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05-05-2007, 06:54 PM
Liberal Church

Exposing Liberal Politics
As Religion

For years now we've all heard Phony Liberal Ministers like Barry Lynn, Jesse Jackson, Timothy McDonald, Al Sharpton, and a whole host of homosexual "clergy" extol the virtues of the public schools and insist that more and more "Government Resources" be spent on improving them. At the same time they demand that these tax funds be withheld from private schools. Not all privates schools mind you, but religious schools. And not all religious schools either, but Christian (and even Catholic) schools. And not all Christian schools either, but White Christian schools in particular.

The main argument for their hostile posture is the principle known loosely as "The Separation of Church and State" found (presumably) in the First Amendment to the Constitution. While it has been generally accepted that religion should not unduly profit from the government, and that the government must not overtly insert any matter of faith into the law, there's no clear definition of what this "separation" truly is. Most likely because it doesn't actually exist anywhere outside the sad, broken Liberal mind.

Liberals intend that White Christian religion should be driven out of the public arena. Purged, like bacteria, from public places, from public discourse, and chased away from the public wallet. I assume that Christians should be barred from public drinking fountains as well. It's amazing to watch these phony ministers attack Christianity day after day. There is no good thing ever to come out of the "Religious Right" and no bad thing ever to come out of Liberalism. What could possibly cause such strange behavior? Especially from so-called "men of the cloth?"

Well, these people may have gone to some religious schools somewhere, and one or two of them may actually be ministers of a sort (perhaps holding mail order divinity degrees), but THEIR REAL RELIGION IS LIBERALISM, and that's their true cause, not "Jesus."

To it's proponents and ardent believers, Liberalism is the one true religion, and they will have no other religions before it. Liberalism is the true course of history, the only system of ethics worth pursuing. Liberalism is divine, and anyone or anything that opposes it, or just disagrees with it, is PURE EVIL. Worse than pure evil, they're an enemy to be killed. Liberal zealotry has the temperament of 8th Century North African Mohammedanism (join us or die, you bastard infidel!).

In today's political world, there can be no two more opposing forces than White Christianity and Liberalism. They're mutually antithetical. For every good Christian belief, there is a corresponding evil Liberal belief. Divided by a wall of fire on such topics as abortion, homosexuality, pre-marital sex and promiscuity, personal responsibility, guns, marital fidelity, perjury, racial and gender preference policies in colleges and the job market, honesty, integrity, evolution, and a whole host of other moral convictions, there is not one issue where they do not have the exactly opposite views. They're like a snake and a mongoose. But more than natural philosophical enemies, they're political COMPETITORS.

They each want to own and control the culture. They want our minds, plain and simple. Their visions of the ideal future world could not be more disparate, yet their goals are identical. They each want the schools to teach their own world-view and exclude their opponent's. Who wouldn't?

The Liberal strategy is beautifully devious and effective: Under the guise of separating "Church and State," Liberals drive their traditional enemy (White Christian morality) out of the schools, leaving Liberalism to fill the void and take up the slack. "Cultural Morality" becomes the order of the day. "Social Justice" replaces personal achievement. And the best part of it is that if the Christians fight back, they're accused of violating the dubious Separation of Church and State Law, then expelled from the venue, and Progressive Liberal Third Way Proportional Parliamentary MultiPluralism thereby wins by default. And by this process Liberal Activist Government squashes its true enemy: traditional religious values.

By way of combining images, Liberals preach the teachings of Jesus the Abortionist; Jesus the Intolerant who drives the Christians out of the schools and other public places; Jesus the Redistributionist who demands money from those who have too much and gives it to those who have too little; Jesus the Multiculturalist who honors all the other gods too; Jesus the Progressive Liberal Fascist who forces his Third Way New World Social Justice views on others while condemning Conservatives and Christians for forcing their views on others; Jesus the Hate-Monger who yells and swings his fist in the air at his perceived enemies because they're evil and he's "fighting the good fight" against them; Jesus the Hypocrite who forgives Bill Clinton's alleged rapes and attempted rapes, his perjury and cover-up, then condemns Linda Tripp for blowing the whistle on those who wanted her to lie in court on his behalf. Jesus the African-American who knelt in the blood of Martin Luther King, cursing Whitey. Jesus the Feminist who has trimmed away his own wiener for the sake of his "sisters in the struggle." Jesus the Animal who has a right not to be eaten (presumably by the evil enemies of Liberalism); Jesus the angry Ecologist (and Evolutionist); Jesus the Child who deserves every Enlightened Third Way Village opportunity that the government can create for him; Jesus the Utopian Socialist; Jesus the Eternal Protestor/Agitator/Advocate who never gives up, because America is still EVIL Godammit!!

Jesus the Good Atheist.

Liberalism is holy. The forward flow of History is the story of Liberalism. Liberal Third Way Socialism is the height of human cultural/political power: Mankind caring for itself, freeing all human spirits to soar among the stars, with no one left behind, except its enemies of course.

Liberalism mimics religion in every single way. There are saints and martyrs (FDR, JFK, RFK, Martin Luther King), sacraments (Abortion, oral sex with Slick Willie), visionaries and mystics (like Lani Guinier and Cornell West), voluntary luminaries like Julia Roberts, Barbara Streisand, Ralph Nader, and a high-minded, self righteous certainty that there is no better system of ethics anywhere else on Earth. They even have a dual-natured Messiah: Bill and Hillary Clinton. They constantly rattle on about the Noble Spirit of Man (presumably the lower class ethnic victim-man, not the corrupt wealthy upper-class man), the Heart and Soul of America, the moral propriety (the holiness) of their cause, and how God is on their side. They preach Liberalism from the exact same pulpit where they deliver their Christmas sermons, pumping and fuming like a cartoon caricature of old-time evangelists. A left-wing bleeding heart is, at its core, a stigmata. Every woman who kneels in front of Bill Clinton receives a left-wing Eucharist. Welfare and food stamps are the Democratic version of the "Loaves and Fishes" miracle. The ultimate Liberal Utopia is merely a Garden of Eden knockoff. And just as these phony ministers are the priest class, so then the Feminists are the nuns.

If sacraments are supposed to unite us with God, what could be more god-like than deciding which of your children will live and which will die? Liberal priests and nuns, and through them the whole pantheon of Liberal saints and martyrs, confer on young pregnant women the divine permission and power to destroy the innocent lives they find so annoying and inconvenient. There is no sin here (except the inconvenience of course), in fact these contraceptive killings are matters of spiritual pride, each one a vainglorious union of the sacred and profane. Women are cleansed of any shame and scorn that might attend a nuisance pregnancy injudiciously brought to term, and lifted into the celestial ranks of those who have made the correct choice. They achieve a new level of Liberalism, and thereby obtain the admiration of their peers ("Wow, you had an abortion? Way to go, girlfriend!").

Make no mistake about it, the Democrats are on a Holy Crusade, all too often hallmarked by their convoluted and hypocritical sense of "inclusion." The divine tenets of Liberal sociology state clearly that people of every color, race, gender, age, ethnic origin, legal status, sexual preference, physical or mental disability, religious faith or comparable ethical system must hold hands, sing songs, and march triumphantly together into the 21st Century, with no one left behind. But this noble vision has it's "enemies," those who must NOT be included: hate groups, Corporations, gun owners, profit-takers, white separatists, bigots, Capitalists, Conservatives, White Christians, etc. These chronic villains must be cleansed from the dream. No "inclusion" for them, by God! They're evil!

The American Left has been so successful in portraying their political competitors as consummately vile that it's impossible for them to even think of the word "Christian" without mentally seeing a murderous, gun-toting, wife beating, domineering, superstitious right-wing bigot who wants to impose his dangerous archaic religious views on everyone else, enslave blacks, rape women and children, and destroy the earth, all in a "mean-spirited" way. This "demonizing" of an enemy is a wholly religious behavior. When we create these abstract psychic images to further our moral ends, we lift our conflicts to a level where zeal and illusion intermingle to produce near cosmic experiences of good and evil, existing only in the realm of religion.

And Liberalism is a religion, plain and simple. A secular humanist/atheist, sociologically and politically corrected creed to be sure, but a genuine religion nonetheless. A "people's" religion, the worship of an invasive, benign Socially Stalinist Government which creates for us a global utopian village populated by a worldwide herd of sheep and shepherds, all bound by law to respect and appreciate each other's ethnicity, perversions, and entitlements as defined by a Wise International Liberal Proportional Sociological Parliament. In other words: Liberal Heaven.

Conversely, Liberal Hell is a world where Corporate Capitalist Nazis own the planet, Christian Skinhead Bullies wander the streets killing and raping and eating women, minorities, homosexuals; where children are forced to work in money mines, feeding wealth up to the Economic Overlords who own us all, body and soul. A grim mechanized Plantation Earth, a celestial victim of ecological and social suicide, all generated by bigotry, competition, and Profit.

Immersed in a swirl of political angels and demons, Liberals are the Warrior Angels of course. They're just too dumb (or self-deceptive) to realize that the demons they perceive are of their own manufacture. Straw devils, built out of their own hate, to absorb the venom of that very hate. Such is the nature of Good Hate: Because your enemies are so utterly horrible, your own hatred of them is a good thing! The intolerance of intolerance is not intolerance! Bigotry against bigotry is not bigotry!

Good Hate is like a drug. You always feel good. You're always right. Your illusions prevail. You can say and do anything disruptive or antagonistic to "Fight the Good Fight!!" Civil disobedience Okay!! Kill our enemies!! Ha Ha!! Destroy everything in our path!!

The world that the Liberals are out to create doesn't just "resemble" a Third Way Politically Corrected Totalitarian Fascist Church-State, that's exactly what it is. A planet ruthlessly governed (for its own good, of course) by the amazing rules of self-righteous International Progressive Sociology, where opposition (especially Christianity) is demonized, ostracized, assaulted, and ultimately crushed into oblivion to protect the new Theocratic Golden Age of Liberalism.

Intellectually led by such monstrous idiots as David Bonior, Maxine Waters, (What a) Dick Gephardt, Tom Daschle, Barney Frank, and all their evil hate-mongering acolytes, the great swarm of Liberal faithful run wild across America, pulling down the Corporate pillars of global Free Enterprise, throwing dung on Christian icons, defiling and desecrating Christian Holy Communion by urinating on it then grinding it into the dirt. Just like the Crusaders of old, just like the Mohammedans of old, they cut their enemies down like wheat, destroying their spiritual competitors.

Liberalism is a religion of hate. See it for what it is. Call them on it at every turn. Because if you let them get away with it, they will.


05-05-2007, 06:58 PM
Sounds almost like an Ann Coulter opinion piece. Total bullshit by the way.

05-05-2007, 07:02 PM
Sounds almost like an Ann Coulter opinion piece. Total bullshit by the way.
Yeah its complete garbage.

05-05-2007, 07:41 PM
Its spot on.

05-05-2007, 07:57 PM
>Jeff Patti, Republican chairman of the Sparta, New
Jersey chapter, was arrested in January, 2005, for
possession and distribution of video footage of a
five-year-old girl getting raped. Now, that's

>Kiddie porn also figured prominently in the arrest of
Christian radio DJ Chris Ruleman of Nashville,
Tennessee in March. If Ruleman believes in a Hell as
he claims, then he has to know that the violation of
children--and vicarious enjoyment of same--are some of
the things GUARANTEED to land immortal souls there.

>Spokane mayor Jim West, heretofore a closeted
homosexual, was busted soliciting young men over the
Internet in his spare time--and even rewarding them
with political favors!--yet outwardly maintained a
staunchly anti-gay stance; now, THERE'S whole-hog GOP
hypocrisy for you!

>The case of missing teen Johnny Gosch in Iowa is
starting to reveal the odious outlines of a Republican
child prostitution ring.

>And of course there's Neal Horsley, militant
anti-abortion activist who, in two appearances on a
Fox radio program, admitted sexual encounters with the
family mule. He further stated that, after he gave it
an ear of corn, the mule was happy to oblige!! That
slut. Don't believe me? Look here:

Eugene Clark, rector of St. Patrick's Cathedral in New
York City. This piece of Catholic excrement, who once
took supposedly lifelong vows of chastity, has been
secretly having an affair with his longtime personal
secretary, the still-married Mrs. Laura DeFilippo.
Right off the top, two of God's Commandments bite the
dust: Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery and Thou Shalt
Not Covet Thy Neighbor's Wife. That's the GOP for

Now this man, Eugene Clark, wasn't just any
run-of-the-mill parish priest; some newly-ordained
young buck of an acolyte, the dirt of the seminary
still under his fingernails, who couldn't manage to
rein in volatile hormones. Oh, no! This was a
SEVENTY-NINE-YEAR-OLD Monsignor of the Archdiocese of
New York. (The NY Daily News headline dubbed him
"Father Frolic." Yuk, yuk.) And neither was this just
any brief and white-hot fling, either; it lasted for
19 of the 21 years of her marriage!

It gets better. The cuckold husband, Philip
DeFilippo, filed divorce papers against his wife,
stating that she was romantically involved with Clark,
an old friend who had MARRIED THEM TWO DECADES AGO!!
(I just wonder: Did the old lecher get the hots when
he first saw her in her wedding gown? Hmmm?) And,
yes, there is videotape shot by a private eye in
DeFilippo's employ, of the two of them leaving a hotel
they'd entered a mere five hours earlier...and wearing
different clothing.

And, of course, it gets better yet! Clark, you see,
appeared regularly on "Relationships," a television
program from EWTN, a worldwide Catholic TV network.
On one particular show, recorded in 1999 and re-run
numerous times since, Clark pronounced sanctimoniously
that "Hollywood is not a Christian place at all, at
all, at all. Most of the writers, the creative
people, are homosexually inclined or homosexually

Homosexually recruited, the man said. Would somebody
out there kindly explain to me what that might
possibly mean? I truly cannot begin to imagine. Does
this sexually-twisted, philandering maggot actually
believe that gays can subvert any straight person they
choose with the irresistible seduction of anal beads,
Astroglide, fisting and live gerbils?? C'mon!!

In the typically condescending tones of all
sanctimonious reprobates of the far right, he
pronounced the Unites States "probably the most
immoral country in the Western Hemisphere" (And what
makes HIM such an expert?) while describing himself as
"a strong proponent of traditional morality." Yeah,
right. The long-standing traditional morality of
homewrecking. Back in 2002, this old goat had the
unmitigated gall to blame the Catholic Church's sex
scandals on "the campaign of liberal America against
celibacy." Oh, I see! The liberals MADE them do it!
Spare me. I am absolutely certain when Jesus Christ
said "suffer the little children COME unto me,"
pedophilia isn't quite what he had in mind.

The upshot of all this is that Msgr. Clark resigned
his post at St. Patrick's on August 11th of this year
and he will not be celebrating Mass or the sacraments
"until this matter has been resolved" according to
Edward Cardinal Egan. Also, EWTN has subsequently
yanked the "Relationships" program from its schedule,
says their president, Michael P. Warsaw.
And you liberal elites and gay heathens out there
should remember that this is ALL YOUR FAULT! You made
him do it!

every example here is a GOP perv

05-05-2007, 09:22 PM
Sounds almost like an Ann Coulter opinion piece. Total bullshit by the way.

Sounds like a bunch of whining to me, but then I couldn't make it past this:

Liberals intend that White Christian religion should be driven out of the public arena.

Pale Rider
05-05-2007, 09:25 PM
Its spot on.

Sure is spot on, and it's got the liberal cock roache contingency scrambling to discredit it.

They can't. All they can do is ramble on with some psycho-babble.

Pale Rider
05-05-2007, 09:26 PM
Sounds like a bunch of whining to me, but then I couldn't make it past this:

Aren't you glad we can't hear your voice? Talk about "whiney". Probably curl our toe nails... :fu:

Pale Rider
05-05-2007, 09:29 PM
The names al sharpton and jesse jackson come to mind...

Well, these people may have gone to some religious schools somewhere, and one or two of them may actually be ministers of a sort (perhaps holding mail order divinity degrees), but THEIR REAL RELIGION IS LIBERALISM, and that's their true cause, not "Jesus."
... at best, they're a couple of mongrel race baitors.

05-05-2007, 09:41 PM
Aren't you glad we can't hear your voice? Talk about "whiney". Probably curl our toe nails... :fu:

Pale.......I really am glad you can't hear my voice.

I think I'll just leave it at that, since I can't decide which one to go with...if you can hear my voice then you're too damned close or is my voice drowning out the other voices.

Pale Rider
05-05-2007, 09:45 PM
Pale.......I really am glad you can't hear my voice.
Believe me, I am as well. I've heard liberals talk in person before, and they make me want to pound on something.

I think I'll just leave it at that, since I can't decide which one to go with...if you can hear my voice then you're too damned close or is my voice drowning out the other voices.
You're realitively subdued, so I'd say you're alright.

05-05-2007, 09:58 PM
Sounds like a bunch of whining to me, but then I couldn't make it past this:

That quote was spot on, Xmas displays with Jesus in the public square strike a note with you?

05-05-2007, 10:07 PM
That quote was spot on, Xmas displays with Jesus in the public square strike a note with you?

Holy shit!!!!!!!!! You mean Jesus isn't white? Sorry, OCA when I read White Christian anything, I tune right out.

.....on a total sidenote.....Jesus wasn't white, at least not as white as the Great Masters have painted him and what we see in church.

05-05-2007, 10:14 PM
Holy shit!!!!!!!!! You mean Jesus isn't white? Sorry, OCA when I read White Christian anything, I tune right out.

.....on a total sidenote.....Jesus wasn't white, at least not as white as the Great Masters have painted him and what we see in church.

Nice dodge.

05-05-2007, 10:16 PM
Nice dodge.

If you say so. I gave my reasons why I didn't read the article........oh you want my opinion about the seperation of church and state, or how do I feel about mall decorations at Christmas?

Personally I don't give a shit what they put up, just as long as they don't put it up until after Thanksgiving........this putting crap up after Halloween is nuts.

05-05-2007, 10:48 PM
If you say so. I gave my reasons why I didn't read the article........oh you want my opinion about the seperation of church and state, or how do I feel about mall decorations at Christmas?

Personally I don't give a shit what they put up, just as long as they don't put it up until after Thanksgiving........this putting crap up after Halloween is nuts.

Then tell your representatives. I remember one story out of Florida where Sheriff's deputies went around in the middle of the night while everyone was asleep and took every Christmas decoration from every piece of government owned land. Other 'seasonal' decorations were left alone.

On a side note, Thanksgiving is next. It's an American, rather than a Christian, holiday, but the historical facts are giving way to PC-ness. At some schools, it is forbidden to teach children the historical fact that the Pilgrims were thankful to God. The PC version is that they were thankful to the Indians.

And I can't agree with you more on the timing. Christmas decorations go up on Black Friday and down within two weeks of New Years.

05-05-2007, 11:15 PM
Then tell your representatives. I remember one story out of Florida where Sheriff's deputies went around in the middle of the night while everyone was asleep and took every Christmas decoration from every piece of government owned land. Other 'seasonal' decorations were left alone.

Well, that sounds like vandalism and has nothing to do with Liberals or White Christmas.

On a side note, Thanksgiving is next. It's an American, rather than a Christian, holiday, but the historical facts are giving way to PC-ness. At some schools, it is forbidden to teach children the historical fact that the Pilgrims were thankful to God. The PC version is that they were thankful to the Indians.

That's odd. I went to Catholic school for 12 years and we were told they were thankful to the Indians. I believe most history books say the same thing.

And I can't agree with you more on the timing. Christmas decorations go up on Black Friday and down within two weeks of New Years.

Well....we agree on something, that's a start.

05-05-2007, 11:30 PM
That's odd. I went to Catholic school for 12 years and we were told they were thankful to the Indians. I believe most history books say the same thing.

Yup public school taught the same thing. Pilgrims relied on the natives to learn how to eat and survive. And absolutely to catch Turkeys.

NOBODY could catch a wild turkey with a musket.

Pale Rider
05-06-2007, 02:35 AM
But before we get off track, lets not forget that liberalism = evil. Correct.

05-06-2007, 08:32 AM
Yup public school taught the same thing. Pilgrims relied on the natives to learn how to eat and survive. And absolutely to catch Turkeys.

NOBODY could catch a wild turkey with a musket.

I could "catch"(lol must not be a hunter) a wild turkey with a musket.


05-06-2007, 05:27 PM
I don't know about anyone else, but I sure could use a shot of Wild Turkey right about now.

05-06-2007, 05:46 PM
I don't know about anyone else, but I sure could use a shot of Wild Turkey right about now.

you mean a "catch" of Wild Turkey...

05-06-2007, 05:50 PM
you mean a "catch" of Wild Turkey...

"Catch" LMFAO!

"Loose runs out and wrestles the tom in full strut":laugh2:

05-06-2007, 05:55 PM
"Catch" LMFAO!

"Loose runs out and wrestles the tom in full strut":laugh2:

You may be asked to reel it in or leave any time soon, how do feel about that?

05-06-2007, 05:59 PM
You may be asked to reel it in or leave any time soon, how do feel about that?

Never has happened, not happening and it never will happen....how does a douchebag like you feel about that?:laugh2:

05-06-2007, 06:02 PM
Never has happened, not happening and it never will happen....how does a douchebag like you feel about that?:laugh2:

It doesn't bother me because I am easy going, which way is the flow again?:laugh2:

05-06-2007, 06:04 PM
It doesn't bother me because I am easy going, which way is the flow again?:laugh2:

I'm the David Beckham of DP, I play whatever fucking position I want, when I want.

05-06-2007, 06:04 PM
you mean a "catch" of Wild Turkey...

Ok, as bad as I want that shot of Wild Turkey, I'm not going to run around trying to find a bartender to pour it for me.

Abbey Marie
05-06-2007, 06:38 PM
Ok, as bad as I want that shot of Wild Turkey, I'm not going to run around trying to find a bartender to pour it for me.

Surely one of the gentlemen here would pour one for you? :coffee:

05-06-2007, 09:16 PM