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View Full Version : House GOP Health Care Repeal Could Pick Up a Few Dem Votes

red states rule
01-04-2011, 07:28 PM
It looks like some Dems are getting the message the voters sent on November 2, 2010

It will be fun to watch the liberal media spin this

Only a few moderate or conservative Democrats remain left in the House of Representatives come opening day on Wednesday, but expect at least a chunk of them to vote in favor of the Republican plan to repeal the health care law.

As one of its first act in the new Congress, the Republican majority is calling up the law for repeal. Text of the repeal bill is already online for Americans to read and a vote is expected on Jan. 12.

Several moderate and conservative Democrats contacted by Fox News on Monday night said they wanted to first evaluate the Republican proposal hitting the House floor before deciding how they might vote.

But, at least one Democrat who voted against the health bill last year and in late 2009 is already leaning toward voting to repeal the law.

"I have not read the language yet, but I am inclined to support the repeal," said Rep. Dan Boren D-Okla. "I have voted against the measure in the last Congress and a full 68 percent of Oklahomans support repeal."


red states rule
01-05-2011, 03:03 AM
Nanny Nancy Knows Best: If Every American Loved Their Healthcare Dems Would Still Take it Over, Repeal Is ‘Violence’

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