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View Full Version : Debate Policy - May 6th, 2007

05-06-2007, 08:26 AM
I think Psycho had a good idea with his daily threads. Nothing wrong with encouraging a little good friendship between members, even if it's the very same you argue with all the time.

Going to Connecticut today to see a minor league baseball game. Really have no interest at all, but my son's baseball team was invited with others, and they get to go on the field before the game and run the bases in a mini stadium. Oughta be great for the kids!

05-06-2007, 10:44 PM
Thanks for starting the Daily Thread, jimnyc. I hope everyone has had a beautiful Sunday.

As I spoke about on Saturday, I hope someone will be interested enough to help create an outline of a good, entertaining, informative and welcoming Daily Thread. A suggestion that I have is a couple of good trivia questions. Maybe some informational things in the vein of Ripleys Believe it or Not, or maybe something about the World's Stupidest Criminals, etc. I think it will be a lot of fun if we can drum up some support and participation.

We had one helluva race last night and I could not be prouder of some of our local boys going head to head with the national talent. Incredible action and the place was packed with standing room only!!!!!

Hope you enjoyed your game with your son, jimnyc and I'll catch you on the upbeat!!!!!

Right now, I'm going to enjoy a Busch!!!!! Set 'em up, Bartender!!!!!!!!

Baron Von Esslingen
05-06-2007, 10:50 PM
I listened to a game of baseball on XM. Brought back a lot of childhood memories with the old transistor radio by listening, instead of watching, a game.

05-06-2007, 11:14 PM
I'm with you, BVE. Sometimes the radio is all I need for some serious relaxation and contemplation. And, it never hurts if I have a beer or 2 close by.

I listened to a game of baseball on XM. Brought back a lot of childhood memories with the old transistor radio by listening, instead of watching, a game.

How was your weekend altogether and I know you're looking forward to a great week!!!!!!!!!!

05-06-2007, 11:18 PM
sat by the pool with my family .... some dear friends dropped by ..... bbq and some vino .....

Abbey Marie
05-06-2007, 11:22 PM
We bought a new lawn mower today. My husband is very happy. My daughter bought clothes at Hollister. She is very happy. I... ????

05-06-2007, 11:24 PM
Sounds like a plan without a plan. The Very Best Kind!!!!!!!!!!

sat by the pool with my family .... some dear friends dropped by ..... bbq and some vino .....

Have a great week, m'59!!!!!!!

05-06-2007, 11:58 PM
I hired a new girl to cut my grass last week. My wife fired her just like she did the last three!!!!!

We bought a new lawn mower today. My husband is very happy. My daughter bought clothes at Hollister. She is very happy. I... ????

And this one was the prettiest one of the bunch!!!!!!!! Bummer, you know what I mean?!?!?!?!?!?

I'll be starting a new Daily in about 5 minutes, Set 'em up, Bartender, and I'll see you all on the other side!!!!!!!!