
Abso, while you apparently are a very young man, and have not lived life such as many of us older folks, no matter our religion, you have not lived the history some of us have. I spent a year of my life defending Kuwaiti Muslims from Iraqi Muslims. Personally they are all crazy and worthy of death imo. First, I can't think of a better group of people to lighten up the load on Mother earth than to rid her of 1.5 billion HATE filled people, which you knowingly and boldly defend. Maybe the 10 billion Chinese may be a better target group to lighten up the load on the earth and all you Muslims could move there and kill each other off.

If Muslims were such a loving people as you say, then you would condemn the terrorist acts, but instead you embrace them. Your Koran is full of hate filled versus. I will list them here shortly where you can defend them. Muslim is the fastest growing religion in Prisons, more hateful and deranged people.

You say it is not your job to convince other Muslims of the error of their ways. Bullshit, you are either not a Muslim or you embrace everything the cowardly muslim terrorists do. As a Christian, it is my responsibility to correct other Christians should I see something wrong. It is also my responsibility to bring people into the Christian Faith, one based on love for a God who lives, not some dead man as you worship. Mohammed is a mere mortal man, and nothing more. You might as well be a Scientologist worshipping Elron Hubbard.

I don't call the preacher and say " Hey I don'tlike what johnny is doing." It is my RESPONSIBILITY to deal with johnny myself. That is the problem with you, other Muslims and ALL Liberals, you fail to accept any responsibility for your own actions or the actions of other like minded people.

I guess when you are done with your engineering degree, you would make for a great recruit for the cause. Not sure what discipline you are learning, but anyway you look at it, you would be more capable to build COWARD DEVICES aka. underwear bombs, ieds, etc. and further create havoc for your terrorist brothers who you refuse to ridicule or condemn.

Like Mercs said, I am a soldier. What he didn't expound upon, is I am first a soldier for God, and then the US Army. If I had the materials, i would drop every Mosque in this country to the ground in piles of rubble, rebarb, and steel. I see you as an enemy. I do not ever see being friends with the enemy. Muslims are an enemy to this country, and will be until the annihilation of the Muslims or this country.

Like the alien from Independence Day said, " There can be NO peace." You are either with us or against us.

Don't view me as a radical because I have radical thoughts or ideas. I assure you, I would look you in the face and pull the trigger unlike your cowardly brothers around the world. I have no fear of much of anything, especially dying, and especially for what I believe in, but I will not kill innocent people in the name of religion. I don't see any Muslim as innocent, all Muslim women, children, etc harbor muslim terrorists, so they all should DIE by the sword they live by.

Here are some versus for you to defend:

Islam is truly a religion of love.

"Slay the unbelievers wherever you find them.” Koran 2:191

“Make war on the infidels living in your neighborhood.” Koran 9:123
“When opportunity arises, kill the infidels wherever you catch them.” Koran 9:5

“Any religion other than Islam is not acceptable.” Koran 3:85

“The Jews and the Christians are perverts; fight them.” Koran 9:30

“Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticize Islam” Koran 5:33

“Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire, hooked iron rods, boiling water; melt their skin and bellies.” Koran 22:19

“The unbelievers are stupid; urge the Muslims to fight them.” Koran 8:65

“Muslims must not take the infidels as friends.” Koran 3:28

“Terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Qur’an.” Koran 8:12

“Muslims must muster all weapons to terrorize the infidels.” Koran 8:60

How about these numbers? Can you defend them as well?

Survey of Muslim world, Feb 2009 has all sorts of horrible stats:

76 percent of Pakistanis want strict sharia in every Islamic country.
76 percent of Moroccans want strict sharia in every Islamic country.
90 percent of Palestinians support killing American troops in Iraq. And yet America is giving the Palestinians $1 billion in aid!
83 percent of Egyptians support killing American troops in Iraq. And yet America gives Egypt $2 billion in aid every year!
68 percent of Moroccans support killing American troops in Iraq.
40 percent in Turkey support killing American troops in Iraq. And yet America is pushing for its "ally" Turkey to be let into the EU.
83 percent of Egyptians support killing American troops in Afghanistan.
61 percent of Moroccans support killing American troops in Afghanistan.
78 percent of Palestinians have "positive" or "mixed" feelings towards Bin Laden.
69 percent of Egyptians have "positive" or "mixed" feelings towards Bin Laden.
53 percent of Moroccans have "positive" or "mixed" feelings towards Bin Laden.
51 percent of Pakistanis have "positive" or "mixed" feelings towards Bin Laden.

Need I say more?

i will reply to your posted versus, all of them, as i have done with many other people in this forum, everyone and then someone posts some versus that he think that he really understands them, and i have to spend sometime to explain them in the right context.

maybe you should read some of my replies where i explained some posted versus, i will explain all your posted versus as soon as i can.

you know nothing about muslims, you just lived through one of our wars, but have you actually lived among us ?, have you visited one of our countries, talked to the people, saw how we live ???

if anyone in this forum vists egypt in anytime, i will be glad to show him the true muslims, how we live our life no different than you do, none, and i repeat, none in this forum know anything about how we live, you may have some muslims living nearby, but knowing those muslims doesnt mean that you know how we live here.

you think that we are people filled with hate, all we care about is annihilation of others, but thats totally wrong, let me tell you one simple thing, that a person personality is not determined by his religion, there is good christian and bad christian, and there is good muslim and bad muslim, religion is not responsible for our bad deeds.

i will reply to the versus soon.

12-27-2010, 12:05 PM
have you visited one of our countries, talked to the people, saw how we live ???

Unless Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Bahrain, UAE, and Kuwait do not count in your opinion, yes I have. No I didn't talk to people other than merchants. I didn't care to talk to them. I was not on a diplomatic mission. Hmmm, how y'all live? I will reserve comment for later.

12-27-2010, 12:05 PM
as i explain the verses you can read some verses i posted here:

12-27-2010, 12:06 PM
have you visited one of our countries, talked to the people, saw how we live ???

Unless Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Bahrain, UAE, and Kuwait do not count in your opinion, yes I have. No I didn't talk to people other than merchants. I didn't care to talk to them. I was not on a diplomatic mission. Hmmm, how y'all live? I will reserve comment for later.

no i havent, but when did i say that i hate you !!!, or that you desrve to die ? :rolleyes:

you didnt talk to anyone, you didnt visit many muslim countries, you dont have any idea about us, and still, you wished us all dead...

12-27-2010, 12:08 PM
some verses posted by Jim, i explained them:


12-27-2010, 12:26 PM
How about these numbers? Can you defend them as well?

Survey of Muslim world, Feb 2009 has all sorts of horrible stats:

76 percent of Pakistanis want strict sharia in every Islamic country.
76 percent of Moroccans want strict sharia in every Islamic country.
sharia law doesnt have anything to do with terrorism, it doesnt call for the death of anyone, you dont even know what that word means, you just repeat it like if you understand it, but you dont, and if they want sharia law in Islamic Countries, then what gives you the right to object, its our countries and we are free to form the rules as we see fit !!!!

do you see me objecting to the american law ?????????

dont stick your nose in our lifes.

90 percent of Palestinians support killing American troops in Iraq. And yet America is giving the Palestinians $1 billion in aid!
83 percent of Egyptians support killing American troops in Iraq. And yet America gives Egypt $2 billion in aid every year!
68 percent of Moroccans support killing American troops in Iraq.
40 percent in Turkey support killing American troops in Iraq. And yet America is pushing for its "ally" Turkey to be let into the EU.
American Troops in Iraq had no right to invade the country in the first place, WMD wasnt found at all, the whole war is illegal according to the international law, american troops there is an occupation force, so i support attacking them.

83 percent of Egyptians support killing American troops in Afghanistan.
61 percent of Moroccans support killing American troops in Afghanistan.
Same here, American troops is occupation force, and i support attacking them.

78 percent of Palestinians have "positive" or "mixed" feelings towards Bin Laden.
69 percent of Egyptians have "positive" or "mixed" feelings towards Bin Laden.
53 percent of Moroccans have "positive" or "mixed" feelings towards Bin Laden.
51 percent of Pakistanis have "positive" or "mixed" feelings towards Bin Laden.
That i dont support, i dont like Bin Laden and never will, i hate anyone who kill civilians, i only agree with attacking armed occupation force, but attacking civilians is against my religion and beliefs, armed resistence should only be against armed occupation force, not against the innocent civilians of the invading country.

thats about numbers, verses will follow shortly.

12-27-2010, 02:29 PM
"Slay the unbelievers wherever you find them.” Koran 2:191

“Make war on the infidels living in your neighborhood.” Koran 9:123
“When opportunity arises, kill the infidels wherever you catch them.” Koran 9:5

“Any religion other than Islam is not acceptable.” Koran 3:85

“The Jews and the Christians are perverts; fight them.” Koran 9:30

“Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticize Islam” Koran 5:33

“Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire, hooked iron rods, boiling water; melt their skin and bellies.” Koran 22:19

“The unbelievers are stupid; urge the Muslims to fight them.” Koran 8:65

“Muslims must not take the infidels as friends.” Koran 3:28

“Terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Qur’an.” Koran 8:12

“Muslims must muster all weapons to terrorize the infidels.” Koran 8:60

"Slay the unbelievers wherever you find them.” Koran 2:191

[2.191] And kill them wherever you find them, and drive them out from whence they drove you out, and persecution is severer than slaughter, and do not fight with them at the Sacred Mosque until they fight with you in it, but if they do fight you, then slay them; such is the recompense of the unbelievers.

You should read the verse before it and the two verses after it:

Fight in the way of Allah against those who fight against you, but begin not hostilities. Lo! Allah loveth not aggressors. (190)

And slay them wherever ye find them, and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution is worse than slaughter. And fight not with them at the Inviolable Place of Worship until they first attack you there, but if they attack you (there) then slay them. Such is the reward of disbelievers. (191)

But if they desist, then lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

And fight them until persecution is no more, and religion is for Allah. But if they desist, then let there be no hostility except against wrong-doers. (193)

the verses were simply about the disbeliever who harm muslims and fight them just because they choosed Islam as their religion instead of worshiping stones.

the verses say to kill anyone who try to kill muslims, and to retrieve their land that was taken from them by driving them out of it because of their religion, but if those people stopped fighting muslims and persecuting them, then the muslims should also stop fighting, because Allah does not like aggression and muslims should never start any war and never to be the aggressor.


“Make war on the infidels living in your neighborhood.” Koran 9:123

[9.123] O ye who believe! fight the unbelievers who gird you about, and let them find firmness in you: and know that God is with those who fear Him.

the verse is simply calling for fighting the people who fight muslims with firmness, but it doesnt call for starting any war, that is not allowed in Islam, we are only allowed to fight people who fight us, and never to begin hostility, and please dont lecture me about any modern islamic war, i am only explaining Quran and what it calls for, not everything that muslims do is allowed by Quran.

muslims are never allowed to start wars:
Fight in the way of Allah against those who fight against you, but begin not hostilities. Lo! Allah loveth not aggressors. [2.190]


“When opportunity arises, kill the infidels wherever you catch them.” Koran 9:5

[9.5] So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them; surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

009.001 A (declaration) of immunity from God and His Apostle, to those of the Pagans with whom ye have contracted mutual alliances

009.004 (But the treaties are) not dissolved with those Pagans with whom ye have entered into alliance and who have not subsequently failed you in aught, nor aided any one against you. So fulfil your engagements with them to the end of their term: for God loveth the righteous.

009.006 If one amongst the Pagans ask thee for asylum, grant it to him, so that he may hear the word of God; and then escort him to where he can be secure. That is because they are men without knowledge.

009.007 As long as these stand true to you, stand ye true to them: for God doth love the righteous.

009.012 But if they violate their oaths after their covenant, and taunt you for your Faith,- fight ye the chiefs of Unfaith: for their oaths are nothing to them: that thus they may be restrained.

009.013 Will ye not fight people who violated their oaths, plotted to expel the Apostle, and took the aggressive by being the first (to assault) you? Do ye fear them? Nay, it is God Whom ye should more justly fear, if ye believe!

in this verse Allah tells the Muslims to fight only the people who break the treaties with the muslims by being the first to begin the aggression.

and if they respect the treaty, then muslims should respect it too, and never be the first to attack.

whats said in the verse you posted, is that in the sacred months, we are forbidden to fight, so we should wait until the end of the sacred months then fight the people who broke their treaties with muslims and attacked muslims, so its a verse that speak about war, not to go and search for every pagan and kill them, if a pagan wants to worship stones or anything else then its his choice, all he has to do is to fulfil his oath and treaty and not to attack muslims, then he wont be attacked, Muslims are never allowed to begin the attack.


“Any religion other than Islam is not acceptable.” Koran 3:85

[3.083] Do they seek for other than the Religion of God?-while all creatures in the heavens and on earth have, willing or unwilling, bowed to His Will (Accepted Islam), and to Him shall they all be brought back.

[3.084] Say: "We believe in God, and in what has been revealed to us and what was revealed to Abraham, Isma'il, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and in (the Books) given to Moses, Jesus, and the prophets, from their Lord: We make no distinction between one and another among them, and to God do we bow our will (in Islam)."

[3.085] If anyone desires a religion other than Islam (submission to God), never will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter He will be in the ranks of those who have lost (All spiritual good).

in this verse, the word Islam doesnt mean the religion of Islam, it means the submission to GOD, in any holy religion, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, so all the three religions are accepted.

Read [3.84] carefully


“The Jews and the Christians are perverts; fight them.” Koran 9:30

[9.030] The Jews call 'Uzair a son of God, and the Christians call Christ the son of God. That is a saying from their mouth; (in this) they but imitate what the unbelievers of old used to say. God's curse be on them: how they are deluded away from the Truth!

your verse is completely perverted !!!!!!!!!

there is nothing in the reasl 9:30 calls for fighting anyone, or saying that anyone is pervert !!!!!!!!!!!!!

the verse simply means that Allah has no son, thats what we believe in Islam, that christ is the messenger and prophet of Allah but not his son, he is the son of Mary, and Allah has no partner and we shouldnt consider him as a human who can have a son, he is our GOD who created us all and he is none's father.

Allah has no father or mother or brother or sister or wife or son or daughter, he is the one and only GOD.


“Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticize Islam” Koran 5:33

again another very perverted verse.

[5.032] On that account: We ordained for the Children of Israel that if any one slew a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people. Then although there came to them Our apostles with clear signs, yet, even after that, many of them continued to commit excesses in the land.

[5.033] The punishment of those who wage war against God and His Apostle, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter.

[5.034] Except for those who repent before they fall into your power: in that case, know that God is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.

i think the verse now is clear enough, but i will explain it, the verse simply says that the punishment for waging war against us, or spreading mischief will be the punishments mentioned in the verse, and the punishment vary according to the crime, but if the people lived peacefully and didnt attack muslims, then muslims cant attack them at all.

and the verse isnt talking about unbelievers, its talking about anyone, even muslims, if a muslim spread mischief, he will face the same punishment.


“Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire, hooked iron rods, boiling water; melt their skin and bellies.” Koran 22:19

[022.018] Seest thou not that to God bow down in worship all things that are in the heavens and on earth,- the sun, the moon, the stars; the hills, the trees, the animals; and a great number among mankind? But a great number are (also) such as are fit for Punishment: and such as God shall disgrace,- None can raise to honour: for God carries out all that He wills.

[022.019] These two antagonists dispute with each other about their Lord: But those who deny (their Lord),- for them will be cut out a garment of Fire: over their heads will be poured out boiling water.

[022.023] God will admit those who believe and work righteous deeds, to Gardens beneath which rivers flow: they shall be adorned therein with bracelets of gold and pearls; and their garments there will be of silk.

the verse is talking about heaven and hell, its not telling muslims to do anything to unbelievers, its just saying the GOD will punish unbelievers, not muslims, and in verse [22.23] GOD promise good people heaven.


“The unbelievers are stupid; urge the Muslims to fight them.” Koran 8:65

[8.065] O Prophet! Rouse the Believers to the fight. If there are twenty amongst you, patient and persevering, they will vanquish two hundred: if a hundred, they will vanquish a thousand of the Unbelievers: for these are a people without understanding.

the verse doesnt say stupid, it says that they have no understanding to the motives of the people who believe in Allah, when you fight for what is right and true, you will have a strong will and determination, so the verse say to muslims not to fear the people who started war against them, they were alot more in numbers, but Allah assures people who believe in him that they will win.

such example is demonstrated in Battle of Yarmouk. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Yarmouk)
“Muslims must not take the infidels as friends.” Koran 3:28

[3.028] Let not the believers Take Unbelievers leaders rather than believers: if any do that, in nothing will there be help from God: except by way of precaution, that ye may Guard yourselves from them. But God cautions you (To remember) Himself; for the final goal is to God.

the verse asks believers (jews, christians and muslims) not to take unbelievers as leaders rather than believers, but if the believers are weak and afraid of the might of unbelievers then there is no problem in taking them as leaders as long as they dont stop believers from worshiping GOD, and GOD tells believers to remember than all humans, believer and un believers, everyone will answer to him in judgement day.

“Terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Qur’an.” Koran 8:12

[8.012] When thy Lord inspired the angels, (saying): I am with you. So make those who believe stand firm. I will throw fear into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Then smite the necks and smite of them each finger.

this verse speaks about war, he tells angels to make muslims stand firm in the battleground, and that he will throw fear into the hearts of the disbelievers who attacked the muslims, i think the verse was speaking about a certain battle which i dont remember it, but anyway, the verse doesn't ask muslims at all to kill everyone who disbelieve, it was specifically talking about a certain war in which the muslims was fighting people who attacked them first.

you actually believed that our holy book would say "Terrorize" and kill who believe in other religions ???????????????

dont you know that we believe in jesus and moses, and we have a complete chapter in our Quran about Mar, its a part of our religion to believe in judaism and christianity, and respect Moses and Jesus, we celebrate the day that Moses escaped from the tyranny of the pharaoh, and we celebrate the birth of jesus, so how could you think that we are told to kill christians and jews, our prophet specially instructed us to treat christians very well, because they have been very kind to us, and they fought with us against unbelievers who attacked us.

“Muslims must muster all weapons to terrorize the infidels.” Koran 8:60

Please read carefully:

[8.053] "Because Allah will never change the grace which He hath bestowed on a people until they change what is in their (own) souls: and verily Allah is He Who heareth and knoweth (all things)."

[8.054] (Deeds) after the manner of the people of Pharaoh and those before them": They treated as false the Signs of their Lord: so We destroyed them for their crimes, and We drowned the people of Pharaoh: for they were all oppressors and wrong-doers.

[8.055] For the worst of beasts in the sight of Allah are those who reject Him: They will not believe.

[8.056] They are those with whom thou didst make a covenant, but they break their covenant every time, and they have not the fear (of Allah).

[8.057] If ye gain the mastery over them in war, disperse, with them, those who follow them, that they may remember.

[8.058] If thou fearest treachery from any group, throw back (their covenant) to them, (so as to be) on equal terms: for Allah loveth not the treacherous.

[8.059] Let not the unbelievers think that they can get the better (of the godly): they will never frustrate (them).

[8.060] Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into (the hearts of) the enemies, of God and your enemies, and others besides, whom ye may not know, but whom Allah doth know. Whatever ye shall spend in the cause of Allah, shall be repaid unto you, and ye shall not be treated unjustly.

[8.061] But if the enemy incline towards peace, do thou (also) incline towards peace, and trust in Allah: for He is One that heareth and knoweth (all things).

the first 3 verses speak about the pharaoh who wanted to kill Moses, and that Allah protected his prophet from the tyranny of the pharaoh.

the following verse speaks about the people who break the peace with believers, break their covenant, and wage war against believers.

then in [8.057] it discuss the war, it tells believers to disperse unbelievers to make them weaker.

in [8.058] it tells believers to cancel the convenats of the people who they expect that they will be treacherous.

in [8.060] it tells believer to always be prepared, and have a strong army in all times, so that they can defend themselfs if anyone attacks them

in [8.061] it says that if the enemy choose peace, then believer should choose peace too, because Allah loves peace.


i just spent 2 hours reading the verses, and studing them from many sources, and explaining them to you, so please next time, have the courtesy to check your sources, and please get your information from better reliable sources, not from sources that hate and attack Islam, most of your verses were altered, and out of context.

so, do you have anymore verses that were altered and taken out of context ? :salute:

12-27-2010, 08:52 PM
No I don't. you confirmed what I suspected you would do. You would rationalize the terrorist muslim culture and use the same texts to support your beliefs as i did to support mine. If you merely read your own bullshit, you will see your fellow Muslims blew up the Towers without provacation. The USA has done nothing but help Muslims, yet you sons of bitches, continue to fight us. Unlike your stick toting brothers in Pakistan and Afghanistan, we will not leave until we kill everyone of those fuckers you embrace. I think we are getting close to 100 of your buddies for everyone of my brothers who loses his life. I can't wait to go get my 100, I hope I get the chance to get a few bonus ragheads. I will send you a package from Afghanistan full of scalps and turbins. You see, I have Cherokee Blood in me as well, and that along with the Irish side, makes me more than willing to dish out the most gruesome of deaths I can on the people you support. I will symbolically remove there scalps from the days of old in America.

The Union soldiers feared losing their scalps worse than their lives, yet it was the same thing. It is a shame your Muslim brother Obama Bin Laden will not let us fight the war in Afghanistan to win. There would be nothing but ashes and dust left of that ALLAH forsaken place.

I must leave your troubled soul now. I have more important things to do than deal with you. Monday Night football is on. :dance::beer:

12-28-2010, 12:01 AM
Captain Dash's statistics:
90 percent of Palestinians support killing American troops in Iraq. And yet America is giving the Palestinians $1 billion in aid!
83 percent of Egyptians support killing American troops in Iraq. And yet America gives Egypt $2 billion in aid every year!
68 percent of Moroccans support killing American troops in Iraq.
40 percent in Turkey support killing American troops in Iraq. And yet America is pushing for its "ally" Turkey to be let into the EU.

ABSO's reply:
American Troops in Iraq had no right to invade the country in the first place, WMD wasnt found at all, the whole war is illegal according to the international law, american troops there is an occupation force, so i support attacking them.

Then you support attacking and killing one of your Country's allies: US Troops OUR OWN BLOOD, SONS AND DAUGHTERS!!! GRRRRRRRRR, that gives your Country significant fanancial aid. GRRRRRRRRRRRR

Captain Dash's statistics:
83 percent of Egyptians support killing American troops in Afghanistan.
61 percent of Moroccans support killing American troops in Afghanistan.

ABSO's Reply:
Same here, American troops is occupation force, and i support attacking them.

Then you support attacking and killing one of your Country's allies: US Troops OUR OWN BLOOD, SONS AND DAUGHTERS!!! GRRRRRRRRR, that gives your Country significant fanancial aid. GRRRRRRRRRRRR

Captain Dash's statistics:
78 percent of Palestinians have "positive" or "mixed" feelings towards Bin Laden.
69 percent of Egyptians have "positive" or "mixed" feelings towards Bin Laden.
53 percent of Moroccans have "positive" or "mixed" feelings towards Bin Laden.
51 percent of Pakistanis have "positive" or "mixed" feelings towards Bin Laden.

ABSO's reply:
That i dont support, i dont like Bin Laden and never will, i hate anyone who kill civilians,

Good for you.

ABSO's reply:
i only agree with attacking armed occupation force,

Due to a religious belief?
Especially when those terrible American Soldiers took out one of the world's worst Tyrants, a horrible leader who used every weapon he ever got his hands on, against most of his Muslim neighbors, (and his own [Muslim mostly], people).You know the guy who threw good Allah fearing Muslims off three story buildings n' used electric drills on good Muslims, and of coarse: those wood chippers. Great guy ol' Saddam n' those fine boys of his...... :rolleyes:

ABSO's reply:
but attacking civilians is against my religion and beliefs,


ABSO's reply:
armed resistence should only be against armed occupation force,

Nope, the Americans are and were Liberators, that CLEARLY gave another Muslim Country their freedom from a horrible Tyrant.

ABSO's reply:
not against the innocent civilians of the invading country.

OH.........I see......Sure..... It's OK for Saddam and his boys ta do the bad things they do to innocent civilians though: eh?
What a set of religious beliefs you have: young man.


12-28-2010, 09:59 AM
Mercs our friendly Muslim here supports the killing of my brothers yet he wants to convince us he is of a loving religion not aimed at killing people. He like many people to include Christians, is nothing but a Hypocrite of epic proportions. His terrorist buddies will see his posts here and exploit his knowledge of whatever engineering discipline he is studying.

Abso, to stop a future terrorist event from happening, may you be runover and crushed by a truckdriving jew. By the way, I don't have any dealings with Jews, and frankly you clowns should count your blessings that the USA has restrained the Isreali's. If we hadn't they likely would have already pummeled much of your neighborhood.

I don't currently know any Jews. I honestly don't know a lot of the history behind the Jews and all that mess. As far as who I support, well they all wear camouflage like I do. As for the rest of society,no matter their religion, they are on their on. I am tired of the hypocracy from all sides.

12-28-2010, 10:40 AM
Same here, American troops is occupation force, and i support attacking them

Probably 95% of the "attacks" on US forces are from terrorists and non-official army combatants. And you support this. And that means you support the terror attacks on our troops.

Abso, why do you act like a "peace loving muslim" in many other threads and denounce violence of any kind - but here you are once again showing that you support violence, war, attacks on people not attacking you....

Sorry, but you do come off a lot as someone who would gladly donate a few bucks to his local terror organization of they supported your beliefs.

12-28-2010, 10:55 AM
Then you support attacking and killing one of your Country's allies: US Troops OUR OWN BLOOD, SONS AND DAUGHTERS!!! GRRRRRRRRR, that gives your Country significant fanancial aid. GRRRRRRRRRRRR

yes, i agree, USA is one of my country's very good allies, but that doesnt mean that i must agree with everything that USA does, as you dont agree yourself with everything that egypt do.

and financal aid has nothing to do with my political opinions, i dont support attacking your sons and daughters, only your armed soliders, which is men only of course, killing or attacking women is against my religion and personal beliefs.

about the killing, i dont like it, and i would really like it if the american army can get back home safetly, none have to die, but Iraq is not your place, and Afghanistan isnt either.

firstly USA said that the war was to find WMD, NONE were found.

then the next excuse were to librate the people of Iraq, well, none asked you to librate anything, you went to librate a country, and instead you started a civil war which destroyed the country, everyday more than 20 people die because of stupid terrorist bombings, terrorism spread in iraq more than any other country in the world, i dont agree nor do i like Saddam, i never cared about him, but its true that he controlled the country, kept the terrorism out of it, Iraq is a country full of different sects, they all fight each other now, and they need a strong ruler to control them, over 1 million Iraqi died because of the violence that spread since the invasion.

about the aid to egypt, do you know why its being paid in the first place ??? :rolleyes:

its part of camp david accords, so that aid is basicly to protect israel from anymore wars with the arabs, the resulted in stopping any possible wars at all from the arabian side, because none will ever attack israel if Egypt is not going to be a part of the war.

Due to a religious belief?
Especially when those terrible American Soldiers took out one of the world's worst Tyrants, a horrible leader who used every weapon he ever got his hands on, against most of his Muslim neighbors, (and his own [Muslim mostly], people).You know the guy who threw good Allah fearing Muslims off three story buildings n' used electric drills on good Muslims, and of coarse: those wood chippers. Great guy ol' Saddam n' those fine boys of his...... :rolleyes:

no, not due to religious belief, not everything muslims does is about his religion, that is a thing that you must understand.

when a muslim kills anyone, you people say its because he is a muslim, but when a christian kills anyone, you say that he is just another criminal !!!

i believe that everyone has the right to defend his country, and attack the invader, i am not talking about muslims only, i am talking about everyone, you have the right to defend your beloved country if any country invaded it, and i have that right too.

about Saddam, i never liked him, and never supported him, but the current condition is alot worse that it were when Saddam was around, the country is destroyed, terrorism spread through it, people die everyday for no reason at all, how is that any better ???, is that the good change brought by the good american soliders ???

ask any Iraqi now about his opinion, does he like the americans better than Saddam or not, then tell me the answer...

i have no business in that war, if the Iraqi people accepts american forces on their land, then its their business, i dont care, but the fact is that they are attacking american troops because they dont like their presence, the same thing Egyptians did with the british for 72 years, we killed british soliders everyday, we never stopped, and never accepted the situation, till we got our libration by our own hands in 1952 Revolution.

Nope, the Americans are and were Liberators, that CLEARLY gave another Muslim Country their freedom from a horrible Tyrant.

and caused more suffering for the people, what a terrific result ;).

maybe you and me can judge things by intentions, but many others will judge by results.

OH.........I see......Sure..... It's OK for Saddam and his boys ta do the bad things they do to innocent civilians though: eh?
What a set of religious beliefs you have: young man.

no its not OK, i never said that i liked Saddam.

when did i ever say that i support Saddam or that i wanted him to rule the country.

if the problem was in WMD, none were found at all.

if the problem was in Saddam, a simple assassination could have been enough, but USA had to invade the country, so, care to explain why ?


everytime i say something, someone say that i like terrorism, like Saddam, like radicals, justify terroists actions, justify islamic violence, you say things that i never said and never wanted to say.


and my religion doesnt support the killings, your hero friend here, posted very wrong verses, verses altered greatly, and taken out of context to make people hate Islam, and i replied to him and explained them all as i always do, but instead of reading my reply, or understanding it, he just say that i rationalize terrorism.

he says that Islam calls for violence, and i say NO it doesnt, and that Islam doesnt agree with violence or terrorism, and that terrorists are sinners according to the Islamic beliefs, so how does that rationalize terrorism when i say that its a great SIN and that i dont agree with it ?

When did i ever say that i support terrorism ?

12-28-2010, 11:02 AM

Okay, you never ever EVER support or justify ANY KILLING of ANYONE, EVER!

I get that, I understand. Now then, what if a justification of 'I only killed them because they were occupying armed troops was used? Given what you've said above im assuming you would think those killings of the troops to be wrong and unjustifiable, right?

12-28-2010, 11:18 AM
Okay, you never ever EVER support or justify ANY KILLING of ANYONE, EVER!

I get that, I understand. Now then, what if a justification of 'I only killed them because they were occupying armed troops was used? Given what you've said above im assuming you would think those killings of the troops to be wrong and unjustifiable, right?

you have to understand that not supporting killing applies on civilians not armed people,

you cant use my above quote to say that i dont support excuting rapists or killers, i do support excution of criminals.

and i dont have problem with fighting an invader, i prefer if he can withdraw without anyone getting killed from both sides, but that doesnt mean that i dont support the people's right to defend their country.

so in short, to clarify my situation:

Osama Bin Laden attacked USA citizens because he didnt like the USA troops in his country "Saudia", and he didnt like the israelian occupation of palestine.

so there were many ways in which he may react towards that feeling:
1- Attack american troops in Saudia
2- Attack american israelian troops on palestine
3- reside to terrorism and attack civilians

he choosed the third option, which is against my religion and belief, thats why i dont support him and never will.

even if he choosed option "1", to attack american troops in Saduia, i would also disagree with him, because american troops there were allowed to stay by the Saudian government, so if he had any problem, he should have solved it with his government, not with the visitors allowed to stay by the Saudi officials.

i would only agree with him if he choosed option "2", to attack israelian occupation forces, and not israelian civilians, but he didnt choose the right target, he choosed to attack innocents instead of being man enough to attack the right people, thats why i dont support him, and thats why i despise him.

my religion tells me never to kill a child, woman, elder or unarmed man, and that is what i believe to be right and true, but i am only allowed to kill someone who is attacking me and trying to kill me, or invading my country.

12-28-2010, 11:36 AM
you have to understand that not supporting killing applies on civilians not armed people,

you cant use my above quote to say that i dont support excuting rapists or killers, i do support excution of criminals.

Right, in which case you should of said...

*Unless it's killing that I support and think is justified'

At least that's not clear :3

12-28-2010, 12:24 PM
Right, in which case you should of said...

*Unless it's killing that I support and think is justified'

At least that's not clear :3

when i said that, i meant that i never support or justify any killing of innocent people at all.

so now i have cleared the sentence, are you happy ? :rolleyes:

12-28-2010, 12:28 PM
when i said that, i meant that i never support or justify any killing of innocent people at all.

so now i have cleared the sentence, are you happy ? :rolleyes:

Well what you said and what you meant were two totally different things. So I'm now glad you've changed what you've said.

12-28-2010, 01:17 PM
Abso, what you are REALLY saying is the same thing that most all Muslims say, when they really believe and act differently. Are you familiar with the saying " A wolf in sheeps wool." That is what you are and all Muslims as far as I am concerned. The USA has become a joke to allow such bullshit as goes on here with Muslims & Mexicans, not that the two have anything to do with each other. We should kick all Muslims and Illegals out of this country, never to return again.

The stipends being paid to egypt may be part of some peace accords, but you know as well as I do, that Israel would level Egypt if the USA were not holding them back. If you don't believe, watch what will happen to Iran in 2011. Who is going to pay for the irrational behavior of the Iranian govt? The people will, and the world will blame Israel for defending itself. The Jews are the "CHOSEN" people of God, whether any of us like it or not is irrelevent. The US and Christians will align themselves with the Chosen people.

My God promises eternal salvation. What does your Allah promise you. Wait, that is right you don't actually worship even a God, but a man who walked on earth and gave you bogus prophecy and is now DEAD. Who are you not to believe that God can do as he pleases and have a child born unto a mere mortal lady? Are miracles beyond the realm of possibility in the Muslim religion? Though they are myths, the greek and roman gods all mixed with mortals. I find it almost humorous that people are naive to realize that ALL religions have been created by men, and spread down and changed through the years.

One thing Christians have not done is waged war on innocent people in the name of God like you and your Muslim buddies have done for hundreds of years. Enough said. Have a peaceful day knowing I am too far away.

Abso, I did want to acknowledge a couple things I agreed with you on. I do not believe we should have went into Iraq. As you suggested, it would have been too easy to simply assassinate Saddam. The problem with FREEDOM is it is not FREE. People have to die and lose all they have in order for others to be FREE. Today, if your Muslim buddies(who don't believe in killing) would stop committing random acts of cowardly violence on other Muslims(that don't believe in killing), Iraq would be a peaceful place. While I agree Iraq needs to be led with an iron fist, the methods of brutality used by Saddam were of the most agregous nature possible. This was unacceptable to not just the USA, but the world as a whole. It doesn't matter if it was our business or not. That is irrelevent, especially at this point.

12-28-2010, 01:57 PM
My God promises eternal salvation. What does your Allah promise you. Wait, that is right you don't actually worship even a God, but a man who walked on earth and gave you bogus prophecy and is now DEAD. Who are you not to believe that God can do as he pleases and have a child born unto a mere mortal lady? Are miracles beyond the realm of possibility in the Muslim religion? Though they are myths, the greek and roman gods all mixed with mortals. I find it almost humorous that people are naive to realize that ALL religions have been created by men, and spread down and changed through the years.

i dont worship a God ?????

you think that i Worship Muhammed, and that i dont worship God ??? :laugh:

believe me, i am ten times more religious than you, and i believe in God more than anyone in this forum will ever do, Muslims never worshiped Muhammed, and our religion tells us not to do so, and that Muhammed is just another human like us choosed by God to send us a message, same is Moses and Jesus, those prophets, we respect them, not Worship them.

i pray 5 times each day to my creator, GOD, not to Muhammed.

about miracles, yes they exist, we have alot of miracles mentioned in Quran, miracles performed by Moses, and by Jesus.

but we believe that Jesus is a prophet, not a son of GOD, you have your believe, and i have mine, but we both agree that Jesus were a great man, and we both love and respect him greatly, that is the important thing.

Abso, I did want to acknowledge a couple things I agreed with you on. I do not believe we should have went into Iraq. As you suggested, it would have been too easy to simply assassinate Saddam. The problem with FREEDOM is it is not FREE. People have to die and lose all they have in order for others to be FREE. Today, if your Muslim buddies(who don't believe in killing) would stop committing random acts of cowardly violence on other Muslims(that don't believe in killing), Iraq would be a peaceful place. While I agree Iraq needs to be led with an iron fist, the methods of brutality used by Saddam were of the most agregous nature possible. This was unacceptable to not just the USA, but the world as a whole. It doesn't matter if it was our business or not. That is irrelevent, especially at this point.

i never said that the muslims who reside to violence and terrorism dont believe in killing, i talked about what Quran says, and that it forbid such acts of terrorism, but the terrorists actions are their faults, and those actions dont have anything to do with Quran or other peaceful muslims like me, we condemn such actions.

Islam doesnt allow killing, and it doesnt justify it, it forbid it, and condemn it.

i am here defending my Quran and my beliefs, not the stupid terrorists or their stupid misguided beliefs.

In another responce to anyone who thinks that Islam says that only Islam is accepted as a religion:

Chapter 2 - Verse 62

[2.062] Those who believe (in the Qur'an), and those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Christians and the Sabians,- any who believe in God and the Last Day, and work righteousness, shall have their reward with their Lord; on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.

so, is there anymore comments regarding that issue ?

12-28-2010, 09:26 PM
Abso-i never said that the muslims who reside to violence and terrorism dont believe in killing, i talked about what Quran says, and that it forbid such acts of terrorism, but the terrorists actions are their faults, and those actions dont have anything to do with Quran or other peaceful muslims like me, we condemn such actions.

I say bullshit. As I have searched your posts not only in this thread but in others as well, you repeatedly support your terorist brothers killing Americans. Those terrorist actions have everything to do with you and your religion. If they didn't, we would not be having this discussion, right or wrong?

12-28-2010, 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by OldMercsRule
Then you support attacking and killing one of your Country's allies: US Troops OUR OWN BLOOD, SONS AND DAUGHTERS!!! GRRRRRRRRR, that gives your Country significant fanancial aid. GRRRRRRRRRRRR

yes, i agree, USA is one of my country's very good allies, but that doesnt mean that i must agree with everything that USA does, as you dont agree yourself with everything that egypt do.

You wish death to your "VERY GOOD ALLIES" by sneaky bombs planted by cowards not dressed as soldiers by the side of the road. That sounds ta me like ya support terrorism against your "very good allies", which happen to be our sons and daughters. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR Does your brain work at all???

and financal aid has nothing to do with my political opinions, i dont support attacking your sons and daughters, only your armed soliders, which is men only of course, killing or attacking women is against my religion and personal beliefs.


about the killing, i dont like it,

Ya don't "like it" butt ya support it.

and i would really like it if the american army can get back home safetly, none have to die, but Iraq is not your place, and Afghanistan isnt either.

What makes it "your place"...... your religion????? Ya think you can tell the American military what they can and can't do?

firstly USA said that the war was to find WMD, NONE were found.

Now ya sound like an American Liberal..... :laugh2:

then the next excuse were to librate the people of Iraq, well, none asked you to librate anything,

The Kurds asked us to liberate them.

you went to librate a country, and instead you started a civil war which destroyed the country, everyday more than 20 people die because of stupid terrorist bombings,

By those you have now admitted supporting.

terrorism spread in iraq more than any other country in the world, i dont agree nor do i like Saddam, i never cared about him, but its true that he controlled the country, kept the terrorism out of it,

You are cracked he and his two sons practiced a lot of terrorism that you just said you didn't care about. You need to get your thoughts straight.

Iraq is a country full of different sects, they all fight each other now, and they need a strong ruler to control them, over 1 million Iraqi died because of the violence that spread since the invasion.

You are making things up now.

about the aid to egypt, do you know why its being paid in the first place ??? :rolleyes:

I know the history. I wish we didn't pay your country one dime.

its part of camp david accords, so that aid is basicly to protect israel from anymore wars with the arabs,

Protect Israel???? Are you smoking something Israel would crush you as it did several times before. PROTECT ISRAEL MY ARSE!!!

the resulted in stopping any possible wars at all from the arabian side, because none will ever attack israel if Egypt is not going to be a part of the war.

N' I guess ya never heard of Hezbollah, (backed by Iran) then eh?

Originally Posted by OldMercsRule
Due to a religious belief?

Originally Posted by OldMercsRule
Especially when those terrible American Soldiers took out one of the world's worst Tyrants, a horrible leader who used every weapon he ever got his hands on, against most of his Muslim neighbors, (and his own [Muslim mostly], people).You know the guy who threw good Allah fearing Muslims off three story buildings n' used electric drills on good Muslims, and of coarse: those wood chippers. Great guy ol' Saddam n' those fine boys of his......

no, not due to religious belief, not everything muslims does is about his religion, that is a thing that you must understand.

when a muslim kills anyone, you people say its because he is a muslim, but when a christian kills anyone, you say that he is just another criminal !!!

Christians do not kill in the name of their God, and have not for five hundred years. You better study some history.

i believe that everyone has the right to defend his country, and attack the invader, i am not talking about muslims only, i am talking about everyone, you have the right to defend your beloved country if any country invaded it, and i have that right too.

Then you endorse Captain Dash's response to eliminate every Muslim from the face of the earth????? Hmmmmmmmm.....

about Saddam, i never liked him, and never supported him,

Sure ya did by doing nothing....

but the current condition is alot worse that it were when Saddam was around,

The Country is MUCH BETTER THEN IT WAS: IT IS FREE!!!! (Freedom is NEVER FREE)!!!!!! Having never lived under freedom, and beliving in a religion named "submission" you could not possibly know what it means.

the country is destroyed, terrorism spread through it, people die everyday for no reason at all, how is that any better ???, is that the good change brought by the good american soliders ???

Much better.

ask any Iraqi now about his opinion, does he like the americans better than Saddam or not, then tell me the answer...

Again it looks like Captain Dash's solution is the way to go then???

i have no business in that war, if the Iraqi people accepts american forces on their land, then its their business, i dont care, but the fact is that they are attacking american troops because they dont like their presence, the same thing Egyptians did with the british for 72 years, we killed british soliders everyday, we never stopped, and never accepted the situation, till we got our libration by our own hands in 1952 Revolution.

Originally Posted by OldMercsRule
Nope, the Americans are and were Liberators, that CLEARLY gave another Muslim Country their freedom from a horrible Tyrant

and caused more suffering for the people, what a terrific result ;).

Spoken by a true believer in "submission". That is why you will never understand America.

maybe you and me can judge things by intentions, but many others will judge by results.

Originally Posted by OldMercsRule
OH.........I see......Sure..... It's OK for Saddam and his boys ta do the bad things they do to innocent civilians though: eh?

Originally Posted by OldMercsRule
What a set of religious beliefs you have: young man.

no its not OK, i never said that i liked Saddam.

Sure ya did. Ya think the Country was better under Saddam.

when did i ever say that i support Saddam or that i wanted him to rule the country.

Read your own words in this post.

if the problem was in WMD, none were found at all.

Ya said that before.

if the problem was in Saddam, a simple assassination could have been enough, but USA had to invade the country, so, care to explain why ?

I guess you were not aware that he had two sons a huge brutal political party, and an agressive Islamic Republic for a neighbor???

everytime i say something, someone say that i like terrorism, like Saddam, like radicals, justify terroists actions, justify islamic violence, you say things that i never said and never wanted to say.

You support the killing of US soldiers by terrorists. You say things were better under Saddam. this is a debate forum and all I can go on is your words.


Except US soldiers!!!!! (Your very good ally) :laugh2:

and my religion doesnt support the killings, your hero friend here, posted very wrong verses, verses altered greatly, and taken out of context to make people hate Islam, and i replied to him and explained them all as i always do, but instead of reading my reply, or understanding it, he just say that i rationalize terrorism.

I agree with him. Your religion is stuck in the sixth century.

he says that Islam calls for violence,

I agree with him.

and i say NO it doesnt,

Your words are not consistent. That is obvious to anyone reading this.

and that Islam doesnt agree with violence or terrorism, and that terrorists are sinners according to the Islamic beliefs, so how does that rationalize terrorism when i say that its a great SIN and that i dont agree with it ?

Because in the next sentence you support terrorism against American soldiers, (which actually kills lots of yuor fellow Muslims as well).

When did i ever say that i support terrorism ?

Read the part about killing American soldiers, ya really think that is done by an army in uniform? You need to organize your thoughts: my friend. You are one mixed up dude. JR :laugh2:

12-28-2010, 11:53 PM
Abso-i never said that the muslims who reside to violence and terrorism dont believe in killing, i talked about what Quran says, and that it forbid such acts of terrorism, but the terrorists actions are their faults, and those actions dont have anything to do with Quran or other peaceful muslims like me, we condemn such actions.

I say bullshit. As I have searched your posts not only in this thread but in others as well, you repeatedly support your terorist brothers killing Americans. Those terrorist actions have everything to do with you and your religion. If they didn't, we would not be having this discussion, right or wrong?

no i dont support the terrorists in killing americans, i only support them if they attack american troops, not civilians, but things like 9/11, they are way too wrong, and i will never accept such actions, or suicide bombings in civilian areas, even suicide bombings against army troops is something i dont accept, because i dont believe that suicide is right, suicide in Islam is a SIN, being a martyr in Islam have nothing to do with killing yourself.

by the way, you failed to admit that the verse you posted about other religions in Islam being not accepted is totally wrong, you should have the courage to admit when you are wrong, you posted many verses, and when i explained them to you and you were proven wrong, you just neglected them, you just dont want to agree that such verses is always altered to make people like you hate Islam.

in short, the people you hate, should be terrorists, i hate them too, you should both hate such people, not hate each other.

12-29-2010, 09:49 AM
I clearly have more courage to admit when I am wrong. I clearly have more courage than you can ever possibly have because you hide behind a veil of religion which requires you to kill in the name of your god, while doing it with suicide bombers, ieds, and package bombs. Muslims are cowards. You are a coward, and you support cowards. That is the bottom line. When you are ready to worship a living God that does not require you to support the killing of ANYONE, then let me know. I will lead you to the light, otherwise you are done here. I am done here. You have no possible way to come out of the hole you have dug for yourself.

Muslim is a religion of hate, and I hate it. You get what you ask for.

12-29-2010, 09:55 AM
I clearly have more courage to admit when I am wrong. I clearly have more courage than you can ever possibly have because you hide behind a veil of religion which requires you to kill in the name of your god, while doing it with suicide bombers, ieds, and package bombs. Muslims are cowards. You are a coward, and you support cowards. That is the bottom line. When you are ready to worship a living God that does not require you to support the killing of ANYONE, then let me know. I will lead you to the light, otherwise you are done here. I am done here. You have no possible way to come out of the hole you have dug for yourself.

Muslim is a religion of hate, and I hate it. You get what you ask for.


when did i say that i support terrorists or suicide bombing or place attacks or package bombs or killing innocents !!!

i have repeatedly said that i will never kill in the name of religion, and will never kill any innocent, and i never supported people who do so.

religion of hate ???, do you have any verse in the Quran that tells muslims to bomb themselfs or kill innocents in the name of GOD ?

12-29-2010, 10:31 AM
no i dont support the terrorists in killing americans, i only support them if they attack american troops, not civilians

You support TERRORISTS killing American troops?

Whether on a large scale, or small scale - YOU JUST ADMITTED TO SUPPORTING TERRORISM.

12-29-2010, 11:54 AM

when did i say that i support terrorists or suicide bombing or place attacks or package bombs or killing innocents !!!

i have repeatedly said that i will never kill in the name of religion, and will never kill any innocent, and i never supported people who do so.

religion of hate ???, do you have any verse in the Quran that tells muslims to bomb themselfs or kill innocents in the name of GOD ?

No I do not have a verse to support that. You guys just make up the rules as you go, and then twist them as you please to take advantage of of mentally unstable individuals to bomb soldiers and civilians alike. You are a Muslim. Osama Bin Laden is a Muslim who attacks innocent people. You are the same in my opinion, whether you admit it or not. Why is it that OBL has not strapped on a bomb and walked into a crowded cafe or even a compound in Afghanistan and attempted to do a suicide bombing? It is because he is just another example of a coward muslim.

In post after post, you support Muslims killing American soldiers who in turn protecting other Muslims. You are nothing but a liar, coward, and Hypocrite. You are a qualified Liberal by default. :laugh:

12-29-2010, 12:00 PM
You support TERRORISTS killing American troops?

Whether on a large scale, or small scale - YOU JUST ADMITTED TO SUPPORTING TERRORISM.

no, not terrorists.

i support resistence which attack only armed troops, but if they attack civilians then i dont support them.

so as long as you ONLY attack armed troops which invade their own country, they are not terrorists.

12-29-2010, 12:04 PM
no, not terrorists.

i support resistence which attack only armed troops, but if they attack civilians then i dont support them.

so as long as you ONLY attack armed troops which invade their own country, they are not terrorists.

So a guy who straps a bomb around his waist, sneaks out from behind a parked car and blows himself up, and a few US troops - is NOT a terrorist? And according to you, you support this type of "person" because they aren't killing innocents?

Sorry, you ARE a terrorist sympathizer AND a terrorist supporter. I thought different of you, but as soon as CaptDash came to this board and started nailing you - I guess your true colors are starting to show.

12-29-2010, 12:08 PM
So a guy who straps a bomb around his waist, sneaks out from behind a parked car and blows himself up, and a few US troops - is NOT a terrorist? And according to you, you support this type of "person" because they aren't killing innocents?

Sorry, you ARE a terrorist sympathizer AND a terrorist supporter. I thought different of you, but as soon as CaptDash came to this board and started nailing you - I guess your true colors are starting to show.

CAn I pat myself on the back? :2up:

12-29-2010, 12:12 PM
CAn I pat myself on the back? :2up:

I had my battles with abso previously, but decided as I watched his posts that he didn't seem too bad after all and shouldn't be lumped in with other people. I decided I wouldn't willingly attack him without provocation, and muslims in general out of respect to him.

Then I read that he supported attacking American troops in both Iraq and Afghanistan.

Then I read that he supports terrorism, as long as it is only against US troops.

Sorry, back on the muslim shitlist again

12-29-2010, 12:15 PM
no i dont support the terrorists in killing americans, i only support them if they attack american troops, not civilians,

I am quoting this again for all to see. And allow me to repeat:

no i dont support the terrorists in killing americans, i only support them if they attack american troops, not civilians

So he doesn't support terrorists if it involves civilians, but he does support them if they attack American troops.


CaptDash pissed him off, he stated this and I bet he wishes he can take it back now. But too late, everyone will now see your true colors regarding terrorism and our HONORABLE troops who fight the way MEN fight, not like cowardly little cockroach terrorists.

12-29-2010, 12:29 PM
I've been watching Abso closely for a while now, and there's only two possibilities here:

1) He's not really sure where he stands and his poor command of English further muddies the water.


2) He's as radical as any of the others and pretends to be moderate but when concepts dear to his heart such as Israel kicking Egypt's ass and taking land from them or Operation Iraqi Freedom he can't help himself and gets pissed enough to blow his cover.

I personally am convinced it's the latter. He's not being honest in representing his true convictions and it shows from time to time.

I also think there's more than one Abso driving that account, which would explain the conflicting statements he's made.

12-29-2010, 06:08 PM
Abso-i never said that the muslims who reside to violence and terrorism dont believe in killing, i talked about what Quran says, and that it forbid such acts of terrorism, but the terrorists actions are their faults, and those actions dont have anything to do with Quran or other peaceful muslims like me, we condemn such actions.

I say bullshit. As I have searched your posts not only in this thread but in others as well, you repeatedly support your terorist brothers killing Americans. Those terrorist actions have everything to do with you and your religion. If they didn't, we would not be having this discussion, right or wrong?

no i dont support the terrorists in killing americans, i only support them if they attack american troops, not civilians, but things like 9/11, they are way too wrong, and i will never accept such actions, or suicide bombings in civilian areas, even suicide bombings against army troops is something i dont accept, because i dont believe that suicide is right, suicide in Islam is a SIN, being a martyr in Islam have nothing to do with killing yourself.

Here's where it all started, abso, and why is it I don't see any mention of "resistance"? Capt. started by saying he believed you supported terrorists killing Americans.

Your reply to that was "I don't support terrorists in killing Americans, I only support them if they attack American troops".

How come over a day later it's now being excused, and you're claiming you meant "legal resistance".

I'm sorry, reading this in it's original context in it's original thread shows damn well what you wrote and meant. The only thing you denounced was suicide bombings, but at the same time admitted your support for the terrorists against our troops so long as they weren't suicide bombers or killing civilians.

12-30-2010, 08:02 AM
Let me highlight what I found throughout this thread, in chronological order. All was "fine and dandy" until Capt. Dash posted some percentages, which was supposed to be a survey from the Muslim world in 2009. He asked Abso if he could defend these numbers.

The first one Abso objected to was about Shariah Law, and you saw his anger starting to sprout in the conversation:

sharia law doesnt have anything to do with terrorism, it doesnt call for the death of anyone, you dont even know what that word means, you just repeat it like if you understand it, but you dont, and if they want sharia law in Islamic Countries, then what gives you the right to object, its our countries and we are free to form the rules as we see fit !!!!

do you see me objecting to the american law ?????????

dont stick your nose in our lifes.

Funny how Abso comes to an AMERICAN board and criticizes all kinds of things American, especially our military, and also about our freedoms... But we should NEVER butt our noses into their lives.

Also in his same reply to CaptDash about the survey across the Muslim world, and these were about people in other countries supporting the killing of American troops:

American Troops in Iraq had no right to invade the country in the first place, WMD wasnt found at all, the whole war is illegal according to the international law, american troops there is an occupation force, so i support attacking them.

Same here, American troops is occupation force, and i support attacking them.

So we've established he isn't concerned about "allies" but more about Muslim brothers and "land".

Now, CaptDash's post contained some percentages of how people felt about "Bin Laden". They all showed that many had positive feelings about him. This is how Abso replied to those stats:

That i dont support, i dont like Bin Laden and never will, i hate anyone who kill civilians, i only agree with attacking armed occupation force, but attacking civilians is against my religion and beliefs, armed resistence should only be against armed occupation force, not against the innocent civilians of the invading country.

He doesn't agree with the likes of OBL, unless of course it is strictly against our Military forces.

Then he is hypocritical and goes on to say he never supports any type of killing at all, a few minutes after he stated he supported the attacking of American troops. Confused young lad, eh?

Then this is REALLY where CaptDash and 'OlMerc toss him over the edge!

CaptDash wrote to Abso:

I say bullshit. As I have searched your posts not only in this thread but in others as well, you repeatedly support your terorist brothers killing Americans. Those terrorist actions have everything to do with you and your religion. If they didn't, we would not be having this discussion, right or wrong?

And then Mr. Merc wrote:

You wish death to your "VERY GOOD ALLIES" by sneaky bombs planted by cowards not dressed as soldiers by the side of the road. That sounds ta me like ya support terrorism against your "very good allies", which happen to be our sons and daughters. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR Does your brain work at all???


And then that is when Abso replied with the following (which was a direct reply to CaptDash, whom he quoted what I just quoted above):

no i dont support the terrorists in killing americans, i only support them if they attack american troops, not civilians, but things like 9/11, they are way too wrong, and i will never accept such actions, or suicide bombings in civilian areas, even suicide bombings against army troops is something i dont accept, because i dont believe that suicide is right, suicide in Islam is a SIN, being a martyr in Islam have nothing to do with killing yourself.

Now one other kind lad on this board sided with Abso and agreed he felt he was referring to those who were average Joe's over there defending their homeland against the Americans invading and destroying their neighborhoods. He felt it was ME who was "defining" terrorism wrongly and wrongly interpreting what Abso stated.

But Abso never stated here in that reply about defending those who were simply defending their homes/land. It was dead smack center in the middle of a terrorism supporting discussion - and that's when he stated plain as day that he didn't support terrorists killing American civilians, and didn't support terrorists that committed suicide, but that he did support terrorists who attack American troops.

Contrary to what others may believe, I find a HUGE difference between the "average Joe" who wants to defend his neighborhood and the guy who plants bombs and cowardly attacks people that are NOT attacking them.

I'm sorry, Abso, but I read this thread over like 50x to ensure I wasn't mistaken. You made yourself VERY clear in your response to CaptDash. I still stand by my original assessment which is that you continually got pissed off yesterday until you blew your lid and let it out. Even DMP noticed you getting more and more pissed yesterday. Maybe you said it out of anger after getting pushed and pushed by Capt., but you said it nonetheless.

12-30-2010, 09:21 AM
Should I stop pushing the young fellow around? He is apparent that he can't handle the truth. :laugh2: