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View Full Version : How to get serious about exercising in the new year

Palin Rider
12-27-2010, 07:04 PM
Your body has evolved to do physical activities. When you consider what your ancestors had to do in any given day 40,000 years ago, it amazes me that people think four hours of exercise a week is asking too much.

Successful people work out at least four days a week for at least one hour per day (warm‐up and shower not included).

I'll make it simple in this post:

1. Buy a heart rate monitor. Every sporting goods store has one.
2. Find your "Target Heart Rate During Exercise" using the table on this page (http://www.heart.com/heart-rate-chart.html).
3. Pick a piece of cardio equipment. Treadmill, stair-climber, bike, whatever.
4. Start moving on it, and get up to your target heart rate as quickly as you can. It should take about 1-2 minutes from rest.
5. Keep your heart rate constant for the next 30 minutes.
[This step bores the crap out of most people. If that's the case with you, watch TV or listen to music while you're exercising.]
6. Spend the next 30 minutes doing sets on weights. Do about 2-3 sets of 8-12 repetitions each for any type of lift.
7. Do steps 3-6 every other day at a minimum. THIS IS ESSENTIAL. If you miss a day, work out two days in a row to make up for it.
8. Don't try to diet while you're new to this. If you feel like overeating afterwards, drink a protein shake.
9. As the routine gets easier, nudge up the target heart rate and/or the weights. Keep it gradual.

That's all you need. Good luck!

12-27-2010, 07:13 PM
Are you a personal trainer of sorts? If so maybe you could be DP's official personal trainer. That would be fun;)

Palin Rider
12-27-2010, 07:25 PM
Are you a personal trainer of sorts? If so maybe you could be DP's official personal trainer. That would be fun;)

I don't claim any special knowledge. A friend of mine designed this routine, and I've been using it for a number of years (and was significantly overweight when I started; now I'm not).

12-27-2010, 07:26 PM
Ya know how they say "No pain, no gain!"?

I say "No pain, GOOD!"


12-27-2010, 07:54 PM
he he I don't mind the exercise I just hate dieting

Palin Rider
12-27-2010, 08:40 PM
Ya know how they say "No pain, no gain!"?

I say "No pain, GOOD!"


The steps in the OP aren't painful if you don't push past your limits. The worst problem is how boring the cardio gets.

12-27-2010, 11:04 PM
The steps in the OP aren't painful if you don't push past your limits. The worst problem is how boring the cardio gets.

Some people say watch out for those protein shakes they pack a ton of carbs and sugar in them, so what's the truth are there good ones and bad ones?

Palin Rider
12-28-2010, 12:28 AM
Some people say watch out for those protein shakes they pack a ton of carbs and sugar in them, so what's the truth are there good ones and bad ones?

You don't want to use them too much. Stick to your usual eating habits as much as possible. The only reason I mention them is that your body will want to compensate for the initial weight loss when you start this routine. That's the reason most people want to overeat when they start exercising. The shakes will help to put a damper on that.

In the long term, of course, you'll want to increase your fruit and vegetable intake, while avoiding refined sugar, refined flour, and fatty foods as much as possible. Notice that I didn't say to get rid of them entirely. Just get them down to as low a level as you can live with.

Mr. P
12-28-2010, 01:06 AM
My Diet

Eat Drink and be Merry..cuz tomorrow.... you're gonna die...anyway. :laugh:

12-28-2010, 04:08 AM
The steps in the OP aren't painful if you don't push past your limits. The worst problem is how boring the cardio gets.

extremely painful at times for this guy.

red states rule
12-28-2010, 04:17 AM
My Diet

Eat Drink and be Merry..cuz tomorrow.... you're gonna die...anyway. :laugh:

I have been on a low carbohydrate high Twinkie diet for years

red states rule
12-28-2010, 04:17 AM
I don't claim any special knowledge. A friend of mine designed this routine, and I've been using it for a number of years (and was significantly overweight when I started; now I'm not).

It is refreshing to know there is something you are not an expert on :laugh2:

12-28-2010, 08:20 AM
I may opt for that Parasite diet it's alot easier:laugh2:

Palin Rider
12-28-2010, 03:13 PM
My Diet

Eat Drink and be Merry..cuz tomorrow.... you're gonna die...anyway. :laugh:

I figured that I might as well die feeling good, rather than dying fat, drunk, and depressed. :laugh2:

It is refreshing to know there is something you are not an expert on :laugh2:

I'm not an expert on dissecting South American beetles, either.

Do you and your co-dependents find that fact equally "refreshing?" :cuckoo:

Mr. P
12-28-2010, 06:09 PM
I figured that I might as well die feeling good, rather than dying fat, drunk, and depressed. :laugh2:
You just don't get it along with millions of others. Tis why the diet industry is a multi-billion dollar business. For just 3 easy payments of $$ you can live long and healthy IF you follow my program, they say in a convincing manor. :laugh: Modern day Snake oil salesmen the lot of em.

As far as my diet solution. You can eat and not get fat, drink and not get drunk and Merry cancels depressed hands down. :laugh:

Palin Rider
12-28-2010, 06:51 PM
You just don't get it along with millions of others. Tis why the diet industry is a multi-billion dollar business. For just 3 easy payments of $$ you can live long and healthy IF you follow my program, they say in a convincing manor. :laugh: Modern day Snake oil salesmen the lot of em.
I get it completely. What I'm doing isn't costing me a dime.

red states rule
12-28-2010, 07:33 PM
I figured that I might as well die feeling good, rather than dying fat, drunk, and depressed. :laugh2:

I'm not an expert on dissecting South American beetles, either.

Do you and your co-dependents find that fact equally "refreshing?" :cuckoo:

Actually the only thing you are an expert on is being a legend in your own mind

Palin Rider
12-28-2010, 07:48 PM
Actually the only thing you are an expert on is being a legend in your own mind

Just as you do such an expert job representing the American right.

12-28-2010, 08:58 PM
how long did it take for you to lose weight & tone all the way.

Palin Rider
12-28-2010, 09:40 PM
how long did it take for you to lose weight & tone all the way.

My excess fat was pretty much gone within 6 to 8 weeks. As a disclaimer, though, I wasn't obese even at my heaviest.

12-28-2010, 09:46 PM
My excess fat was pretty much gone within 6 to 8 weeks. As a disclaimer, though, I wasn't obese even at my heaviest.

well that's good to know thanks

red states rule
12-29-2010, 04:03 AM
Just as you do such an expert job representing the American right.

and you are a fine example of the Troll Posters of America


red states rule
12-29-2010, 04:04 AM
My excess fat was pretty much gone within 6 to 8 weeks.

Nothing above the neck eh? That explains alot

Palin Rider
12-29-2010, 03:02 PM
and you are a fine example of the Troll Posters of America


This is why you are one of the most ridiculed posters on this forum. (That's also the world's lamest-looking troll.)

12-29-2010, 03:19 PM
Your body has evolved to do physical activities. When you consider what your ancestors had to do in any given day 40,000 years ago, it amazes me that people think four hours of exercise a week is asking too much.

Successful people work out at least four days a week for at least one hour per day (warm‐up and shower not included).

I'll make it simple in this post:

1. Buy a heart rate monitor. Every sporting goods store has one.
2. Find your "Target Heart Rate During Exercise" using the table on this page (http://www.heart.com/heart-rate-chart.html).
3. Pick a piece of cardio equipment. Treadmill, stair-climber, bike, whatever.
4. Start moving on it, and get up to your target heart rate as quickly as you can. It should take about 1-2 minutes from rest.
5. Keep your heart rate constant for the next 30 minutes.
[This step bores the crap out of most people. If that's the case with you, watch TV or listen to music while you're exercising.]
6. Spend the next 30 minutes doing sets on weights. Do about 2-3 sets of 8-12 repetitions each for any type of lift.
7. Do steps 3-6 every other day at a minimum. THIS IS ESSENTIAL. If you miss a day, work out two days in a row to make up for it.
8. Don't try to diet while you're new to this. If you feel like overeating afterwards, drink a protein shake.
9. As the routine gets easier, nudge up the target heart rate and/or the weights. Keep it gradual.

That's all you need. Good luck!

Lol, I use my exercise bike, and my DVRed episodes of NCIS. I work out for three hours at a shot without really thinking about it much.

Palin Rider
12-29-2010, 03:24 PM
Lol, I use my exercise bike, and my DVRed episodes of NCIS. I work out for three hours at a shot without really thinking about it much.

But are you at the correct heart rate for your age? You'll get as much out of it for less time if you are.

(Then you can watch the rest of your NCIS while drinking beer on the couch!)